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Robert T. Elson's Time Inc.: the Intimate History of a Publichina Enterprise (Atheneum, originally $10)

Mertin Quigley's Magic Shadows: The Story of the Origin of the Motion Picture (originally released in 1948)  相似文献   

Henry M. Field, The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph (originally published by Scribner's in 1893, 415 pp.)

John E. Kingsbury, The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges: Their Invention and Development (Longmans, Green, 1915, 558 pp.)

George B. Prescott, Bell's Electric Speaking Telephone: Its Invention, Construction, Application, Modification and History (Appleton, 1884, 526 pp.)

Robert Luther Thompson, Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraph Industry in the United States, 1832-66 (Princeton University Press, 1947, 544 pp.)

The Horn Speaker (P.O. Box 12, Kleberg, Texas 75145 -- $3.00 per year/10 issues)  相似文献   

Peter Pollack, The Picture History of Photography (Abrams, $25.00)

David Simon, Fifty Classic Motion Pictures (Crown, $9.95)

David Essoe's The Films of Clark Gable (Citadel, $10.00)

John Springer's The Fondas (Citadel, $10.00)

Pola Negri's Memoirs of a Star (Doubleday, $7.95)

Alexander Walker's Stardom (Stein & Day, $10.00)

T.J. Ross, Film and the Liberal Arts (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, price unknown)

Lewis Jacob's The Movies as Medium (Farrar Straus & Giroux, $8.95; or Noonday paporback, $3.95)

Benjamin B. Hampton, A History of the Movies, originally published in 1931 and re-issued now as History of the American Film Industry (Dover paporbacks, $4.00)

The Literature of Cinema

Don Slay, Conversations: Volume I (Kaleidoscope Press (Albuquerque, New Mexico), $10.00)

Raymond Durgnat, The Crazy Mirror: Hollywood Comedy and the American Imago (Horizon Press, $7.50)

Harry M. Geduld and Ronald Gottesman's edited collection Serge Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: Tho Making and Unmaking of “Quo Viva Mexico” (Iniana University gross, $15.00)

Verne and Sylvia Carlson's Professional 16/35 mm Cameraman's Handbook (Hastings House, $15.00)

Julius Bellone's edited collection, Rennaisance of the Film (Collier paperbacks, $2.95)

Richard Randall's excellent Censorship of the Movies (University of Wisconsin Press, $7.95)  相似文献   

Motion Pictures     
Leonard Maltin's Movie Comedy Teams (Signet W4453, $1.50)

Edward Wagenknecht's The Movies in the Age of Innocence (Originally issues in 1962 by University of Oklahoma Press, re-issued by Ballantine at $2.95)

Jay Leyda's Films Begat Film (originally issued in 1964, re-issued by Hill & Wang at $1.95 paper and $4.95 hardback)

Rachel Madcluy, Stirling Sillipaant and Neil D. Isaacs' Fiction into Film: A Walk in the Spring Rain (University of Tennessee Press, $10.50)

Charles Sweeting, A Film Course Manual (McCutchan Publishing Corp., 2526 Grove St., Berkeley, Calif. 94704, $2.25)  相似文献   

Michael Wood's America in the Movies, or "Santa Maria, It Had Slipped My Mind" (New York: Basic Books, 1975---$10.00)

Adam Garbicz and Jacek Klinowski's Cinema, The Magic Vehicle: A Guide to its Achievement (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975---$18.50)

Tino Balio's United Artists: The Company Built by the Stars (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1975-- $15.00)

Charles Higham's Warner Brothers (New Y( Scribner's, 1975---$9.95)

John Douglas Eames' The MGM Story: The Complete History of Fifty Roaring Years (New York: Crown, 1975---$25.00)

Rochelle Larkin's Hail, Columbia (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1975---$17.95)

Datid E. Scherman (ed.) Life Goes to the Movies (New York: Time-Life Books, 1975-- $19.95)

Paul Trent's Those Fabulous Movie Years: The 30s (New York: Crown, 1975---$14.95)

Griffith and Mayer's The Movies (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969)

Sidney Skolsky's Don't Get Me Wrong-- I Love Hollywood (New York: Putnam's, 1975---$8.95)

Leo Handel's Hollywood Looks at its Audience: A Report of Film Audience Research (originally issued by the University of Illinois Press in 1950)  相似文献   

The Graphic Arts     
Max Gallo's The Poster in History (New York: American Heritage/McGraw- Hill, 1974—$22.95)

Erich Salomon's Portrait of an Age ((New York: Collier Books/Macmillan, 1974—$7.50, paper)

M. Thomas Inge's “American Comic Art: A Bibliographic Guide,” Choice XI:1581-1593

Stan Lee's Origins of Marvel Comics (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974—$5.95, paper)

John Hedgecoe and Michael Langford's Photography: Materials and Methods published by Oxford University Press. Apparently Focal Press picked it up in London, and now a new smaller format but hardcover edition is just out from Hastings House (N.Y.) for $12.95  相似文献   

Some Final Note     
Television Station Employment Practices: The Status of Minorities and Women (Office of Communications, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010, November 1972 -- free on request to poverty organizations and citizen-action groups, $10.00 to others to help recover costs)

Guide to Understanding Broadcast License Applications and other FCC Forms

Perry's Broadcasting and the Law (Box 8357 Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 -- $48 per year/published twice a month)

Perry's Digest of Communication Law

Wilbur Schramm and Lyle Nelson's The Financing of Public Television (Communications and Society, 770 Welch Road, Palo Alto, Cal. 94304, October 1972 -- $2.00, or $1.50 each for six or more, paper)

The Michigan Speech Association's Radio, Television, and Film in the Secondary School (Skokie, Ill.: National Textbook Co., 1972 -- $2.40, paper)  相似文献   


Updating her 2003 article in Reference Services Review (“The Future of Reference: Get Real!” Reference Services Review 3(1), 2003, 39–42, DOI: 10.1108/00907320310460898), the author emphasizes the need to get a good sense of what one's users’ priorities are, concentrating efforts on successful tools researchers will actually use; responding to changes that have taken place in research and scholarship; devising instruction for use in actual environments, spaces, and timeframes; focusing on local user needs; and working to influence user-centered design of library online systems.

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 51, Issue 3, pages 301–308, 2011. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2011.556948.  相似文献   


Organizational performance assessment is a practice-based framework that builds on the synergy between planning and assessment, and results in the discernment of impact and value. It promotes a set of practices that enables the library to effectively integrate planning, strategy, performance, assessment, and organizational development in order to advance the parent institution's mission. This article discusses some foundations of organizational performance assessment, useful practices, and examples from libraries that are “living the future.”

This article originally published in Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 51, Issues 7–8, pages 618–644, 2011. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2011.601267.  相似文献   

Computer History     

EARLY BRITISH COMPUTERS by Simon Lavington (1980, 139 pp.—$9.00, paper).

PROJECT WHIRLWIND: THE HISTORY OF A PIONEER COMPUTER by Kent C. Redmond and Thomas M. Smith (1980, 280 pp.—$25.00).

HERMAN HOLLERITH: FORGOTTEN GIANT OF INFORMATION PROCESSING by Geoffrey D. Austrian (originally published by Columbia University Press in New York: 1982. 418 pp.-819.95).

THE COMPUTER FROM PASCAL TO VON NEUMANN by Herman H. Goldstine (originally published by Princeton University Press in 1972, and also available since 1980 in paperback, 378 pp.—$25.00).

RECKONERS: THE PREHISTORY OF THE DIGITAL COMPUTER, FROM RELAYS TO THE STORED PROGRAM CONCEPT, 1935-1945, by Paul E. Ceruzzi (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1963— $29.95).  相似文献   

Trade and Sell     
Maclaurin's Invention and Inovation in the Radio Industry (1949)

Chase's Sound and Fury (1942)

Codel's, Radio and Its Future (1930)

Cantril and Allports', Psychology of Radio (1935)

Goldsmith and Lescaboura's, This Thing Called Broadcasting (1930)

Hettinger's, Decade of Radio Advertising (1933)

Schubert's The Electric Word (1928)

NBC's The Forth Chime (1944)

Wylie's Clear Channels (1955)

CBS's booklet “Radio's Daytime Serial” (1948)

NHK Studies of Broadcasting for 1963, 1964, and 1966

Dupuy's Television Show Business (1945)  相似文献   

Erik Barnouw's The Image Empires A History of Broadcasting in the United States From 1953 (Oxford University Press, $9.75)

Howard Koch's The Panic Broadcast (Little, Brown & Co., $4.95)

Howard W. Coleman's Caso Studios in Broadcast Management (Hastings House, $4.95)

Joe McGinniss' The Soiling of the President 1963 (Pocket Books, $1.25)

Alexander Kendrick's Prime Time: The Life of Edward R. Murrow (Avon, $1.65)

Nicholas Johnson's How To Talk Back to Your Television Set (Bantam, $1.25)

Herbert C. Kelman and Raphael S. Ezekiel's Cross-National Encounters (Jossoy-Bass (San Fransisco), $10.50)

Victor Gold's The Enemies He Has Made (Arlington House)

Bon Bagdikian's The Information Machine (Harper & Row)

Chester, Garrison, and Willis' Television and Radio (Appleton-Century-Crofts)  相似文献   


This is a second part of a bibliography of books and articles on women in Russia, published in the early 1990s. While the first part dealt with the women's issues of the 1990s, the second part concentrates on the evaluation and re-evaluation of Russian history as related to the woman's question. The emphasis has been on scholarly works.  相似文献   

The New Books     
Raymond Spottiswoode's Focal Encyclopedia of Film and Television: Techniques (Hastings House, $37.50)

Eli L. Levitan's An Alphabetical Guide to Motion Picture, Television, and Videotape Production (McGraw-Hill, $24.50)

Ronald Brown's Telecommunications: The Booming Technology (Doubleday, $5.95)

Peter Hillson's Photography: A Study in Versatility (Doubleday, $6.95)

Dale Minor's The Information War (Hawthorne, $6.95)

Nicholas Johnson's, How to Talk Back to Your Television Set (Atlantic, $5.95)

Allen E. Koenig's Broadcasting and Bargaining (University of Wisconsin Press, $8.00)

Verne Edwards' Journalism in a Free Society (W.C. Brown, $6.95)  相似文献   

Whitney Stine's Mother Goddam: The Story of the Career of Bette Davis (New York: Hawthorne, 1974---$12.95)

Elizabeth: The Life and Career of Elizabeth Taylor (New York: Doubleday, 1974---$10.00)

Marilyn Monroe, My Story (New York: Stein & Day, 1974---$5.95)

Raymond Strait's The Tragic Secret Life of Jayne Mansfield (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1974---$7.95)

Jack Hawkins' Anything for a Quiet Life: An Autobiography (New York: Stein and Day, 1974---$7.95)

Richard Schickel's Harold Lloyd: The Shape of Laughter (Greenwich, Conn.: New York Graphic Society, 1974---$14.50)

Roger Manvell's Chaplin (Boston: Little-Brown, 1974---$6.95)

John McCabe's The Comedy World of Stan Laurel (New York: Doubleday, 1974---$7.95)

Arthur Lennig's The Count: The Life and Films of Bela “Dracula” Lugosi (New York: Putnam, 1974---$10.00)

Donald F. Glut's The Dracula Book (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press)

David Dalton's James Dean: The Mutant King (New York: Straight Arrow Books, 1974---$9.95)

Ray Milland's Wide-Eyed in Babylon: An Autobiography (New York: Morrow, 1974---$7.95)

Warren G. Harris' Gable and Lombard (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974---$7.95)

Anthony Curtis (ed.) The Rise and Fall of the Matinee Idol: Past Dieties of Stage and Screen, Their Roles Their Magic, and Their Worshippers (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974---$9.95)

Sol Chaneles and Albert Wolsky's The Movie Makers (Secaucus, N.J.: Derbibooks, 1974---$19.95)

John Kobal's 50 Super Stars (New York: Bounty Books/Crown, 1974---$9.95, paper)

John Springer and Jack Hamilton's They Had Faces Then: Super Stars, Stars and Starlets of the 1930s (New York: Citadel, 1974---$19.95)

James Robert Parish's Hollywood's Great Love Teams (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974---$14.95)  相似文献   


In 2006, the University of California launched a Cooperative Online Serials Program (CONSER) Funnel. It paved the way for serials catalogers across UC libraries to work with CONSER records in the OCLC WorldCat database. The first funnel dealing with bibliographic records in a decentralized approach in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging's history, it has had significant impact locally and nationally. The UC Davis Library was one of the early participants. Valerie Bross was instrumental in its establishment and implementation. This article presents the view from a participating library's standpoint and complements Valerie's article which was published here in 2010.  相似文献   

Andrew Tudor's Image and Influence: Studies in the Sociology of Film (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975---$17.95)

Paul Weiss' Cinematics (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975---$8.95)

James F. Scott's Film: The Medium and the Maker (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975---$7.95 1 paper)

Douglas Brode's Crossroads to the Cinema (Boston: Holbrook Press, 1975---price not given, paper)

William Kuhns' The Moving Picture Book (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1975---price not given, paper)

Richard M. Blumenberg's Critical Focus: An Introduction to Film (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1975---price not given, paper)

Axel Madsen's The New Hollywood: American Movies in the 70s (New York: Crowell, 1975---$7.95)

George Rehrauer's The Film User's Handbook: A Basic Manual for Managing Library Film Services (New York: Bowker, 1975---$14.95)  相似文献   

Susan E. Meyer's America's Great Illustrators (New York: Harry Abrams, 1978—$35.00)

Donald Walton's A Rockwell Portrait: An Intimate Biography (Kansas City: Sheed, Andrews & McMeel, 1978—$12.95)

William Hillcourt's Norman Rockwell's World of Scouting (New York: Harry Abrams, 1977—$17.95)

Leonard S. Marcus' The American Store Window (New York: Whitney Library of Design/ Watson-Guptill, 1978—$25.00)

J.C. Cooper's An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols (New York: Thames and Hudson, 1978— $14.95)

Cathy Guisewite's The Cathy Chronicles (Kansas City: Sheed, Andrews & McMeel, 1978—$12.95/7.95)

Frank Lohan's Pen and Ink Techniques (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1978—$5.95)

Allen Hurlburt's The Grid: A Modular System for the Design and Production of Newspapers, Magazines, and Books (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978—$16.95)

Edward Booth-Clibborn, ed. European Illustration 78/79 (New York: Hastings House, 1978— $47.50)

Ken Kesey's Sorcercers: A Collection of Fantasy Art (New York: Ballantine, 1978—$7.95, paper)

Rock Art: The Golden Age of Record Album Covers (New York: Ballantine, 1977—$8.95, paper)

David Sandison's Rockvisions: The Art of David Oxtoby (New York: Dutton, 1978—$8.95, paper)

Byron Preiss, ed. The Illustrated Roger Zelazny (New York: Baronet Publishing Co., 1978—$8.95, paper)

Ian Summers, ed. Tomorrow and Beyond: Masterpieces of Science Fiction Art (New York: Workman Publishing Co., 1978—$19.95/9.95)

Jose Pierre's An Illustrated Dictionary of Pop Art (London: Eyre Methuen/Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, 1977—$3.95, paper)

Gene Baro's Graphicstudio U.S.F.: An Experiment in Art and Education (Brooklyn, N.Y.: Brooklyn Museum, 1978—price not given, paper)

Joni K. Miller & Lowry Thompson's The Rubber Stamp Album (New York: Workman Publishing Co., 1978—$12.50/6.95)  相似文献   

Basil Wright's The Long View (New York: Knopf, 1974—$15.00)

Paul Sylbert's Final Cut: The Making and Breaking of Film (New York: Seabury Press, 1974—$7.95)

Gerson Kanin's Hollywood: Stars and Starlets, Tycoons and Flesh-Peddlers, Moviemakers and Moneymakers, Frauds and Geniuses, Hopefuls and Has-Beens, Great Lovers and Sex Symbols (New York: Viking Press, 1974—$8.95)

John Milton Hagen's Holly-Would! (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974—$7.95)

David Madden's Remembering James Agee (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974—$8.95)

Richard Lawton's A world of Movies: 70 Years of Film Art (New York: Delacorte Press, 1974—$19.95)

Bob Willoughby and Richard Schickel's The Platinum Years (New York: Random House, 1974—$25.00)

Stephen H. Scheuer's The Movie Book (New York: Playboy Press with distribution by Simon and Schuster, 1974— $17.95)

Cecil Munsey's Disneyana: Walt Disney Collectibles (New York: Hawthorne, 1974—$19.95)

George Barris and Jack Scagnetti's Cars of the Stars (Jonathan David, Publisher, Middle Village, N.Y. 11379, 1974—$16.95)  相似文献   

Jay Hoffer's Organization and Operation of Broadcast Stations (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., TAB Books, $12.95)

Neil Terrell's The Power Technique of Radio-TV Copywriting (same source, $9.95)

Lincoln Diamant's Television's Classic Commercials: The Golden Years, 1948-1958 (Hastings House, $14.50)

Schools and Cable Television (National Education Association, Division of Educational Technology—Sales Section, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W, Washington D.C. 20036, $2.25)

Television: The Business Behind the Box (Harcourt, Brace Javonovich, $8.95)

Ron Lackmann's Remember Television (Putnam, $7.95)

Don R. Le Duc and Thomas A. McCain's The F.R.C. in Federal Court: A Guide to Original Source Decisions (University of Wisconsin Department of Communication Arts, free on request)

Hal Kanter's Snake in the Grass (Delacorte, $6.95)

The Video Cassette: Looking for a Home (Quantum Science Corporation, $275.00)  相似文献   

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