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While numerous publications signal the merits of collaborative research, few studies provide interpretive analyses of collaborative‐research practices or collaborative relationships. Through this multiple case study design of collaborative‐research teams, the authors attempt to provide such an analysis by focusing on the collaborative‐research experiences of seven qualitative researchers from two contrasting research teams in Australia and North America. They highlight how solidarity emerged from successful interactions between interdependent members, and how these were both professionally and personally rewarding for individuals and the teams. As well, they identify the opportunities for solidarity afforded to researchers from vertical collaborations (i.e. collaborations involving differential status between team members) that featured evolving and transforming mentoring relationships through the history of the research projects. They propose that solidarity can be stratified within large research teams through sub‐units like dyads. Finally, they suggest that collaborating researchers might benefit from reviewing case studies of collaborative relationships, and engaging in mutual interrogation and subsequent individual reflections of their articulated collaborative practices and relationships.  相似文献   

Data from written correspondence and conversations gathered from the authors'study on knowledge construction was used to examine the process of interpretation, or how researchers construct ‘knowledge about knowledge construction.’ The notion of ‘working in the interpretive zone’ was used to conceptualize interpretation among researchers as a collaborative act. Specifically, the authors discuss how intellectual, social, interpersonal, and dispositional aspects of their collaboration shaped their understandings about the process and outcomes of the study, the research methodology, and the theoretical insights that emerged from the study.  相似文献   


Inclusion settings for young children with mild to moderate educational needs are becoming the norm. Development of collaborative intervention teams has become essential to effective inclusion. Models of collaborative team development have described multiple aspects of team developmental stages (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977; Lowe & Herranen, 1982). What may be missing in these professional models is the understanding of intrinsic personal qualities that may support or inhibit team development. The model proposed in this reflection advocates a combination of professional and personal commitment models of team development. The authors also explore the benefits of critical reflection about team processes and the value of developing collaborative preservice preparation programs and collaborative intervention models at the preschool and primary levels.  相似文献   


Researchers engaged in qualitative inquiry are becoming increasingly reflective about the ethical considerations inherent within their research questions, interpretive processes, and relationships with participants. This article describes a researcher's process of negotiating reciprocity with two teachers by collaborating with them in teaching urban special education classes. The author explains how this "collaboration in labor" grew from a feminist ethic of care and sense of responsibility toward the immediate needs of participants. Such a collaborative approach helped narrow the power gaps that can emerge between researcher and participants. In addition, the author felt that it contributed to establishing trust between the participants and the researcher, to greater mutuality in the interpretation of findings, and toward increased student academic achievement in the classes studied.  相似文献   


Many researchers report that teachers' pedagogies often reflect non-constructivist referents, however less research reports on means of assisting teachers to become more constructivistly oriented. This paper reports on a teacher's changing perceptions during collaborative, two-year interpretive research involving two researchers, herself, and her students. The researchers collaborated with the teacher to promote students' theory-evidence coordination and use of word explanations, with an emphasis on developing and critiquing chemical equilibrium theory using experimental data. As the collaboration proceeded the teacher's beliefs and practice became increasingly focussed on students' reasoning and their discussion of ideas related to experimental data. The teacher reported benefits for herself and for her students as a consequence of this change. Key factors in relation to this change included researchers' modelling of target practices, and changes in the teacher's (a) perception of her students' abilities, (b) beliefs in relation to constructivism, and (c) understanding of chemistry concepts.  相似文献   


In this article, the authors describe and discuss applications of the Group-Level Assessment/Understanding (GLA/GLU) process, an innovative participatory action research methodology. The authors first describe the GLA/GLU application in the Mandel Teacher Educator Institute (MTEI) and the creation of an MTEI interpretive community to deeply analyze the collected data. The authors then describe adaptations of the process in their home communities to address community-identified dilemmas, tensions, and problems. The article concludes with reflections on common themes that emerged in the GLA/GLU applications–shared power, risk-taking, and methodological innovation.  相似文献   


The article and the following discussion were prompted after the authors’ participation in a recent qualitative research conference. In the article, a Black woman and Latina scholar share their experiences and reflections as scholar researchers. As a point of entry, they discuss how even qualitative research communities can be marginalizing spaces for scholars of color. Using theoretical perspectives of feminists of color, the authors provide snapshots into their personal dialogue around issues of research, theory, and practice. By examining their own personal and professional shared stories of coming to their scholarly identities, qualitative researchers will be able to better understand how women scholars of color grapple with and embrace a multiple consciousness to navigate academia and research communities. Based on these intellectual struggles and forms of resistance, the authors put forth suggestions for qualitative research theory and practice. The article has implications for qualitative research, higher education, and feminist theory.  相似文献   

The two‐stranded spiral shown in Figure 1 represents two aspects of the authors’ journey in becoming critical. The journey, conveyed through discussion, reflexive accounts and illustrations of particular and summary achievements, shows how Carr and Kemmis’s work has influenced the authors as action researchers, both individually and together, in nursing, over 16 years. The first strand unfurls their journey as they learned to develop their philosophical and theoretical understandings of action research as collaborative, emancipatory and transformational. They show how they now use innovative and creative methodologies to transform practice and, simultaneously, develop critical practice theory that draw on assumptions from different worldviews in the same study. Their second strand is concerned with the creation of critical communities of healthcare practitioners who undertake action research to transform themselves, practices and organisations. This strand shares the practicalities of an action research team genuinely involving stakeholders in the collaborative, democratic design of projects, their implementation and evaluation. Both strands are concerned with preparing practitioners as researchers of their own practice and with human flourishing as both the end and means of action research. Seven insights are presented.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):129-135

A collaborative research project. which was offered as an alternative to traditional undergraduate independent study courses, is discussed. The authors describe the characteristics of traditional independent study courses and how collaborative research efforts differ from them. Such projects provide an in-depth exposure to the topic under study, produce outcomes of a scholarly paper or presentation at a professional meeting, and facilitate authentic interactions between student and teacher. Specific guidelines for establishing a collaborative research project are provided. The authors, a college faculty member and an undergraduate student, outline the benefits of collaborative projects and specific lessons learned from their experiences executing a project.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to explore the tensions that erupted between the two authors during the final stages of their engagement with the practical argument process. These tensions arose when the 'researcher' constructed a representation of 'the teacher's' reality. In this paper, the researcher shares her representation and the teacher responds to her analysis. The teacher's response to the researcher's representation of her and her teaching suggests tensions arose between the teacher and the researcher over how the researcher constructed the teacher's practical argument. As the teacher and the researchers, we analyze our experiences with the practical argument process and our collaborative relationship. The result is an enlarged view of the place of story and practical argument within research collaborations. In addition, we learned the necessity of continuing dialog between researcher and teacher through the writing of the project. This ensures that, regardless of the research method, both collaborators are heard and their tales are told in the public representation.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

There are signs that teams are becoming more popular in ethnographic research. New technology and, in the UK, the Research Assessment Exercise have facilitated the establishment and continuance of teams. In this paper, the authors discuss their experiences in one particular research team in recent years. Securing adequate funding has been the essential structural prerequisite. The authors distinguish among project, federated, and whole teams, depending on function and level of analysis. They consider team structure, approach, business, and processes, and the relationship between individual and team. Teamwork has enabled a wider and deeper coverage of work, a broader comparative base, and multiple researcher triangulation. The team provides a forum for the discussion of ethical issues, an immediate supportive reference group. It has opened up horizons, and promoted individual change and development. It has aided analysis and writing, and promoted clearer and more robust arguments. The article concludes with some caveats.  相似文献   


This paper details a collaborative action research enquiry undertaken while both authors worked at the University of Glasgow. It explores the use of class debates as a teaching method in an International Management Honours course as the framing context for developing students' capacity to assess their own and each other's learning through the debates. In addition, issues of assessment for grading purposes are signalled and explored with the students. The collaborating partners in the study were a Management Studies lecturer and a Higher Education Studies lecturer, who worked together on the framework for the debates, reflected on the unfolding process together, and collected and analysed evidence. This case suggests that the debates enabled students to develop a critical view of the topics under discussion and to acquire a number of 'transferable skills', for example, team work. On peer grading, students were ambivalent. While self-and peer assessment appears to work well for formative purposes, summative peer assessment may not be welcomed by students.  相似文献   


Although much of the contemporary discourse on collaborative teaching is positive, there is a dearth of information about and research on the practical issues of undertaking such an endeavor at the university level. The authors of this article team taught a course that combined three educational methods classes (Instruction in Elementary Language Arts, Instruction in Elementary Reading, and Instruction in Elementary Social Studies). This undertaking evoked positive experiences for the instructors and students but also evinced areas that caused conflict and concern, including conflicts regarding student assessment, amount of time required, and lack of administrative support. As we continue to incorporate and refine collaborative teaching at the university level, economics, recognition, and status issues also need to be examined.  相似文献   


The articles published in D &; S concerning the creation and operation of remote training methods can be characterized according to the points of view taken by experts or researchers. The authors are interested in three particular aspects of the training process: organization, design, and impact. Different approaches in the design of these methods determine the economy of their structure. They may include certain constraints, such as when a team has a specific and voluntarist vision or when seeking safety by keeping to the norms, or, on the contrary, to pragmatic approaches consisting in adapting to the situation. All the proposals focus on a central theme: supporting students from a distance.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors analyse a university–school partnership that went awry. It was designed to develop a new set of philosophical principles to inform work with violent student behaviour in schools. The project brought together a team of researchers from the university and school sector with a strong record of examining and improving the management of behaviour in classrooms. The authors sought volunteer school‐based educators to work with them as co‐researchers. Despite the team's strong school‐based research background, the mutual interest in developing a new approach to work with violence, and the strong collaborative base, they found themselves, as the initiating research team, unable to progress in the ways they had anticipated. This paper analyses the dynamics at work in that lack of progress. The analysis is put forward with the hope of enlivening discussion about what makes for successful collaborative projects between schools and universities.  相似文献   


Our aim in this article is to analyse the research process developed in the ANTEC project (The Application of New Technology in Science Teaching) both by the university research team that promoted the project and the groups of teachers that participated in it. We attempt to provide answers to the following questions. Can we characterise the research carried out as being action research? Or should the process rather be considered as being ‘classroom case‐studies'? And lastly, supposing that teachers really did manage to write something resembling classroom case‐studies, what relation was observed between the action research process and the process in which the classroom case‐studies were produced? In order to answer these and other questions we delve into the history of the events that probably occurred during the 3 years that the project lasted – at least, that is, from our own point of view (the authors were themselves involved in the research team in their respective capacities of project director and research collaborator).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report on the nature of collaboration in a multi-year, large-scale collaborative action research project in which a teachers’ federation (in Ontario, Canada), university researchers and teachers partnered to investigate teacher-selected topics for inquiry. Over two years, 14 case studies were generated involving six university researchers and 61 teacher researchers. As teacher researchers collected their topic-specific data, university researchers worked in parallel on case studies at the 14 sites in an attempt to gain insights into the types and value of collaboration in collaborative action research. University researchers gathered 20–30 points of data for each case-study site (including teacher researcher final reports as well as journal entries, focus group interviews, field notes, video footage and questionnaires). Through comprehensive cross-case analysis, researchers were able to examine common traits as well as relationships between the nature of the teams, the nature of the projects and their relative success, to highlight conditions that led to robust collaborations. Through pattern matching, hypothesised events were compared with observations to test the claim that a triad of relationships between the team, the team lead and the researchers functioned as a positive collaborative force that propelled teacher team success in a generative ethos, even when faced with substantial challenges.  相似文献   


How does a teacher educator come to engage in self-study research? In this article, the authors seek to answer this question by investigating the personal, professional, and programmatic influences that drew one teacher educator to self-study. The authors used critical friendship to investigate the first author’s introduction to self-study, with data collected through collaborative journaling and regular meetings. Influences for the authors included struggles with outsidership and expectations, teaching from an others perspective, and weathering programmatic shifts. Experiences presenting this study at the 2018 Castle Conference are shared, along with lessons learned from the presentation. Generally speaking, some who attended the presentation saw their initial use of self-study as part of a healing process; others were unsure of their impetus but plan to reconsider their introductions to self-study. Further study of scholars’ introductions to and motivations for engaging in self-study research may improve our understandings of this aspect of self-study scholarship.  相似文献   


In the university system today, co-research may be a decolonising strategy. We evaluate teaching a ‘Modernization and Social Change’ course in Vietnam as an experiment in co-research anthropology training. If for visitors, the idea of ‘Vietnam’ is nurtured by Hollywood action cinema, 1960s–1970s protest movements and documentary television, a process of collective research can rearrange orientations for students and teachers. The essay describes the making of a ‘model’ film as a teaching tool for international faculty, and as an evaluation of general teaching practice. A co-research approach to the classroom, assuming the students as researchers, engaging their own collaborative interests together, invites further discussion on teaching mapping as model for ethics-oriented co-research anthropology training; on teaching Capital in Vietnam using maps and counter-mapping as collaborative practice; and on using participatory methods for foreign faculty in a politically charged field.  相似文献   


The Digital Archival Advertisements Survey Process (DAASP) model is a collaborative active learning exercise designed to aid students in evaluating primary source documents of print-based advertisements. By deploying DAASP, the researchers were able to assess the students’ ability to evaluate their biases of the advertisements in a first-year composition course. This research attempts to answer the following research question: Do students perceive heatmap-centered collaboration as helpful with their evaluation of library-licensed digital primary sources? This research explored students’ experiences interacting with and reflecting on archival advertisements (mid-twentieth century) in a first-year composition class in Fall 2017 utilizing the DAASP model.  相似文献   

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