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Derick Unwin and Ray McAleese, eds. Encyclopedia of Educational Media Communications and Technology (London: Macmillan, l978---£20.00/Westport, Ca.: Greenwood Press, 1979---$59.95)

Two useful and recent publications on Public Radio in the United States have both been published by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (1111 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036)

Two recent publications provide some useful guidance on education for media, from different publishers

Maureen Harmonay, ed. The Arts (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing, 1979---$16.50/8.95)  相似文献   

The Media: Contexts of Study (114 pp.---$6.30)

The Study of Culture 1 (152 pp---$7.65)

The Study of Culture 2 (144 pp.---$7.65)

The Audience (104 pp.---$6.16)

Media Organization 1 (106 pp.---$6.l6)

Media Organization 2 (60 pp.---$5.31)

Media and Society 1 (92 pp.---$6.16)

Media and Society 2 (53 pp.---$4.25)

Secrecy and the Right to Know, by Dina Goren (Ramat Gan, Israel: Turtledove Publishing, 1978---no price given)

Newspapers: The Power and the Money, by Simon Jenkins (London: Faber & Faber, 1978---E1.95, paper)

The Abuse of Power, by James Margach (London: W.H. Allen, 1978---95 p, paperback)

The Spanish Media Since Franco, by William Chislett (London: Writers and Scholars Educational Trust, 1978---£3.00)

T.J. Allard's Straight Up: Private Broadcasting in Canada 1918-1958 (Canadian Communications Foundation, 165 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ontario KiP 5S2---$10.95 1 paper including mailing)

Oswald H. Ganley's The Role of Communications and Information Resources in Canada (Program on Information Resources Policy, 200 Aiken, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138---$10.90, paper--ask for Working Paper W79-1)

Anthony Smith's The Newspaper: An International History (London: Thames and Hudson, 1979 ---$14.95)  相似文献   

Jim Richstad and Michael Anderson, Crisis in International News: Policies and Prospects (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981--- $28.50/12.50)

Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Building the Future: Unesco and the Solidarity of Nations (Paris: Unesco, 1981 ---price not given, paper)

Voices of Freedom: A World Conference of Independent News Media (Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Mass. 02155---$4.50, paper)

Edward W. Ploman and L. Clark Hamilton, Copyright: Intellectual Property in the Information Age (London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980---$35.00)

Marxism and the Mass Media: Towards a Basic Bibliography Nos. 6-7 (International Mass Media Research Center, 173 av de la dhuys, 93710 Bagnolet, France or International General, P.O. Box 350, New York, N.Y. 10013---£3.50/$7.50, paper)  相似文献   

Conferences, proceedings of three recent international telecommunications

Yves de la Haye, ed. Marx and Engles on the Means of Communication (International General, P.O. Box 350, New York, N.Y. 10013---$4.50 or £2.25, paper)

David Hargreaves' Adult Literacy and Broadcasting: The BBC's Experience (London: Frances Pinter/New York: Nichols, 1980---$22.50)

Christopher Bagley and Gajendra K. Verma's Racial Prejudice, the Individual and Society (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/Farnborough: Saxon House, 1979--- $19.00)

David Morley's The Nationwide Audience: Structure and Deconding (British Film Institute, 127 Charing Cross Rd., London WC2H oEA---£.2.95 or about $$7.50, paper)

Barbara Coulton's Louis MacNeice in the BBC (London: Faber and Faber/Lawrence, Mass.: Merrimach Book Service, 1980---E12.50/$31.00)

Australia, a report from Henry Mayer of some recent material from

World Bank, catalog of publications from  相似文献   

Jay Stein's Mass Media Education, and a Better Society (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979---$ )

Gavriel Salomon's Interaction of Media, Cognition, and Learning (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1079---$ )

Dennis D. McDonald et al, Directory of Public Broadcasting Information Resources (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1979--- free , paper)

Religious media communication, two recent titles  相似文献   

BBC Handbook (London: BBC Publications, 1975---$2.50 approximately, paper)

Home Office's Report of the Committee on Broadcasting Co (London: HMSO Cmnd. Paper 5774, 1974---about $3.00, paper)

IBA's Evidence to the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting (London: IBA, 1974---apparently no charge)

IBA Technical Review (London: IBA, 1972-date---no charge made for single copies of each number)

C.G. Hayter's Using Broadcasts in Schools: A Study and Evaluation (London: either BBC or IBA, 1974---about $2.50, paper)

Gwen Dunn's Television and the Pre-School Child (London: IBA, 1974---price, if any, not known)

Anthony Smith's The British Press Since The War (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1974---$15.00)  相似文献   

J. Fred MacDonald's Don't Touch That Dial! Radio Programming in American Life, 1920-1960 (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979---$15.95/8.95)

Marlo Lewis and Mina Bess Lewis' Prime Time (Los Angeles: Tarcher/dist. by St. Martin's Press, 1979---$10.00)

Maxene Fabe's TV Game Shows (New York: Doubleday/Dolphin Books, 1979---$8.95, paper)

Christopher Wicking and Tise Vahimagi's The American Vein: Directors and Directions in Television (New York: Dutton, 1979---$6.95, paper with a hardback also available)

Steven H. Scheuer, ed. TV: The Television Annual 1978-79 (New York and London: Collier/Macmillan, 1979---$9.95, paper with a hardback also available)  相似文献   

Melissa Milar and William Brohaugh, eds. 1979 Photographer's Market (Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1978--- $12.95)

Harold Evans, Pictures on a Page: Photo-Journalism, Graphics and Picture Editing, (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978---$25.00)

James Danziger and Barnaby Conrad, Interviews with Master Photographers (New York and London: Paddington Press, 1978---$10.00)  相似文献   

Michael Balfour's Propaganda in War 1939-1945: Organizations, Policies and Publics in Britain and Germany (London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979---$37.50)

Glen Fisher's American Communication in a Global Society (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing, 1979---$17.50)

Studies of Broadcasting (NHK Theoretical Research Centre, Radio & TV Culture Research Institute, Nippon Hoso Kyokai, 2-1-1, Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan---apparently free on request, especially if you have some research of interest to exchange)

Eighteenth Report by the International Telecommunication Union on Telecommunication and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (Geneva: ITU, 1979---5 swiss france, paper)

Robert N. Pierce's Keeping the Flame: Media and Government in Latin America (New York: Hastings House, 1979---$14.50/7.95)

Godwin C. Chu and Francis I.K. Hsu, eds. Moving a Mountain: 'Cultural Change in China (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1979--- $16.00)

Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policies in Asia and Oceania (Paris: Unesco, 1979---limited distribution [whatever that means in practice] with no price given, paper)

Miriam Williford, Source Directory: Assistance to Third World Broaecasters (Ford Foundation, P.O. Box 559, Naugatuck, Conn. 06770---$5.95, loose-leaf binder)  相似文献   

Media Production     
Peter Utz' Video User's Handbook (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980--- $12.95 in paper with a hardback available as well).

Martin Maloney and Paul Max Rubenstein's Writing for the Media (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980---$14.95).

Betsy P. Graham's Magazine Article Writing: Substance and Style (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980---$10.95, paper)

Michael L. Kleper's How to Build a Basic Typesetting System (1979---$10.00, paper)

Martin L. Gibson's Editing in the Electronic Era (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1980---$15.50).  相似文献   

Bernard Rubin, ed. Questioning Media Ethics (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1978---$19.95/6:95)

The Media Law Dictionary, by John Murray (1978, 140 pp, $7.35, paper)

Social Responsibilities of the Mass Media, edited by Allan Casebier and Janet Jenks Casebier (1978, 260 pp., $9.75, paper)

Everette E. Dennis, Donald M. Gillmor, and David L. Grey, eds. Justice Hugo Black and the First Amendment (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1978---$11.50)

Barry Cole and Mal Oettinger's Reluctant Regulators The FCC and the Broadcast Audience (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1978---$10.95)

Steven J. Simmons' The Fairness Doctrine and the Media (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978---$14.95)

Thomas E. Will's Telecommunications Structure and Management in the Executive Branch of Government, 1900-1970 (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978---$20.00)  相似文献   

Allan M. Winkler's The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information, 1942-1945 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978—$11.95)

46. Mass News Media and the Third World Challenge by Leonard R. Sussman (80 pp.)

49. International News and the American Media by Barry Rubin (71 pp.)

Kees Van Der Haak and Joanna Spicer's Broadcasting in the Netherlands (London and Boston: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1977—$7.95, paper)

Tomo Martelanc, et al. External Radio Broadcasting and International Understanding: Broadcasting to Yugoslavia (Paris: Unesco/ New York: Unipub, 1977—$2.75, paper)

John A. Lent's Asian Mass Communications: A Comprehensive Bibliography-1977 Supplement (School of Communications, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122—$25.00 1 paper)  相似文献   

Film: General     
Michael F, Mayer's The Film Industries (New York: Hastings House, 1978---$11.50/5.95)

Joseph M. Boggs' The Art of Watching Films: A Guide to Film Analysis (Menlo Park, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1978---$6.95, paper)

Bernard F. Dick's Anatomy of Film (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978---$10.00)

Film periodicals: Chamba Notes (P.O. Box U, Brooklin, N.Y. 11202---$3.00 for students, $5.00 for other individuals, and $10.00 for institutions/quarterly)  相似文献   

Film Biographies     
Dore Schary, Heyday (Boston: Little Brown, 1979 -- $14.95)

Rosiland Delmar, Joris Ivens: 50 Years of Film-Making (London: British Film Institute, 1979---£2.45)

Allen Estrin, The Hollywood Professionals, Volume 6: Capra, Cukor, Brown (South Brunswick: A.S. Barnes, 1980 -- $12.00 hardcover)

Stan Brakhage, Film Biographies (Berkeley, California: Netzahualcoyotl Historical Society, 1979 -- $7.95 in paper -- write c/o 2845 Buena Vista Way, Berkeley 94708)

Stuart Kaminsky, Coop: The Life and Legend of Gary Cooper (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980 -- $10.95)  相似文献   

Ion Trewin's The Professions: Journalism (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1976—$9.95)

Charles Husband (ed.) White Media and Black Britain: A Critical Look at the Role of the Media in Race Relations Today (London: Arrow Books, Ltd., 1975—about $3.50, paper)

Peter Douglas' Television Today (London: Osprey Publishing, 1975—about $9.00)

Louis L. Snyder's Encyclopedia of the Third Reich (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976—$24.95)

Leo Bogart's Premises for Propaganda: The United States Information Agency's Operating Assumptions in the ColdWar (New York: Free Press, 1976—$12.95)

Marcellus S. Snow's International Commercial Satellite Communications: Economic and Political Issues of the First Decade of Intelsat (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1976—$16.50)

Charles Sherman and Donald Browne (eds) Broadcast Monographs No. 2: Issues in International Broadcasting (BEA, 1771 N. St. NW, Washington D.C. 20036—$5.00, with a $4.00 price to BEA members, paper)

Access: Technology and Access to Communications Media by B.R. Webster (54 pp., $2.65, paper)

Towards Realistic Communication Policies: Recent Trends and Ideas Compiled and Analysed by John A.R. Lee (59 pp., $2.65, paper)

Mehra Masani, Broadcasting and the People (179 pp., Rs 10.25, paper)

Narayana Menon, The Communications Revolution (89 pp., Rs 5.75, paper)  相似文献   

Les Adams and Buck Rainey's Shoot-em-Ups: The Complete Reference Guide to Westerns of the Sound Era (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1978---$30.00)

David Rothel's The Singing Cowboys (Cranbury, N.J.: A.S. Barnes, 1978---$19.95)

Lawrence H. Suid's Guts & Glory: Great American War Movies (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1978---$12.95/6.95)

Jack G. Shaheen, ed. Nuclear War Films (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978---$10.00/4.95)

Thomas Cripps' Black Film as Genre (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978---$10.00)

Neil P. Hurley's The Reel Revolution: A Film Primer on Liberation (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1978---$7.95, paper)

Anita Loos' San Francisco, A Screenplay (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979---$10.00/4.95)

Eugene Rosow's Born to Lose: The Gangster Film in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978---$19.95)  相似文献   

Natan Katzman, Program Decisions in Public Television (1976, 72 pp.)

Caroline Isber and Muriel Cantor, Report of the Task Force on Women in Public Broadcasting (1975, 141 pp. no price shown)

Advisory Council of National Organizations, Public Broadcasting and Education (1975, 114 pp., no price shown)

Bradley S. Greenberg, et al. An Ascertainment Handbook for Public Broadcasting Facilities (1975, 64 page loose-leaf notoboOk, no price shown)

Philip A. Rubin, A Report on the Minimum Equipment Needs and Costs to Upgrade the Facilities of the Public Television Stations (1975, 40 pp., $1.00, paper)

Annual Report 1975 (1976, 43 pp., free on request)

Print Handicappeda Handbook for Local Use (1975, loose-leaf notebook of some 200 plus pages)

E. Edward Cavert (ed.) Designing Diversity 1 75: Second National Conference on Open Learning and Nontraditional Study--Conference Proceedings (University of Mid-America, Lincoln, Neb. 82006---$7.50, paper)

Phillip J. Sleeman and D.M. Rockwell's Instructional Media and Technology (New York: Halstead Press/John Wiley, 1976---$30.00)  相似文献   

Madeline Miele, et al. (eds.) The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade Information (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1976---$23.50)

Sigfred Taubert (ed.) The Book Trade of the World, Volume II: The Americas, Australia, New Zealand (New York: R.R. Bowker/London: Andre Deutsch, 1976---$36.00)

Kenneth Kister's Encyclopedia Buying Guide 1975- 1976: A Consumer Guide to General Encyclopedias in Print (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1976--$15.50)

J.M. Brittain and S.A. Roberts's Inventory of Information Resources in the Social Sciences (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/ Saxon House, 1976--$18.00)

Harry Carter's A History of the Oxford University Press, Volume I, to 1780 (London: Ox ford University Press, 1976---£15.00 or about $30.00)

Daniel Gore (ed.) Farewell to Alexandria: Solutions to Space, Growth, and Performance Problems of Libraries (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976---$12.50)

Lester D. Stephens' Historiography: A Bibliography (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975--$9.00)

W. Philip Leidy's A Popular Guide to Government Publications (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976--$25.00)  相似文献   

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