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陈金海 《职业圈》2014,(30):50-50
思想政治工作是我们党和国家的政治优势。当前,煤炭行业经济运行形势严峻,处在深化改革,转型发展时期。越是在这种情况下,越要加强企业职工思想政治工作。这就要求我们,把思想政治工作作为一项重要工作来抓,克服“两张皮”现象,从实际出发,因势利导,归结起来就是克服一个“难”字、突破一个“情”字、抓住一个“实”字、力求一个“新”字。  相似文献   

汉译佛经文体方面的最大特点是四字格的大量使用,即四字一顿,组成一个大节拍,每个大节拍又以二字为一个小节.这种文体特点已经引起了学者的注意.玄奘是中国四大译经师之一,他的译经有着强烈的追求四字格的倾向.本文运用梵汉对勘方法,将<阿毗达磨俱舍论>梵文原典与玄奘的译本逐句逐词对勘,并在此基础上考察玄奘译经中四言文体的构成方法添字、复陈、省译、互文,以及这几种方法的综合运用.  相似文献   

近年来,井下作业分公司党委以"求实、创新、有特色"为党建工作原则,发挥党组织在企业中的政治核心作用,以国家能源建设为己任,锻造大作为的干部队伍,观念转变上突出一个"同"字,能力建设上追求一个"强"字,干部管理上彰显一个"实"字,着力强化思想政治工作,紧扣企业发展第一要务,在探索中创新,在创新中深化,党建工作生机蓬勃.促进了企业又好又快发展.  相似文献   

土生土长的旧式文人,总有点缩头缩脑的寒酸相,用汪曾祺的话说,就是暖老温贫。这四个字之间本来八杆子打不着边,可让汪老先生排列在一起,就成了绝配,点石成金似地焕发光彩。你一个字一个字读,心头就有一种乡土温暖,仿佛抚摸童年打破的粗瓷陶碗或母亲补过的蓝花被子。  相似文献   

脸黑、手粗、皮皱,风吹、日晒、雨淋; 年年、月月、天天,植树、护林、绿化。 呵,务林人,辛勤耕耘的务林人!劳苦功高的务林人!可歌可敬的务林人! 务林人,一个“务”字伴随一生。一个“务”字包含多少艰辛、苦累、甘甜和欢乐!用一个“务”字形容、刻画、描绘林业工作者,又是多么恰如其分而又生动感人!  相似文献   

有些形声字的声符除了表音功能外,也有表意的作用。本文将以裘锡圭先生的"声符示源功能"为基础,对《汉语大字典》中22个以"皇"为声符的字进行分析,根据语义将从"皇"得声的字系联为一个字族,探究其本义及"皇"声字族中成员之间的语义关系。  相似文献   

邱健是今日中国杂志社的女记者、老记者,1987年60岁时退休。邱健是一个勤奋的记者,十年动乱后写了100多万字的采访稿,其中退休后就写了70多万字。邱健是一个多才多艺的记者,其选题范围、涉猎领域十分广泛。邱  相似文献   

有位书法家对一位用废纸练字的人说:"如果用最好的纸来练,你的字会写得更好."那人很奇怪,问原因,书法家笑而不答,只写了一个"逼"字.那个人顿悟,这是让他惜纸,逼迫自己写好字.  相似文献   

在丰富多彩的中国服饰文化中,鞋履文化是可以自成体系的。对中国鞋履进行文化寻根是一个十分有趣的话题。古人将服饰分为上衣、下衣、足衣三类,“足衣”即鞋袜。古汉语中的“袜”字同“鞋”字一样,形体中也含有“革”字。“革”的本义即鞣过的兽皮。“鞋、袜”二字中均含有“革”字,表明造字之初的那个年代,它们都与皮革有关。其实,最原始  相似文献   

正朱培华说他早年就有一个梦,这个梦可以用四个字来概括,前两个字是快乐,他用音乐来诠释;后两个字是健康,所以他从事了健康产业。这两者又是相互呼应的,快乐必然会带来健康,而健康最终也必然是快乐的。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of noise in various aspects of Jean‐Luc Godard's filmmaking practice. Beginning with an analysis of 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle (1966), it suggests that the loud noise on the soundtrack functions to disrupt the search for meaning in this film that is precisely about knowledge and cognition, providing an image of thought as an unpredictable and uncontrollable process. The influence of 1970s theoretical biology and information theory is analysed in Sauve qui peut (la vie) (1979) which applies Henri Atlan's ‘order from noise’ principle to the composition of shots, the construction of scenes and the development of narrative. Finally Godard's presentation of a complex, deterritorialised capitalist economy is considered in Nouvelle Vague (1990), and it is suggested that Godard's creation of aesthetic events – both through editing and through sound design – implies a different conception of temporality to the sequential logic of financial speculation and risk management.  相似文献   


This paper examines the external bystander’s (un)ethical engagement with the suffering of distant others in the brave new world of the 21st century, where, thanks to the growth of information technologies, we are all daily spectators and bystanders of human atrocity. In a recent turn, humanitarian movements have sought to incite their audiences to action through the use of simulation and new game media – the last few years have seen a surge of ‘serious games’ such as Darfur is Dying and Sim Sweatshop, as well as the creation in online community Second Life of simulated refugee camps and political protests. The paper draws on the post‐modern theories of Jean Baudrillard and Slavoj ?i?ek, as well as the ethical philosophies of Michael Ignatieff, Stanley Cohen and Avishai Margalit, to expose the limitations of this move, arguing that interactivity and public remembering via online simulations are more properly aligned, in the real world, to interpassivity and ethical amnesia than to the forging of an effective ethical community of human beings.  相似文献   

2012年伦敦书展4月16日在伦敦伯爵宫会展中心开幕。伦敦书展,是仅次于德国法兰克福书展的世界第二大国际图书交易会。本届书展上,浙江出版联合集团主办"中国当代儿童插画展暨中国绘本图书展"。浙江少年儿童出版社特地赶制了10种"中国原创绘本系列",  相似文献   

中国传统村落根植于中华民族农耕文明,其价值蕴藏丰富的文化内涵.中国传统村落是世界上规模最大的农耕文明聚落遗产群,是记载古代社会变迁、文化融合的恢弘史诗,是当今世界极其丰富的自然人文旅游资源.中国传统村落发展存在的诸多问题,提出保护中国传统村落需秉持创新发展的理念,以留住乡愁.  相似文献   

左翼新诗是汉语现代化过程的重要收获之一。1928-1937年,近十年的左翼文艺在阶级论和工具论的语言观指导下,对汉语现代化方案提出了新的要求,并以讨论、辨析的方式有组织地进行预设。左翼新诗是其语言观在新诗领域的实践,是汉语现代化的言语行为,但是一次并不成功的汉语现代化实践。  相似文献   

“双语视窗”栏目从2006年开办至今,已经走过了两年的路程,这些由在华外国友人撰写的小文章,以他们在华所见所闻为切入点,生动具体地反映出东西方观念、习俗的异同,也向我们提出了一个个既有趣又值得深思的问题。栏目一再连载得益于读者反馈中的正面回应。 “不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,换一个角度,从外国友人目光的折射中审视一下,更有助于全面地了解我们自身。同时,本栏目采用英汉对照形式,这些原汁原味的英文不仅有助于加深对作者原意的理解,也是一本学习现代英语的鲜活教材。[编者按]  相似文献   

“过大年”,天下华人同享此古老民俗。在浙北地区德清民间还流传着各种生动有趣的年俗,皆以祥瑞纳福为祈愿,寄托民众心中一份淳朴而美好的情愫。  相似文献   

This study explores the factors influencing the dissent behavior and perceptions of workplace freedom of speech among young Chinese professionals who are intra-urban migrants. It attempts to grasp the role of the Chinese household registration system, referred to as Hukou, in migrants’ professional and everyday life. Fourteen interviews were conducted with young, well-educated intra-urban migrants who possessed middle-income jobs but did not possess a Shanghai registration (Hukou). This study reveals that traditional Confucian values are significant in shaping Chinese migrant workers’ expressions of dissent and perceptions of workplace freedom of speech. Findings from this study demonstrate that further attention to professional migrants is warranted to understand their unique position in Chinese society. Internal migration is a global phenomenon particularly prominent in developing countries. This study is an attempt to shed light on internal migrant’s social and organizational life in developing economies.  相似文献   


China's entry into the global networked society has raised considerable debate over what is derived from the development and expansion of information and communication technologies (ICTs). One of the hotly debated issues is Internet copyright piracy, which is critical to the credibility and stability of China's membership to the global networked society. This paper examines Chinese users’ online discussion about Internet software piracy as local resistance to global copyright enforcement exercised through globalization processes. The study uses Mittelman and Chin's (2005) framework of Polanyi's (1957) counter-hegemony and Gramsci's (1971) counter-movements as a heuristic device to conceptualize the resistance points to globalization located within the dominant discourse on intellectual property rights, specifically Internet software piracy, by Chinese Internet users. Gee's (2002) discourse analysis framework is applied to produce seven recurring themes within online postings: cost, convenience, software companies, foreign developed countries, China's development, Chinese culture, and moral dilemma. The analysis on these dominant themes illustrates the cultural models held by Chinese users towards the issues of Internet software piracy: Internet as a public domain, socialist market economy, patriotism, and Chinese culture. These cultural models represent different types of resistance in Mittelman and Chin's (2005) framework. Meanwhile, these resistance positions are integrated under the notion of Chinese nationalism to constitute a complete set of counter-discourses to global software copyright enforcement.  相似文献   

王福和 《文化交流》2014,(12):78-80
1821年,被流放的法国皇帝拿破仑在大西洋的一座小岛上凄然离世.1829年,刚刚以长篇小说《舒昂党人》的成功而步入文坛的法国作家巴尔扎克立下誓言:要用笔完成拿破仑用剑所没有完成的事业!1850年,巴尔扎克撒手人寰.雨果在他的葬礼上所致悼词中满怀深情地指出。  相似文献   

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