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英语有个词组“In Your Face”,大意是极尽外露、并无忌惮的表情和体态。现在的新生代之王纳达尔即是这样一个典型。球场上,兴奋,得意,沮丧的心理都淋漓尽致地从他的表情、眼神和身体动作中宣泄出来。如同人们容忍莎拉波娃的高分贝喊叫一样, 观众和媒体对纳达尔的少年张狂也多应以赞叹、掌声和青睐。人们总是怀着惊喜与期待欣赏teenager(13-19岁的人)的特异和冲动,不过对这种直接刺激对手的In Your Face的宽容却并非人人适用。休伊特“come on”的喊叫已成为令不少球员和观众生厌的东西。今年的温布尔顿,我们可以看到他的表情,甚至对裁判的质疑  相似文献   

严寒、酷暑、抑或雨雪侵袭,哪一种阻碍了你迈开脚步?低温、汗水、再或闷热潮湿,又是哪一个挑战着你的运动意志?为了更好地帮助运动者应对环境、气候以及运动过程中突发的各种考验,李宁品牌在本季重磅整合推出了李宁AT服装科技平台。  相似文献   


The Black Forest is considered to be the cradle of skiing in Germany. In 2016, the 125th anniversary of the beginning of skiing in the Black Forest is being celebrated. Over the decades, skiing developed into a very popular sport for men and women in Germany and spread to the Alps. Presently, the German Ski Federation (Deutscher Skiverband, DSV) has over 500,000 members, about 40% being women. This paper will concentrate on the first decades of women’s skiing in the Black Forest until the First World War. To present a wider picture, in some sections, it will be necessary to relate to other parts of Germany. A special focus will be put on competitive skiing, skiing as a social event and the discourse about women’s ski clothes.  相似文献   

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