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为了提高标准遗传算法的搜索能力,在每一代的群体更生中,群体个体不是全部来自交配池中杂交和变异产生的个体,而是取其中的一部分,另一部分来自于父本代群体,这两部分一起构成下一代群体。本文提出了一种改进的遗传算法,实验结果表明,改进的遗传算法比标准的遗传算法效果要好很多。  相似文献   

马亚伟 《科教文汇》2021,(10):I0001-I0001
一直觉得,二十四节气里,清明最富有诗意。清明不仅是节气和节日,还是一个生动的形容词,有声有色,有香有味。清明一到,春寒就无影无踪了。清明,是大自然最优美的形容词,生动地描绘出一派暖意融融、生机勃勃的景象。清明节是祭拜先人的日子,杜牧的诗“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”渲染了清明的伤感和悲凉,所以在很多人的印象中,清明都是凄凄惨惨戚戚的。  相似文献   

The organizational experience in building up the Danish Meat Research Institute from an initial staff of about 25 in 1954 to a total staff of well over 200 is described. Initially, no formal organization existed nor would have been acceptable to the staff. Gradually, however, departments were formed, some related to disciplines and some to subjects. Soon thereafter, specialized staff groups were also formed, e.g., operations, documentation, publications, statistics, sensory evaluation, personnel. Various experiments were made with the introduction of general staff; only one such position, that of research secretary, survived.Early in the institute's history task forces were formed where crash subjects were to be tackled. These were highly successful while operating, but when they succeeded difficulties arose because of the necessity for breaking up what had been a happy working relationship. Later, when the formal organization was well-defined, task forces were continually used and highly useful. Members were seconded from their position in the formal organization and could return to that position when the task was done.A specific need was felt quite early for a system of communication between departments. Subject discussion groups were formed, but failed. Later, in order to cement the institute's relation to industry, industry technical boards were formed to whom the program of work of the institute was presented. Then interdepartmental subject discussion meetings were highly successful, since they conceived as their purpose the preparation of a program and a report on past performance on a specific subject for a particular technical board.  相似文献   

A Zipfian model of an automatic bibliographic system is developed using parameters describing the contents of it database and its inverted file. The underlying structure of the Zipf distribution is derived, with particular emphasis on its application to work frequencies, especially with regard to the inverted flies of an automatic bibliographic system. Andrew Booth developed a form of Zipf's law which estimates the number of words of a particular frequency for a given author and text. His formulation has been adopted as the basis of a model of term dispersion in an inverted file system. The model is also distinctive in its consideration of the proliferation of spelling errors in free text, and the inclusion of all searchable elements from the system's inverted file. This model is applied to the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE. The model carries implications for the determination of database storage requirements, search response time, and search exhaustiveness.  相似文献   

杨东彪 《大众科技》2014,(9):159-160
文章研发了一种矿石破碎系统,包括送料机构和破碎机,其特点在送料机构和破碎机之间设计一个淌筛,其优点是对进入破碎机前的矿石进行筛选,对不需要进行破碎的矿石粉末或符合输送检测要求的矿石颗粒直接输送至下一工序,这样不仅可以有效解决破碎机在工作过程的堵塞问题,延长破碎机的使用寿命,而且大大提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

在大数据、互联网+、人工智能深度发展融合环境下,商业模式不断创新;"业财融合"进一步深化;"大智移云物"推动财务技术发生质的变革.财务管理人才需具备跨界融合的共享思维,具备运用大数据深挖掘、善处理、会决策的能力.通过校企深度合作,以企业需求为导向,"业财融合"为目标,培养双创型人才,改革财务管理专业人才培养模式,提升培养质量,分析企业财务转型趋势和路径,为企业财务管理人员转型提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   


The potential impact of managing large organizations, enterprises, and government departments through the universal adoption of computer‐based techniques is analyzed. Current soft and hardware architecture tends to support a centralizing power strategy. Also, the economics of that architecture tend to support centralized rather than distributed and decentralized organizations. This trend may be further supported by dominant Reinforcement Politics. As one byproduct, centralization decreases the possibility of forming a more broadly based consensus. Opportunities for democratic organizational processes are diminished when computerized procedures deny members or citizens the ability to define their way of organizational life by constraining actions that are largely voluntary. Democratic styles may be further constricted when access to information and to foci of decisions is made more difficult. It is not yet clear just how managing single‐issue adherents by means of special lists and letters as part of electoral processes will affect party and coalition politics. There is agreement that computers enhance the possibility of surveillance of citizens and organizations. However, there is controversy whether that surveillance poses threats to individual freedoms that differ from traditional means of coercion. Yet all known instances of surveillance seem to have been initiated by administrative fiat and in the absence of legislated controls or accountability. Somewhat unclear is the effect of computers on the apparent link between more or less free markets and democratic government. Also unclear is the possible destabilizing effect of large‐scale technological unemployment on the politics of democratic countries. All in all, while there are indications that computer‐based technologies tend to have antidemocratic political impact, their influence seems to be cushioned by the process by which democracies are sustained.  相似文献   

我们需要创造一个走向生态纪元的社会!这种创造产生手布莱恩·斯维姆和托马斯·柏励所撰写的宇宙故事:“地球共同体的未来,在某种意义上,依赖于人类所做出的决定。人类已经把自己纳入地球过程的遗传密码之中,而且其程度是如此之深。推崇技术纪元的人,把地球看作资源,未来应该增加对地球的利用,所有一切都应该以人类的利益为中心:推崇生态纪元的人,提倡一种新型的人类与地球的关系,地球共同体的整体安宁是其根本的关注。生态纪元的未来可以解决这两者之间所产生的紧张状态。”  相似文献   

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