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高校学生党员发展过程中实行述责答辩制的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了不断加强高校学生共产党员的理想信念教育,发挥学生共产党员在普通同学中的模范带头作用,近年来一直探索“述责答辩制度”,包括入党积极分子述责答辩、党员发展对象入党述责答辩、预备党员转正述责答辩、党员述责答辩等。实践证明,以答辩为有效载体,将群众对发展共产党员工作的监督渗透到方方面面,有效地保障了发展共产党员工作的质量。  相似文献   

中师《生物学》植物学部分中的“被子植物分科举例”,是学生最感兴趣的一部分,但也是许多教师觉得最难讲的一部分,因为按照通常的方法去讲,内容显得太多、太杂,学生也觉得不好掌握。针对这个问题,我通过多年的教学实践,探索出一条适合“被子植物分科举例”的教学路子,现将其分述如下:  相似文献   

教师在教学过程中,不论是提要求、讲要领、述重点、授方法等,都要叙述得明确、清楚和通俗,使学生易理解。学生只有在第一信号和信号系统紧密互相作用时,才能获得动作技能的概念,有意识掌握运动技能。近几年来,我在体育教学实践中运用术语口诀进行教学,收到良好效果,现谈一些体会。  相似文献   

数学语言训练方式一、仿述仿述就是教给学生一种说的模式,让学生仿照模式进行思考回答。培养学生思维的准确性和数学语言表达能力。二、扩述扩述就是诱导学生联想,通过一个条件说出与其有关的其他条件,培养学生思维的广阔性。三、辩述辩述就是将错例呈现出来,让学生通...  相似文献   

初中毕业班的总复习要在短短的几十天内将三年所学的知识复习完备,并转化为能力,时间少、内容多、要求高是一个突出的矛盾。在教学实践中我们体会到:靠加班加点搞题海战术无济于事,只有在“精”字上下功夫,教师讲要讲得精,学生练也要练得精,才能收到事半功倍的效果。具体做法分述如下。1 一线串珠 在全面开始复习时,不少学生如坠烟海,感到头纷绪乱。作为教者,应引导学生将知识整理、归纳,理出一条线,将分散在各处的“珠子”  相似文献   

(本讲适合高中) 几何学是研究空间结构及其性质的一门学科,有助于培养学生的空间想像能力和逻辑推理能力,是高中数学竞赛的重要组成部分.几何杂题将几何问题与数论、代数和组合等领域的思想方法有机结合,可扩展学生的知识面,提高综合解题能力,促进学生在数学竞赛中的全面发展.本文通过几道例题述之.  相似文献   

尝试教学将"先讲后练"变为"先练后讲",教师先不讲,而是让学生在旧知识的基础上先尝试练习,让学生主动参与,积极思考,同时创设各种教学条件,充分发挥学生的主体作用、教师的主导作用、课本的示范作用、旧知识的迁移作用、学生之间的互补作用、师生之间的通力合作作用、教学手段的辅助作用.学生以自学为主、练习为主,使学生主动学习,让学生尝试成功.  相似文献   

如何讲好绪论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“绪者,头绪,条理也;“伦”者,其“阐 述,说明的作用”。绪论是教学之始的重点。讲好绪论的作用是使学生 明确“学什么”、“为什么学”和“怎么 学”。其目的是使学生了解学习内容、 明确学习方向、掌握学习方法,从而激发学习热情、调动学习积极性,使他们顺利地进入课程内容学习的正常轨道。结合多年的执教经验,我总结了以下几种绪论的引入方法。  相似文献   

通过几年来教学实践的试验,我初步摸索到形成化学概念的几种途径,举例分述如下:一、借助学生已有的类似知识例如讲化学反应速度的概念。首先让学生回忆力学中的速度公式v=s/t。  相似文献   

《小学语文教学基本功》教材内容分五讲,加绪论共六部分。绪论主要讲什么是小学语文教学基本功、基本功与教师全面素养之间的关系。第一讲主要讲学习、执行国家教学计划、教学大纲的重要性和对小学语文教学大纲几个重要问题的认识。第二讲主要讲现行义务教育教材的特点,教师如何钻研教材。第三讲分述语文学科教学听、说、读、写、书五项基本功。第四讲主要从学科特点出发分述教学工作五大环节(备课、上课、辅导、作业、考试)的基本功;第五讲主要以课堂教学改革的角度对完成语文教学任务的几个主要方面(识字写字、阅读、作文),分述教…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine effective ways to integrate an interactive whiteboard, podcast, and digital storytelling for language proficiency development in English language learners. Researchers integrated these three technologies into a 60-hour intensive summer English program and investigated their impacts on student vocabulary skill development. Researchers collected multiple data including daily video podcasts, vocabulary tests, a student survey, Photostory videos, and a teacher interview. The results showed that using an interactive whiteboard for (a) visual presentations, (b) interactive games, and (c) test reviews was useful for the English language learners to learn new vocabulary and engage in learning. The effects of a digital storytelling project and the video podcasts are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of the use of digital video technology with a new pedagogical approach under a constructivist framework in an elementary school foreign language methods course. Data were collected through interviews with the methods course instructor, field notes, analytical notes from videotaped student presentations of their learning from the video clips, students’ mid‐semester evaluation of the use of video clips, and end‐of‐semester student reflections on open‐ended questions regarding the use of video clips. A careful examination of the data identified themes that illustrate the characteristics of the use of digital video technology under a constructivist framework. Those themes include the flexibility and capability of digital video technology, the development of the video clips, students’ ownership of knowledge, feedback from the students, and evaluation of the use of video clips. This case reports the vision of technology integration being realized. It results from the presence of technology, the instructor's pedagogical knowledge, and his or her content expertise.  相似文献   

人格教育是中学语文教育的重要内容.语文教育应该把教书与育人相结合,把知识教育与人格培养相沟通,通过对语言、文学以及相关知识的传授,培养学生对汉语的敬畏之心、对人生与事业的兴趣与理想、对美的感受与爱心,以及独特的思维能力与创造能力等,使学生在获得知识的同时,也养成健全的人格.  相似文献   

论英语教师的课堂教学语言   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学语言是教师在传授知识、组织课堂教学活动时使用的语言。一个教师的课堂语言的质量在一定意义上就是教师基本文化素质的体现。英语教学的目标,在总体构建上,特别重视语言运用,注重听说和交流,突出语言的实践性。用英语组织课堂教学,巴成为英语教学界的共识。英语教师的教学语言不仅是教学手段,也是英语学生所学的目的语。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increasing demand for teachers to develop the international knowledge and skills necessary to help promote their students' global perspectives. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has seized the initiative to provide mandatory overseas immersion programmes for pre-service English teachers to enhance their language proficiency and cultural understanding. This study involved a group of Hong Kong English language student teachers who joined a six-week immersion programme in Auckland. The aim of the present investigation was to address our dearth of knowledge as to the impact of such a programme on student teachers, and the benefits that they could derive from it. Several obstacles that might hinder maximal benefits were also identified.  相似文献   

大学英语教学应该承担多种功能。大学英语教学在传授语言知识和语言技能的同时,应创造性地将素质教育融入到大学英语教学过程中,帮助学生在学习语言知识的同时.增强语言运用能力和交际能力,培养自主学习的能力。提高其人文素养和道德情操。  相似文献   

Ensuring teacher and speech and language pathology graduates are prepared to work collaboratively together to meet the diverse language literacy learning needs of children is an important goal. This study investigated the efficacy of a 3-h inter-professional education program focused on explicit instruction in the language skills that underpin early reading and spelling acquisition. The combined program incorporated student teachers and student speech and language pathologists (SLPs) working together on case-based instructional planning supplemented with structured opportunities for the groups to share their respective expertise in curriculum and linguistic knowledge. Student teachers (n = 18) and student SLPs (n = 27) were randomly assigned to this combined intervention or a comparison intervention that replaced the structured opportunities to share curriculum and linguistic knowledge with spending time together focused on non-language/literacy based activities. Before-and-after comparisons indicated that only the students in the combined condition increased their linguistic/curricular knowledge (p < 0.05). However, neither of the interventions improved students’ case-based instructional planning for children’s literacy learning over and above what they could achieve working individually. Implications for the pre-service preparation of teachers and SLPs are discussed.  相似文献   

Changing values: what use are theories of language learning and teaching?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a response to the common perception by student teachers that the research and theory courses on their program are overtheoretical and unrelated to classroom practice. While there is some support for a categorical distinction between theory and practice in language education, it is suggested that the beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of teachers are in fact inextricably bound up with what goes on in the classroom. We investigate two groups of student teachers studying at undergraduate and postgraduate level to become teachers of English to speakers of other languages. We examine the extent to which a research and theory course which both groups took in second language acquisition influenced key beliefs which students held relating to language learning during their period of study.  相似文献   

大学语文课程担负着培养青年学生语言文化素质的重任,然而目前却面临日趋边缘化的困境.教学体制带来的无奈、社会环境的影响、教材不适应教学需要、教学方法模式化等是当前大学语文教育边缘化的原因.要从培养学生全面能力的角度,从实际情况出发,积极创造条件,推行教育改革:变革教学体制、营造重母语的环境、更新语文教材内容、改革语文教学方法,让大学生进一步掌握丰富的语文知识,提高他们对祖国优秀文化、文学精品的鉴赏水平和审美表达能力,培养他们的人文精神和高尚的品德,激发他们的爱国热情和创新精神.  相似文献   

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