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The role of learner autonomy and self‐regulated learning in distance education has received much attention. The application of these concepts impacts course design and, potentially, learner achievement. In the case of distance language learning, course designers must consider not only how to help learners gain communicative competence but also language learner strategies that support success. Although the concepts of autonomy and self‐regulated learning share some similarities, they have been variously defined and applied to distance education. Current research and discussion has not synthesized the ways in which these factors can be more fully utilized to improve distance education. Based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on autonomy and self‐regulation, this article contributes a new model for distance language learning. The model provides guidance for course designers and assists instructors in supporting their students.  相似文献   

How do educators and instructional designers assess the effectiveness of the learning environments they design? One important means of ensuring the effectiveness of instruction in distance and face-to-face settings is through provision of learner support. Increasingly, as learners utilize the World Wide Web for collaborative learning, support systems contribute to the processes of learning and assist the learner in developing competencies and confidence in self-regulated learning and social interaction. Originating in the socio-cultural perspective of Vygotskyan theory, the term scaffolding refers to learning support based on social constructivist models of learning. As the World Wide Web becomes increasingly integrated into the delivery of learning experiences at primary, tertiary and secondary levels, the concept of scaffolding needs to be reconsidered because it is not readily translated into contexts where the teacher is not present, such as in online learning environments. The aim of this paper is to offer a conceptualization of the term scaffolding in distance learning, to provide examples of how learners can be supported in the processes of constructivist inquiry in a range of learning settings, and to offer principles for the design of learning support that can be applied across a range of instructional settings.  相似文献   

Educational Badges are touted as an alternative assessment that can increase learner motivation. We considered two distinct models for educational badges; merit badges and videogame achievements. To begin unpacking the relationship between badges and motivation, we conducted a study using badges within an intelligent-tutor system for teaching applied mathematics to middle-school students. Our findings indicate that badge earning could be driven by learner motivations and that systems with badges could have a positive effect on critical learner motivations. However, badge acquisition patterns were different across learners with different levels of prior knowledge. Different badge types also affected different learners motivation. Additionally, we believe that our findings are compatible with the research finding that extrinsic motivators have a negative influence on learning. The implication for educational badge designers is that they must consider the ability and motivations of learners when choosing what badges to include in their curricula. We believe our findings exist as one piece of the large research base needed to understand educational badges.  相似文献   

英语教学中的任务设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外语教学中任务的主要作用是促进学习者的语言发展,培养语言的运用能力。不仅如此,任务还有助于实现课程目标中有关增进学习情感、学习态度等方面的要求,可以树立学生的自信心,激发他们的学习动机,培养学习策略、沟通策略、批判性思维及创造性,锻炼学生跨文化沟通的意识与能力。而要达到这些目标,就需要从不同的角度考虑教学和评价任务的设计,比如:教学目的,认知策略,学习者和任务设计者(设计过程)。  相似文献   

我国远程开放教育生源复杂,对远程学习者进行分类培养是远程教育的现实需求。然而,当前远程教育教学大都对所有学习者提供完全相同的目标和条件支持,忽略了学习者特征和需求的差异,不利于因材施教及提升远程教育效果。如何为充满差异的远程学习者提供符合学习者特征的、促进学生个性化发展的差异化教学是当前远程开放教育领域的重要研究课题。教学目标对教学过程起着导向作用,其分析与设计是教学工作的起点,差异化的教学目标设计是远程开放教育实施差异化教学的首要工作。教学目标的差异化维度包括目标起点、目标终点、目标容量以及目标程度四个维度;远程学习者的初始水平、学习投入、学习能力是影响教学目标差异化的关键特征。在进行差异化教学目标设计过程中,首先要对教学目标进行精细化分析,然后基于学习者关键特征收集学习者信息,最后在完成二者的基础上,通过设定最低目标以及建立学习者特征与差异化教学目标对应关系的方法来生成差异化的教学目标。  相似文献   

通过对远程开放课程实用卫生统计学教学一体化设计、教学实践、问卷调查、统计分析、考核成绩统计分析等方面的实证研究表明:远程开放课程教学设计要以远程学习者的学习需求为根本,是远程开放学习环境的一体化设计,具有教学过程远程化管理与教学质量远程监控的功能。远程开放课程教学设计的重心要下移,从关注教学内容转变为关注学习情境,进而关注每个学习者的学习需求。  相似文献   

A constructivist learning paradigm emphasises authenticity as a required condition for learning. However, the design of an online learning environment is ultimately separate from learners’ real-life environments, it is inevitably challenging to make online learning authentic. In this article, the author aims to propose an alternative way of conceptualizing online learning and its boundaries, based on a double-layered Community of Practice model as a means to facilitate authentically constructivist online learning. The model conceptualizes online learning as interlinked processes of participation and socialization in multiple communities across online- and offline-“layers” of learners’ lives. The model guides online course designers in expanding the perceived boundaries of the course environments they design to include learners’ offline learning contexts. Instead of having an exclusive focus on providing learners with constructivist learning opportunities within a non-authentic course environment, the model suggests helping learners to engage in more personalized social learning activities situated in their everyday lives. The paper presents data from a series of case studies drawn from the author’s work that has examined students’ learning experiences in different kinds of online courses, unpacking and answering the central question of what authentically constructivist online learning looks like in each case. With a more holistic conceptualization of online learning, which recognizes and supports online learners’ simultaneous presence across internal and external communities, instructional designers may be able to facilitate learners’ more authentically constructivist learning experiences.  相似文献   

Interaction is a recurrent theme in the literature on distance education. Much of the research along these lines is dedicated to reciprocal interpersonal interaction, that is, learner–learner and learner–instructor interaction. But there is far less research interest in learner–content interaction despite its fundamental and critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of the distance learning experience and education more generally. This article reflects on the interrelationship and interplay between learner–content, learner–instructor and learner–learner interactions by drawing on the three-types-of-interaction framework, equivalency theorem and other interaction research literature. It concludes by calling for more effort to be made to understand how distance learners study course materials or content, arguing that distance learning course materials may not be able to cater for distance learners and achieve their intended learning outcomes unless their design and production are informed by empirical research on learner–content interaction.  相似文献   

Learning to be an artist or designer is a complex process of becoming. Much of the early phase of ‘learning to be’ occurs during the time emerging artists and designers are students in university art/design programmes, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Recent research reveals that a critical role in assisting students in their maturing identities as artists and designers is played by artist/designer‐academics teaching in university art and design programmes. By maintaining active art/design practices and drawing from these in their teaching, artist/designer‐academics model professional practice to students. Witnessing and interacting with such modelling is part of the process of students learning the shared discourses, views and practices of the art or design worlds to which they aspire to belong. The modelling of professional practice is critical to an artist or designer's ‘learning to be’ experience because it enables students to access the tacit and nuanced behaviours, languages and cultures that constitute contemporary art or design practice. This article outlines findings from a recent Australian study revealing the role of professional practice modelling in university art/design teaching. It highlights the centrality of professional practice modelling to artist/designer‐academics in their beliefs and approaches to teaching their academic disciplines. In critically exploring the research data and findings this article describes the role that modelling of practice plays and how it comprises a core part of the value that artist/designer‐academic participants contribute to the teaching of art/design education.  相似文献   

远程开放教育最重要的一点就是为学生提供便于自主学习的一切学习资源和学习手段。透过对学习者的学习能力、学习习惯、学习条件、学习环境以及学习者自身的生理、心理特点等的分析,按照分层次把握、按过程设计、按对象实施、按效果落实的原则,构建多种媒体组合的、适合多个层面学习者远程学习的计算机数学课程一体化远程教学体系:教学资源建设(文字教材+网络课程)+教学模式建构+评价体系。  相似文献   

We discuss the development of an instructional design model, WisCom (Wisdom Communities), based on socio‐constructivist and sociocultural learning philosophies and distance education principles for the development of online wisdom communities, and the application and evaluation of the model in an online graduate course in the USA. The WisCom model aims to facilitate transformational learning by fostering the development of a wisdom community, knowledge innovation, and mentoring and learner support in an online learning environment, based on a “Cycle of Inquiry” module design, and a “Spiral of Inquiry” program design. Extending beyond current instructional design practice, WisCom provides both a new model for teaching that builds upon the inherent capacity of networked communication to support the growth and intellectual development of communities of practice, and a new model of learning where learners engage in the process of scholarly inquiry that supports individual and collective learning. Evaluation and research data support the WisCom model's ability to design a learning community engaged in the collaborative construction of knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper discusses procedures for the analysis of instructional strategies incorporated into distance learning materials, especially with regard to the development of the higher order cognitive ability—critical thinking. It examines the function of task analysis as an integral part of the instructional design process, analysing three different approaches available to the instructional designer towards the analysis of tasks required of distance learners. Comparing the learning hierarchy, the concept hierarchy, and the information processing approaches, it was found that the latter was the only one suitable for this current study because of the requirement that critical thinking be linked with domain‐specific knowledge, rather than be learned as an independent ability. Different algorithms for both the student and the designer/analyst are included as part of the information processing approach, and, although these methods are yet to be validated, they seem to offer sufficient promise, while allowing the analyst to make further decisions during the analysis.  相似文献   

远程英语学习者是一个特殊群体,研究他们的学习策略有现实指导意义。问卷调查显示,电大英语专业本科生已经逐渐适应从以教师为中心的教学向自主掌握学习过程的转变,能根据远程学习的特点和规律以及社会环境的变化,发挥自身潜在的优势,较好运用情感、社交、认知、元认知和补偿等学习策略弥补远程学习的不足,有较强学习责任感。调查也表明,要把策略培训作为教学的有机组成部分,有效提高学生运用策略的意识和水平。  相似文献   

根据远程高等教育在"试点"之后的发展变化和学习者在学习需求上表现出的一些新特征,对学习者的学习策略进行了反思,认为满足学习者需要的学习策略就是好的策略。同时认为学习策略重构也是必要的,在具体实践中,其定位原则、方法各不相同,影响的因素包括学习者自身的观念,学习者的学习自主性以及老师的主动性等。  相似文献   

A surge in the proliferation of educational technology tools and models means that postsecondary learners and instructional designers have more options than ever before. Selecting the most appropriate tool for a given learner-centered instructional situation is challenging. The construct of feedback is central to an effective learner-centered instructional design. The present summary of the research on feedback in learner-centered instructional design models provides a rationale for the value of defining the dimensions of a high-quality learner feedback experience. Six dimensions of feedback are proposed; namely, timeliness, frequency, distribution, source, individualization, and content. Key questions posed include whether an analysis of the learner’s feedback experience is a better proxy for measuring the quality in postsecondary online learning than grades, satisfaction, or regular and substantive contact.  相似文献   

本文根据远程开放教育的特点,对电大《数值分析》课程进行新的教学设计,提出对课时大幅减少的面授辅导课,必须对重点问题讲精讲透,对作业逐个精心设计,为学生自主学习提供切实的指导,借以监控学生的学习,最后举例说明通过量化对教学效果进行了评价分析的方法。  相似文献   

参与式学习和网络教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对新学习机会的需求持续增长以及新的信息系统和通讯技术不断涌现,使得在线学习成为了教育实践中的中心话题。我们有必要建立一个框架,使那些有着不同文化、语言背景的远程学生产生有意义参与学习的经验。我们使用新术语“Cybergogy“来描述建立在线参与式学习所采用的策略,描述了为不同背景的远程学生创设认知、社会和情感三方面的学习经验。Cybergogy的核心是参与式学习,在参与式学习中学生自己确立学习目标、探索适当的资源、与其他人进行小组协作并以有意义的方式建构知识。我们所建立的“参与式学习的cybergogy模型“包括三个相互重叠/交叉的域:认知域、情感域和社会域。这一模型综合了当前的思想、观念和理论框架,它们是关于学生参与在线学习的这三个域上的程度和性质的。教师可以利用这一模型来描述每个学习者,然后设计针对每个人的策略,我们称这一过程为“customized engagement“。这样,学生不仅有机会实现自己的学习目标,而且将积极地参与学习过程。  相似文献   

网络教育中,新生入学时所具备的学习技能和期望,对于网络教育机构开展网络教学具有重要的意义。本研究采用问卷调查法,以华南师范大学网络教育学院广州市各学习中心482名新生作为样本,展开调查。根据调查结果分析,作者提出学生学习支持服务和开展网上教学的建议,希望能对网络教育实践工作有所推进。  相似文献   

远程学习环境下学习过程中的人机交互和情感检测是一项重要的课题。在教育代理应用的基础上,对学习者的情感检测模型和检测的整体架构进行设计,通过对教育代理与学习者之间情感信息的提取、分析,完成对学习者的个性学习监控,界定学习者的情感态度、认知状态和学习偏好,在情感检测结果基础上利用自动生成课程工具实现对学习者的个性化学习资源服务,以改善远程学习中的人机交互现状并提高整体学习效果。  相似文献   

将智能导学系统应用于现代远程教育中,系统运用数据挖掘技术对学习者访问网络记录进性分析,提取出学习者的学习过程以及对知识点的掌握情况,从而针对学习者个体评价学习效果、优化学习方案、以及督促和鞭策学习者学习,真正实现个性化智能导学。  相似文献   

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