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针对区域经济社会发展与生态环境不相适应、产业结构布局与区域环境承载能力不匹配等区域综合环境问题,突破单项技术、单一介质和单一要素研究瓶颈,实施"区域协同、介质耦合、过程同步、措施综合"的技术路线,从整体上系统设计和组织环境污染风险管控和治理。  相似文献   

刘贞贤 《科教文汇》2012,(28):58-59
传感器课程是一门知识密集高度综合、实践性强的应用技术课程.基于高校的培养高技能型人才的目标,综合分析了传感器课程教学改革方向.提出了在课程设置、教学方法和手段、实验模式和考核评价方面的改革措施。  相似文献   

突出煤层快速掘进技术在鹤壁六矿的应用The Application about the Technology in Fast Excavation in Convex Coal Seam of He-bi Sixth Coal Group摘要:鹤壁煤业集团公司第六矿为突出矿井,掘进过程中实施"四位一体"的综合防突措施,实施过程中效果检验超标率高导致掘进速度慢.  相似文献   

为提高煤炭资源采出率与综合解决厚煤层采全高的技术难题,依据理论研究与生产实际,提出了厚煤层采全高采煤法的一种新的"三区段"技术,在错层位巷道布置中这项技术被认为是合理和适宜的。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在弥补现有专利价值评估方法对高价值专利评估的不足,使专利价值评估体系更加全面.[方法/过程]分析了影响高价值专利"溢价"的主要因素,通过量化高价值专利综合价值的技术质量参数、专利的基本价值参数和综合控制参数值,构建单项高价值专利评估的综合价值模型.[结果/结论]构建的单项高价值专利评估综合价值模型的优点...  相似文献   

宋春华 《今日科苑》2008,(12):43-44
针对油田高含水开发后期污水处理的工艺要求,结合近几年应用的新的油田污水技术:OP(SOil Physical Process System)综合水处理技术;CoMag综合水处理技术;DNF溶气气浮技术;YGJL高效节能过滤技术;紫外线杀菌技术,通过分析其原理及在现场试验中的应用效果。按照"安全可靠,经济高效,节能降耗"的原则,提出油田高含水开发后期的污水处理工艺方案设计。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们对供电可靠性的要求越来越高,电力可靠性是供电企业供电服务和管理水平等的综合体现。文章从影响供电可靠性的因素入手,详细地从组织措施和技术措施两方面谈提高供电可靠性的方法。  相似文献   

在人类发展历程中,随着科技的不断发展,人们的生活水平也在不断的提高,人们对产品的质量要求也越来越高。产品质量不仅是一个国家技术和道德管理水平的综合能力的代表,更是一个企业生存发展的基础,一个企业要想做大做强,产品质量是避免不了的。质量不仅是一个国家的生存发展的基石,国内国外都把产品质量视为"生命"。针对这一点,国家在加强技术监督工作中质量、标准、计量的关系中起到了很关键的作用。本文通过国家在这些方面实行的措施,进行了研究和概述。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,人们对于衣食住行的要求越来越高,尤其是对"行"的关注越来越多。运输,旅游,上班下班,人们都在时时刻刻的注意着"行"。人们出行主要靠公路,交通业对于公路的质量越来越高,我们要不断加强公路工程施工技术,才能提高人们的出行质量。公路沥青路面工程技术提高了公路质量,凭借行车舒适、路面平整、噪音低、强度高等优势,在公路路面工程中占据了一席之地。阐述了沥青路面工程施工技术,并对其施工技术进行了具体的研究和分析,针对施工技术中出现的问题提出了有效措施。  相似文献   

智能化冷链物流综合防控技术体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周强  傅少川 《科技管理研究》2020,40(13):196-201
针对冷链物流基础设施设备技术落后、物流成本高和发生"断链"现象的问题,基于物联网、云计算技术建立智能化综合技术防控体系,核心功能包括实时监控、安全预警和食品追溯。在智能化冷链物流综合技术体系框架下,针对性提出三点相关建议和改进措施:提高冷链物流核心技术、多式联运促进跨区域冷链运输和发展绿色科技,实现冷链物流行业绿色健康、高效快速的发展。  相似文献   

高致病性禽流感正在给人类带来严重威胁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高致病性禽流感是由高致病性禽流感病毒所引起的禽类烈性传染病, 发病急,传播 快,致死率高,对养殖业可造成致命性的打击。在1997年香港禽流感事件中,H5亚型高致病 性禽流感病毒因其首次突破了种间障碍,引起了全世界的震惊。虽然该事件无法与以往的人流感的大流行或禽流感的大暴发相比,但却拉开了禽流感病毒直接感染人并致人死亡的序幕 。不幸的是,H5亚型高致病性禽流感自2003年12月在韩国首次暴发以来,目前已遍及亚洲十 余个国家及地区,并在越南和泰国发生了人类感染并致死亡的事件。我国自2004年1月27日 在广西报道高致病性禽流感以来,至今已在十余个省市陆续发生,形势非常严峻。 因此,对禽流感病毒的种间传播及致病机制、流感病毒的分子变异机理、新 型流感病毒的预测、禽流感病毒的快速诊断及人用疫苗的研制等方面开展系统、深入的研究 迫在眉睫,为从根本上控制和防治禽流感提供理论依据和技术支撑。本文同时叙述了人感染 H5亚型高致病性禽流感的临床发病情况和日常预防措施。  相似文献   

王莉  罗瑾琏 《科研管理》2012,33(12):1-9
越来越多的企业在产品创新中吸引顾客参与,期望提升顾客满意。以往研究表明,在简单产品的创新中,顾客参与程度和满意度之间呈现正向关系。但是,在高复杂度产品创新范畴,本研究却发现顾客参与和满意之间并非呈现简单的线性关系,还受到一些因素的调节作用。本研究在高复杂度产品创新中提出顾客知识的概念,将顾客参与分为两个构面(顾客作为信息提供者和共同参与者),将顾客满意分为两个维度(顾客对参与过程体验满意度和对参与结果满意度),探讨顾客知识对参与程度和满意度关系的调节效应。实证研究结果显示,在高复杂度产品创新中,无论顾客是作为信息提供者,还是作为共同开发者,在相同参与程度时,高知识顾客的满意度高于低知识顾客。同时,由于顾客知识的调节效应,顾客参与和满意之间不是在任何情况下都呈正向关系,当低知识顾客作为共同开发者,参与越深反而对参与过程感觉越不满意。研究结论为如何吸引顾客参与来提升顾客满意提供了具体指导。  相似文献   

Geographic clusters confer advantages to collocated firms, in particular access to local know-how. This article argues that the access to local know-how is contingent on the extent to which inventive activity is concentrated in the cluster. We draw on sociological theories of generalized exchange to argue that contrasting logics of exchange emerge in geographic clusters that have opposing effects on the extent to which firms benefit from collaborating with local organizations and source local knowledge. A longitudinal data set of 1903 firms engaged in nanotechnology research is used to examine the relationship between firm co-authorships on scientific articles with firms and public research organizations (PROs) and firm inventive performance. Results indicate that when cluster-level firm inventive concentration is high, collaborations with local firms are associated with lower inventive performance. We also find that firms source less local knowledge for their own inventions when firm inventive concentration is high. In contrast, concentrated inventive activity among PROs increases the positive relationship between collaborations with local PROs and firm inventive performance. Results also show firms source more knowledge from local PROs when local PRO inventive concentration is high. The findings suggest that inventive concentration both helps and hinders spill-over of cutting-edge knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the role that scientific status plays in initial public offerings of technology focused firms. The paper builds on the literature of the sociology of science as well as the work of Spence (1974) and Podolny (1993) and argues that the presence of a Nobel laureate affiliated with a firm making an IPO provides a signal of firm quality to potential investors. Moreover, and building on the work of Podolny and Scott Morton (1999) and Stuart et al. (1999) we hypothesize that the importance of status diminishes as other measures of firm quality become available. We test our hypothesis for two periods of initial public offerings in biotechnology. We document that there is a clear difference in “maturity” of the firms across the two windows on a number of metrics. Consistent with our hypothesis that Nobel laureates play an important role as a non-financial signal of firm quality, we find that first-window firms with a Nobel laureate affiliate realize greater IPO proceeds in the amount of $24 million. In the second window the amount of money raised is not significantly different between Nobel and non-Nobel firms. This finding is consistent with the signaling literature that argues that the importance of a signal is inversely related to the availability of cogent information on firm quality. Consistent with this view, we also find a change between the two windows in the importance of other non-financial metrics used to convey value. Our research is one of the first to examine the dynamic nature of signals. Because we are unable to distinguish the extent to which the reduction in uncertainty at the firm level is correlated with the reduction of uncertainty at the industry level, the question remains as to the extent to which the diminished importance of signals in our second period is due to a change in market uncertainty versus a change in firm uncertainty.  相似文献   

Floridi’s ontocentric ethics is compared with Spinoza’s ethical and metaphysical system as found in the Ethics. Floridi’s is a naturalistic ethics where he argues that an action is right or wrong primarily because the action does decrease the ?entropy’ of the infosphere or not. An action that decreases the amount entropy of the infosphere is a good one, and one that increases it is a bad one. For Floridi, ?entropy’ refers to destruction or loss of diversity of the infosphere, or the total reality consisting of informational objects. The similarity with Spinoza is that both philosophers refer to basic reality as a foundation for normative judgments. Hence they are both ethical naturalists. An interpretation of both Floridi and Spinoza is offered that might begin to solve the basic problems for any naturalistic ethics. The problems are how a value theory that is based on metaphysics could maintain normative force and how normative force could be justified when there appear to be widely differing metaphysical systems according to the many cultural traditions. I argue that in Spinoza’s and presumably in Floridi’s system, there is no separation between the normative and the natural from the beginning. Normative terms derive their validity from their role in referring to action that leads to a richer and fuller reality. As for the second problem, Spinoza’s God is such that He cannot be fully described by mere finite intellect. What this translates to the contemporary situation of information ethics is that there are always bound to be many different ways of conceptualizing one and the same reality, and it is the people’s needs, goals and desires that often dictate how the conceptualizing is done. However, when different groups of people interact, these systems become calibrated with one another. This is possible because they already belong to the same reality.  相似文献   

泾河上游固原地区的NDVI变化与降水的相关性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郭广猛  谢高地  甄霖 《资源科学》2007,29(2):178-182
我国自2000年开始实行退耕还林还草政策。本文使用2000年与2004年250m分辨率的MODIS植被指数数据(NDVI),分析了泾河上游固原地区植被和降水利用效率变化,结果表明该区植被覆盖情况有较大好转,NDVI在0.2~0.4之间的地区减少了31%,而NDVI在0.4~0.6的地区增加了67%; 同时该地区的降水利用效率也有所增加,从平均0.53增加到0.65。原州、彭阳和西吉3县NDVI与降水的相关系数分别从0.27、0.58、0.50增加到0.83、0.92和0.95。研究认为这种增加主要是由于降水在年内分布与植被生长配合较好,而不是由于退耕还林政策所致。分析表明当生长季内降水小于450mm时,NDVI随降水增加而增加较慢,当降水大于450mm时,NDVI增加较快。生长季降水量小于450mm的地区以草地为主,大于450mm的地区以林地为主。所以生长季450mm降水可以看作是降水影响森林和草地一个临界点,在这一阈值之上退耕还林政策实施应以还林为主,在这一阈值之下以还草为主。  相似文献   

本文基于1988—2002年中国居民收入调查的三个横截面微观数据集的子集,采用Heckman两步法分析了教育对我国已婚女性就业和收入的影响。研究结果表明,随着已婚女性受教育程度的提高,其劳动力参与概率也随之增加,其中大学本科及以上组参与劳动概率最高,小学以下组最低。而且,随着已婚女性受教育程度的提高,其收入也有显著增加。但是相对于普通最小二乘估计结果,经过修正后的系数估计值明显降低,而且与其他同时期的发展中国家相比,我国已婚女性的教育收益率是比较低的。  相似文献   

Uncertainty is an important idea in information-retrieval (IR) research, but the concept has yet to be fully elaborated and explored. Common assumptions about uncertainty are (a) that it is a negative (anxiety-producing) state and (b) that it will be reduced through information search and retrieval. Research in the domain of uncertainty in illness, however, has demonstrated that uncertainty is a complex phenomenon that shares a complicated relationship with information. Past research on people living with HIV and individuals who have tested positive for genetic risk for different illnesses has revealed that information and the reduction of uncertainty can, in fact, produce anxiety, and that maintaining uncertainty can be associated with optimism and hope. We review the theory of communication and uncertainty management and offer nine principles based on that theoretical work that can be used to influence IR system design. The principles reflect a view of uncertainty as a multi-faceted and dynamic experience, one subject to ongoing appraisal and management efforts that include interaction with and use of information in a variety of forms.  相似文献   

浙江降水量场时空分布变化的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用EOF方法对浙江省38个气象观测站43年(1961.1~2003.12)的月、季降水量距平场的时空分布变化进行统计分析,结果表明:浙江省降水量场的空间分布主要有南北分布型和东西分布型,春、冬季节以南北分布为主,夏、秋季节以东西分布为主。冬季降水场的空间分布尺度比夏季大;夏季降水场空间分布的年际变化比冬季大。秋季降水场空间分布变化的显著周期为9~14年,冬季降水场空间分布变化的显著周期为3.5~4.7年,而春季和夏季降水场空间分布则无显著周期存在。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104867
Technical progress increasingly relies on the use of scientific knowledge. But if much of this knowledge is in the public domain, can it be a source of private value? We find that average private returns to using public science are small, especially in crowded technical fields. This is consistent with the view that the expected profit from an input that competitors can easily access is low. However, private value is higher when a firm is the first to use science, partly because it can secure broader patents relative to later users. Corporate participation in scientific research is a strong predictor of first use, consistent with the view that participation in science raises familiarity with relevant scientific advances.  相似文献   

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