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胡忠青 《继续教育》2006,20(5):32-33
一、进行以受众为中心的传播意识教育当今的学校教育,提倡以学生为主体,强调调动学生的学习主动性与积极性。现在的大众传媒越来越重视传播过程的互动。如网络媒体的交互性特点,使传播媒介的“传-受”关系发生了革命性的改变,两者之间的界限转为模糊。所以,这种传播活动方向上的变化,必须在传媒从业者日后的继续教育教学中得到体现。教学中要改变以往“以传者为中心”的思维定向,强调“受众中心”观念。因为信息社会条件下的职业传播者的把关特权、信息垄断地位在削弱,或者说信息的把关方式产生了变化。而受众的选择和使用信息的权利、主动…  相似文献   

传媒媚俗与大学生媒介素养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当代社会,大众传媒以其强大的文化攻势,越来越深入地影响着人们的思想与行为方式,特别在大学生世界观、道德观、价值观形成过程中起着重要的作用。在市场经济的冲击下,大众传媚出现了媚俗化倾向。要使传媒对大学生教育发挥正面的作用,除了坚持正确的舆论导向,还必须提高大学生的媒介素养,引导学生对媒体信息进行辨别与选择,尽量避免大众传媒对大学生带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

在探讨大众传媒和高校思想政治教育的关系时,我们一般更多地关注于大众传媒对高校思想政治教育的冲击和影响,却很少有人关注和思考高校思想政治教育对大众传媒会产生或者应该产生什么样的影响。高校思想政治教育在大众传媒时代应该改变其受大众传媒排挤的现状而要有所为,要为多元、失范的大众文化空间输出必要的价值观和信念,并能够最终引领大众传媒。这才是大众传媒时代高校思想政治教育应有的定位。  相似文献   

远程教育传播的传受双方研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在远程教育传播本中,传受双方及其相互关系受到了传播渠道变革带来的重要影响。本文试图借鉴传播学研究的基本范式及其主要理论,在比较研究的基础上初步展开远程教育传播传受关系的基础性研究,并在分析远程教育传播传受关系研究的目的与意义基础上,从传者和受者两个方面对研究对象进行基本分析。  相似文献   

本文通过对绵阳市两个村庄的实地调查,探讨西部农村大众传媒的现状以及大众传媒与农村社会发展的关系。研究表明,在政治、经济、技术等多种因素的作用下,大众传媒对农村的社会发展具有一定效果。然而,在城乡二元结构的制度安排下,大众传媒的主流受众是城市人群,农民作为最大的社会群体,却被大众媒体排除在"目标受众"之外。这种受众定位,决定了大众传媒在农村的传播,无论在技术上还是内容上,都是先城市后农村。同时,向现代社会转型的农村,由于大众传媒的介入,传统的差序格局也发生了变化。  相似文献   

本文从大众传媒与新词语的关系入手,论述了大众传媒在新词产生过程中的标准作用、规范作用、传播作用和导向作用;同时分析了新词语产生的一般轨迹,并揭示出在大众传媒语境下新词所蕴含的社会文化现象。  相似文献   

大众传媒在社会道德变化的积极作用是:大众传媒的道德理念优化了社会整体的道德价值;其道德权利意识提升了人在道德行为中的主动性和积极性;其良好德性提供了社会道德变革中的新观念;其解决道德冲突方式的创新为社会道德变革提供了可参考的路径和方式。大众传媒对社会道德的消极影响是:信息的泛滥与缺失导致了人们价值观的迷失;道德多元化导致了社会道德信仰的缺失;虚拟环境在一定程度上造成了人际关系的紧张与冷漠,削弱了现实的道德关系;虚拟世界的反道德现象不断冲击着现实的道德生活;对大众传媒的瘾恋和错误利用导了致现实道德矛盾的增多。  相似文献   

本文从大众传媒与新词语的关系入手,论述了大众传媒在新词产生过程中的标准作用、规范作用、传播作用和导向作用;同时分析了新词语产生的一般轨迹,并揭示出在大众传媒语境下新词所蕴含的社会文化现象.  相似文献   

立足经济视域考察大众传媒业与经济的关系,我们发现二者呈现一种双向互动的关联:一方面,经济发展水平对大众传媒业具有决定性影响。另一方面,作为一种信息产业,传媒业本身就是社会经济的重要组成部分,其发展状况也是经济发展的重要表征。  相似文献   

社会性别差异与大众传媒刍论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会性别差异及性别的传统印象,是被社会文化所赋予、培养的结果,它与大众传媒对性别的理解,性别角色、性别构成的等级以及对不同性别的人的制约有着直接间接的关系。然而近年来,在大众传媒特别是一些广告中,存在着一种对女性的性别成见、贬抑甚至歧视成分的报道。就此而言,我们在审视大众传媒时,需要用社会性别的批评眼光,对所有被视为自然的东西进行反省,只有这样,才能减少大众传媒对传统性别成见的建构成影响,提高公众的性别敏感,以促进社会的性别平等。  相似文献   

桂林市西村平话音系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西村平话在当地称为土谈、平话,是桂北平话的一种。突出特点是流摄与蟹摄混涉,鼻音韵尾脱落和前后鼻音错位,平去两声分阴阳,上入两声不分阴阳。同音字汇收字3700多个;  相似文献   

傅山是晋阳文化孕育出的历史文化名人。傅山的故里太原阳曲县(今太原市尖草坪区)西村,是一处集自然风光与三晋文脉为一体的"风水"宝地,故乡的晋阳文化人文氛围对他的一生影响至深。傅氏家族,世代传承书画经文,为太原乃至三晋有名的书香门第。这样具有浓郁晋阳文化色彩和深厚国学功底的家庭环境,为傅山日后的品德修养和读书治学产生了极其重要的影响。在他的艺术作品中,多处显现出家乡美丽自然风光的独特历史文化对其创作灵感的激发,这些集中体现在他的诗歌、绘画、书法、戏剧和饮食文化等方面,反映了晋阳文化在中华传统文化中的独特地位和重要贡献。  相似文献   

This article explores the dissonance between the expansive discourses imagined by the advocates for youth media as helping foster ‘empowerment’ and ‘voice', versus the more circumscribed realities of participatory media production. I focus on a two-part case study – considering both a film-making project for ‘at risk’ young people in South London and the English national government funder that provided the resources for the young people to take part. This case study allows for an exploration of the political economy of youth media, and the relationship between youth media funding and how and why young people in my research often chose to make films about ‘gangs', a striking topic of concern across 11 youth media case study sites. I use this empirical example as a means to analyse how ‘empowerment’ in youth media projects, understood as both critical media literacy and youth voice, moves from abstract discourse to on-the-ground practice.  相似文献   

Ontario’s new Character Development Initiative is analyzed to determine whether it can be characterized as political spectacle. Examination of official policy texts, media reports, speeches, web pages, webcasts, and events at the Character Development Symposium suggests that the Initiative contains many elements of political spectacle; however, the policy has received little coverage in traditional media. Media coverage is considered as an essential component of political spectacles. In this case, media coverage is limited to digital media produced by the Ontario government itself. This raises questions about the implications of new media forms for the theory of political spectacle. I demonstrate that digital media offer new means for bringing political spectacles to citizens and enable governments to have greater control over their content. Since political spectacles facilitated by traditional media promote the status quo and make critical analysis of public policy difficult, government‐produced digital media might put democracy at even greater risk. Alternatively, government websites post texts that can be analyzed by citizens and used to promote democracy in education. I conclude that the strategic use of language and illusions of democracy, whether brought to citizens through digital or traditional media, are essential components of political spectacle.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider a social movement for animal rights as a site of learning about a particular form of ethics. I use a multiliteracies framework, which emphasizes critical consumption and creation across a range of media forms, to consider how learning unfolds using a different kind of medium: the affective body. Activists in this study learned to read the signs of their embodied encounters with nonhuman animals as a privileged mode for understanding their ethical truth. Then they used other forms of digital mediation to produce and spread the feelings of being present with animals for others. I discuss social media memes and virtual reality as two examples. I employ the term “im-mediacy” to emphasize both the affects of feeling present and the sense-making involved in mediation and its ideologies. This approach considers affect and semiosis as mutually constitutive processes in learning. The findings also suggest the need to consider the affects produced in learning environments that bring bodies in proximity to one another, or that use technology to mediate feelings of proximity, as well as what I describe as embodied literacies for sensing the needs of others and responding with care.  相似文献   

This article considers the current range of contexts and pretexts for practical media work, principally in England. I argue that the current educational context in England requires us to broaden, rather than restrict the role that practical work is given in the curriculum. In particular I argue that practical media work has too often been associated with critical reflection (the ability to read between the lines of media texts) and critical authority (the ability to adopt the formal discourses of appreciation and judgement). It does this at the expense of critical autonomy (the ability to work with others to develop new, sustainable arguments) and critical action (the process of testing and refining these positions by applying them in real social settings). I argue that such a role is compatible with the development of pedagogies relevant to a ‘curriculum for the future’ (Young, 1998) which aims, among other things, to reconceptualize learning as a social, rather than an individual process.  相似文献   

最有意义、对生活影响最大的技术可能是社交媒体,因为它们被融入商业、娱乐和教育活动中并扮演重要角色。一般认为这些工具应用于高等教育正式课程/专业中有诸多好处,本文对此进行概述,讨论其不足和挑战,重点分析这些工具使用上的便利和价值与(用户)失去对数据的控制之间的矛盾。我们很可能会继续看到自己出于公私目的使用社交媒体所产生的数据继续被使用的情况,包括经过授权和未经授权的使用。分析了人们为了应对这个挑战而提出和尝试的一些解决方法,并简要介绍其中两种。第一个方案强调由机构自身创建和管理自己的社交媒体,第二个则是一种新兴技术方案,允许用户控制自己的数据但同时又能在多种社交环境下享受分享和发展的好处。  相似文献   

The recent media environment offers a great opportunity for people to create and share messages through ubiquitous connections. In doing so, they may be participating in shaping their cultures. This potential, however, is crippled for some because not everyone has proper media production skills, especially those who may need the skills most to bring out their experiences and perspectives through media. Therefore, it is necessary to provide people with educational opportunities to develop their media production skills. Within this context, I conducted a video project with a group of adults for 5 weeks in order to offer them an opportunity to develop their video production skills and express their common concerns through video, in hopes of promoting participatory cultures. In this article, I reflect on the processes and outcomes of the project and elucidate the challenges that I encountered.  相似文献   

This philosophical excursion into the foundations of educational technology begins by considering the nature of knowing and learning from the media, as well as stating the assumptions of the paper. The foundations of educational technology — the systems approach, systems theory, and behaviorism - are explicated. Then, I state and discuss four philosophical propositions for considering the mediation of experience and educational technology: a) Learning is a constructive activity so technologies should liberate, not constrain learners; b) media produce an event ontology separate from personal experience; c) mediation is a phenomenological process; and d) media provide existential access to the world’s knowledge and to internal aspects of the self. I am especially indebted to Professor Robert Heinich (Indiana University) for his repeated and insightful analysis of this paper. Significant contributions were also made by the late Professor James Macdonald, to whom the paper is dedicated, and Professor Arnold Levin (University of North Carolina at Greensboro). This paper was completed while I was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Keele, Staffordshire, U.K. I should like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the department and its head, James Hartley, and especially the assistance of Mrs. M. Woodward.  相似文献   

论媒介道德问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着大众传播活动的迅猛发展 ,媒介道德问题显得日趋突出。目前 ,我国传媒界存在媒介“喧嚣”、媒介“失语”、媒介滥情、媒介偏见、媒介虚假、媒介媚俗等几种道德问题 ,分析这些问题 ,目的是为了对症下药 ,发挥媒介的积极功能。  相似文献   

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