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中国城市里涌现的"民工潮"现象是流动着的"农民工"群体关于生存方式选择的权宜之计,也关系着整个中国的发展命运。随父母迁移的流动儿童在社会融入进程中"边缘化"的困境引起了众多研究者的关注。通过对Y市弱势家庭流动儿童小洁在流入城市生活的全貌展开质化研究,分析探讨了流动儿童社会融入中面临的一系列困境:弱势的家庭环境、城市社交的拒斥和代际传递的局限等。  相似文献   

Live-in home care provided to older adults blurs the boundaries between private and professional, personal and public matters, and working hours versus off-duty time. As a result, live-in home care workers are at risk for exploitation. The present study examines the extent to which older adults, family members, and migrant live-in care workers are familiar with the rights of migrant live-in care workers. A random stratified sample of adults over the age of 70 who receive home care services was conducted. Overall, 338 migrant live-in care workers, 224 older adults, and 442 family members were interviewed and asked about their knowledge regarding 10 basic migrant live-in workers’ rights. Moderate levels of knowledge regarding migrant live-in care workers’ rights were found. On average, older adults were aware of 4.22 workers’ rights (out of a possible number of 10 rights), whereas family members and migrant live-in care workers were aware of 7.77 and 7.34 rights, respectively. No more than 4% of older adults, 18% of family members, and 10% of migrant live-in care workers were aware of all 10 workers’ rights. It seems that whereas some rights regarding social benefits were well acknowledged, core issues related to the job and to the status of migrant care workers remain unclear. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

文章以四川省6个行政村的204位返乡农民工为例,通过问卷调查和实地访谈发现,驱动农民工主动返乡创业的因素包括思乡情结、个人成就动机、国家政策和其他创业者的示范作用;迫使农民工被动返乡创业的因素有家庭照料压力、务工地经济发展状况和对城市工作与生活的不适;阻碍农民工返乡创业的主要因素有社会资本对比性损耗、创业环境不佳、市场信息获取渠道不畅通和自身风险承受能力弱等因素。最后,针对以上分析为推动农民工返乡创业提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

劳动力转移中流动儿童的社会融入状况日益受到关注。对天津市两所外来务工人员子女较多的学校进行调查,从居住状况、学习成绩、同辈群体、家庭关系、对城市的适应度等方面,来考察他们对城市的生活、结构、心理等方面的融入情况。在此基础上,从不同角度提出流动儿童城市社会融入政策的发展方向及具体政策的关注点。  相似文献   

珠三角地区反复出现的人口、就业剧烈波动和大规模农民工返乡潮,使得“民工荒”问题雪上加霜。尤其在城镇化、工业化、市场化进程加速以及政府最近几年大力实施惠农政策的刺激下,大量农民工返乡或者就近择业,致使来广东择业的流动人口出现较大波动,对广东劳动力市场稳定性带来深刻的影响和冲击。分析劳动力变化趋势特征,研究劳动力供求变化对于广东产业转型升级的直接性影响,并探讨广东省的应对政策。  相似文献   

21世纪初,国内移民的最新趋势和最深刻变化在于由个体化移民到家庭化移民的转变,家庭化移民带来了生活需求的多样化、生活面向的转换及迁出地的家庭危机等。结合景天魁先生的“底线公平”概念,在城市化为主导的现代化发展战略下,中国移民家庭的社会福利支持体系应以最低生活保障、基本医疗卫生和公共基础教育为主要内容,进行政策设计。  相似文献   

金融危机下大量农民工返乡,创业成为许多返乡农民工的就业选择。针对保定市278名返乡青年农民工的调查显示,缺乏政府政策扶持、相关手续繁琐、创业资金不足、缺乏社会资本、信心不足、缺乏理性选择创业项目、创业综合素质较低等主客观因素是制约返乡青年农民工创业的主要障碍。解决返乡青年农民工创业难应从多元化社会支持政策入手,即政府应该提供财税优惠及培训服务,金融机构应进行资金服务创新,新闻媒体加强舆论宣传引导与监督,社会团体发挥合作与补充作用,社会工作者提升其综合素质来共同为返乡农民工提供创业支持。  相似文献   


This article considers the growth of ‘family literacy programmes’ in the UK and the implications this has for the relationship between the home and the school. We argue that most programmes are informed by a view of educational deficit, itself influenced by a marketised view of education which regards families as consumers’ of education. We contend that this ‘family’ is constructed in a way that privileges the patriarchal, nuclear, middle‐class family and makes a clear distinction between the public and the private sphere. This leads, we suggest, to a model of family literacy which imposes school‐based literacies on subordinated cultures and non‐nuclear families in ways that are culturally reproductive. We discuss an alternative, culturally productive, approach which focuses on home‐based literacies in ways which genuinely reflect the lived experiences of children and their families. Only in these types of programmes, we argue, will the values and practices of the home and community environment affect schooling in ways which give all families, however constructed, a genuine ‘voice’ in their children's education.  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略的实施为返乡创业农民工培育成新型职业农民带来了机遇。国家政策的扶持以及返乡创业农民工自身的优势,使返乡创业农民工成为乡村振兴的重要力量。但在将返乡创业农民工培育成新型职业农民的过程中面临融资渠道不畅,贷款难度大和政策支持力度不够等外部环境以及返乡创业农民工自身人力资本偏低、新型职业农民认同度低、职业培训效果不佳等方面的挑战。为了推动乡村振兴战略的顺利实施,需要吸引更多高素质农民工返乡创业,壮大新型职业农民队伍,而这需要构建有合适的软硬环境、横纵向贯通的全程教育培训、配套和专项资金、系列支农惠农政策和完善健全法律的社会支持体系。  相似文献   


This article considers the relationships between children, parents and the state in the context of changing global, social and family structures and policy developments, providing a case study of New Labour policies in Britain. It first considers the changing ideological discourses about families, parents, especially lone mothers, children, 'home' and 'work'. Secondly, it reviews the evidence about the changing socio-economic context and for what has been termed the fragmenting family. Thirdly, it provides an analysis of the New Labour government's approach to education, welfare and family policies, including the national child care strategy and supporting families consultation document. It sets this analysis in the context of changing political discourses and from a feminist perspective, arguing that the policies are not 'joined up' but fragmented and diverse, deriving from a variety of sources and targeted on a number of different groups. Thus it is difficult to argue that there is but one modernisation project or 'third way' being espoused by New Labour. However, the underlying theme of all the policy developments is economic and oriented to work. This involves a rebalancing of home and work and the involvement of parents, especially mothers, in work rather than education or child care. The measures taken to achieve this have been both coercive and controlling and involve new methods of surveillance and regulation through standards. Whilst New Labour has developed a new direction for families in balancing home and work, this is fragmented and diverse and covers a variety of policies from education - early childhood through to lifelong learning - and social services, to fiscal measures, to health and welfare and finally involving the Home Office in new parenting initiatives. The balancing of home and work has become the central business of government in its various and diverse activities.  相似文献   

劳动力转移中流动儿童的社会融入状况日益受到关注.对天津市两所外来务工人员子女较多的学校进行调查,从居住状况、学习成绩、同辈群体、家庭关系、对城市的适应度等方面,来考察他们对城市的生活、结构、心理等方面的融入情况.在此基础上,从不同角度提出流动儿童城市社会融入政策的发展方向及具体政策的关注点.  相似文献   

Although cases of child abuse among migrant families are often reported by social media, the issue of child maltreatment among migrant families in China has received little empirical attention. This study investigated both the prevalence of child maltreatment by parents among migrant families, and the individual, family and community-level risk factors associated with child abuse in this context. A survey was conducted with 667 migrant and 496 local adolescents in Shenzhen, South China, with a stratified two-stage cluster sampling design. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare the prevalence of maltreatment between migrant and local adolescents, and also to explore risk factors associated with the psychological and physical maltreatment in both groups. The results showed that parent-to-child abuse was more prevalent among migrant than local adolescents, with migrant adolescents 1.490 and 1.425 times more likely to be psychologically and physically abused by their parents than their local counterparts. Low academic performance, delinquent behavior, family economic adversity and low parent attachment put migrant adolescents at increased risk of both psychological and physical maltreatment, and neighborhood disorganization was significantly related to psychological aggression among migrant adolescents. The findings confirm that child abuse perpetuated by parents is a serious problem in Mainland China, especially among migrant families, and implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Current government policy, which calls for closer working relationships with families, together with the escalation of globalised communities places mounting pressure on teachers to take account of increasingly diverse family values, traditions and parenting styles. Considering the disproportionate number of minority ethnic children facing educational underachievement in the UK, one could argue practitioners take up this challenge. In view of increased European migration, this paper considers factors which remain the key to enabling migrant worker parents to establish and sustain effective links with their child’s school. After decades of research and government reports, how far we have come to ensuring that all families are enabled to become involved in their children’s schooling? The findings, which stem from a broader qualitative study, are largely presented through three collective vignettes which represent the voices, and different experiences, encountered by nine migrant worker parents. Factors identified as having significance to home–school relations include language barriers, issues associated with changing family structures, and community relations.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the underexplored area of othering of migrant academics within their teaching context. Nine personal narratives of migrant academics’ teaching were analysed qualitatively for indications of pedagogical othering. Migrant academics indicated the need to align their own pedagogic values and practices with that of their host institutions they work in as they felt their own values and practices were considered less desirable. We argue, from a Gramsci’s hegemonic perspective, that the pedagogic adaptation by migrant academics aimed at improving student learning is not problematic in itself, but more problematic is the inequality of opportunity for migrant academics to contribute to pedagogical decisions which can meaningfully influence the departmental culture. Lack of pedagogic democracy where the ‘home’ academic environment has a monopoly of knowledge and a hegemonic position regarding learning and teaching can compromise the student-learning experience by limiting articulation of alternative pedagogical perspectives by the migrant international academics.  相似文献   

农民工城市生活状态的政治经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于种种原因,农民工进入城市是一个"有流动无迁移"的过程。这个过程对农民工的城市生活状态有深刻的影响。在城市,农民工不能完整实现劳动力的再生产,不能顺利融入城市社会,不能完成城市家庭的资本积累,这对中国的城市化进程是一个巨大的障碍。所以,需要从可持续发展的角度,制定相应的社会政策。  相似文献   

"弱势群体子女在中小学阶段的心理问题与教育策略"课题组运用SCL-90自觉症状量表进行测量和调查,发现农民工子女中女生的心理问题更加突出;学生年级越高,心理问题越严重;"留守儿童"和"漂泊子女"呈现出不同的心理问题。农民工子女心理问题产生的原因是家庭经济贫困、家长文化水平低、农民工子女认知存在缺陷等。解决农民工子女的心理问题,要改革户籍制度,营造农民工子女受教育公平的环境,同时要对农民工进行培训,使其树立正确的教育观,另外,农民工子女自身也要有正确的认知观。  相似文献   

新生代农民工培训不仅有利于个体的生存和发展,而且还关乎经济发展和社会的稳定。然而新生代农民工培训工作中存在的政府政策执行力缺乏、培训机构管理制度不健全、企业对培训的积极性认识不充分、新生代农民工学习时间无法保障等问题,阻碍了新生代农民工培训工作的有序发展。针对上述问题,本文分析了新生代农民工的培训现状并提出了相应对策,以期实现培训效益的最大化。  相似文献   

改革开放以来农民工政策演变特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工政策是为了解决农民工的生存和发展问题而制定的一系列相关政策,有一个产生、发展和消亡的演变过程,农民工政策演变的过程中伴随着有政策价值取向、政策目标、政策主体、政策实施、政策评价、政策调整和政策监督等的变化,通过对我国农民工政策的演变分析,把握演变特点,对预测我国农民工政策的重点有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

进城务工人员的“家庭式流动”数量日益增多,对其城市适应性进行研究具有重要的社会意义。从对昆明市280户进城务工人员家庭的研究结果来看,进城务工人员家庭在经济、社会和心理三个层面的城市适应总体上还处于一个较低水平,存在着诸多制度性和非制度性的阻碍因素,需要从国家、城市、进城务工人员三方面入手,提高进城务工人员家庭的城市适应性水平。  相似文献   

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