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With the decline in state and federal support for higher education continuing to plague colleges and universities across the U.S., many institutions are looking to increase the levels of support annually received from alumni and other constituencies. Research on alumni relations in American colleges and universities has historically focused on different factors related to charitable giving. Although this study has resulted in some valuable information for institutions to use for alumni involvement purposes, most of the research has not been able to produce a meaningful look into how alumni identify with their college or university after graduation. The purpose of this study is to assess how college and university alumni view their role with these institutions after graduation and how that perception relates to behaviors of support. An online survey was constructed to assess three dimensions of alumni role identity based upon previous research on the identification process of blood donation. This study took place through the alumni association at a large, public research university in the Midwest and found that those who displayed increased alumni role identity were more likely to support the university through joining the alumni association, attending university sponsored events and charitable giving. This study breaks ground for a new method of measuring the role of alumni within colleges and universities in efforts to increase support and ease the financial pressures of today’s institutions.  相似文献   

当前,大学生就业难既有量的矛盾,又有质的矛盾,两者交织在一起,使大学生就业问题更加错综复杂。但目前我国的职业生涯教育在理论和实践上都处于探索阶段,存在诸多问题。需要建立由国家政府支持、社会企业参与、高校主导、大学生为主体的职业生涯教育体系。  相似文献   

Private institutions of higher education are highly dependent on alumni support to cover operating expenses, fund endowments and fuel large capital campaigns. For example, in 2004, alumni at private liberal arts colleges generated nearly 43% of total voluntary support and funded 21.5% of total institutional expenditures. This paper uses 15 years of detailed data on alumni donations to a private liberal arts college to explore a full range of potential determinants of giving. Results suggest that wealthy alumni who live in states that allow charitable tax deductions are more generous than otherwise similar alumni in states without such subsidies. Alumni contributions also increase in years when the college has achieved greater athletic prestige but fall when academic prestige rises. Furthermore, recent alumni are more influenced by institutional prestige than older graduates. With regard to other determinants, females tend to be more generous, as do alumni living in wealthier neighborhoods within 250 miles of the college. Alumni who have close alumni relatives tend to give more as do alumni who participated in campus activities during their college years. Undergraduate major and occupational sector are also strong predictors of giving behavior.  相似文献   

美国的大学、学院、社区学院形成的高等教育体系中,社区学院承担了转学教育、职业教育、继续教育等重要职能。美国社区教育在其发展历程中形成了鲜明特色,其中有许多值得我国高职院校借鉴、学习的做法。结合我国的现实,提出了基础课教学改革的想法和思路。  相似文献   

近年来,日本研究生教育领域为提高质量和国际化,进行了引人注目的变革。本文从研究生教育收费、拨款和资助三方面分析指出,研究生教育重点化、强调大学财政自主权、逐步减少日常性经费拨款、加大竞争性科技经费投入、加大研究生资助力度等日本研究生教育成本分担机制的特征。  相似文献   

美国的师范教育经历了师范学校、师范学院及综合大学教育院(系)的三个阶段,这种演变蕴藏着一些规律。我国师范教育历史悠久,自创建以来,为不同层次的学校提供所需师资,培育了大批人才。然而我国师范教育却也存在很多问题,面临重大挑战。美国师范教育的发展历史对我国师范教育的改革有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

College and university leaders have paid an enormous level of attention to one domain of alumni involvement: charitable giving. In light of the decline of state support for higher education and the shrinking ability of families to pay for college, such emphasis is understandable. However, this emphasis has blinded scholars and practitioners to understanding the important non-monetary support roles played by college alumni. Drawing on data from a research extensive university, this study employs a sequential mixed method design (focus groups and confirmatory factor analysis) to demonstrate that non-monetary support behaviors are best understood through the distinct, but interrelated domains of political advocacy and volunteerism. Political advocacy behaviors include contacting legislators, the governor’s office, local politicians and serving on a political action team, while volunteer behaviors include mentoring new alumni, recruiting students, and participating in special events. The study breaks ground for future research on alumni support for higher education, including strategies to recruit alumni volunteers and advocates.  相似文献   

Internationalisation is no longer a well-recognised feature unique to higher education. It has permeated K-12 education. However, little research has been done on internationalisation at the K-12 level, particularly on offshore schools. This study examines how Canadian and Chinese policies regarding offshore schools have developed over the years, what values and objectives underlie such policies, and how they affect present and future development of Canadian offshore schools in China. The study identifies in/consistencies and priorities in policy-making and implementation and uncovers the trend of policy development through comparing stipulations on international cooperation of both countries. It shows that both countries are making policies and action plans based on their national interest in the international context without giving adequate attention to the legal, political, and social cultures of the other country. This leads to inconsistencies and confusions in their international educational cooperation and creates potential hindrance to its further development.  相似文献   

Significant changes in state economic priorities are likely to have a formative and fateful effect on institutions of higher education. Yet economic accounts cannot themselves explain changes in the economic priorities of nationalist states, in part because of the ideological character of such states. The nationalist state's influence on institutions of higher education is often indirect, involving the interactions of social and political actors who are themselves influenced by prevailing social ideologies. Social ideologies contribute to shifts in state economic priorities, and these changes can indirectly but significantly influence the trajectory of institutions of higher education. A longitudinal case study of a Canadian distanceeducation university demonstrates the means by which nationalist sentiment encouraged a shift in state economic priorities, which in turn created a welcoming social climate for a new university's consumerist model of education.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of Australian and Canadian women in management positions in university faculties of education. It provides a perspective on the contradictory and multilayered experiences of the first cohort of academic women to reach management positions in any significant numbers in education. The article explores the way in which women are positioned as different but at the same time negotiate their place by using marginality and difference as strengths. Many of the women continue to hold to feminist agendas that were forged in relation to the university of a quarter of a century ago. They have strong commitments to 'making a difference'. The authors raise the question of how these agendas will operate in the years to come and whether we can anticipate a new feminist politics of leadership.  相似文献   

Community colleges have become increasingly reliant on diversifying their revenue sources, and turning to private fund raising has become a common strategy for many of them. Although fund raising has been a common practice in higher education since its inception, it has only emerged in the two-year college sector in the past several decades. The current study sought to identify donors at a case study, suburban community college, specifically exploring giving patterns over time and testing the conceptual framework of a pyramid of giving that overlays institutional involvement and commitment with giving levels. Major infrastructure inconsistencies prevented much of the framework testing, but data were capable of creating an initial donor and giving profile for a typical community college. This profile demonstrated that board members and employees were the most loyal and consistent in making contributions, but that these gifts often were stable over time and did not increase to become major gifts. Also, private business and industry gifts were often given at the same level as individual gifts, perhaps illustrating the responsiveness and cooperation between community colleges and the local workforce.  相似文献   

Leading Frankfurt School theorist, Herbert Marcuse, possessed an intricate relationship with higher education. As a professor, Marcuse participated in the 1960s student movements, believing that college students had potential as revolutionary subjects. Additionally, Marcuse advocated for a college education empowered by a form of praxis that extended education outside the university into realms of critical thought and action. However, the more pessimistic facet of his theory, best represented in the canonical One Dimensional Man, now seems to be the dominant ideology in the contemporary college experience. With the rise of the corporate university, knowledge is commodified and praxis is supplanted by rampant consumerism. Once a haven for critical theory, the college experience has been overtaken by capitalism, substantially limiting the revolutionary potential for college students in favour of an institutionalised, one dimensional university.  相似文献   

日本和美国是世界最早实现高等教育大众化的国家。日本高等教育大众化是通过引进民间力量,发挥私立高校而实现的;美国则主要借助于社区学院的发展壮大。研究日美高教大众化对我们的启示:鼓励社会力量积极兴办高等教育;完善教育立法,尽快出台有关私立学校的法规;追加教育经费;积极发展高职教育,要注重灵活性;提价在全国范围内发展社区学院。  相似文献   

专门学校是日本最典型的市场化模式的高等职业教育机构,以私立小规模学校为主,长期处于日本学校体制之外,没有制度上的支撑,完全依靠教育以及人才市场才得以存在与发展.经过几十年努力,专门学校在总体规模上成为仅次于大学的高等教育机构.通过对专门学校的历史、现状、特点、问题以及发展趋势的考察分析,可以发现,适应教育市场及人才市场需求,不断自律、取信于社会并争取政府支持,是专门学校不断发展的主要原因.  相似文献   

试析美国本科教育质量评估中的问卷调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国高等教育质量评估的方法和工具有很多,问卷调查就是其中之一,主要用来调查学生和校友对在校学习收获的看法。在美国高等教育质量运动的影响下,问卷调查工具已经广泛用于美国本科教育的质量评估,从一个侧面反映了美国高等教育质量观的特点。  相似文献   

"院校研究"是什么,不是什么--解读美国"院校研究"   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
"院校研究"是流行于欧美高等教育领域的一个专门术语.就美国的经验而言,"院校研究"可以理解为"是研究者基于本校情境、针对院校运行中的实际问题所作的应用性研究,是高等学校为改进管理决策、促进院校发展而设定的一个专门的实践领域".作为一种独特的研究形式,"院校研究"有别于传统意义上的"高等教育研究".它是高等教育研究的一种新的范式,是现代高等学校实施科学化管理的重要手段.  相似文献   

美国社区学院合同培训的特点及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合同培训是一种在美国社区学院职业教育培训中兴起,并且经实践证明行之有效的新的教育培训模式,具有机动灵活、针对性强、费用较低等优点.合同培训作为我国高职改革新的切入点,将促进我国高职教育以需求为导向、面向市场办学,切实加强与企业的合作,明确树立与传统大学相区别的办学定位.  相似文献   

高校仪器设备的开放共享要针对校内外需求,在制度保障和人力、资金、技术等条件的支撑下,建立长效的运行机制和体系,才能健康持续发展。清华大学通过设立实验室开放基金,资助教师使用基金管理系统内的仪器设备,调动教师和机组双方的积极性,促进仪器设备的开放共享。实验室开放基金管理系统经过20多年的建设、发展与完善,逐步实现了规范化、制度化、网络化和数字化,取得了良好的效果,对学校的科学研究和人才培养提供了有力支撑,是对高校仪器设备共享的有益探索。  相似文献   

In spite of the widening racial achievement gap among U.S. college students (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011), some universities are achieving success in supporting the graduation and postcollege goals of Black undergraduates (Apprey, Bassett, Preston-Grimes, Lewis, & Wood 2014/this issue; Baker, 2006; Hrabowski, 2003; Hrabowski & Maton, 2009). Although research has documented efforts to improve students’ college academic success in mathematics, science, and engineering (Maton & Hrabowski, 2004), little research has examined the role of undergraduate support programs across the academic disciplines to bridge success for students from high school graduation through graduate school matriculation. This is a key link in the pipeline to career and lifelong achievement for Black students. The following case study describes an inclusive cluster-mentoring model for Black undergraduates at a Research I university that includes four elements—(a) student peer-advising, (b) faculty–student academic mentoring and advising, (c) culturally sensitive initiatives, and (d) organized parental support—to create high impact with measurable results. This university-based model can serve as a guide to improve and expand services that support the academic and leadership success of Black undergraduate students in other higher education settings.  相似文献   

高校是开展大学生思想教育工作的主阵地.高校学生思想工作科学化水平关系到高校“立德树人”工程深入发展的成效.提升高校学生思想工作的科学化水平,必须要树立以人为本、全员育人和主动服务的教育理念,制定科学的管理目标,熟练运用新媒体技术,主动占领网络主阵地,促进大学生思想教育工作成效.  相似文献   

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