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近年来"黄金周"假期旅游人数井喷式增长,国内各大著名旅游景区和热门景点拥挤现象严重。文章从游客角度出发,以主题公园芜湖方特为实证研究对象,运用相关分析、方差分析和回归分析等统计手段,探讨了游客拥挤感知度及其影响因素。研究结果表明:游客拥挤感知度为中等程度,游客背景变量中仅学历与拥挤感知呈显著负相关,性格特质影响因素中仅内向性格对拥挤感知具有影响,满意度因子对拥挤感知产生一定的正面影响。  相似文献   

目前黄金周旅游现象是我国旅游业发展中一种非常重要的现象。黄金周假日旅游蓬勃发展,满足了国民日益增长的旅游需求,促进了旅游业及社会经济的发展,并且已经成为中国经济发展新的增长点。但同时,作为一种"政策经济",在推动旅游业快速发展的同时,又暴露出一系列问题,引起了各方面的强烈关注。本文则主要针对"黄金周"旅游的利与弊进行了较深入的论述,提出应当坚持完善黄金周制度。  相似文献   

采用合理的优化方案安排游客在河流沿岸野营度假。针对不同的旅游天数和每天接待的游客数,分析了露营营地得以充分利用的限制性条件,建立起在一个旅游周期内可接待游客数量和所需游船总数的计算公式;利用组合优化方法为不同的旅游者安排露营地,给出了具有均匀性的最佳推荐方案,并提供了在此基础上调整野营旅行计划的方法。  相似文献   

The ICEM Educational Film Week has, until 1975, always been held in Belgium — it grew up there and it is regarded as the home ground. The 1975 Film Week was held 14–18 April in the Institut für Film und Bild, Grunwald, Munich.  相似文献   

In the last decades theories that emphasise visitors’experience as the key element in the process of meaning‐making have influenced art education in museums considerably. However, there is remarkably little evidence in practice that museums shape their exhibits and educational tools by the actual experiences of visitors. Because museum education is still too much knowledge‐based, people often do not come to understanding or engagement of thinking. This article demonstrates this inconsistency and its consequences based on visitors’conversations during a museum visit while looking at contemporary art. In order to engage visitors into their own thinking and create lasting experiences, the article also investigates Dewey's ideas about experienced‐based education and inquiry learning. The study especially shows that experiences felt as obstacles for interpretation are extremely suitable to stimulate, deepen and improve visitors’engagement in the inquiry cycle.  相似文献   

Affect or emotion for nature can prime environmentally friendly attitudes and behaviors, but for one’s love of nature to grow she must physically experience and communicate about nature with others. This study aimed to identify urban park designs that could increase affect for nature in park visitors by stimulating their desire to communicate about and experience nature. Participants included 33 visitors at four urban parks in a mid-sized US city who were interviewed on location. Social network theory (SNT) served as the methodological framework for interpreting why, how, and with whom visitors’ communicated their nature experiences, as well as the design elements that led to increased love for nature. Analysis of the interviews confirmed findings from similar studies, while contributing new insight to how visitors’ use mobile technology to communicate about nature and build bonds with their social network. The conclusion offers ways for scholars and practitioners to improve urban park design so as to increase visitors’ affect, communication about, and action for nature.  相似文献   

在哈贝马斯交往行为理论的基础上,本文对加拿大大学教师接收国际访问学者的原因和动机、挑战性问题、主要收获以及未来合作建议等问题进行了深入探讨,之后得出结论:他们接收国际访学旨在扩大学术交流范围,但交往过程中存在着语言、文化以及访学自身引起的诸多问题;通过合作,他们极大肯定了访学带来的积极影响并提出接收前要对申请者认真考察等建议。这对中国高校教师接收访学和申请访学都具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Home visit quality was assessed in an Early Head Start program (N = 92 families) using measures developed in collaboration with program staff. Parent ratings were high, indicating “customer satisfaction” with home visiting. Home visitors rated their relationships with parents as having a feeling of partnership and their home visits as typically going well. Researcher observations of home visits were consistent with the program’s theory of change: Home visitors attempted to facilitate parent-child interaction, parents were engaged in home visit activities, home visitors interacted mostly with both parent and child together. Families perceived by staff as improving the most had home visitors observed by researchers as most effective at engaging parents and involving parent and child together. Families seen as “success” cases showed consistently high engagement in home visits; while “nonsuccess” cases showed consistently low home visitor facilitation of parent-child interaction. Through a collaborative partnership, assessments of home visits were used to guide both program improvement and research.  相似文献   

For the general population, sharks have a reputation that does not really fit with their biological and ecological nature. Informal surveys often classify sharks as dangerous, aggressive and/or man-eaters. This apparent common knowledge seems difficult to detach from the conscience of many worldwide zoo visitors, even with the help of shark-focused educational programmes. As so, how can zoos and aquariums contribute to a change in this paradigm? Are the education and conservation strategies effective to the average zoo visitor? In this study, young visitors’ perceptions regarding sharks were assessed with the goal of identifying a valid Learning Progression, thus helping to update and develop different and more effective educational strategies and methodologies. The study took place at Zoomarine, an oceanographic park located in southern Portugal, with visitors aged between 8 and 16. A case study was conducted using a qualitative research approach (drawings and interviews) resulting in a Learning Progression Hypothesis. The proposed Learning Progression is composed of three knowledge levels for the participants’ biological perceptions regarding sharks. The results of this study showed a clear predominance of anthropomorphic and anthropocentric visions, as well as a utilitarian view of sharks and ecosystem, thus conditioning the visitors’ epistemological knowledge.  相似文献   

This research was conducted to understand paraprofessional home visitors’ perceptions of their training in addressing poor mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence, and their actions in working with families in addressing these issues. Five focus groups were conducted with a total of 28 paraprofessional home visitors. Three main themes emerged from qualitative analysis. Home visitors experienced tension between addressing families’ more pressing needs such as housing or utilities and addressing poor mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Home visitors felt that they received extensive training in these risk areas, but that this training focused heavily on knowledge acquisition rather than skill development. Home visitors also desired more guidance in addressing families’ poor mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence concerns—namely, more clarity on the extent to which they should address these issues during visits and more and varied supervision. Home visitors need more training on how to initiate conversations about mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence, including how to transition conversations from other client needs. Home visiting programs must clarify home visitors’ roles in addressing clients’ poor mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence and provide additional and varied supervision to home visitors.  相似文献   

Zoo visitors go to see animals, but are they there to learn? This mixed-methods study examines visitor learning from both zoos’ and visitors’ perspectives using qualitative and quantitative data. Five hundred and forty zoo visitor interviews from nine case studies provide insight into visitor intentions, which indicate that the majority of visitors (72%) arrive at zoos with a learning agenda. Over 170 zoos across 48 countries also report, via an online questionnaire, that the majority of their visitors come to learn. In contrast, however, 28 face-to-face zoo education staff interviewed at the nine case study sites suggests a different conclusion. The study also indicates that zoos appear to determine visitors’ intentions through a number of methods, but are most heavily reliant on informal measures with only 15% of zoos using both formal and informal processes. Juxtaposing these findings suggests that zoos’ reliance on informal measures of visitor intentions appears to provide them with a less than accurate picture of their visitors’ learning agendas.  相似文献   

以红色旅游圣地遵义会址为例,研究了游客在此旅游的满意度。运用主成分分析法对遵义会址的游客满意度进行分析,得出影响遵义会址游客满意度的指标权重,并在此基础上提出了提高游客满意度的针对性对策,包括:创新产品和服务项目,深化景区的红色氛围建设;完善景区的基础设施建设,提高景区可进入性;完善景区解说系统,提高景区服务水平。  相似文献   

This study investigated visitors’ and staff’s perceptions about the communication of science in a traditional natural history museum. The research examined the science-related outcomes for adult visitors and explored visitors’ and staff’s ideas of science and how it is portrayed at the museum. Data were collected by questionnaire and interview from 84 staff and 102 visitors. Both groups held positive views about science, its importance and the need for everyone to understand it. Comparison of visitors’ pretest and posttest scores on the questionnaire revealed some significant changes, several suggesting a change to views about science that were less “scientific.” Most visitors thought that their ideas about science had not changed as a result of their visit, but they were positive about the museum as a place for learning science. Staff held more “scientific” views about the nature of science than did visitors; they recognized the potential of the museum to educate people about science, but felt it needed to be presented as more relevant and accessible, particularly in terms of science as a cultural practice. Neither staff nor visitors perceived that the museum stimulated visitors to think critically about science. While acknowledging that interpreting complex scientific knowledge into exhibits readily understood by lay visitors and displaying controversy are difficult, these challenges must be addressed if visitors are to be encouraged to think about science and the social, cultural and political contexts which shape it. Léonie J. Rennie is professor of science and technology education and Dean, Graduate Studies at Curtin University of Technology in Australia. Her research interests include adults' and children's learning in science and technology and the communication of science in a range of out-of-school contexts. Currently, she is working on research projects relating to integrated curriculum in science, mathematics and technology, and a statewide program to enhance scientific literacy in the community. Gina F. Williams currently is a stay-at–home mother of two and pursuing a master’s degree in science communication from the Australian National University. At the time of the research, she was working as a Research Associate with Léonie J. Rennie at Curtin University of Technology in Australia. Gina was involved in a number of projects with a focus on the communication of science, in particular research into the learning experiences of adults in free- choice learning environments. With a background in science, Gina became interested in the issues involved in communicating science whilst working as an explainer at a science center. Her research interests include the wider community’s engagement with science in their everyday lives, and the development of community-based science projects.  相似文献   

"国际学员周"作为各国军校学员国际交流的一个有效途径,逐渐成为推动各国军队院校友好交往、促进各国军校学员加深了解的得天独厚的平台。在介绍"国际学员周"的由来和我军院校参与及组织情况的基础上,分析了军队院校开展该活动的目标指向和战略意义,并提出了开展该活动需要把握的问题。  相似文献   

心理咨询的良好咨访关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张松 《许昌学院学报》2004,23(6):121-123
良好的咨访关系应该是咨询者与来访者之间相互信任、理解、接纳、卷入的关系。良好咨访关系是咨询取得效果的前提条件。各种学派都是从自己的理论体系出发来理解咨访关系的,当前咨访关系具有折衷主义的趋势。咨访关系不同于一般的人际关系,具有自己显著的职业特点。咨询者的态度是建立良好咨访关系的关键,咨询者注意初次会谈的技巧、接受督导与自我成长、自我沉思与反省等也是建立良好咨访关系的重要条件。  相似文献   

The story which a natural history museum wishes to tell to its self-guided visitors is presented through a number of different components, such as type of exhibit. However, this story from the museum may not be 'read' by visitors, who come with their own knowledge and understanding and read a different story in the animals. Increasingly robotic models are being used in natural history museums, science centres and zoos to attract visitors and tell some kind of story. To what extent are they successful in this and does the quality and context of the animatronics matter? What do the visitors actually talk about when looking at such robotic animals? This article focuses on primary school groups and families. Do they talk about similar things at the same exhibits even though the schools visit for educational purposes and the families visit of their own free choice in their leisure time. Furthermore, within school groups do different sub groups respond in a different way, gauged by the content of their conversations, to similar robotics? This article is a study of the responses of the conversational content of primary school and family groups to two different robotics dinosaur exhibits in the Natural History Museum, London. These verbal responses were analysed through using a systemic network. Results indicate that the animatronics have a simple, well thought out, story line which is 'read' by both the family and school visitors and hence increases their understanding of the topic of the exhibit.  相似文献   


Disneyland is work disguised as play; school disguised as vacation. While Walt Disney’s curriculum deploys across all of its products, it literally engulfs the approximately 50 million ‘guests’ who visit the Disney Parks each year. Drawing on Sarah Ahmed’s phenomenological reading of orientation in Queer phenomenology, this article investigates the ways in which Disney’s didacticism is made material through practices and procedures designed to orient the park’s visitors, to ensure that those visitors always know where they are and who they are, as a means of educating ‘good’ citizens. The argument focuses not on Disneyland’s narrative curriculum but on its corporeal one: visitors are enticed to make affective investments, to construct or reconstruct their identities to comply with the Disney version of the ideal American worker and consumer, as the park attempts to reorient those who resist those roles.  相似文献   

以合肥科技馆为实证案例地,调查了科技馆游客的满意度,通过IPA(重要性-表现性差异)方法分析游客对于科技馆满意度的指标的预期和实际感受的差异,结果显示:游客对于科技馆的展品展项、展项展示形式、场馆的可进入性是比较满意的,科技馆的展品展项较好的满足了游客的需求,展品切合实际;但在管理及服务、基础设施及服务设施、解说系统等方面相对游客的重要性和满意度存在较大的差距.最后得出科技馆发展的优势和劣势.并提出相关建议。为科技馆的建设和管理提供参考.  相似文献   

利用调查及相关统计数据,对南阳旅游客源市场的空间、时间特征及游客特征进行了分析,得出结论为:(1)南阳接待的境外游客在空间上相对分散,市场较为稳定;国内游客主要来自经济发达地区或邻近地区,市场稳定性较差.(2)景区(点)客源淡旺季明显,城市客源相对稳定,国内、国外两个市场总体上都呈快速上升趋势.(3)游客以中、青年为主;男性高于女性,以企业人员、公务员和教师为主;月收入多在500~2000元之间.  相似文献   

以全员育人为导向的高校校园文化建设是培养全面发展高素质创新人才的现实需要,北京化工大学18年坚持开展“院周”活动,使“院周”文化成为高校校园文化发展的有效实践平台。本文以“院周”文化建设为例对以全员育人为导向的校园文化建设模式进行了理论与实践探析。  相似文献   

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