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This paper reconnects the major texts, Rigoberta Menchú's autobiographical I, Rigoberta Menchú (Menchu & Debray, 1984) and David Stoll's Rigoberta Menchú and the story of all poor Guatemalans (Stoll, 1999) with the historical contexts and continuities in which they have been and are active. Its interest is in examining them in the connections between popular on-the-ground struggles in Guatemala and the textual representations entered into in ideological struggles in North America. The writer does not dissociate herself from the latter. She takes up her position on the progressive side, recognizing Menchú's story, with all its problems, as speaking from native peoples' experiences of repression and struggles in the highlands of Guatemala. Her interest is in how Stoll's text goes to work on Menchú's, in the implicit historicity of his study that is submerged by his claim to an objective empiricism, and in how his "findings" have been progressively attenuated as they pass through media versions to simplified representations and coffee-shop gossip. While Menchú's story and vivid presence had breached the wall of silence constructed against news of the U.S. involvement in repression in Central America, Stoll repairs the breach by destroying her credibility and the credibility of her story.  相似文献   


This paper revisits "the Menchú controversy" by examining the relationship between "truth", politics and fear in the "making of the worlds." The author argue that "Menchú controversy" can teach us a lot about how "truth" involves a politics of containment whereby "others" are contained by the judgment that they have failed the truth at the very moment that they challenge how some "truths" are given or become givens. Such judgments are not simply about reading the testimonios of others as "perjured", but also work to construct others as fearsome and threatening, such that the defence of truth becomes "a matter of life and death." To explore the role of fear in containing others, the author offers a reading of the Menchú controversy alongside the reception given to Sunera Thobani's speech in which she criticizes the United States' "war on terrorism." She shows how Thobani's speech is constructed as an act of terror because it calls into question the very "truths" that have justified the war, by showing that they rely on an ontological distinction between legitimate and illegitimate violence. The paper relates both the Menchú and Thobani cases to broader discourses of fear and anxiety that have circulated since September 11 2001 and argues that fear works to secure "truths" precisely through the narration of crisis or insecurity. Rather than considering fear as coming from within a subject, or as a characteristic of an object, the author suggests that fear works to effect the very boundaries between subjects and others, partly through the feeling that such boundaries have already been threatened by the presence of others. She also shows how fear operates as an affective economy of truth: fear slides between signs and sticks to bodies by constituting them as its objects. In making this argument, she shows how fear sticks to some bodies and not others. For example, the judgment that somebody "could be" a terrorist draws on past and affective associations that stick various signs (such as Muslim, fundamentalist, terrorist) together. At the same time, fear is reproduced precisely by the threat that such bodies "may pass (us) by." Such bodies become constructed as fearsome and as a threat to the very truths that are reified as "life itself." This paper hence shows how truth becomes an affective technique of containment in which the failure to contain is the justification of containment. The author concludes that if truth is a matter of containers and containment - about who or what gets contained to allow certain worlds to become given - then the risk taken by subaltern women, such as Rigoberta Menchú and Sunera Thobani, in speaking out against such truths is the risk of making an-other kind of world.  相似文献   


This article visits the Menchú controversy, extending its critique to anthropologists who act as ventriloquists for Native communities. Anthropology, investing in the "power of culture," too often ignores the "culture of power." The "truth" of Native communities is viewed when the "interests" of anthropologists, along with the discipline's fixation on the subaltern, are dismantled. A more self-reflective ethnography has mutual benefit for both researchers and Indigenous communities.  相似文献   


This article discusses the parameters of the "testimonio" by considering its purpose, the role of the author in the text, and its trustworthiness and generalizability. The author then considers the criticisms that have been lodged against Rigoberta Menchu and discusses the competing truth claims that different individuals have.  相似文献   

1958年确立的“演变”政策是20世纪50年代后期以后美国对东欧的基本政策。美国历届政府都努力推行“演变”政策,以求促使东欧国家脱离苏联阵营,并最终放弃社会主义制度。该政策决定了在冷战时期美国对东欧的政治经济乃至文化等诸多交流都基本具有了“演变”的政治目的。然而,1989年东欧剧变虽然是美国冷战年代历届政府推行“演变”政策所寻求的政治目标,但却不是美国长期实施“演变”政策的直接结果。  相似文献   


This article explores how classist education practices are constituted through education systems and structures and through the habitus of key agents. This school and classroom ethnography focuses on the education practices and habitus of the head teacher of a girls' secondary school, who is also a key agent in the Maltese national education policy community. Though structured through the discourses and institutional practices of the highly selective national system, Ms Sicura's habitus is also a response to the challenges the present conjuncture poses to her. This includes the biographies of her low socio-economic status students and the complex needs they bring to school, as well as the increasingly contradictory demands placed by the decentralisation process of the selective education system. Overwhelmed by these and struggling to offer a valid school experience for her low-achieving students, Ms Sicura responds with a discourse of 'love'. However, this replaces a programme for educational progress. It reproduces the global and national classist education discourses, in which low socio-economic status students are contained by 'care', while middle-class students are offered quality education in competitive market.  相似文献   


In her article "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership," Professor Dillard delineates a set of proposals for the study of educational inequity. Professor Wright in his response, "An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research," comments on Professor Dillard's proposals and furthers her analysis by an integration of the cultural studies literature. The author enjoins this conversation in this article by reviewing the proposals by feminists of Color to further social justice in solidarity with Professor Dillard's analysis. In particular, feminists of Color are examined, expanding the definition of "data" to include artistic production such as poetry, personal reflections, and autobiographical essays. The integration of spirituality as it relates to secular teaching is another innovation proposed by various writers. Feminists of Color have also chosen to construct theory and a political agenda for achieving social justice rather than only engaging in intellectual debates that deconstruct existing paradigms. Professor Dillard is part of a cadre of feminist writers who advocate radical changes in the academy to eradicate educational inequity.  相似文献   


This article provides a broader theoretical and sociohistoricalcontext in which to explore possible interpretations of Rigoberta Menchu's account regarding the atrocities committed against the Mayan people of the Altiplano in Guatemala. By focusing on the larger context, I attempt to bring attention to the need for a better understanding of ethnographic research based not on secondary sources but on first-hand data systematically collected in field-based settings. Such fieldwork requires that we take into consideration the language and culture of the people under study in order to arrive at credible interpretations of their statements.  相似文献   


This essay analyzes a number of issues surrounding the Menchu/Stoll dispute. In locating Stoll's criticism of Rigoberta within a larger referential arena that includes an attack on the North American academic left and an unbridled anti-Marxism, the authors attempt to reveal how Stoll's ideological agenda is functionally compatible with the larger political agenda of the New Right. The authors also attempt to reveal Stoll's distortions of Guatemalan guerrilla history as well as problems with his analysis and collection of the data.  相似文献   


The author argues that economically, politically, and culturally the situation of youth in the U.S. is intolerable and unforgivable. Childhood has been demeaned by popular news media and no longer is regarded by society as the future of democracy. Rather, young people are increasingly isolated, treated with suspicion, and subjected to diminished rights of privacy and personal liberties. Zero-tolerance policies in communities and schools amount to the criminalization of youth, and schools grow more like prisons than institutions of education. The multiple social and political costs of negative perceptions of youth are considered. It is argued that repressive social policies and neglect of children, as evidenced by the growing state of poverty, hunger, and homelessness among America's children, threatens the future of democracy. The author encourages policy reforms and individual and community commitment to policy reforms.  相似文献   

冷战期间,中东地区的石油资源始终是美、苏争夺的焦点。美国在中东的外交政策与其说是为了捍卫国家利益,不如说是保护以洛克菲勒石油跨国公司为代表的几个垄断财团的利益。可以说在中东这一地区,美国的国家利益与洛克菲勒石油跨国公司的利益出现最大程度的重叠,并使美国执行带有“中东特色”的外交政策。文章拟简单阐述,并试图从中找出美国外交政策中的经济学内涵。  相似文献   


This essay frames issues of historical truth, interpretation, and translation in reading I, Rigoberta Manchu in terms of the analysis of qualitative data. Using Walter Benjamin's work on translation and historiography, posited lessons include: to read for difference rather than the same; to focus on what is becoming in the data; to probe the price people pay to tell the truth about themselves; to attend to how stories are told; and to situate interpretation as supplement rather than mimesis, both inadequate and necessary. Such lessons are endorsed toward the goal of what Gayatri Spivak terms a "knowledgeable Eurocentrism" rather than a naive one in first-world dealings with third-world texts.  相似文献   

Out of Silence     

The author examines her uncle's life and death by using narrative and social construction theory to deconstruct both her family's and the socio-cultural stories of mental illness.  相似文献   

This article consists of a case study and policy analysis of a conflict between two federal mandates that arose during the initial implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002 in a southern school system, Richmond County, Georgia. The first part of the article documents the conflict, drawing on primary source documents and interviews with the school superintendent and school board attorney. A U.S. District court judge ruled that the 1972 court order that had mandated county-wide school desegregation was in conflict with No Child Left Behind's public school transfer policy and granted the county a one-year delay so that the school system could study the policy's likely effects. The U.S. Department of Education's response to the judge's ruling instigated a situation that led to a federal-local political disagreement, whose origins and resolution are described. In the article's second section, the author places these events into broader historical perspective, arguing that they reveal how federal policy in elementary and secondary education has shifted during the intervening decades since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act's enactment in 1965. The case highlights the changing federal-district relationship, the equitable implementation of the No Child Left Behind public school choice provision, and the nature of federal authority in education policy, and how it is currently being exercised by the Bush administration.  相似文献   


Using the recent controversy surrounding Elian Gonzalez as a centerpiece, and employing a Marxian critique of United States capitalism and imperialsm as a heuristic device, this essay explores the major contradictions surrounding the position taken by the Miami Mafia with respect to Elian and Cuba's communist regime. In doing so, it criticizes the US media portrayal of the saga surrounding "the miracle child". Paramount in this controversy is the campaign of misinformation directed at creating an erroneous image of life in Cuba grounded in the reactionary and virulently negative critique continually waged against Cuba's postrevolution social project. The authors explore the role played by the "Miami Mafia," the anti-Castro Cuban exile population in the United States, in conjunction with official pro-capitalist, "anticommunist" government and media apparatuses designed to create an environment of defamatory rhetoric against the nation of Cuba. In doing so, the authors bring to the surface contradictions and injustices inherent in both the rhetoric and the reality of US capitalism. In addition, this essay highlights the many achievements of the Cuban socialist project, focusing specifically on education. The authors share a concern about Cuba's recent economic experiment and put forward an argument about why market socialism should not be a viable option.  相似文献   

20世纪末,在美国国内国际事务日益复杂的大背景下,智库蓬勃发展并且在美国外交决策中担任重要角色。这些智库在具有传统智库特征的同时,也有着自身明显的特色,按职能标准将美国智库分为学术智库、游说智库和合同智库三种。由于美国政府决策的各阶段、各层次决策主体特点的不同,智库有针对性地采取诸如组建专业总统竞选团队、"旋转门"效应、利用大众传媒引导和教育公众、利用人脉和专有渠道举行学术会议、发布会以及午餐会、出版刊物、发布报告提供外交思想和政策建议等方式施加影响。智库对美国外交决策施加多种影响是由美国政治制度、政治传统及智库本身特点决定的。美国智库近年来出现了在数量上不断增加、研究议题多样化、工作网络日益国际化及与政府政策联系日益紧密的趋势,这些趋势使得智库研究外交政策的范围更加广泛。可以预见,美国智库在外交决策研究中的重要性和影响力将在今后进一步增强。  相似文献   

The Schooling and Identity of Asian Girls FARZANA SHAIN Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham Books, 2002 160 pp., £15.99 (pbk) ISBN 1-85856181-7 Asian girls are not often the subject of mainstream texts and research on issues such as youth, identities and schooling—so this book makes a welcome addition. Indeed, research on femininities continues to be somewhat eclipsed by the ongoing ‘boys in crisis’ debate, in which the primary focus of academic and policy attention has been directed at boys' ‘underachievement’ and associated social and behavioural problems. Equally, issues of ‘race’, religion and ethnicity have been historically sidelined within mainstream sociological and educational research and therefore The Schooling and Identities of Asian Girls makes for a refreshing change. Despite the relative academic silence regarding Asian identities, recent world events have propelled Asian (but particularly Muslim) identities, into the British media spotlight. Since the high-profile Salman Rushdie controversy of the early 1990s, through to the British and American governments' declaration of the ‘war on terrorism’ after September 11th 2001, Muslim identities and associated issues of citizenship, nationality, belonging and identity are now all hot topics for debate.  相似文献   

The author, reflecting on her Hindu socialization in India and her work in graduate training in diversity issues in the United States (U.S.), discusses reasons why therapists should develop an understanding of Islam. U.S. therapists' potential biases against Muslims may parallel the sociopolitical relations between the U.S. and the Middle East, as well as their religious and cultural differences; critical factors in these biases are discussed. Relevant recommendations are accompanied by training vignettes to provide suggestions for working with Muslim immigrants in the U.S. The author also discusses political events related to Muslim populations, such as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S.; the U.S. War Against Terrorism; and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This discussion is placed within the framework of intractable conflict. Suggestions are given for therapists' resolutions to disaster events, these being framed within existential psychotherapy and an analysis of societal contexts. This information is useful to therapists in any nation that is struggling with increasingly diverse populations and the effects of international relations.  相似文献   

通过调整人民币汇率浮动幅度,从而让人民币对美元适度升值的做法,不仅可以缓解进口价格升高产生的通胀压力,人民币升值后能减轻外债风险,促进对华间接投资,可以兑现对国际社会的承诺,其收获不仅是经济上的,也有政治上和战略上的。  相似文献   

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