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习琲 《文教资料》2007,(26):4-5
口述实录文学应具有平民意识、选材丰富多样、真实可信,然而当前网络媒体中的口述实录文学呈现出选题空间的狭小和偏颇,真实性的弱化和人文精神的缺失的异化现象。  相似文献   

齐晓坤 《文教资料》2007,(34):10-11
口述实录这一文体80年代中期出现以后,在国内文坛上一直占据着比较重要的地位。但是在商品经济日益深入的大环境之下,口述实录体自身出现了越来越多的问题,如关于其作品的真实性,文学性,和文化理想等。  相似文献   

主持人语:从不期起,本栏目将增加“口述实录”形式的又章,尊重并鼓励每个单亲家庭的个体体验和探索,少些价值判断,让我们互相启发。口述实录,英文叫“LIFEHISTORY”,是一种比较常见的社会学.人类学研究方法。它提供给人们的是一些生活的细节和素材,讲一个逻辑上?..  相似文献   

1课堂教学实录我首先请学生口述向量的加、减、数乘的运算规律和几何意义,然后给学生出了这样一道题:  相似文献   

实现对非遗传承人口述史的科学采集,是保护和传承少数民族优良传统及历史文化的有效手段,是研究和发展贵州非物质文化遗产的重要举措,是强化民族自信、文化自信的学术路径。总结田野工作,认为对非遗传承人口述史的采集,应注重实录手法,侧重其生命历程化,考虑平民视角、历史视角与整体视角,使贵州非遗传承人口述史内容更加科学和丰富,使口述史体现贵州各民族特有的精神价值、思维方式、想象空间和文化意识。  相似文献   

青梅 《教育》2012,(23):59
出版:北京工业大学《高学历毕业生就业之困》用一个个鲜活生动的例子,以第一人称口述实录的方式,真实再现了这些研究生们在即将毕业时和毕业后不久的经历和想法,他们有着不同的成长环境、不同的专业背景、不同的人生目标、不同的性  相似文献   

《蔡澄清口述:点拨教学法的前世今生》采用口述实录的形式,全面呈现了蔡澄清先生求学、教学、治学、治校的多彩人生,集中、扼要地阐述了蔡澄清教育思想的精髓及最新研究成果。从教艺篇、育人篇、弟子篇、家教篇、著述篇五个方面,简要阐述蔡澄清先生在"立德树人"教育理论与实践方面的突出贡献。  相似文献   

编者按:金达明是2000年4月由弘博留学咨询服务有限公司推荐到日本河畔日本语学校学习。2002年4月考入东京法政大学口述实录时间:2002年4月2日地点:米兰相约讲述人:金达明记录人:张天赋金达明今年26岁,小伙子长的文质彬彬,于两  相似文献   

对于新时期非虚构文学的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们期待于自己的,将不仅仅是对新时期非虚构文学进行描述,更是对其进行反思。但“反思”往往得求助于“描述”,何况“非虚构文学”一词自身也还并未升格为一个专有名词,甚而一个不规范的习惯用语。尽管如此,我们仍然相信,从“非虚构”着眼,把批评宗们目前尚乐于分而论之的报告文学、纪实小说和口述实录体,作出整体性的历史反思,将是一次有益的尝试。这种尝试会因为“非虚构”的多层次带来论述上的诸多不便。我们只好以“完全非虚构”和“不完全非虚构”把报告文学、口述实录体同有所虚构的纪实小说生硬地割开。至于有着纪实感。然而又确属虚构的“仿非虚构”作品,我们则把它置身于与非虚构文学相关的位置上。  相似文献   

语文教师、编辑记者、作家写手案头应备的参考书日常交际中一些熟词习语,孩子会问家长怎么写,有时家长也犯难;编辑在处理口述实录访谈稿件时也会遇到,也拿不准;作家创作时,对此也苦于提笔忘字。因为,有的是冷僻字;有的是古音古义  相似文献   

苗族口述史歌是苗族历史文化在民间口头传承中的折射反映。对黔南苗族口述史歌进行介绍分析,认为在翻译整理过程中要尽可能完整地保留其史料价值、民族学价值、民俗学价值和语言学价值。  相似文献   

焦虑感对大学生英语口语表达的负面影响及其对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
妨碍大学生主动参与课堂口语讨论的原因是多方面的 ,其中焦虑感是最主要的。一是焦虑感影响、干扰语言的连贯表达 ;二是影响短时组织语言的能力 ;三是威胁到学生的语言口语表达 ,产生抑制情绪。  相似文献   

简述任务型教学的理论,结合高职英语口语现状,将任务型教学运用到低年级英语专业口语教学实践中,按其三个阶段具体设计教学环节和教学步骤,从中获得口语教学的心得。  相似文献   

The present study examined the components of end of kindergarten writing, using data from 242 kindergartners. Specifically of interest was the importance of spelling, letter writing fluency, reading, and word- and syntax-level oral language skills in writing. The results from structural equation modeling revealed that oral language, spelling, and letter writing fluency were positively and uniquely related to writing skill after accounting for reading skills. Reading skill was not uniquely related to writing once oral language, spelling, and letter writing fluency were taken into account. These findings are discussed from a developmental perspective.  相似文献   

This is a personal account of a college English teacher's continual examination of the sacrifices demanded of his students when they enter writing classes. It is an attempt to encourage students to maintain a critical awareness of the loss of their oral culture and see the limitations of the gain from the literary culture that they immersed themselves in when they began their school career. Literary resources are examined, specifically the writings of Franz Kafka, to illustrate the nature of oral and literate cultures and the demands of each. There is an account of the author's first day at public school as an illustration that helps him to devise teaching methods that acknowledge the validity of students' rebellion against school (literacy) while at the same time developing ways for students to be more accomplished writers.  相似文献   

从史学角度分析,《史记》中的口述史料不仅具有珍贵的史料价值,而且使历史记载更加细节化,使论据坚实充分;从文学角度分析,口述史料使历史记述更加生动形象.分析司马迁记载口述史料的原因,从客观上讲,既是对传统史学的继承与发展,也是对汉代史料匮乏的有力补充;从主观上讲,是对民间文化的重视,是“成一家之言”的必要践行.  相似文献   

The development of a critical spirit as well as the capacity to self-assess and oral presentation competence are essential in relation to students’ future employability. This study examines the influence of confidence, self-efficacy and the existence of incentives on student self-assessments of their oral presentation competence during an educational activity, taking into account the students’ gender. Data from 201 self-assessments was analysed using different statistical techniques. The results show that the existence of rewards is the only variable that has a significant influence on the self-assessment of male students, while those of female students are determined, above all, by their self-efficacy. The results suggest the need to increase student training on self-assessment, taking these differences into account. They also highlight the need to implement initiatives aimed at improving speakers’ confidence in public speaking as well as self-efficacy levels.  相似文献   

We investigated in a pilot study the effects of various types of visual mediation (photos, written words and self‐paced syllabic segmentation of written words displayed on a touchscreen tablet) that are thought to facilitate the oral production of nonverbal and minimally verbal children with autism, according to the participants’ level of oral language development and, more specifically, their ability to produce delayed echolalia. We also sought to identify the cognitive characteristics that need to be taken into account when seeking to develop the oral production of nonverbal children with autism. Results showed that the nonverbal and minimally verbal children with autism were able of using written words to produce them orally. Their performance was largely dependent on their level of language development. Tasks combining written and oral modalities prompted some of them to engage in oral production for the first time (isolated syllables for nonverbal children) and allowed others to produce non‐random strings of syllables (minimally verbal children).  相似文献   

分析了目前我国高职院校英语教学中口语教学不受重视的现状,分析了影响高职英语口语教学的因素,并提出了口语教学"三阶段"演讲训练方法及应该注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

对当前大学生英语口语所存在的问题进行了探讨,分析了影响大学生英语口语表达能力的几种因素.指出陈旧的教学方式、教学大纲、语言环境、文化背景等在一定程度上影响着我国大学生的英语表达能力.  相似文献   

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