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制度建设是高等教育质量的重要保证。现代大学制度作为维护大学组织健康发展的规则体系,强调回归学术本质和承担更多的社会责任。如何有效地建设现代大学制度,推进专业评估是其中至关重要的一环。以我国一级学科整体水平评估为例,从现代大学制度的视角审视现行的评估制度,对当前学科评估的改进进行讨论,以期通过学科评估推动现代大学制度建设。  相似文献   

基于内容的语言教学是大学英语教学改革的方向。大学学术英语作为专业导向的语言后续课程,如何系统开发和应用课程资源?基于学科和学习者的需求分析,以工程管理专业学术英语资源开发与应用为例,探讨软系统方法应用于大学专业学术英语课程资源确立、应用、评估和完善的整体框架,从而使相关课程资源真实、合适、广泛和兼容。  相似文献   

大学教师学术评价主要是对其学术研究能力和成果以及学术道德的测评与估价。大学教师学术评价之所以复杂,原因至少有两个:首先,在大学中,不同领域和学科之间缺乏一致或公认的评价标准;其次,即便在同一学科之内,知识也越来越具有高度的不确定性。我们不能忽视“文化忠诚”、“学科情结”、知识的不确定性及其所带来的“谁来评价”之类的问题对大学教师学术评价产生的影响。  相似文献   

近些年大学教学学术(SoTL)日益受到我国高校教师的广泛关注.SoTL是关于大学教师如何结合自己的教学实践开展学术研究以便改进学生学习的基本方式.本文首先介绍了一个大学教学学术的概念框架,然后介绍了一个案例研究,并用这个概念框架分析了这个案例研究,以此展示大学教学学术研究的一般程序和要求.作者希望这篇文章能启发和帮助中国大学教师开展更多的高质量大学教学学术研究.  相似文献   

英国高等教育质量评估体制,经历了从大学自治到强化外部控制,再到以大学自治为主、内外结合的演变过程.英国的外部评估体系完善,具有明确的目的与细化的目标.评估的针时性和可操作性很强.英国进行外部评估最主要的机构是英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)和英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE).英国的评估标准科学合理,它主要由综合质量保证体系(包括学术资格框架、学科基准、专业规格、实施规则等),教学和科研评估体系(包括教学质量评估、科研水平评估等)两部分组成.各部分都有详尽的评估指标和等级标准.通过对QAA质量评估体系产生发展过程及其指标体系的构建进行探讨,对中国高等教育质量评估体系的构建提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

开放大学教师教学学术评估标准的制定是开放远程教育和教学质量的重要保证,从教师自身角度评价教学学术活动和建构科学的评估框架,对于激发教师的教学热情,形成良性的教学评价机制,提高开放远程教育教学质量有着十分重要的意义。基于对上海开放大学系统内243位专任教师教学学术评估的问卷调查,发现:本研究因子分析的结果框架可用于开放大学教师对教学学术水平作自我评估;开放大学教师的教学学术评估有自身的特色和优势,但也存在着弱点和劣势。针对研究结果,应尽快构建科学的教师教学学术评估框架体系、加快建立和完善校内教师职称评审制度、有效开展研究型教学或探究性教学实践及研究、协调进行各级各类高等教育教师资源优化配置。  相似文献   

学术性是大学的本质之所在,应从大学教师的专业自主权,大学教师职业的学术性,大学教师专业忠诚于学科文化等方面加强大学教师专业发展的理论逻辑;同时,以教学学术为切入点,通过完善教学学术评价制度和培育学科文化等加强大学教师专业发展的实践逻辑。学术是大学的灵魂,是大学教师的理想,大学教师专业发展的理论逻辑和实践逻辑统一于学术性。  相似文献   

本文研究的问题是:在中国现代大学建立初期,自西方移植而后逐步建构起来的学科制度是如何重塑中国学术的。论文以学科制度这一中观层面的概念为理论视角,以北大早期的学术活动为中心,力求在历史的脉络中考察中国现代学术在大学体制内的形成,探讨学科制度作为一种现代性结构的规训力量对中国学术产生的结构化影响,并以此形成对20世纪初中国大学学术发展使命的初步认识。“1898———1927:从京师大学堂到北京大学”,本文选择这样一段时空,试图将西方学科制度与中国知识传统之间的矛盾以及中国学术演变的诸多问题聚焦于此。论文从知识样式和职…  相似文献   

如何通过应用写作提高学生的智能 ,在应用写作学科领域中一直是一个令人困扰的问题。本文主要就如何围绕学科专业精选案例———寓疑于例 ;如何围绕案例组织研讨———寓理于教 ;如何围绕提高学生的智能布置习作———寓识于文 ;如何明确应用文写作的责任———积极参与和干预社会生活四个方面对学生智能训练的有效方法做了一些探讨  相似文献   

世界高水平大学的评估机制对我国大学发展的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大学进行评估认证,主要是对大学办学水平,包括教育质量和办学方向进行综合评价。世界高水平大学的评估机制对我国大学发展战略的启示是:以评估认证完善现代大学制度,以专项拨款评价制度提升大学的科研实力,以学科评估培育优势学科和优化学术队伍,以绩效评估激励大学之间的公平竞争和促进特色办学,以社会评估促进政府管理职能转变,并鼓励高校多元化筹资。  相似文献   

Academic stress of international students attending U.S. universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated factors associated with the academic stress experienced by international students (N=412) attending graduate school in the United States. The study was grounded in a cognitive framework in which academic stress is understood as the consequence of students' appraisal of the stressfulness of role demands and their perception of their ability to cope with those demands. These two appraisals, in turn, were posited to be a function of cultural distance, students' social support network, and their role competencies. Results indicated that the primary determinants of the two types of appraisals differed. While self-perceived English-language skills and, to a lesser degree, cultural distance were the predictors of primary appraisal, self-perceived English-language, academic, and problem-solving skills and social support network were the main determinants of secondary appraisal. Implications for how universities might work more effectively with international students are discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of making programme evaluation sufficiently meaningful and cognisant of context such that practitioners, in this case of academic development, can gain new understandings of their situation in order to improve their practice. In order to do this, the paper uses Archer's morphogenetic framework to deepen the methodology of academic review on an academic development programme. The theory enables a richer understanding of how the programme developed within particular national and institutional situational logics and of the relationships between structure, culture and agency.  相似文献   

Scientific research is usually presented as the driver that provides progress and meaning to the academic ecosystem. Higher education on the other hand, is typically imagined as something that naturally follows scientific research. In the academic ecosystem, education often retains a more marginalized position than scientific research and in many of the predominant accounts of the academic ecosystem it is even neglected. As a result, higher education and teaching tends to be treated as duty work that retracts resources away from research. In response to such accounts the present article proposes an alternative perspective in which higher education can assume a proactive role that affects institutions’ research. The article presents a case that demonstrates how social scientists at the Technical University of Denmark, in response to new demands for autonomous economy within Danish universities, invented the controversial, yet successful, ‘Design and Innovation’ engineering program. Design and Innovation’s controversial curricular composition brought together: creativity, social awareness, and product innovation and heralded the salvation for the declining status of engineering in Danish higher education. The article contributes to contemporary discussions on transformations within the university system by illustrating educational development as a transformative practice whereby the value and purpose of scientific disciplines get rearticulated in conversation with contemporary understandings of social needs.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning is a growing field of research and practice globally, and increasing investments are being made in developing academics as teachers. An inability to adequately account for disciplinary knowledge can lead to academic development inputs that are unable to fully address the needs of students, educators, or disciplines themselves. Semantics, from Legitimation Code Theory (LCT), provides insight not just into the hows of pedagogy but also the whats and whys, particularly the ways in which knowledge needs to be connected up in meaning-making. This paper argues for the use of semantic profiles to open up conversations with educators about teaching, learning, and the nature of knowledge in their disciplines. It raises important questions about the practical uses of LCT tools in higher education and shares initial ideas, informed by lecturer feedback in one case study, of how these tools can be used in academic staff development.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effort to create a unified model for conducting and assessing undergraduate dissertations, shared by all disciplines involved in computer game development at a Swedish university. Computer game development includes technology-oriented disciplines as well as disciplines with aesthetical traditions. The challenge has been to create a unified process and assessment procedure while maintaining the individual disciplines’ academic standards. The unification has been achieved through the development of the Interdisciplinary Dissertation Model – a shared model where the assessment is focused on fundamental academic principles, and there is a clear separation between summative and formative assessment and well-defined interaction loops between examiners, supervisors and students. Examiners from all involved disciplines have regular meetings focusing on creating an interdisciplinary view on the summative assessment of undergraduate dissertations. The model developed has been successful in that it allows for a unified process for disciplines from fundamentally different academic traditions. The quality of the examined dissertations has been evaluated in a national evaluation. The result shows that all participating disciplines meet the requirements from their respective communities. This shows that the proposed model successfully unifies disciplines without sacrificing the quality in any discipline.  相似文献   

Literature has confirmed that teacher appraisal can and should facilitate the professional development of teachers. In the past, teacher appraisal in China has been conducted mainly for administrative purposes; nowadays, it is increasingly being viewed as a means of teacher professional development. However, the way in which teacher appraisal affects teacher professional development has not been fully recognized. This case study, of a junior secondary school in Shanghai, China, explores how teacher appraisal has been carried out and how teachers and administrators have perceived it in relation to teacher professional development. The research findings identify the mechanism by which the teacher appraisal system in question facilitates professional development. The system creates pressure and extrinsic incentives that ‘push and pull’ teachers to improve, and supports their growth through guidance and directions. In addition, environmental factors such as school culture contribute to the positive impacts that teacher appraisal has on professional development.  相似文献   

This article describes how a political assemblage currently at work in higher education is re-articulating academic subjectivities. This assemblage draws together entrepreneurial and humanist concepts of creativity into an intellectual resource that can change national economies. Academics are urged to use their creativity to counteract the narrowing funding base of the university. The article first introduces a history of the concept of creativity and explains how governmental agendas for creative industry and creativity in education emerged. Second, it describes a practice-based research project that grapples with the difficulties of knowledge transfer between the ‘creative’ and ‘social science’ academic disciplines. This raises questions about creative knowledge and reveals some ethical tensions in the performance of academic research. The research project is then positioned as a ‘counter-conduct’, used to short-circuit the procedures implemented for the conduct of creative research in the creative, entrepreneurial university.  相似文献   

This paper argues that academic numeracy is an important, but undervalued and under-researched, area in tertiary education. Academic numeracy is first defined in terms of students' competence, confidence and critical awareness of their own mathematical knowledge and the mathematics needed in context. The development of academic numeracy is then discussed in terms of obuchenie (teaching/learning) and the metaknowledge around the mathematics in context needed by key staff. The paper presents a systematic approach to develop academic numeracy at the university, program, course and individual student and teacher level. Finally, it provides examples of how to embed academic numeracy. This paper provides a framework for future studies in this under-researched area.  相似文献   

As a group, entrepreneurs and small business managers require training which is specific to their skills gaps, and takes into account that they are geographically dispersed with limited time available for such activities. They also require training which is integrated with their business activities and sufficiently flexible to incorporate into their busy and changing schedules. Email potentially provides a means of delivering a training intervention which suits the particular training and learning needs of this growing group. In spite of the growth of development and delivery of e‐mentoring programs, there is limited academic research around structured e‐mentoring generally and, in particular, around the evaluation of online programs for professionals in the micro‐business and small to medium enterprise sector. Given this lag in the academic literature, this article aims to explore how e‐mentoring programs for this target group might be usefully evaluated by drawing on pedagogical discourse. Specifically, this article proposes an adaptation to a model for evaluating computer‐based education programs and applies this intepretative framework to an e‐mentoring scheme called Mentors Online with reference to other programs aimed at similar target groups. The adaptation provides a possible framework for grounding the evaluation of e‐mentoring programs and making explicit the theoretical and pedagogical basis of much of the literature to date. The Mentors Online program was developed and delivered in 2002 by an Australian employee association with a membership of around 25,000 professionals. The Mentors Online website is available at www.apesma.asn.au/mentorsonline  相似文献   

学科建设实现国际化,是进入“世界一流学科”的一个重要门槛。马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校(以下简称UMass Boston)教育管理学科建设的国际化经验,值得国内同类大学借鉴。借助美国教育协会ACE的国际化评价体系框架,考察分析UMass Boston的教育管理学科,发现其通过明确国际化理念、鼓励学生参与国际案例研究、开展体验式学习扩大学生的国际视野、支持教师参与国际化的交流学习提高国际素养、提供必要的政策优惠和财政支持、建立强大的内外合作伙伴关系等措施来促进教育管理学科建设的国际化。相比而言,我国高校教育管理学科国际化水平普遍较低,在未来国际化进程中应明确国际化建设方向、学校应提供必要的制度和财政支持、在课程体系及教学方式上应与国际相接轨、建立健全师生国际化流动机制、搭建高效的国际化学术与交流平台。  相似文献   

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