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随着改革开放的不断深入和社会主义文化的日益繁荣,特别是香港和澳门顺利回归以及海峡两岸出版文化交流日益活跃,越来越多的出版物中出现了与港澳台相关的问题。港澳台问题一直以来都是涉及我国"统一战线"政策的敏感性问题,在出版物中出现时编辑要特别加以注意,有些问题具有很强的隐蔽性,稍有不慎便会"踩雷",带来不可估量的损失。因此,编辑要多关心时事政治,多积累相关方面的知识。  相似文献   

梳理总结20多年来中国近代海关出版物的影印出版过程,为相关史料的影印出版提供参考借鉴。文章对中国近代海关出版物的纸质原版、数字出版和目录出版三种出版形态影印出版的基本情况、特点、编排体例等进行了详细的介绍和分析,并从影印内容、史料整理、史料影印三个方面总结出版经验,指出出版过程中存在原始出版物过于分散、影印版本打乱出版物原有体系、宣传推广不够、地图影印失真等问题,对今后进一步整理中国近代海关出版物影印出版提出建议:补充出版缺少的内容,翻译出版英文原件,原比例再版地图,开展专题出版,探索数字出版等。  相似文献   

香港回归祖国日期临近,广东出版香港题材的图书大受欢迎,其中《董建华传》同时在广州、香港发行,面市3天即告再版。 据不完全统计,到目前为止,内地出版香港题材的图书已有近百种之多,广东出版香港题材的图书有数十种。广东高教出版社的《中国香港1997》,被国家教委列为全国通用教材;海天出版社(深圳)的《迎接香港回归祖国》也颇受读者青睐,在广东出版的香港题材的图书  相似文献   

基于新媒体与大数据深度融合的数字出版时代,指出传统出版物标识已不能满足数字出版的发展,说明数字出版物标识的建设需求已经成为当前数字出版发展中不可回避的问题。提出基于存储格式进行数字出版物的标识构建,不再严格依据书报刊等类别进行标识,希望对我国数字出版物标识的标准制订及应用有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

余军 《新闻前哨》2007,(7):55-56
网络出版,是指具有合法出版资格的出版机构,以国际互联网为载体和流通渠道,出版并销售数字出版物的行为。与传统的出版方式不同,网络出版物是与通过印刷机在纸张上印刷而生成的有图、有文字、装订成册的图书完全不同的读物。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,区块链技术也开始改变着出版行业.本文从出版物合法性鉴定的视角出发,观察区块链技术与出版业三要素的结合给出版物合法性鉴定带来的巨大便利;探讨用"区块链+出版"改变出版物鉴定模式,以解决长期以来鉴定工作在某些环节很难处理的问题.  相似文献   

受网络冲击的纸质出版业刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在网络高速发展的今天,纸质出版业遭遇空前尴尬.网络出版与纸质出版最大的不同在于载体的区别,网络出版物的载体是无形的网络,而传统出版物的载体是有形的纸张.因此,网络出版对纸质出版业最大的冲击莫过于传统印刷企业的让位和互联网技术提供商的登场.这使得传统出版的理念、流程和营销方式,都发生了根本性的变化.  相似文献   

出版物市场的本质是出版物商品的流通和传播,借助流通机构和有关设施与渠道,将出版物从生产制作单位输送给广大读者,其所反映的是出版物商品的产与销和供与求的关系,属全国市场体系的重要组成部分。在市场经济条件下,出版物的市场发行在整个出版各环节中具有举足轻重的作用。    相似文献   

朱玉华 《编辑之友》2015,(10):40-43
学术出版是出版物的灵魂与生命,关系到我国文化强国的建设和出版行业的未来命运.然而,出版企业作为独立经营、自负盈亏的市场主体,还须谋求市场盈利.当前,我国的学术出版市场虽在持续发展,需求相对稳定,但大众出版物消费需求不仅市场广阔,且发展迅速,成为市场化出版企业盈利的主要方向.因此,在学术使命和市场生存之间,出版物普遍陷入学术出版和大众出版的两难抉择.应对此难题,需在学术出版与大众出版之间找到合理的平衡点,其关键是实现出版物文化产业发展和文化事业职责的有机统一与良性互动.  相似文献   

在注意力经济下,出版物的文化创意显得至关重要,而出版物营销作为出版流程中的重要一环,其与文化创意的融合更显得必要。本文通过对出版物营销活动特点的分析,结合文化创意的特征,总结出注意力经济下文化创意与出版物营销的4P原则,并指出文化创意对出版物营销工作的影响。文化创意与出版物营销的融合创新有利于出版企业开展营销活动,促进出版物的销售,更有利于创新出版物的营销方式,为加速我国出版业的进化过程、促进社会主义文化大发展大繁荣贡献力量。  相似文献   

本文从责权利角度论述了媒体责任、权利与规范之间的一般关系。认为职业规范是由职业责任与权利共同决定的,职业责任与职业权利是促使媒体伦理规范形成和发展一个必然的、永恒的基础和动力。本文认为“完成责任必须用好权利,正确地使用权利是第一位的责任”。具体来说,职业权利=职业权力+职业利益。因此,针对媒体权力部分的规范是为了防止媒体职业权力的异化,对媒体利益的规范是用以保证媒体及记者收益和正当性。  相似文献   

The classical concept of entropy is shown not to reflect the essence of the second law of thermodynamics both phenomenologically and theoretically. A new concept of entropy, S n , is given, which offers a particular physical meaning of entropy and provides an experimental determination of the entropy value. This allows one to avoid many attempts at defining the phenomenon of life via entropy characteristics and give definitions of life and an elementary structure of both life itself and devices that simulate life (automata, computers, and robots.). This, in turn, allows one to assign a substantive sense to the mathematical character of corresponding sciences (information theory, cybernetics, system theory, etc.) and define operational basic concepts of information, knowledge, meaning, and control, as well as to formulate operational concepts of order, organization, and self-organization and implement a new approach to problems of biology, biophysics, information theory, cybernetics, and system theory.  相似文献   


I have a number of interlocking concerns in this paper. Primarily, I want to highlight the practical importance of introducing new and different words into the ways of talking we employ in conducting our social lives together—and why it is that some forms of talk (talk of feeling and feelings, for instance) are much more difficult for us to employ than others. For although we clearly do influence other people's behavior (and our own) with words, we are still so fixated upon the idea of words as arbitrary ‘forms’ representing states of affairs, that we find it difficult to talk of our words in this way, especially of them as having an influence on our own conduct as thinkers and speakers, as listeners, readers, and writers and so on. We can better understand our words as functioning in this way, I suggest, if we see them primarily as having a relational function, that is, as working to relate us both to each other and to our surroundings in direct, immediate, and practical ways. Both Wittgenstein and Vygotsky discuss this gestural, nonrepresentational, function of words in coming to a grasp of people's psychological nature. Thus my aim in the paper is to explore what they claim is involved, practically, in drawing each other's (and our own) attention to the more embodied, less cognitive, aspects of our own activities in the world, and to bring to attention the power of our embodied ‘voices’ in doing this.  相似文献   

图书馆人的学养与精神生活   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张钦恩 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(6):281-285
现代图书馆人是兼具专业技能和综合性知识修养的学人,应具备学养型的质素,崇尚学人型的精神生活,积极培育并臻于良好的学养境界。  相似文献   

Social media have changed the way we create, share, and experience visual media. Such collaborative exchanges defy traditional notions of ownership and do not conform to copyright's view of the image as a singularly “fixed” construct. In mobile contexts especially, images are dialogic, conveying far more complicated messages than ever before. This article relies on an examination of theories of the image to inform discussions about copyright reform in the digital age. It briefly explores visual culture theory and the status of visual media in copyright law, and it offers suggestions for how copyright law might adapt to encourage online visual expression, creativity, and economic gain.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons, while widely diverse in many ways, share health disparities related to the stigma and discrimination they experience, including disproportionate rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide. Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and the transgender communities have additional health concerns and disparities unique to each population. This paper highlights the national recognition of these health issues and disparities and presents web-based information resources about them and their mitigation.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons, while widely diverse in many ways, share health disparities related to the stigma and discrimination they experience, including disproportionate rates of psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, and suicide. Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and the transgender communities have additional health concerns and disparities unique to each population. This paper highlights the national recognition of these health issues and disparities and presents web-based information resources about them and their mitigation.  相似文献   

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