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These are the facts of the problem facing Wisconsin's educational system:
  1. Four hundred and thirty districts (two‐thirds rural) across an area 160 miles wide and 330 miles long.

  2. Fifty thousand educators, very few of whom have had course work in meeting the needs of the gifted.

  3. A state Jaw requiring that the gifted (intellectually, academically, creatively, artistically, and in leadership) be identified and served appropriately.

Problem finding resulted in the need to provide a mix of credit and noncredit learning opportunities at times and in places convenient to teachers. The solution is a blending of new technologies (computers and television) with older technologies (telephone and federal mail) in developing a statewide learning community.  相似文献   


In many countries agriculture is in a process of rapid change,
  • - it has to meet a growing demand for food in a sustainable way,

  • - the international competition is increasing,

  • - the increase in labour productivity is decreasing the employment opportunities in agriculture,

  • - agricultural research is offering many new opportunities to increase productivity,

  • - government price support for agricultural products in industrial countries is decreasing.

These changes have many implications for agricultural extension, such as:
  • - the knowledge and capabilities of farmers has become a major factor in their ability to compete in national and international markets,

  • - advice is not only needed on the adoption of new technologies, but also on many other decisions farmers have to make, such as the choice of their farming system and the decision whether or not to earn an income from outside agriculture,

  • - this requires a change in extension methods and in the information sources extension agents use,

  • - agricultural development demands painful changes in the way of farming and of living for many farm families. It is a challenge for extension agencies to help farm families to realise this,

  • - a major task for leaders of extension organisations is to manage a process of change in agricultural extension. Often the role extension has to play in agricultural development can not be performed by one extension organisation, but only by a pluralistic extension system.

Agricultural extension is often expected to contribute to a reduction of poverty among farmers and farm labourers. One has to think seriously how one can realise this objective.  相似文献   


This paper deals with four aspects of teacher training in educational technology:
  • general information on the education system in Rumania

  • teacher training in the utilization of educational media

  • teacher training with a view to the improvement of teaching‐learning systems

  • teacher training in the new information and communication technologies

In each of these areas of teacher training, the problems and perspectives related to developments of educational technology are considered.  相似文献   

The first part of the article provides a historical account of the broad phases of development that educational television has passed through as a result of social and technological influences:
  • its beginnings in broadcasting in the fifties and sixties;

  • its development through the video age in the seventies and eighties, with widening scope and opportunity as a result of developments in production and reception/recording equipment and an expansion of communication channels;

  • its present potential, at the dawn of the interactive age, as a result of the influences of new technology.

The article then examines the problems of integrating new television‐related technologies into the educational system and draws attention to:

  • the frequent past failures of the educational system to fully exploit new technologies, resulting in superficial integration and ineffectual use;

  • the current tensions between the traditional educational technology approach and the drives behind much new technology;

  • the need for appropriate systems and structures to ensure that the evaluation of such new technologies is properly resourced and effectively carried out.



In order for group analysis to be successful and to achieve the atmosphere which allows student cooperation to flourish, it is essential that adequate physical and financial resources are provided. These can be summarized as follows:
  • (i)Adequate budget to allow for expenditure on models, visual materials, acquisition of background information, etc.

  • (ii)Secretarial staff for typing and administration

  • (iii)Laboratory technicians

  • (iv)Visual aid staff

  • (v)All resources available to the industrialist viz: information library, telephone, typing, stationery, workspace, storage, etc.

  • (vi)The active cooperation of academic and technical staff

  • (vii)Flexibility in timetabling and room allocations

  • (viii)Seminar members who will command the respect of the students and will readily adapt to role playing where necessary

  • (ix)Studio masters who are totally committed to the group analysis method of teaching and are, therefore, willing to allot substantial proportions of their time to student consultation

  • (x)A cooperative administrative staff.

It is not difficult to provide such resources to make a new experience for a considerable number of college administrators and teachers alike.  相似文献   

We give below information based on the final report (February 1976) of the Symposium organized by the Council of Europe's Committee for Higher Education and Research on “The student in distant study systems” (Tübingen, 6‐10 October 1975). The Symposium dealt with such problems as:
  • definition of distant studies

  • the social image of the distant student (society's appreciation, acceptance etc.)

  • the reasons behind the introduction of distant study

  • students’ situation in this form of study

  • planning and organization, of distant study courses

  • functions of distant study courses

  • interaction between tutors and students;

  • construction of study materials for distant study;

  • methods and media;

  • research on and development of distant study.

  • the future programme of the Committee.


The article draws attention to severe faults in the design of the Oxford (1960) enquiry into Arts/Science specialization. Research since then (recently reviewed by Lewis, 1972) has not been unanimous in refuting the hypothesis that the most able pupils are one‐sided in their subject interests.

Evidence is offered on specialization and related issues from recent surveys (1970, ‘71 and ‘72) of the great majority of upper sixth formers in Northumberland. Findings included the following.
  1. Subject choice at Advanced level is largely felt to be freely made rather than enforced.

  2. Attitudes to wider courses are adverse rather than favourable.

  3. High ability pupils are relatively concentrated in specialist courses, particularly the Sciences.

  4. Many specialist pupils have a very wide range of achievement at Ordinary level.

  5. The more able pupils make earlier subject choice decisions than the weaker: Science specialists show earliest decision times.

  6. Subject choice is seen as easy rather than difficult by three‐fifths of the sample pupils, and by three‐quarters of Science specialists.

  7. Science subjects are perceived, by either sex, as more closely interrelated than Arts subjects.

  8. Mathematics is unusual in that it consistently attracts higher rates of dislike than other subjects, though four‐fifths of those taking it would still select it if a choice had to be made again.

  9. Definitions of ‘specialization’ need reconsideration.



The early history of factory inspection in this country shows that:
  • (1) voluntary submission to inspection could not be counted on;

  • (2) local forms of inspection were completely ineffective;

  • (3) a strong central government inspectorate was much more effective but made mistakes in its formative years;

  • (4) the absence of any tradition of schooling and all that went with it added to the great educational responsibilities imposed upon the factory inspector;

  • (5) some influence may be traced in negative and positive ways upon Her Majesty's inspectors of schools.



Implementation of educational integration policy in Israel creates heterogeneous student compositions in the schools. Principals and teachers who, as a result, confront instructional difficulties, and who are ambiguous about this policy and its expected efficacy, press to counter‐balance this heterogeneity by resegregating students within the school in ability‐based classes. In this paper we deal with three inter‐related topics:
  1. the degree of learning segregation within integrated junior high schools in Israel;

  2. several factors which may explain the degree of learning segregation; (3) the effect of learning segregation on academic outcomes: achievement (in reading and science) and subsequent school career (student placement in high school track).

In doing so, we clarify an aspect of the school principal's role and his or her indirect effect on students learning. Principals have a decisive power in the organization of learning frameworks (class structure, ability grouping etc.) within the school. Their ideas and convictions about the efficacy of integration affect the actual practices of class organization in the school. This, in turn, has an effect on learning processes within the class and evetually on students’ academic outcomes, especially on those from the weaker group.  相似文献   


  • A.Drawbacks to attending evening classes

  • (i) In the group of students investigated the main drawback to attending evening classes was item 3 (the rush to get to classes from work).

  • (ii) The main difference among the students was in the importance attached to item 9 (domestic commitments), married students finding it as important as item 3.

  • (iii) Choices made by students in different courses were fairly homogeneous, apart from the domestic courses. This seems to indicate that the factors making for wastage are not functions of the courses taken, so much as of age, sex, marital status, etc.

  • B. Incentives to attending evening classes

  • (i) The main incentive was item 1 (it will be useful in getting a better job).

  • (ii) Items 2 (it will help in getting promotion in my present job) and 3 (it will be of general educational value) were ranked next in importance to item 1.

  • (iii) Responses to the preferred items 1, 2, and 3 were relatively homogeneous when the data were arranged to isolate sex difference, marital status, and age.

  • (iv) All courses except the domestic ones made similar choices in this question.

The great importance of item 3 in question 13 (the rush to get to classes from work) as a disincentive in the group investigated (and in the try-out group) and in the research of Smith and Wilkins, suggest that local arrangements between employers and colleges to give more time between work and classes would attack one of the most accessible, and at the same time most important, causes of wastage.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of personality, ability and school achievement. The findings here were that:
  1. intelligence is the major determinant of school achievement;

  2. bright children tend to come from smaller families than dull children;

  3. relatively unstable children have a better level of school achievement than stable children;

  4. extraversion‐introversion had no effect on school achievement.


At the University of Electro‐Communications instruction is given on fundamental electricity in accordance with the educational principles derived from the philosophy of ‘Zen’. On the technical side, CCTV interphones and other audio‐visual aids are employed. In particular, we have inaugurated a remote instruction method called ‘TV‐Interphone’, abbreviated to T.I. method, through which we give personal guidance to students in the conduct of their experiments. Data from the experiments are fed into a computer which was installed in the laboratory for control processing

Three courses are provided:

  1. 1. Electrical Measurements and Characteristics of Analogue and Digital Circuits.

  2. 2. Electrical Measurements and Characteristics of Advanced Analogue Circuits

  3. 3. Design and Experiment


The study reports the analysis of a mother/child interaction sequence. Its focus is on the mother's teaching strategies. The child was presented with two tasks. The first task was new and not previously experienced by the child; the second task was one that had been experienced. The mother's teaching of the tasks was videotaped and analysed. The material was analysed according to ‘on task’ behaviours. The results indicated that:

  1. (a) both the mother and child were able to maintain a continuous communication sequence;

  2. (b) the mother structured both tasks, but structured the new task more, and allowed some flexibility in the old task;

  3. (c) the language used by the mother was ‘restricted';

  4. (d) in responding to her child's behaviour, the mother made more use of verbal cues and used fewer non‐verbal cues



  • 1.Wastage is a characteristic of all forms of further education, full-time and part-time.

  • 2.Wastage can be defined in more than one way, and the severest definitions obviously include amongst the wastage many students who have benefited from their participation in further education.

  • 3.Failure rates from first to final year in English Universities are at least 10 per cent on the average, to which have to be added the group—some 5 per cent—who withdrew for reasons other than academic failure. This gives an average total wastage of 15 per cent, from first to final year.

  • 4.Even in the relatively superior conditions of university life and teaching, precise prognostication is not possible; therefore, either some failures must be admitted or some who would succeed must be excluded. To eliminate failures altogether would mean applying selection procedures that would exclude large numbers of those who now succeed.

  • 5.Wastage is a product of multiple causation. Hence, there are no simple or sweeping remedies. On the other hand, such success as is achieved remains unknown because it is not recorded and published.

  • 6.Wastage in technical education can be classified into three sorts: natural, built-in and imposed.

  • 7.Natural wastage is largely, if not entirely, irremediable (in the given conditions). It is valuable to identify it, important to estimate its size and sensible to devote to other causes efforts to improve the situation. It seems likely that natural wastage amounts to something like 25 per cent of the entrants to a five year part-time course—although there is no evidence of a convincing kind to support any particular figure.

  • 8.Built-in wastage is a feature of part-time technical courses. It could very easily be much reduced. The place to begin is with craft courses which are not hedged in by so many Rules and such powerful vested interests as are the National Certificates. The steps to take are simple, and are within the competence of Principals and Heads of Department. The examination results now available annually should be used differently; in particular, the results in the ‘noncrucial’ years should not, in general, preclude students from passing on to the next year of the course. Gross built-in wastage on the average five-year course amounts to 70 per cent or so, having allowed an off-set for students who repeat a year.

  • 9.It will be seen that 70 per cent built-in wastage plus 25 per cent natural wastage amounts to 95 per cent wastage over a five-year course. A success rate of 5 per cent in such courses is often exceeded—it may rise to 25 per cent, but a success rate even lower is by no means unknown, though the recording of some such instances by Lady Williams appears to have shocked many of her readers.

  • 10.The advantage of going through a course may be quite real to a student who does not gain a certificate. Presumably this is truer of craft courses than of other courses.

  • 11.Imposed wastage is remediable to some extent, though not perhaps as completely as might be hoped. At present there is much emphasis on selection, and it is most desirable that selection procedures should be improved.

  • 12.Even more important as an antidote to imposed wastage is an improved teaching force: improved in numbers and quality. This is not to say that teaching in technical colleges is bad—far from it. There always have been excellent teachers in technical colleges and their numbers have grown hearteningly since 1945. Nor is it to say that the need is for more graduates or more teachers with second degrees—although such are most welcome. What is needed is greater total numbers of teachers and far more whose main interests are in their pupils, in the difficulties of their pupils, in teaching rather than in scholarship. Senior lecturers promoted to that position because they are good teachers, because they are educationists, are more important to a college than those elevated on the strength of the letters after their names. Both kinds are valuable. Some splendid fellows are themselves of both kinds.

  • 13.In approaching any particular problem of wastage, it is necessary to know, or to estimate, how much is natural, how much built-in, how much imposed. Obviously the built-in wastage figure needs breaking down. It includes the out-and-out duds and slackers, a small number, probably no more than 2 per cent or 3 per cent over a five-year wastage of 70 per cent. It includes also the weak and doubtful who just don't make the grade—perhaps 7 per cent or 8 per cent more. And it includes a fair number affected by imposed wastage in its many forms—perhaps 25 per cent. The breakdown in a five-year wastage of 95 per cent in a part-time course might then take the form:

Where wastage in such a course amounts to 75 per cent of the first-year entrants, and on the assumption that natural wastage is at the same rate in all such courses, the total wastage might be classified as follows:

No validity is claimed for these figures. They are presented to sharpen the idea that an attack on wastage can only be made if it is known what is being attacked. For example on this analysis, in a five-year course with 75 per cent wastage, improved selection could only hope to affect a proportion of the imposed wastage plus the weaklings, i.e. a proportion of 25 per cent of the total wastage of 75 per cent. A somewhat higher proportion of this 25 per cent wastage could probably be prevented by improved teaching.

  • 14.The need for enquiries and research into these problems is acute. Much information is available, and ready for analysis. On the other hand, on some problems nothing at all has been done and no information exists. For instance, no college, so far as is known, has systematically followed up the part-time students of one year who do not enrol for a succeeding year. Such an enquiry, done over one or two typical National Certificate and craft courses might be illuminating.

  • 15.The price paid for a part-time system of education includes a high wastage rate. As long as part-time education goes on, wastage will be very high. As a route to a major qualification—professional or craft—part-time education is a wasteful anachronism; in its purely evening form it should be abolished immediately.



In 1975, the first author became director of a group home for ten delinquent boys. Prior to this time, the home operated on a behaviour‐modification philosophy. But during the first author's directorship, the home operated on the ‘just community’ philosophy stressing moral discussion and participatory democracy in making and enforcing rules and in resolving interpersonal conflicts.

During this ‘just community’ period, residents moved up an average of one‐third of a stage in their reasoning on the Kohlberg moral judgement interview. This advance in stage was comparable to that found in good developmental moral education programmes for non‐delinquent high school youth. Comparison groups of offenders were studied in a secure behaviour modification programme and a secure transaction analysis programme. Insignificant increase in residents’ moral reasoning was found in these programmes.

A moral atmosphere interview was also administered to residents in each of the programmes. The just community programme was perceived as highest on the following dimensions:

  1. 1. Amount of moral discussion and dialogue

  2. 2. Amount of resident power and responsibility for rules and decisions

  3. 3. Amount of concern about fairness of rules and policies

  4. 4. Amount of self‐perceived moral behaviour change

The transaction analysis programme was intermediate between the just community programme and the behaviour modification programme on these dimensions.

Tentative conclusions are advanced with regard to policies for institutionalized youthful offenders.  相似文献   

The Annual Conference of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) entitled “The Changing Conditions within the Universities” was held from 1 to 4 November 1976 in Regina.

The meeting mainly concentrated on the following issues:

  • participation of the AUCC in public policy on higher education and research

  • problems facing the research community in Canada

  • the status of women in universities

An important part of the conference was cax'ried out in the form of workshops which had the following themes:

  • the problems of ahanging growth rates

  • the nature and level of university research

  • international aspects of university operations

  • graduate education

  • the future of the community of scholars

  • the evaluation of performance in the university

  • continuing education

The below article is based on papers presented at the meeting devoted to the international aspects of university operations in Canada.

The traditional role of universities throughout the world has always been to:

  • safeguard and preserve knowledge

  • impart and disseminate knowledge

  • expand the frontiers of knowledge

To this list was recently added a fourth dimension, which, implicitely, has always existed, namely:

  • to contribute to the cultural, social and economic development of society


Eighty‐seven high school students participated in the study in one of four conditions:
  1. 1. Visual Organiser/Cooperative Learning

  2. 2. Cooperative Learning only

  3. 3. Visual Organiser only

  4. 4. Teacher‐Directed

Students were taught how to use mole maps to assist them in solving single‐quantity and multiple‐quantity mole problems. A mole problem involves converting quantities of chemicals to moles, a unit of measurement used in Chemistry. Students took tests immediately after instruction and then took mid‐term examinations that included mole problems. Repeated measures analyses with post‐instruction test scores and the mid‐term scores for single and multiple‐quantity mole problems showed that student performance was significantly better immediately after instruction for both kinds of problems. Students who used visual organisers and cooperative learning outperformed students who experienced teacher‐directed instruction on single‐quantity mole problems and also on the immediate post‐instruction test of multiple‐quantity mole problems. Cooperative learning resulted in less decay in performance over time.  相似文献   


The focus in this article is not on the state‐university relationship itself but,
  • (a) on the contribution which the way in which the university is governed makes to the political socialisation of its members to the values of a liberal democracy, and

  • (b) on the extent, if at all, to which that contribution has been eroded in recent years in Britain and West Germany.

  • It is assumed that universities are agencies of political socialisation and that because they educate future elites they are particularly important ones. The further assumption is made that the character of the university's internal and external governance constitutes an important part of such political socialisation.

  • The main changes in the governing arrangements of West German universities, introduced over the last 15 years, as part of university reform, and of British universities, brought about in more recent years by financial retrenchment, are briefly investigated and their significance for the university as an agency of liberal democratic political socialisation suggested.

  • Two main conclusions are reached. First, that no lasting structural change has so far been done to university autonomy in Britain, despite clear threats to that autonomy, or to the capacity of the universities in Britain to act as effective agencies of political socialisation in a liberal democracy. Secondly, the historical ambivalence in the structure of the German university between academic freedom à l'allemande and regulation by the state remains, despite some changes, essentially intact and inhibits the West German university's value as an agency of liberal‐democratic political socialisation.


The Annual Conference of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) entitled “The Changing Conditions within the Universities” was held from 1 to 4 November 1976 in Regina.

The meeting mainly concentrated on the following issues:

  • participation of the AUCC in public policy on higher education and research;

  • problems facing the research community in Canada;

  • the status of women in universities;

An important part of the conference was carried out in the form of workshops which had the following themes: ‐ the problems of changing growth rates;

  • the nature and level of university research;

  • international aspects of university operations;

  • graduate education;

  • the future of the community of scholars;

  • the evaluation of performance in the university;

  • continuing education.

The below article is based on papers presented at the meeting devoted to the international aspects of university operations in Canada.  相似文献   

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