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公文标注主题词是指将经过规范化和优选处理的词或词组,用于公文的标引和检索。它是实现机关办公自动化,提高办公效率和质量的一个重要环节。目前,党政机关的公文,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅分别制定了统一的公文主题词有。但高校公文尚未制定统一的主题词表,因此,文秘人员给公文标主题词,只能根据经验和文秘人员的理解进行,因而存在不少问题,为使高校公文处理规范化,提高公文质量,便于公文的归档和检索,编制高校公文主题词表十分必要。本人在公文制发的实践中,在公文主题词的标引方面作了一些试探性的工作,摸索出了一定的经验,并参照中共中央办以厅、国务院办公厅制定的党政机关公文主题词表,拟出了高校公文主题词表(附后)。  相似文献   

目前公文处理中大量存在主题词标引不规范的现象。正确标注公文主题词已成为公文处理过程中的一个难点。文章阐述了公文主题词的涵义、主题词表的体系结构、标引方法、标引程序及标引主题词应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

主题词是公文的一项格式内容,它随着公文处理的现代化和信息化的需要而产生。国务院1994年6月修订并发布使用的《国务院公文主题词表》有主题词715个,为公文主题词的标注规定了统一的用词规范,它对公文的写作、阅读,标引、存储、检索等都有重要的理论和实践意义。本文从主题词、主题词表、主题词标注三个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》国家标准的执行对我国公文的标准化、统一化、科学化具有重大意义。《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》乃国家法规性文件或标准,理应全面、严谨、规范,然研读《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》,笔者发现很多问题。首先,内容上还不够全面。其次,表述上有不准确、不严密之处。其三,个别概念内涵不明或概念前后不一。其四,局部层次安排欠妥。其五,个别图示与文字表述不符。笔者认为对这些问题和不足的发现和探讨将有助于《党政机关公文处理工作条例》和《党政机关公文格式》的完善。  相似文献   

主题词在公文中的运用,是一个崭新的课题,它是做好各级机关文件处理工作,使之规范化、制度化、科学化的一个重要措施。《中国共产党各级领导机关文件处理条例(试行)》第七章第二十五条第十五款明确指出:“所有正式文件都应标注主题词。”因此,正确标注主题词,使之发挥应有的作用,是当前亟待解决的问题,本文就此作些粗浅论述,从就教于方家。  相似文献   

公文主题词是公文版记要素之一。正确标引便于揭示公文的内容和形式,便于归档和查询,也便于办公自动化和公文处理的规范化。在实际使用中,却存在着对标注不重视、标准不统一、标引不规范等很多问题。本文通过对应用现状的分析,并针对存在的问题及原因提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

公文是处理各种公务的重要工具,其政治性、法定性、实用性的特点,又严格地规范着公文写作。在日常的行文中,公文写作常见的问题是:对公文写作的本质属性缺乏了解;文种的选择不恰当;主题词的标注不准确等。它严重影响了公文的质量,阻碍了公文在实施国家行政管理中的权威性和严肃性。  相似文献   

公文是党政机关依法行政的重要工具,是体现其管理水平的重要窗口,标题是公文主体部分的第一个要素。文章从公文标题的结构、公文标题的标注要求、拟写标题的注意事项、拟写公文标题的常见问题等四个方面详尽地介绍了该如何拟写公文的标题。  相似文献   

公文是党政机关依法行政的重要工具,是体现其管理水平的重要窗口,标题是公文主体部分的第一个要素。文章从公文标题的结构、公文标题的标注要求、拟写标题的注意事项、拟写公文标题的常见问题等四个方面详尽地介绍了该如何拟写公文的标题。  相似文献   

《中国共产党机关公文处理条例》、《国家行政机关公文处理办法》的修订、发布以来,党政机关的公文处理工作逐步向“制度化、规范化、科学化”的目标迈进。在实际工作中,由于种种原因,仍常见公文中的错误,本文在错例分析的基础上。提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

This article reports the move from paper-based marking (PBM) to onscreen marking (OSM) in Hong Kong for the subject Liberal Studies – whose objectives involve broadening students' horizons through critical examination of current issues. While currently a small candidature subject of approximately 3300, from 2009, the subject will become compulsory for all students in Hong Kong's senior secondary school curriculum with a candidature of 80,000. As marking of all public examinations in Hong Kong is migrating to OSM, the current study reports on a project with the entire 2009 Year 13 Liberal Studies marking panel (49 markers), as part of the OSM validation process. The study involved giving all markers both a pre-marking and a post-marking questionnaire to gauge markers' technological competence in and attitudes towards OSM. Results were positive in that markers generally rated themselves as technologically capable. With regard to attitudes towards the implementation of OSM, the outcomes of the post-marking questionnaire showed markers to be more positive than their pre-marking comments suggested. Nonetheless, they are still not happy about having to travel to special marking centres and the preference for PBM remains strong. The results of the study indicate that OSM is being accepted into marker psyche of what marking involves, an important step as OSM is adopted as the sole marking method for all subjects in Hong Kong from 2012 onwards.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which implemented and evaluated a method of peer assessment, as a formative and summative assessment procedure. Pairs of first‐year undergraduate biology students were asked to complete a poster assignment on a specific aspect of nerve physiology. This paper contains details of a method which allows student peer and tutor marking of work against the individual marking criteria to be evaluated. The results show that a comparison between the tutor and the student peer mark may be misleading as a guide to the validity of peer assessment. The importance of considering the individual sections of the marking criteria is illustrated. It was found that when the individual criteria were analysed the number of students marking the same as the tutor ranged from 31% to 62%. It also became clear that specific areas of the marking criteria were prone to over and under‐marking. Analysis of student feedback forms showed that students not only liked carrying out peer assessment, but felt the benefits in terms of developing facets of their learning process and heightening their awareness of their work. These results are discussed in the light of other studies.  相似文献   

We outline a scheme for marking suggested edits and annotations on software specifications, a particularly complex class of structured document, during the process of review and correction. The scheme is based on a formal model of document construction and review and on typographic marking methods. The scheme permits precise and interpretable marking and annotation of documents which use many different notations. It supports and guides the process of correction. Some examples and a sample visual notation are given. Tool support for using this scheme is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了用学生提交的文档与样卷比对进行自动阅卷的设计思路及方法,详细说明了题库设置和自动阅卷的实现方法,给出了其中的关键代码,并对系统的效果进行了测试及评估.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which implemented a method of student self and peer assessment involving student constructed marking criteria in the presence of exemplars. Pairs of first-year undergraduate biology students were asked to complete a poster assignment. The study was designed to allow the evaluation of (1) student self and peer marking and tutor marking for individual marking criteria following the use of exemplars; (2) the role of exemplars in providing a focus for formative feedback about subject standards. The present study shows that: (a) the use of exemplars can help students demonstrate greater understanding of both marking criteria and subject standards; (b) the use of exemplars can help students learning so that higher quality outcomes are produced; (c) the use of exemplars forms a focus for meaningful formative feedback; (d) students may make more objective judgements as a result of peer assessment compared to self-assessment.  相似文献   

从Office文档分析技术、自动阅卷系统设计难点和解决方案三个方面探讨了自动阅卷系统的设计,系统使用面向对象技术开发,利用VBA技术与Office文档进行交互,来实现自动阅卷功能。重点对Word、Excel和PowerPoint三类文档的常见操作对象进行了分析,详细描述了通过VBA编程启动Office文档,解决执行阅卷代码、利用协议编辑并保存服务器文档和阅卷中段落定位等难点问题,设计达到预期目标,实现了在线测试和自动阅卷功能。  相似文献   

This paper explores two Australian school education policy documents and the inputs they describe to boost student achievement. The paper suggests that current reform efforts in schooling like others previously configure student achievement in input–output terms confining school education policy to predictable inputs that sideline broader influences on educational output including, for instance, school funding. The national policy documents that are the subject of the case study in this paper are the National Plan for School Improvement and the current Students First. Student achievement is explored as an object of study that can be worked on by policy, including for across-the-board national ‘non-educational’ purposes. The analysis, critical in outlook, suggests that current school education policy trades on a predictable set of evidence-based inputs as correctives to declining levels of student achievement without weaving into the student learning equation the complex mix of relations that frame the educational system.  相似文献   

目前加强行业英语建设已经成为高职公共英语教学改革的重要内容,这也给公共英语教学评价带来了新的课题。本文从教学评价的内容、形式和主体三方面来探讨行业英语视角下高职公共英语教学评价改革。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a qualitative study on markers’ perceptions of onscreen marking (OSM) in association with key influential factors of marking reliability. The study has made adaptations to an existing framework proposed by Black, Suto, and Bramley in 2011 for exploring issues related to influential factors of marking reliability in OSM contexts. Specifically, the study investigated those influential factors in the framework that can be manipulated and managed by the examination authority. The study involved 31 markers for a large-scale publication examination who were secondary school teachers from 5 subject areas. The major themes indicated that markers’ attitudes towards OSM might be potentially associated with the types of questions they marked. Further, the advantages and disadvantages of OSM as perceived by the markers were likely to be related to key influential factors of reliability pertaining to the quality control process and the usability of technology in the OSM system.  相似文献   

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