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敦煌莫高窟第464窟原被定为西夏窟,但缺乏证据.近期的考古研究材料可证,该窟的开凿其实当在北凉,原为禅窟,至元代才被改造为礼佛窟.由前室通往后室的甬道两壁各存汉风菩萨两身,其中南壁右侧4行文字讲述的是五地菩萨之容貌,左侧4行文字讲述的则是四地菩萨,北壁左侧9行文字讲述的则是十地菩萨之装饰,右侧的当为九地菩萨.藉由回鹘文题记,十地菩萨绘画内容第一次在敦煌石窟中得到确认.通过逐字对译,可以明显看出,这三段回鹘文标注内容皆来自胜光法师译回鹘文《金光明最胜王经》第4卷.故可定,三榜题皆为胜光法师译《金光明最胜王经》之摘抄.这一发现,结合该窟发现的回鹘文写本与其他题记,可以证明莫高窟第464窟甬道与前室为元代末期的回鹘窟,而后室壁画可以确定为元代遗墨,但早于甬道与前室之壁画,可定为元代早期遗存.  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟北区B464窟出土有大量汉文、西夏文、回鹘文、藏文、蒙文、梵文文献及回鹘文木活字等,而更为重要的是,该窟中室、后室甬道和后室中写满了回鹘文经文题记。如此众多的回鹘文题记,在已发现的敦煌石窟中尚属首例。通过对回鹘文题记的释读,一方面可修正以往学界对窟内善财童子五十三参等壁画内容的解读;另一方面,可推知B464窟现存壁画应出自回鹘人之手,该窟时间下限可定为元代,是元代回鹘洞窟。  相似文献   

法藏PT1249号残片,是用藏文音写的汉文文献,其内容难以解读,以往并无人涉及。笔者通过对该残片的研究认为:其内容是式叉摩那受大戒时所使用的问答的一部分,除了起首的导言外,作白的语句均是抄录自《四分律·比丘尼揵度》。目前为止,从未发现有使用藏文音写的汉文律藏文献。而与该文献完全一致的汉字文本,似也未能留存下来。不过,受戒时此类对白是必须的,因此必定为僧尼所记诵。从其对音的特点来看,该写本时代约在吐蕃统治时期。本文提出藏汉文的对照文本,不见于《四分律》的部分语句由笔者按照对音补缺。据此文献可知,在吐蕃时期的敦煌,不识汉字的式叉摩那也能够受大戒,成为正式的尼师。而这一残片除了丰富我们对敦煌佛教的实际情况的认识之外,也加深了我们对敦煌语言文字的理解。  相似文献   

俄藏敦煌文献中已知与《史记》相关的残纸共有五件。除此之外,笔者又发现未命名的俄藏Дх.04666残片亦为《史记》写本,并可与俄藏Дx.02670残片相缀合。二者为迄今所见存世最早的《史记》写本的遗存,它对我们了解早期北方《史记》写本的形态及宋刻本的不足多有启益。  相似文献   

以尤刻本、胡刻本李善注,陈八郎本五臣注,奎章阁本、明州本六臣注,敦煌吐鲁番本《文选》等,对校比勘古钞《文选集注》所收鲍照乐府诗注,可以发现:古钞《文选集注》对于确认、复原《文选》鲍照乐府诗、注原貌具有重要参考价值;除所收不见于他本的《音决》对鲍照乐府诗音训研究等具有重要参考价值外,所收不见于他本的27条陆善经注,亦甚有助于认识陆善经注的特色价值,及全面比较、认知唐代《文选》众家注,值得予以珍视;古钞《文选集注》也多讹误缺漏,欲参考使用者,应持高度审慎态度。  相似文献   

李刈 《家教指南》2002,(5):62-64
本文对《敦煌莫高窟北区石窟》第 1卷中的 9件汉文佛经残片的经品名称作了考订 ,同时指出其中两件为印刷本。  相似文献   

南宋刻本《音注韩文公文集》未撰编刻者姓名,张允亮、傅增湘判定其为祝充校注本。今检此书注文得知,此书应为一不尽出注家名氏之集注本。  相似文献   

敦煌残卷《汉书·刑法志》对于今本《汉书》的校勘有很重要的意义,今笔者将其与宋刻本《汉书》相校,并参考相关类书,刺取异文数条。  相似文献   

本文研究了三篇新公布的敦煌所出具注历日,对其中两篇做了释文和年代考定,对一篇同以前公布的残片做了缀合。其中新公布的《唐大和八年甲寅岁(834)具注历日》尤其重要。它是来自敦煌以外的一份所本历日残片,比S.002号《唐咸通九年(868)金刚经》早了34年,是迄止二十世纪末在中国发现有年代可考的最早雕版印刷品实物,在印刷史研究上具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

敦煌唐写本<文选音>残卷自鸣沙石室出土以来,立即引起学术界的关注,但学者们的研究大都集中在作者的考订上,仅周祖谟先生的<论文选音残卷之作者及其方音>(<问学集>)一文涉及音切的研究.张金泉、许建平两位先生的<敦煌音义汇考>(以下简称<汇考>)收录了<文选音>残卷的音切,并对其进行了校对,但亦有可待商榷之处.至于用传世的各种<文选>注本的音切与之比勘并作深入细致的研究者,迄今为止尚复阙如.本文从音韵学的角度入手,以刻本<文选>、<六臣注文选>、<唐钞文选集注汇存>保存的<音决>与之比勘,既以敦煌本纠正传世刻本的错讹,又以传世刻本订敦煌本之误,同时亦以对张金泉、许建平两位先生的<汇考>进行纠补.  相似文献   

张铁山 《家教指南》2001,(2):101-106
本文在对莫高窟北区B53窟出土回鹘文《杂阿含经》残叶进行拉丁字母转写、汉译和注释的基础上,通过与国内外收藏的同书残卷比较,提出:(1)该回鹘文残叶的翻译年代为元代;(2)回鹘文译本《杂阿含经》至少有卷子式和贝叶式两种版本;(3)B53窟出土回鹘文《杂阿合经》为手稿本;(4)该回鹘文译本译自汉文,且采取摘取汉文原文中的部分词句直译而成。  相似文献   

从《睒子经变》看佛教艺术中的孝道思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
谢生保 《家教指南》2001,3(2):42-50
本文从《 子经变》的产生和发展,论述了南北朝时期儒、释、道之间既斗争又吸收的经历和佛教艺术中忠君孝道思想的发展。  相似文献   

Objectives:to verify the feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of Chinese SF-36 based on the Quality-of-Life-Recorder. Design: A crossover randomized controlled trial, comparing a paper-based and an electronic version of the Chinese SF-36, was conducted. According to generated random numbers, interviewees were asked to fill out either the electronic version or the paper version first. The second version was filled in after a pause of at least 10 min. Settings and participants: One group of 100 medical students at the School of Medicine of Zhejiang University and the other group of 50 outpatients at a clinic for general practice in Hangzhou City (China) were eventually recruited in this study. Results: The acceptance of the electronic version was good (60% of medical students and 84% of outpatients preferred the electronic version). At the level of eight-scale scores, the mean-difference for each scale (except for general health) between the two versions was less than 5%. At the level of 36 questions, the percentage of "exact agreement" ranged within 64%~99%; the percentage of "global agreement" ranged within 72%~99%; 77% of the kappa coefficients demonstrated "good/excellent agreement" and 23% of the kappa coefficients demonstrated "medium agreement". Conclusion: This study, for the first time, can provide empirical basis for the confirmation of the feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of the Chinese SF-36 and may provide an impulse towards widespread deployment of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder in Chinese populations.  相似文献   

Objectives: to verify the feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of Chinese SF-36 based on the Quality-of-Life-Recorder. Design: A crossover randomized controlled trial, comparing a paper-based and an electronic version of the Chinese SF-36, was conducted. According to generated random numbers, interviewees were asked to fill out either the electronic version or the paper version first. The second version was filled in after a pause of at least 10 min. Settings and participants: One group of 100 medical students at the School of Medicine of Zhejiang University and the other group of 50 outpatients at a clinic for general practice in Hangzhou City (China) were eventually recruited in this study. Results: The acceptance of the electronic version was good (60% of medical students and 84% of outpatients preferred the electronic version). At the level of eight-scale scores, the mean-difference for each scale (except for general health) between the two versions was less than 5%. At the level of 36 questions, the percentage of "exact agreement" ranged within 64%~99%; the percentage of "global agreement" ranged within 72%~99%; 77% of the kappa coefficients demonstrated "good/excellent agreement" and 23% of the kappa coefficients demonstrated "medium agreement". Conclusion: This study, for the first time, can provide empirical basis for the confirmation of the feasibility and reliability of the electronic version of the Chinese SF-36 and may provide an impulse towards widespread deployment of the Quality-of-Life-Recorder in Chinese populations.  相似文献   

对Stephen B.McCamey1996年修订完成的《学习障碍评价量表》(学校版)进行了修订。中文版量表共85个项目,包括7个分量表:听、思考、说、阅读、书写/写作、拼写和数学运算。对416名小学二至五年级学生的测量表明:(1)项目的回答模式合理; (2)该量表具有较高的内部一致性系数和重测信度系数;(3)该量表具有较好的结构效度、效标关联效度和内容效度。  相似文献   

为windows95中文版安装五笔字型输入法,有多种方法。然而利用MS—DOS 6.22中文版来安装,却鲜为人知。通过对这个过程的介绍,可以了解怎样在Ms~DOS 6.22中文版和windows 3.2中安装五笔字型输入法的方法。安装五笔字型输入法的关键是如何获得五笔字型码表源文件。从UCDOS5.0中可以获得适用于windows的五笔字型码表源文件,此文介绍了两种方法。读者可以通过本文掌握在MS—DOD 6.22中文版和windows中文版中挂接完整的五笔字型输入法。  相似文献   

唐珊珊 《海外英语》2012,(5):158-159,179
叶芝的诗歌A Deep-Sworn Vow有较多汉译版本,文中选取其中广为流传的四个版本,以许渊冲的诗歌翻译"三美"理论和喻云根的译文评析的五个原则为标准,从意、音、形三个层面进行研究分析,并得出结论:四篇译文虽各有千秋,但均未较好的做到意音形的完美结合,诗歌翻译仍需规范。最后提供了试译。  相似文献   

《春秋毂梁传》在先秦时代即有古文文本流传。现存诸书所引许慎《五经异义》称《春秋毂梁传》无一以“今”字冠于其上者。可证在东汉许慎、郑玄所见之《春秋毂梁传》为古文文本或源于古文文本的今文本。也就是说,在东汉存在古文书写的《春秋毂梁传》文本或源于古文文本的今文本。该文本的来历现已无从考证,但东汉存在古文书写的《春秋毂梁传》文本或源于古文文本的今文本,作为一条旁证可以证明在先秦时期《春秋毂梁传》很可能已有古文书写的文本,否则,东汉存在的古文书写的《春秋毂梁传》文本或源于古文文本的今文本从何而来?在没有汉代作伪的任何证据的情况下,东汉存在的古文书写的《春秋毂梁传》文本或源于古文文本的今文本,只能是源于先秦的古文文本。  相似文献   

Teacher–student interpersonal relationships play an important role in education. The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) was designed to measure students’ interpersonal perceptions of their teachers. There are two Chinese versions of the QTI for student use, and that inherited the weaknesses of the previous English versions, such as items that focus on class behaviour, instead of teacher behaviour, or that include conditionals and negations. The present study aimed to develop an improved Chinese version of the QTI which is conceptually parallel with the original QTI and with the use of optimal item wording. The process contained several steps, including expert panels and student and teacher interviews. New items were also created based on the Chinese secondary classroom context, rather than only using translations of English items. The final version of the Chinese version of the QTI presented in this paper was evaluated with a sample of 2000 students from 4 secondary schools in mainland China who rated a total of 80 teachers. The resulting version of the Chinese QTI had adequate validity and reliability, and it distinguished clearly between teachers. The predictive validity was supported by the relation between the students’ perceptions of their teachers and their academic emotions in class. Although further improvement of the instrument is recommended, it can be used to study interpersonal teacher behaviour in China and to help to improve Chinese teachers’ teaching practices.  相似文献   

修订中文版过剩适应量表并检验其信度和效度,比较中国和日本中学生的过剩适应特征。将日文原版过剩适应问卷进行编译后,对中日1588名中学生(656名中国初中生、932名日本初中生)进行跨文化比较。验证性因素分析显示数据与测量模型拟合度较好;五个分量表Cronbach’s α系数在0.60~0.80之间;量表具有较好的聚合效度。另外,差异检验表明,在过剩适应特征上,日本低年级的中学生“自我抑制”和“自卑感”得分较高,而中国的中学生“努力达成他人期望”和“顾虑他人”得分更高。结论:中文版过剩适应量表具有较好的信效度。过剩适应存在文化差异,日本的中学生更容易自我压抑,自卑感更强,而中国的中学生更容易听从周围人的意见,对他人期望的屈从度更高。因此对不同文化背景下的中学生过剩适应问题需要给予更多的关注。  相似文献   

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