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An attempt was madeto manipulate the strength of internal stimulus representations by exposing pigeons to brief delays between sample offset and comparison onset in a delayed conditional discrimination. In Experiment 1, pigeons were first trained on delayed conditional discrimination with either short (0.5-sec) delays or no delays. When delays were increased by 2.0 sec, birds trained with a delay performed at a higher level than did birds trained with no delays. In Experiment 2, subjects were first trained on a delayed simple discrimination. Following a circle stimulus, responses to a white key were reinforced; however, following a dot stimulus, responses to the white key were not reinforced. The pigeons were then trained on a delayed conditional discrimination involving hue samples and line-orientation comparisons with differential outcomes. Choice of vertical following red yielded food; choice of horizontal following green yielded no food. Mixed delays were then introduced to birds in Group Delay, whereas birds in the control group received overtraining. When tested on a delayed simple discrimination with hue stimuli (red and green initial stimuli followed by white response stimulus), pigeons in Group Delay tended to perform at a higher level than did birds in the control group (i.e., although the birds in both groups responded more following red than following green, birds in Group Delay did this to a greater extent than did birds in the control group). Thus, experience with delays appears to strengthen stimulus representations established during training.  相似文献   

Four experiments assessed the role of reinforcement expectancies in the trial spacing effect obtained in delayed matching-to-sample by pigeons. In Experiment 1, a differential outcome (DO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct comparison responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct comparison responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. While matching accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group, both groups showed an equivalent decline in accuracy as the intertriai interval (ITI) duration was decreased. However, within the DO group, ITI duration affected performance on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but not on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. In Experiment 2, delay interval (DI) duration was 5, 10, or 15 sec and accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group at all DI durations. In addition, accuracy decreased similarly on high- and low-probability-of-reinforcement trials for the DO group as DI was increased. In Experiment 3, all birds were studied under DO conditions and ITI duration was manipulated along with DI duration. At the short DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had a detrimental effect on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but no effect on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. At the long DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had detrimental effects on both types of trials. In Experiment 4, unsignaled ITI reinforcers disrupted accuracy when the DI was long and when the ITI was short. The applicability of scalar expectancy theory to these data is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of differential outcome expectancies on memory for temporal and nontemporal information was examined. Pigeons were trained to match short (2-sec) and long (8-sec) sample durations to red and green comparison stimuli, and vertical and horizontal lines to vertical and horizontal comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, one differential outcome (DO) group received food for correct choices on short-sample trials, whereas another received food for correct choices on long-sample trials. On line-orientation trials, half of each DO group received food for correct responses following vertical samples, whereas the other half received food for correct responses following horizontal samples. Overall retention was greater in the DO groups than in a nondifferential (NDO) group that received either food or no food for correct responses on a random half of all trials. Furthermore, although the NDO group displayed a choose-short bias for temporal samples, both DO groups displayed equivalent biases to select the comparison stimulus associated with food. In Experiment 2, differential outcome expectancies were extinguished off-baseline. Subsequently, in the first nondifferential outcome test session, the. DO groups performed less, accurately than the NDO group. These findings indicate that temporal samples are not retrospectively and analogically coded when they are differentially associated with food and no food. Instead, they are remembered in terms of the corresponding outcome expectancies.  相似文献   

In simultaneous matching-to-sample and oddity-from-sample tasks, briefly delaying the offset of trial stimuli following an incorrect choice response was found to facilitate task acquisition (Experiment 1). Because thispenalty-time procedure also resulted in longer choice-response latencies, it was hypothesized that any procedure that increased response latency would facilitate task acquisition. However, in Experiment 2, no evidence of facilitation was found when a 2-sec pause was imposed prior to the choice response. The results of Experiment 3 suggest that penalty-time facilitation of acquisition was not due to either the added differential outcome on correct versus incorrect trials (i.e., incorrect choice responses do not darken the keys as do correct choice responses) or the aversive effects associated with trial prolongation (i.e., incorrect responses not only result in the absence of reinforcement but also delay the start of the next trial). Instead, results suggest that birds trained with the penalty-time procedure review the trial stimuli following an incorrect choice.  相似文献   

The ability of pigeons to use event durations as remember (R) and forget (F) cues for temporal samples was examined. Pigeons were required to indicate whether a houselight sample stimulus was short (2 sec) or long (6 sec) by pecking a red or a green comparison stimulus. After training with a constant 10-sec delay interval, temporal cues (illumination of the center key) were presented 2 sec after the offset of the temporal samples. For one group, a short (2-sec) temporal cue served as the R cue and a long (6-3ec) temporal cue served as the F cue. This was reversed for a second group of birds. During training, comparison stimuli were always presented following the temporal R cue, but never following the temporal F cue. Tests for the effectiveness of the temporal R and F cues showed that F cues were equally effective in reducing matching accuracy in both groups of birds. It was concluded that pigeons used the duration of the cue to determine whether or not to rehearse the memory code for the temporal sample.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in a two-choice delayed matching-to-sample task with red and green hues. A brief postsample cue (a vertical or horizontal line) signaled whether the comparison stimuli would be presented or omitted on each trial. Comparison stimuli were always presented following the remember (R) cue, but never following the forget (F) cue or no-cue trials. One group of birds, the differential outcome (DO) group, received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. The effect of postsample cues was greater for the DO group than for the NDO group. Relative to the NDO group, the DO group displayed higher accuracy on R-cue trials and lower accuracy on F- and no-cue trials. Both tendencies contributed to the enhanced cue effectiveness obtained in the DO group. The results indicate that outcome expectancies are subject to maintenance rehearsal, which comes under the control of postsample R and F cues. They also suggest that maintenance rehearsal may be easier to sustain under DO conditions than under NDO conditions when a memory test is anticipated, but that it may be easier to terminate maintenance rehearsal under DO conditions when a memory test is not anticipated. The results are inconsistent with the assumption that the rehearsal of outcome expectancies is automatic.  相似文献   

The present experiment demonstrated in a simultaneous discrete trial discrimination that the stimulus control of a rat’s leverpress response can be errorlessly transferred across stimulus modalities, i.e., from light to click location and from click to light location. Subsequent to acquisition of the original discrimination, the original and new discriminative stimuli were simultaneously presented for several sessions. Then the new discriminative stimulus was presented 3 sec prior to the onset of the original discriminative stimulus. Within the direction of transfer, e.g., from light to click location, the delay group emitted fewer trial and intertriai errors than the control group. As the new discriminative stimuli acquired control over responding, the response latency distributions were differentially affected. The results suggest that the transfer of control from the original to the new discriminative stimuli is mediated by the temporal aspects of the delay interval.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a series of reversals of a two-choice conditional discrimination. Choice responses were followed by different delays of reinforcement, which were either unsignaled or filled with either a brief or a long tone. In some conditions, the tone occurred following both correct and incorrect choices; in other conditions, the tone occurred only after correct choices. Presentation of the tone following only correct choices greatly facilitated the acquisition of the discrimination, and there was little effect of the tone’s duration. Presentation of the tone following all choices did not improve discrimination acquisition relative to the no-signal condition. The results demonstrate facilitatory effects of a signal during a delay-of-reinforcement interval that are caused by the conditioned-reinforcement properties of the signal and cannot he explained by the alternative mechanisms of marking or bridging.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the presumed relationship between behavioral contrast and inhibitory stimulus control. In Experiment I, pigeons were exposed to mult VI 1-min VI 1-min or mult VI 5-min VI 5-min during baseline training prior to mult VI 1-min VI 5-min discrimination training. Half of the subjects received a timeout (TO) component during baseline in order to reduce the degree of contrast during discrimination training. Only 3 of 8 subjects receiving the TO showed contrast while all other subjects showed various degrees of contrast. Postdiscrimination generalization gradients indicated excitatory rather than inhibitory control by the stimulus associated with the VI 5-min schedule. During baseline training in Experiment II, responding to all the generalization stimuli was reinforced. In addition, some subjects received the TO stimulus. The subjects were next exposed to mult VI 1-min EXT, mult VI 1-min VI 5-min, or just the VI 5-min component. Generalization gradients indicated inhibitory control by the stimulus associated with EXT or VI 5-min for 19 of 20 subjects even though some subjects did not show contrast. These results question the presumed relationship between behavioral contrast and inhibitory stimulus control.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained to choose different stimuli following short- and long-duration signals make disproportionately more “short” choices (i.e., “choose-short errors”) following an increase in the retention interval and more “choose-long errors” following a decrease in this delay. The present experiment provided a systematic investigation of how these selective errors depend on the relationship between the training delay and the test delay. Pigeons were first trained with a 0-sec delay between the signal (2- or 8-sec food presentations) and the choice stimuli (red- and blue-lit keys). On subsequent test trials with 5- and 10-sec delays, choose-short errors predominated. Next, the birds were trained with a constant 10-sec delay and then tested with shorter or longer delays on some trials. The birds now responded accurately and without selective errors at the 10-sec training delay, but made choose-long errors at shorter delays and choose-short errors at longer delays. Finally, the birds were trained with a constant 20-sec delay and then tested with shorter and longer delays. Choose-long errors again appeared at shorter test delays, choose-short errors at longer test delays, and no differential errors at the 20-sec training delay. The selectivity of these errors generally increased with the absolute difference between the training and test delay. Theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, six groups of pigeons (n=8) were tested for wavelength generalization either immediately or 24 h after learning a successive discrimination, with 550 nm reinforced and a black vertical line extinguished. The groups differed in the stimulus present during single stimulus pretraining, which was 550 nm (pretrain S+), the vertical Une (pretrain S?), or a neutral dim white light (pretrain Sn), respectively. The three immediate generalization gradients were steep and indistinguishable, reflecting only the immediately preceding discrimination training condition. The three delay gradients were flatter, with the flattening particularly marked in the pretrain S? group. This was interpreted as proactive interference (PI) resulting from the memory that both the 550-nm and the line stimuli had previously been reinforced. In Experiment 2, two (TD) groups of pigeons (n=16) were given single stimulus training with a 555-nm keylight followed by eight sessions of discrimination training with two line angles, then one session of non-differential (ND) training with the same two lines, and then a wavelength generalization test either immediately or after a 24-h delay. Two other (hold) groups (n=16) received similar training, except for the TD Une angle training sessions, in these hold groups, the wavelength gradient was flatter in a delayed test; in the TD groups it was steeper, indicating PI from the prior TD training. These two experiments suggest that the “attentional sets,” which purportedly result from TD and ND training, may fruitfully be viewed as target memories subject to the principles of interference theory.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match temporal (2 and 8 sec of keylight) and color (red and green) samples to vertical and horizontal comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, samples that were associated with the same correct comparison stimulus displayed similar retention functions; and there was no significant choose-short effect following temporal samples. This finding was replicated in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 for birds maintained on the many-to-one mapping, and it was also obtained in birds that had been switched to a one-to-one mapping by changing the comparison stimuli following color samples. However, in Phase 2 of Experiment 2, when the one-to-one mapping was produced by changing the comparison stimuli following temporal samples, a significant choose-short effect was observed. In Experiment 3, intratrial interference tests gave evidence of temporal summation effects when either temporal presamples or color presamples preceded temporal targets. This occurred even though these interference tests followed delay tests that failed to reveal significant choose-short effects. The absence of significant choose-short effects in Experiment 1 and in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 indicates that temporal samples are not retrospectively and analogically coded when temporal and nontemporal samples are mapped onto the same set of comparisons The interference test results suggest that the temporal summation effect arises from nonmemorial properties of the timing system and is independent of the memory code being used  相似文献   

Pigeons’ delayed matching performance on Trial n was examined as a function of whether the correct and incorrect comparison stimuli from Trial n?1 were maintained in the same role on Trial n (positive transitions), were reversed in role on Trial n (negative transitions), or were absent on Trial n (neutral transitions). Relative to neutral transitions, positive transitions did not significantly facilitate performance. Negative transitions, however, produced significant proactive interference on Trial n, and the magnitude of proactive interference was greater when the Trial n retention interval was 1 sec than when it was 0 sec. As the intertriai interval increased from 2 to 10 sec, the amount of interference dissipated. The results suggest that a prior delayed matching trial can serve as a significant source of forgetting but not a significant source of facilitation on an immediately following delayed matching trial.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to demonstrate that the place where an organism has been, before the organism is moved to a place with aversive consequences, can also become aversive through classical conditioning. In Experiment 1, two groups of 8 mice were exposed to three different contexts in succession, with a single shock occurring in the third context. The distal context was a putative 3-min conditioned stimulus (CS) for freezing; the second context was a delay manipulation; and the unconditioned stimulus (US) occurred in the proximal context. The group delayed for 15 sec showed significantly more freezing to the distal CS context than did the group delayed for 3 h. In a second experiment, conditioning to the distal context was demonstrated with a discrimination procedure for 8 more mice by using two different distal contexts as CS+ and CS? for the proximal context with shock. On CS+ days, 3 min of exposure to the distal context was followed within 5 sec by placement in the proximal box where shock occurred, whereas on CS? days, exposure to a second distal context was followed immediately by return to the home cage. Very strong differences in freezing between the CS+ and CS? distal contexts were found in all 8 mice after 14 days of conditioning. In a third experiment, the discriminative procedure was repeated for 9 more mice, with two changes. More objective stabilometertype activity measures were substituted for observed freezing, and, in addition to the CS+ and CS? distal context trials, each mouse was also exposed to a third discriminative distal context, which was followed by 15 min in a delay chamber followed by shock in the proximal context. This discrimination procedure with the activity suppression measure again resulted in significant differences between the contexts. The CS+ context and the context followed by a 15-min delay did not differ, but both of them differed from the CS? context.  相似文献   

Separate groups of pigeons were trained to high levels of accuracy on 0-delay matching-to-sample with sample-response requirements that were either differential or nondifferential with respect to the sample stimuli. Differential subjects produced the comparisons by completing a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rates-of-responding 3-sec (DRL 3″) requirement during one sample and a fixed-ratio (FR 10) requirement during the other. Nondifferential subjects produced the comparisons by completing the same schedule requirement (either DRL 3″ or FR 10) for both samples. Following acquisition to criterion, the DRL and/or FR sample-response requirements were replaced by a nondifferential single-peck (CRF) requirement in order to assess the degree to which the samples had acquired control over choice in each group. This change disrupted performance in all subjects, but the disruption was greater for the differential birds, which generally performed at lower levels of accuracy and required more sessions of retraining to reach criterion levels of accuracy than the nondifferential birds. Follow-up experiments revealed that comparison choices by the differential birds were primarily controlled by their DRL vs. FR sample-specific behaviors. The relatively poor performance of the differential group during testing with CRF requirements suggests that the cue arising from the birds’ differential sample behaviorshad also overshadowed the sample stimuli for conditional control over choice. The unique, and rather unusual, aspect of this overshadowing effect is that it occurred in spite of the fact that the overshadowed cue (that provided by the samples) was necessary for producing the cue that resulted in overshadowing (the differential sample behaviors). This finding has potentially important implications for the differential outcomes effect in conditional discrimination learning and for attentional processes in compound-cue situations in general.  相似文献   

The expression of cardiac responses to sequences of two sounds was studied in restrained rats following discriminative trace or delay conditioning. Stimuli paired with a tail shock 10 sec later (CS1) elicited conditioned bradycardia. Unpaired or neutral stimuli (CS0) elicited mostly tachycardia. Rats did not learn to suppress responding to nonreinforced sequences with an interval of 6 sec between sounds. Responses to the second stimulus were significantly augmented following a CS1 stimulus, but not following a CS0 stimulus. Real-time summation of simple responses provided a more complete and quantitative prediction of dual responses than did resetting or facilitation. These results extend the time range over which summation may be observed from less than 2 sec to at least 16 sec. They appear to be inconsistent with models involving competition between unitary representations of stimuli in short-term memory and suggest the existence of multiple stimulus traces with independent time courses.  相似文献   

In a discrete-trial two-choice conditional discrimination task, pigeons which received food for a correct choice following the presentation of one cue and water for a correct choice following another cue performed better than pigeons which received food and water equally often in both cases when delays of several seconds intervened between the conditional cue and choice stimuli presentations. These results suggest that feedback properties of reinforcer-specific expectancies can be important in conditional discrimination learning in pigeons. An additional finding was that wild-caught pigeons regularly exhibited a higher percentage of correct choices than domestic subjects.  相似文献   

Identity concept formation was tested in a harbor seal using a visual multiple-choice matching-tosample task. The seal was first trained on a two-alternative matching task. After criterion (≥80% correct choices in two successive sessions) was reached with two sets of two stimuli (Figure 3, Blocks A and B), stimulus sets were enlarged to six objects (Blocks C-G). After the seal reached criterion immediately with two successive sets (Blocks F and G), multiple-choice matching was introduced, first using stimulus sets of four familiar objects (Blocks H-M). After the seal reached the criterion immediately with two successive sets (Blocks L and M), completely new objects were used in two further stimulus sets (Blocks N and O). The seal immediately applied the matching rule in all four sessions (≥80% correct choices). In two further sessions with problems composed of all 38 familiar stimuli, the seal again reached the criterion (Block P). In the final, transfer session, 20 new problems were composed of 80 unknown stimuli (Block Q). The seal immediately applied the matching rule in these one-trial tests, showing that harbor seals can conceptualize complex visual information.  相似文献   

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