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本文报道采自贵州的轮藻植物,计有4个新种(平滑丽藻Nitella rasilis sp.nov., 沼泽丽藻N. paludosa sp.nov.,拟乳突丽藻N.pseudopapillata sp.nov.  贵州丽藻N.guizhouensis sp.nov.); 1个新变种(奇异丽藻疏枝变种N.mirabilis var. libera var. nov.);3个新记录(笔状丽藻N.peni- cillata Braun缅甸轮藻Chara burmanica Pal,普生轮藻裸枝变种C.vulgaris var. gymnophylla (A. Br.) Nyman),  而拟松形轮藻 C.  pseudohydropitys Imahori为大陆首次发现。  相似文献   

本文报道了轮藻科2新种、1新变种、5个中国新记录:嫩江丽藻Nitella  nenjiangensis sp.  nov.,轮苞轮藻  Chara  vertillibracteata  sp.   nov.,  球状轮藻北京变种  Chara  globularis  Thuiller var.  beijingensis  var.  nov.,  腋生丽藻  Nitella axillaris  Braun,  卷曲丽藻N. crispa Imah.,柔细 丽藻N.  gracillima Allan,  拟扇形丽藻不完全变种N.  pseudoflabellata var. imperialis,阿鲁轮藻 Chara arrudensis Mendes.  相似文献   

 本文报道了采自甘肃、新疆及宁夏的轮藻植物,计有:2个新种(兰州轮藻Chara lanzhouensis sp.   nov., 拟球状轮藻 Chara pseudoglobularis sp.  nov.),1个新记录(弯枝轮藻Chara arcuatifolia  Vilhelm.)。  相似文献   

本文报道了广西的轮藻新植物。在这些新分类群中,单顶丽藻(Nitella haplodactyla)为雌雄异 株,能育小枝仅具1枚末射枝;短枝丽藻(N.brachyclema)和稀见丽藻(N.rarissima)的末射枝都 是多细胞;拟扇形丽藻四强变种(N. pseudoflabellata var.tetradynana)的能育小枝为四强式的射 枝;松状轮藻(Chara piniformis)的主要特征是具有单列式皮层、长的刺细胞和退化叶托的。  相似文献   

 本文报道在安徽发现的栅藻属Scenedesmus的4个新种,2个新变种及4个中国新 记录。  4个新种是安徽栅藻S.anhuiensis,  黄山栅藻S.huangshanensis四翼栅藻S. qua- drialatus和芜湖栅藻S.wuhuensis, 2个新变种是角柱栅藻具刺变种S.prismaticus var.spi- nosus和史密斯栅藻微刺变种S. smithii var.spinulosus;四个中国新记录是具齿栅藻南方变 种S. denticulatus var.australis Playfair,角柱栅藻S. prismaticus Bruhl et Biswas,四棘栅藻具齿变种S·quadricauda var.dentatus Deduss和史密斯栅藻S. smithii Teiling。  相似文献   

铁线莲属研究随记(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1999年5月至9月,作者先后访问了K、BM、P和S四个植物标本馆,在查阅他们收藏的铁线莲属植物标本的过程中,发现该属的一些分类学问题:(1)发现过去一些学者分别错误地将Clematis montana var.brevifoliola Kuntze,C.apiifolia var.biternata Makino,C.subumbellata Kurz,C.goudotiana Planch.&; Triana,C.insidiosa Baill.,C.kockiana Schneid.和C.longicauda A.Rich.等加以归并,这些均应予以恢复。(2)发现过去发表的subsect.Africanae M.Johnson,C.umbellifera Gagnep.,C.pubescens Benth.,C.rhodocarpa Rose,C.edentata Baker,C.djalonensis Cheval.,C.oliveri Kuntze,C.tibetana ssp.vernavi var.dentata Grey-Wilson,C.yunuanensis var.brevipedunculata W.T .Wang,C.clarkeana var.stenophylla Hand.-Mazz,C.subfalcata Pei ex M.Y.Fang,C.angustifoliola W.T .Wang,C.dasyandra var.polyantha Finet &; Gagnep.等学名不能成立,应加以归并。(3)对构成黄花铁线莲组sect.Meclatis的二亚组给出新的特征集要;根据C.sericea B.H.K.ex DC.与C.grossa Benth.的形态区别不大,有时甚至难以区分以及二者的分布区一南一北互相邻接的分布格局,认为二者可能为一对姊妹群,并将其等作为一个种的两个地理变种处理;认为在非洲大陆广布并分布到阿拉伯半岛的C.hirsuta Perr.&; Guill.包含4变种;将过去置于C.oweniae Harv.的变种var.jonodii移到此种中,并根据C.inciso-dentata A.Rich.特殊的绵毛毛被和内面无毛的萼片等特征,否定过去一些学者将其归并于C.hirsuta的意见,也将其作为C.hirsuta的一个变种处理。(4)描述了单性铁线莲组sect.Aspidanthera的一个特产马达加斯加岛的新亚组subsect.Insid iosae W.T.Wang和尾叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Connatae的一个特产非洲大陆的新系ser.Grandiflorae W.T.  Wang以及8新种、1新变种。(5)发现杨宗愈等(1991)报道的秀丽铁线莲C.grata Wall.在我国7省区 (西藏东部、云南、四川、贵州、湖北、湖南、江西)有分布所依据的8号标本均非C.grata,而分别是与此 种相近缘的5个种或变种。(6)发现了伏毛绣球藤C.montana var.brevifoliola Kuntze(原知分布于锡金和印度西北部)在我国西藏、尼泊尔、不丹和缅甸北部,缅甸铁线莲C.burmanica Lace(原知分布于缅甸和 泰国)在我国云南西南部,小木通C.armandii Franch.(原知分布于我国长江流域、越南)在缅甸北部和印 度东北部,以及俞氏铁线莲C.yui W.T.Wang(原知分布于我国云南西北部和西藏东南部)在缅甸北部 的新分布。  相似文献   

本文提出了龙胆属两个种的新名称(Gentiana membranulifera T.N.Ho,G.nudicaulisKurz var. assa- mensis T.N.Ho)和5个变种的新组合[(Gentiana lateriflora Hemsl.var. uncifolia(H.J.Lam)T.N.Ho, G.sumatrana Ridl.var.humifusa(S.Moore)T.N.Ho,G. quadrifaria Bl.var.wightii(Kusnez.)T.N.Ho, G.loerzingii Ridl. var.timida(Kerr)T.N.Ho,G.membranulifera T.N.Ho var.recurvata (Kusnez.)T.N.Ho)〕。  相似文献   

 此文包括了缢花沙参Adenophora contracta (Kitag.)  J.  Z.  Qu  et  Hong 和松叶沙参 A.pinifolia Kitag.两个种。在过去,前者曾被处理为石沙参的变种(A.polyantha Nakai var.contracta Kitag.)。本文通过对它的地理分布、植物体形态和细胞学特征的研究,发现它相当独特。所以,把它处理为种的等级A.contracta (Kitag.) J.Z.Qu. et Hong。后者,曾被洪德元(1983)处理为存疑种。在此被确认为独立的种。  相似文献   

铁线莲属研究随记(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(1) The systematic positions of Clematis potaninii Maxim., C . heynei Rau, C. tri- chotoma Nakai, C. apiculata Hook. f. &; Thoms, C. theobromina Dunn, C. sigensis Engler, C. hedysarifolia DC., and C. dissecta Baker, and the specific status of C. trifida Hook, C. pimpinellifolia Hook., C. oligophylla Hook., and Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch. are discussed; (2) New classifications for Clematis parviloba Gardn. &; Champ., C. puberula Hook. f. &; Thoms., and sect. Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz. are provided; (3) Clematis subsect. Potaninianae M. Johnson, C. heynei M. Johnson, C. petelotii Gagnep. and some other names are reduced to synonymy; (4) Two subsections, 4 series, 4 species, and 4 varieties are described as new; (5) Four new ranks and 4 new combinations are made. Key words  Clematis;Taxonomical problems;New taxa;New ranks;New combinations 摘要  (1)对铁线链属以下诸种Clematis potaninii Maxim., C.heynei Rau,C.trichotoma Nakai,C.apicu- lata Hook.f.&; Thoms., C.theobromina Dunn,C.hedysarifolia DC.和C.dissecta Baker的系统位置进行了 讨论,提出了新见解;(2)过去一些作者或不承认C.trifida Hook.,C.pimpinellifolia Hook.,C.oligophyl- la Hook.,和Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch诸种,或进行降级,作为种下分类群处理。本文作者在研究了有 关标本之后认为上述4种有明显区别特征,均应成立;(3)对裂叶铁线莲Clematis parviloba Gardn.&; Champ.的5个变种,短毛铁线莲C.puberula Hook.f.&; Thoms.的4个变种和丝铁线莲组sect.Naraveli- opsis Hand.-Mazz.的20个种做出新的分类安排;(4)归并了subsect.Potanimianae W.T.Wang,C.heynei M.Johnson,C.petelotii Gagnep.以及其他几个学名;(5)描述了2新亚组,4新系,3新种和3新变种;(6)做出了3个新等级,4个新组合。  相似文献   

本文根据最新研究结果,对国产杜英属植物进行了清理。这里报道的是对《中国植物志》 49(1)杜英属的修订和补充。它包括:(1)纠正3个错误鉴定:Elaeocarpus rugosus Poxb.=E. apiculatus sensu Merr.;E.sikkimensis Mast.=E.fleuryi sensu H.T.Chang;E.decandrus Merr.=E.chinensis sensu H.T.Chang pro parte。 (2)  发表1个新种和1个新变种:E. limitaneioides Y.Tang;E.glabripetalus Merr.var.grandifructusy.Tang.  (3)归并了4种2 变种:E.boreali-yunnanensis H.T.Chang归并为E.lacunosus Wall. ex Kurz,E.floribundioides H.T.Chang归并到E.austro-yunnanensis Hu,E.fengjieensis P.C.Tuan归并至E.duclouxii Gagnep.,E.kwangsiensis H.T.Chang归并为E.glabripetalus Merr. var.alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang,E. glabripetalus Merr. var.teres H.T.H.T.Chang归并为E.glabripetalus var.glabripetalus,E.prunifolioides Hu var.rectinervis H.T.Chang归并至E.prunifolioidesHu。  (4)报道了一些省级分布新记录;并简单讨论了属下系统。  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are two new species, one new variety, and three new re- cords of the Characeae collected in China.  They are Nitella anhuensis sp. nov., Chara pauci- carpa sp. nov., Nitella alleninda var. tenuireticulata var. nov., N. gracilliformis J. Grove., N. formosa T. F. Allen and Chara tenuispina A. Br.  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specime- ns collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified.  The result shows  that  the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family.  In this paper,  ho- wever, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

Guangdong Province extends across the subtropical and tropical zones. With favorable climate and plentiful rainfall, this district is extremely rich in plants. However, the study on the Charophyta in this province is scanty.       The specimens we identified were collected from 4 cities and 10 counties of the province. The result shows that there are abundant representatives of Chrophyta, espe- cially in Nitella, in the province.       In this paper, however, only reported are some new taxa of Nitella.  The 2 new spe- cies are Nitella sessilis and N. guangdongensis; the 3 new varieties are Nitella flagellifor- mis var. conglomerata, N. brevidactyla var. hainanensis and N. pakistanica var. magni- antheridii; and the 3 new records of distribution in China are Nitella bengalensis Kundu, N. madagascariensis Zanev. and N. tenuissima var. sanukensis Imah.  相似文献   

中国虎耳草属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一个中国虎耳草属系统,确认我国有2亚属,8组,7亚组(包括1新亚组),31系(包括23新系),4亚系(新亚系)和203种(包括2新种和4新变种)。  相似文献   

 In this paper, a new species, a new variety and a new record for china of Navicu- la from Anhui Province are reported. They are Navicula anhuinsis sp. nov. and N. muticaKütz. var. sinica var. nov.  and N.  mutica var. stigma Patrick.  相似文献   

 Yunnan is extends across the subtropical and tropical zones, situated in the sou- thern border area of southwestern China.  This district is extremely rich in plants, and thus, it has been known as a “Kingdom of Plants”.  However, up to the present our knowledge of the Charophyta in this region has been scanty.      In order to get a thorough understanding of its Charophyta, we identified speci- mens collected from 13 countries or cities in this province.  The result shows that is especially abundant in Charophyta.      In this paper, however, only are reported new species, new varieties and new re- cords of China on the Nitelleae.  The former two are Nitella hokouensis, N. bicornuta, N. longicaudata, N. procera, N. brevidactyla, N. papillata, N. pseudohyalina, N. hyalina var. aberrans and Tolypella yunnanensis; while the third is Nitella globulifera Pal andN. japonica T. F. Allen.  相似文献   

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