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塑造良好的大连城市经济形象有利于提升城市知名度,改善和扩大城市间合作、促进城市经济、社会和生态的协调发展。以纸质媒体、广播电视、网络为代表的大众传媒是塑造城市经济形象的主要渠道。大连本地大众传媒在对大连经济形象塑造上功不可没,但也存在一系列问题。拓展视野、探寻新视角、换位思考、打民生牌、彰显城市精神必将是大众媒体塑造良好大连城市经济形象的成功路径。  相似文献   

十七届五中全会《建议》首次提出“推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业”,《中共安徽省委关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》强调指出:“要加快建设文化强省,大力发展文化产业,推动文化产业成为新的支柱产业。”淮北市作为一个经济欠发达、文化起点低的皖北资源型城市,目前正处于加快城市转型的关键时期,为了“争当皖北崛起排头兵、全面提升城市综合竞争力”,必须创新思路,强化措施,重点打好特色牌、历史牌、精品牌、效益牌,努力使文化产业成为全市的支柱产业。  相似文献   

江苏城市职业学院武进学院、江苏广播电视大学武进学院(简称武进学院),创建于1979年,是一所兼具全日制高等职业教育、成人教育与职业培训的区属高校,是江苏城市职业学院、江苏广播电视大学所属的二级学院,业务上接受省校指导。学院现实行"两牌并存,资源共享,开放办学,多元发展"的方针,依托江苏城市职业学院办好全日制高职教育;依托江苏广播电视大学办好远  相似文献   

公交车站牌是城市文明建设的一个亮点,为此我设计了智能公交车站牌。这种智能公交车站牌不但能美化城市形象,而且方便乘客乘车,尤其是老人、视力不好的人;此外还可以节约能源。  相似文献   

我发现,楼牌指示灯、路灯、交通指挥灯等室外的照明、指示设备,都是耗电大户。这无疑对越来越紧张的电力造成更大的缺口。这学期我学习了不少太阳能电池和光控电路的知识,我很想利用所学的知识,来解决现实生活中电能短缺这一问题。在老师的指导下,我利用了很多课余时间,设计制作了一个太阳能楼牌指示灯。它是一种利用太阳电池板给蓄电池供电,光控电路自动控制开关的灯光装置。将这种装置安装在城市的楼宇,就会达到充分利用太阳能,节约电能,为人们夜晚外出看清楚楼牌号提供便利的目的。这种太阳能楼牌指示灯的电路图如图1,当白天光线比较强的…  相似文献   

李博泓 《文教资料》2011,(17):25-26
路牌作为城市名片,其拼音译写规范有助于帮助发挥指路功能,且具有政治意义。然而,在实地调研中却发现广州市路牌在拼音译写上存在译写错误和有争议的问题,包括地名中专名和通名分写后的大小写问题,路牌通名的划分问题,以及"大马路"的意涵与译写问题。本文以广州市路牌为例,立足于路牌拼音译写规范化,对以上问题作出探究。  相似文献   

太湖明珠有无锡,无锡无珠有滨湖。滨湖,站在新世纪起跑线上,呼应无锡建设特大型城市宏伟目标,响应无锡市委、市政府提出的“打太湖牌、唱运河歌、建山水城”的城市建设新理念,正在加快进行蠡湖新城的开发,滨湖遵循经济、社会、人口、资源和环境相协调的可持续发展战略,转变经济增长方式,调整产业结构和布局,不断完整城市功能,大步迈开城市化推进的步伐,正在努力建设一座经济繁荣、社会文明、生态良好、环境优美的现代化城市。  相似文献   

提起李白故里,没有人不认为它在四川江油。每年那里都举行李白国际文化节,大打旅游文化牌,那座城市无处不流荡着李白气息。现在,李白故里在江油的观点似已为海内外广泛接受,  相似文献   

文化软实力是一个地区或城市提升经济硬实力的内在精神。文章认为,南通欲更"有效性"地开发与强化文化软实力并转化为竞争优势和发展优势,最迫切的是培育文化的生态观念,打好文化名人牌,打造文化精品产业。  相似文献   

南方冶金学院是一所具有44年办学历史的高等学府,她在激烈竞争中坚持打好工科牌、规模牌、质量牌、待遇牌与和谐牌,走出了一条独具特色的办学之路。2002年秋季,该校全日制本科生、研究生首次突破万人规模(1,2300多人),各类在校生近2万人,成为江西为数不多的万人高校之一。  相似文献   

公共场所汉英标识语,犹如一张名片,是一个城市国际化程度、居民整体素质甚至国家对外开放程度的综合体现。随着海南国际旅游岛建设的推进,公共场所汉英标识语日益增多,但翻译不规范等问题也接踵而至。总结翻译中存在的问题,为海南公共场所汉荚标识语规范化建设提出建议,对推进跨文化交际翻译的教学与科研,服务海南国际旅游岛建设,具有一定意义。  相似文献   

从系统的、历史的和现代城市景观设计的观点阐述城市文化在城市建设和设计中的重要性和功能性。以现代城市设计的三大主题(尊重自然、尊重文化、尊重人)为线索,以城市的可持续发展为目标分析文化对城市发展的内涵与外延,把物质文化与精神文化联系在一起,系统分析和阐述文化在城市建设中的重要性和必要性。在兰州第四版城市规划征求意见之际,结合兰州城市发展现状与环境的特点,着重强调文化在城市发展过程中的作用以及城市景观设计中文化的重视与运用。  相似文献   

高校校名是一张文化名片,也是城市公共场所标识体系一部分。多数公共场所标识英文译法地方标准把校名译法进行了规范。对“职业技术学院”译名进行对比研究后,发现对于校名译名存在地方标准、学校译名和教育部高校名单译名之间的差异性。分析这种差异性并反思地方标准的译法后,认为地方标准应与学校、教育管理部门对话,把通名分级泛化翻译,有助于校名翻译的规范使用。  相似文献   

试析桂林旅游“黄金名片”的打造   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从打造和精制桂林旅游的四张黄金名片——安全桂林、山水桂林、文化桂林、国际桂林入手,探讨和分析了桂林旅游的市场现状、发展目标和发展前景中存在的问题,提出了改进的意见和措施,以期桂林早日建设成为现代化国际旅游城市,为广西旅游增添新的亮点和闪光点,从而促进和带动整个广西旅游总体上质的飞跃。  相似文献   

破解难题顺利推进宁波失地农民市民化进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代后期以来,宁波城市化进入了一个新的发展阶段。城市化的迅猛发展使得广大农民的土地被征用,许多农民在身份和职业上转变为了“市民”。但从社会和文化层面来看,户籍的改变并没有带来农民“角色”内涵的完整转型,也没有因此而让农民过上真正的城市文明生活。顺利推进宁波失地农民市民化,不但是一个值得我们深刻反思的理论问题,还是一个关系到宁波全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会的重大现实问题。  相似文献   

This is the report of a five month study, undertaken by Sundridge Park Training Technologies in association with Guildford Educational Services to assess the potential of smart card technology to support learning and the management of learning. The study had two strands—the state of the art of the technology and its potential for supporting, delivering and managing learning. In addition to a study of the literature and extensive discussions with people using smart cards, potential users of smart card and visionaries, the project team developed two illustrative systems using cards to store personal data relating to education and training. The term ‘smart card’ is often used loosely to describe three different types of card, each of which is similar in general shape and size to a traditional credit card. These are: memory cards, laser cards—and true smart cards incorporating a processor and memory. This study has been concerned with memory cards and smart cards. The focus for smart card applications has been predominantly financial: there are relatively few applications in education or training. A notable exception is the large scale project at the University of Bologna which uses smart cards to manage the progress and achievements of a large number of students in the Department of Electronics. The two illustrative systems provided valuable experience of using memory cards and smart cards in quasi‐real education and training applications. They highlighted the problems of limited memory capacities and confirmed the high level of user acceptance reported by other trials. We can expect considerable advances in the technology of both memory cards and smart cards over the next months and years. The memory capacities of both types of cards will increase many‐fold and the unit costs will fall as large quantities of cards are produced for financial applications. Education and training applications will benefit from this expanding market. The major surprise from the study was the level of interest in the work and the enthusiasm expressed by almost all of those who came to hear of it. The general level of awareness of smart card technology was found to be low. However, the requirement for a system which will enable individuals to manage and own their learning on an extended timescale was generally recognised. Some of the possible applications for smart cards and memory cards in education and training had emerged before the official start of the study and it is clear that the technology is potentially pervasive. The project team and those consulted identified a wide range of possible applications both in education and in training. These focussed on assessment, personal course planning and management, identification of relevant learning opportunities, and the ownership of learning. It was felt that, over the next few years, smart cards are very likely to be in common use as credit cards for financial applications. Therefore, their use for education and training should be planned now. The recommendations from the study are that: More detailed studies are needed to find out how smart cards and memory cards could be used by different organisations in a fully operational system; Standards should be established for smart card applications in education and training, similar to those governing financial applications; Applications should be developed after the standards have been established. To be convincing, these should take a case study approach with small pilot studies in a variety of contexts and must follow real needs rather than attempt to drive them; The case studies would then form the basis for a campaign to increase awareness of smart cards and their potential for education and training, together with a programme for building an infrastructure to support the proposed systems. The public sector should fund the task of developing standards and providing interfaces with existing educational systems and projects to demonstrate the feasibility of various applications. Since educational standards have a European dimension, the European Community may be a source of support for work in the area of standards. At the same time, private sector funding should be sought for skill development and career development systems in industry and in education. The Training Agency itself should consider the application of smart card technology to the control and management of the Youth Training Scheme (YTS).  相似文献   

我国刑法第196条第1款第3项规定冒用他人信用卡的构成信用卡诈骗罪,对于冒用信用卡的行为如何界定学界尚无专门讨论,“冒用他人信用卡”包括冒充他人身份和使用他人信用卡的行为,二者必须同时具备.而对于骗取他人信用卡并使用的行为,并不能因为刑法规定“盗窃他人信用卡并使用以盗窃罪定罪处罚”而认定为诈骗罪,应认定为冒用他人信用卡,从而认定为信用卡诈骗罪。  相似文献   

We present a card game suitable for classroom use to provide an interactive and lively experience while studying organometallic reactions, synthesis and catalysis. It is based on a deck of playing cards, and we call it CARS (Catalysis and Reaction Sequences). The object is to arrange a set of random cards served to the player in a correct sequence. The correct sequence is based on the sequence of steps found in the catalytic cycle of a set of reactions. The game is similar to the popular multiplayer card game rummy. We illustrate the game with a set of cards based on the C—C bond forming reactions, but it can be modified by the teacher to suit the topics being taught and could even be converted to a web-based version or a stand-alone study tool operating on a computer.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, school principals (headteachers), sometimes with a sub-committee of the school board of trustees, interview and hire their own teachers. This research examined whether school principals exhibit different styles in recruiting beginning teachers. A small group of principals was interviewed and items reflecting their views were then developed and put on cards. The cards were sorted by people familiar with educational vocabulary to enable category setting using Kirkland and Bimmler's GOPA technique. Seventy-one principals then prioritized the items. A k-means algorithm was used to cluster principals with similar responses. Analysis of the clusters suggests that recruiting styles do exist. General compatibility emerged as being most important. This suggests that having schools appoint their own staff may lead to greater diversity between schools and greater conformity within them.  相似文献   

Trading cards for various sports and a range of other subjects such as architecture, animals, hobbies, and war have been in existence since the late nineteenth century and still enjoy great popularity. Two of the most prominent examples are baseball cards in the U.S. and football cards in Europe. Three strategies for collecting European football trading cards were investigated for two different groups: either a single collector or two collectors joining forces. An activity is proposed in which students use a simulation to compute the factor by which the number of trading cards bought exceeds the number to be collected. This enables them to estimate the expected costs of completing a collection of trading cards. The overall expected costs vary considerably, depending on the strategy used. Savings for a team of two collectors as opposed to a single collector are indicated.  相似文献   

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