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大学图书馆学习空间的创新管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大学图书馆的环境吸引很多读者来馆学习,读者争抢座位资源的矛盾较为突出.对全国高校图书馆的空间资源进行抽样调查,分析大学生争抢座位的原因.高校图书馆需要科学规划馆藏布局,扩大学习空间,增设阅览座位,同时利用座位管理系统进行座位资源的管理,依靠各项制度措施的约束和学生的自律管理,营造有序的学习空间,实现座位资源的共享.  相似文献   

公共图书馆“用地”与“建设”主要指标解析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
<公共图书馆建设用地指标>和<公共图书馆建设标准>顺应现代图书馆的发展趋势,体现了"以人为本"、"普遍均等"的公共文化服务原则,确立了以"服务人口"为基本依据的公共图书馆建设指标体系.这一指标体系主要包括四类指标:公共图书馆建设规模分级指标;公共图书馆设置、布局和用地指标;公共图书馆建筑面积和藏书量、阅览座位数量指标;公共图书馆用房项目设置和分区面积指标.参考文献5.  相似文献   

图书馆的核心价值是传承人类文明,其通过图书馆最重要的借阅工作来实现。但近年来,自修读者抢占阅览座位的普遍现象影响了阅览读者利用馆藏资源和借阅工作的开展。只有摆正自修和阅览的位置,才能防止图书馆工作避重就轻。  相似文献   

<正>山东大学图书馆的前身是始建于1901年的山东大学堂藏书楼,是我国较早的近代新型图书馆之一。如今,图书馆在建设馆藏纸本资源和电子资源的基础上,还提供信息咨询、查新查引、馆际互借和文献传递、信息素养培训、学科分析和知识产权等全方位服务,配备自助借还、自助文印、智能书柜和移动图书馆等技术设备,已然走上智慧图书馆建设之路。截至2021年9月,山东大学图书馆共有济南、青岛、威海三地九馆,馆舍面积122161.7平方米,阅览座位8430个,  相似文献   

2.5空间布局及其比例 在以服务人口、馆藏数量等因素作为确定图书馆建筑规模的主体依据测算出图书馆建筑的面积后,其内部结构功能及分区、布局成为我国图书馆面积规划关注的主要问题。其他国家在图书馆空间布局及其比例上不像我国的《公共图书馆建设标准》那样关注。笔者认为,图书馆面积规划的重点在于面积大小的确定,空间的分隔会受图书馆的功能、特色、服务人口数、图书馆的类型等因素的影响,在空间布局2.5空间布局及其比例在以服务人口、馆藏数量等因素作为确定图书馆建筑规模的主体依据测算出图书馆建筑的面积后,其内部结构功能及分区、布局成为我国图书馆面积规划关注的主要问题。其他国家在图书馆空间布局及其比例上不像我国的《公共图书馆建设标准》那样关注。笔者认为,图书馆面积规划的重点在于面积大小的确定,空间的分隔会受图书馆的功能、特色、服务人口数、图书馆的类型等因素的影响,在空间布局上会产生不同的结果。世界各国对空间的分布基本上都是从便利面积的确定角度出发,抓住图书馆工作必不可少的要素,分门别类地计算面积。  相似文献   

大学生读者在利用图书馆得天独厚的学习环境之时,忽略了图书馆可资利用的学术馆藏和图书馆员等知识资源.为此,本文章提出通过阅览服务,提高读者对不同载体资源的认识,培养学生的信息素养.并以青岛农业大学为例,提出分类疏导、跟踪导读、主动交流和争取潜在用户等系列阅览服务新策略.  相似文献   

泰州市图书馆始建于1922年,是江苏省建馆较早的公共图书馆之一。2012年4月,泰州市图书馆迁址于泰州市文化中心。新馆建筑面积1.5万平方米,设计藏书量100万册,阅览座位近1000个,采用RFID技术实现馆藏图书自助借还服务,数字资源馆藏结构多元,包括电子图书、期刊、报纸、学术论文数据库等;同时,具备设施齐全的音像厅和报告厅,学年举办各种公益展览、文化讲座和视听欣赏等活动。  相似文献   

图书馆现有馆舍面积24000平方米,阅览座位3000余座,全校持图书证人数14600余人,全年图书馆文献总购置经费400万元。全馆开放时间为每周93.5小时,书目信息、读者信息及网络信息资源24小时提供服务。全校12个学院的图书资料室,在业务上由图书馆指导,全校实行文献资料共建共享,共同组成学校的文献服务网络。  相似文献   

高校扩招以来,高校图书馆的座位矛盾日益突出,主要表现为优质座位的不足和高峰时段阅览座位的匮乏,因此高校图书馆应优化座位配置,合理布局,灵活设置馆内阅览空间,并辅以科学的管理系统,积极创造符合用户使用需求和心理需求的阅览空间。  相似文献   

海口经济职业技术学院图书馆馆舍面积2万平方米,一至六层依次设置现报刊阅览区,图书阅览区,工具书、教学参考书、过刊、外文、艺术专业及特色文献等阅览区共14个。现有藏书71万册,中外文报刊2000余种,电子期刊5000余种,专业数据库6个,以及丰富的视听资料和网络数据库资源。馆藏分布合理,并重点突出专业特色。全馆阅览座位2100个,各阅览区实行藏阅合一的开放格局,一站式服务,并设置数十台自助检索及电子文献阅览终端。  相似文献   

Health sciences libraries are often challenged to make decisions regarding physical space allocation without quantitative data to support specific user preferences. This multisite, longitudinal study sought to answer the following questions related to academic health sciences libraries: (1) Which library spaces are popular with health sciences patrons? (2) How does time of day and allocated seating space affect patron choices? (3) What similarities and differences occur in space usage across four different health sciences libraries? Results suggest health sciences libraries must develop a nuanced understanding of their patrons’ preferences to best serve patrons’ needs regarding space allocation. Libraries can benefit from these types of methodological studies that target specific populations, supporting more informed space allocation decision making.  相似文献   

This study reviewed library websites at Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) to learn more about the services they provide to unaffiliated patrons and how they share this information. This review demonstrated that websites at land-grant libraries affirmed unaffiliated patrons' building access privileges at slightly higher rates and circulation privileges at lower rates than non-land-grant APLUs. Data also revealed that requirements and fees for library privileges varied across APLU libraries as a whole. This research is a first step in identifying how libraries at land-grants and non-land-grant APLUs compare to one another and to different types of institutions in the services they provide to unaffiliated patrons. It also continues the discussion of whether libraries, especially those at land-grant colleges and universities, have an obligation to open their spaces and collections to unaffiliated patrons.  相似文献   

In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.  相似文献   

Libraries exist because of the benefits they make possible to patrons and others, which benefits derive essentially from libraries' collections. A library collection should be seen as an investment. Benefits are returned on that investment and may justify the investment. Benefits remain potential benefits until use of materials in the collections results in actual benefits. Because of the role of benefits in justifying the investment, and the role of collections in providing benefits, this paper contends that collection development is the critical function in a library. Support is developed for this contention, which contributes to a theory of collection development, by focusing deserved attention on collection development, on library collections, on the related issues of benefits and return on investment, and on the question, Why do libraries exist? Finally, the discussion attempts to convince senior library managers and others of the obligation to ask if the benefits deriving from a library collection justify the dollars invested in that collection.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):443-450

As the use of electronic reference sources becomes commonplace, virtual reference services are expanding in scope, modes, and popularity. Simultaneously, reference practices are evolving as well. One concept that may be challenged by these trends is the notion of the core reference collection. What are the sources that form this core collection, and what are its characteristics? Are similar sources used to answer users' questions in virtual and traditional reference? How do core collections of public and academic libraries differ? An analysis of 1851 e-mail and chat reference transactions from public and academic libraries reveals that the notion of a core reference collection persists in the world of virtual reference services. In both types of libraries, responses to patrons showed a skewed bibliographic distribution; librarians used a small group of sources to answer most of the questions. Almost all sources used were electronic. Academic libraries tended to make greater use of fee-based sources, but public libraries more often used sources freely-available on the Web.  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

馆藏策略对图书馆的发展和走向具有比较重大的影响.如何制定馆藏政策,使馆藏空间与其他空间构成一个相对科学合理的结构,是图书馆面临的一个难题.论文在调研基础上,对馆舍面积相对较小的县级公共图书馆馆藏发展提出了切实可行的应对策略.  相似文献   

TikTok, a social media platform that focuses on short form videos, has gained a high level of popularity, particularly among young adults. Because libraries are always looking for ways to engage with their patrons, the popularity among this demographic provides an opportunity for college and university libraries to do so. This study analyzed and categorized the videos within 15 academic library TikTok accounts in order to answer two questions: 1) How do academic libraries use TikTok? and 2) Is there a correlation between content category and user interaction on academic library TikTok accounts? The results show that humanizing or fun videos were most utilized by academic libraries, followed by videos including or highlighting collections and spaces. Results also demonstrated that humanizing and fun videos received the highest amount of user engagement. This differs from previous studies on other types of social media wherein news and announcements or events were often the dominant categories.  相似文献   

Public library systems' websites were often the sole means for older patrons to access library services and programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study integrated Pauwels' (2012) framework to analyze 25 Ontario public library systems' websites for evidence of their available programming for older adults during the early months of COVID-19. The 640 identified programs for older adults revealed a number of patterns, including issues regarding visibility and representation of older patrons on library websites as well as assumptions surrounding older adults' access to technologies. Discussions consider three implications for public libraries as they reopen and create new virtual spaces “postpandemic”: questioning (re)distributions of resources that support both virtual and in-person services, questioning implicit assumptions that digital connection will foster social connection, and questioning the effects of the library as a virtual space on feelings of social connectedness.  相似文献   

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