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技术性观视在当代青年那里,体现为他们对城市空间的媒介把握,即青年自己创建的"第三空间"及其"空间生产"。当代青年对城市空间的在场欲望投向了新媒介技术所建构的媒介空间,空间场所与身份建构的关系被重置,特定空间在他们的技术性观视中被重新语境化。当代青年在"场景"中生产出有异于正常空间秩序的"他者",在技术观视中进行媒介想象。他们在这种重新语境化的空间中建构出他们的"空间‘他者’"媒介形象。  相似文献   

电视的未来考古,是电视媒介考古和电视史研究的一种方法。电视媒介的技术特性,使其必须立足现在、面向未来。作为人类曾经最为亲近的"视觉机器",电视未来的失却中依然潜藏着可能。从"动态视窗"到"全知视觉",再到"交互视界",电视未来一般想象形态的流变与人类社会的媒介化进程相同构。电视的未来考古研究,即是从"过去的电视媒介"中发现与译解电视未来想象的文化密码。虚拟媒介考古学和未来考古学等理论资源,为其研究的路径及方法制定提供重要参照。作为电视史研究的新视角,以中国电视为例进行未来考古初探,有助于在回思过去中重识当下,进而开拓未来寻回的可能。  相似文献   

贾牧笛 《新闻界》2023,(6):73-82
每个理论均有其特定的生命历程。在新闻传播学界,驯化理论形成“国际新闻驯化”和“媒介技术驯化”两大理论路线,并正在成长为“明星”理论。本文以“生命历程”为经,“理论旅行”为纬,试图呈现正处而立之年的驯化理论在中国的命运。研究发现,驯化理论在中国新闻传播学界经历了移植、扎根和生长阶段。在移植阶段,中国学者挪用驯化理论解释中国新闻事件和媒介发展过程。在扎根阶段,基于理论既有研究纬度的在地研究大量扩展。在生长阶段,中国学者以中国宏观现实和人文关怀调试驯化理论,重新问询理论预设,从时间、空间、性别、权力、技术、生命历程等纬度推动理论创新。但中国新闻传播学术共同体也应警惕驯化理论可能遭遇被“经典化”的困境。  相似文献   

网络社会下,电视媒体受到了很大冲击,城市台民生新闻节目遭遇空前的挑战。《新闻广角》从艺术与新闻的交融、去电视化的品牌战略和公共新闻转向等创新,实现了媒介形式、媒介表征和媒介意识的"再媒介化",为自身赢得新的生存和发展机会,某种意义上实现了"逆生长",也为城市台在智能传播时代的新闻实践探索了一种新的可能性。  相似文献   

戴扬和卡茨的经典媒介事件理论是20世纪80年代功能主义传播学受到社会人类学启发的产物。90年代初,文化研究和社会学者从"传媒与仪式"的角度对之进行了验证和修正。之后,媒介事件被整合进仪式传播理论、媒介仪式理论和"媒介化的仪式"理论,成为媒介社会学和媒介人类学的重要概念。  相似文献   

张萱 《新闻爱好者》2012,(23):43-44
本文在媒介文本分析理论的基础上,通过对中国当代时政期刊"主题内容"变迁,特别是"主题内容"中最显著的符号标志——"标题"内容变化特征的分析,提出中国当代时政期刊社会性演变的特征。在此基础上,本文以"新闻生产社会学"为理论视角,通过对新闻制作框架理论中"意识形态"、"新闻价值"和"媒介意向性"三个层面的针对性剖析,揭示出中国当代时政期刊变化特征的社会性动因。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中后期,西方受众研究领域经历了一次"民族志的转向",引发了学界的广泛争议。在回顾既有文献的基础上,本文对此轮范式之争的脉络进行了全面细致的爬梳与分析。对"编码一解码"模式的质疑、固有的学术政治规范以及媒介消费的全面兴起,促成了接受研究向媒介民族志的转向,带来了研究对象的语境化和政治立场的位移;面对多重挑战,"民族志转向"的倡导者们继续强调媒介民族志研究在全球化、数字化时代的独特价值和意义。  相似文献   

当前研究混淆使用"传播实践"概念的情况普遍存在,一定程度上源于对核心概念的无意识,以及对其所处学术脉络的忽视。更重要的是,数字革命正促逼着一种对传播实践与社会之间关系的重新考察。面对这一亟待澄清的领域,本文通过爬梳传播学等学科经典文献,基于将传播视为实践的方法取向,对"传播实践"这一关键词展开了分析,指出其至少包含三个层面的问题,即"管理的问题","行动的问题"及"文化的问题",不同层面的实践问题背后实则存在着不同的社会想象与主体预设。数字媒介的迅猛革命亦施展出其整合的机制,身体、语言、技术、空间等作为媒介不仅相互影响,不同媒介在数字时代更被赋予新的意涵,并纷纷嵌入到一套联动的传播实践当中。本文强调,作为一种视角的"传播实践"不是并行于传统5w框架的细分领域,而是重新理解"传播"的思维方式。  相似文献   

媒介文化因其巨大的整体性影响而跃升为文化研究中重要的考察对象,文章借鉴麦克卢汉媒介文化理论,从部落化、非部落化、重新部落化视角,对《格萨尔》文化遗产传承的媒介景观展开研究,重新阐述了史诗传承媒介嬗变的三个阶段:从听觉主导的口头媒介经由视觉中心的印刷媒介再到综合延伸的电子媒介。作为原生态人类非物质文化遗产,《格萨尔》在由部落化到非部落化再到重新部落化传承的同时,所呈现的口传文化/书写文化/电子传媒文化立体伸展的传承语境与媒介景观,对进一步研究中国活态文化遗产传承具有积极的借鉴与启发意义。  相似文献   

社会传播中"注意力霸权"的过度滋长和"缄默文化"的缺失,会损害传媒文化的内在品质和持续健康发展,影响传媒文化的精品化、经典化和必要的文化沉淀。随着媒介革命和信息爆炸时代的来临,注意力的稀缺和"眼球经济"成为新的时代特征和时代诉求。但对信息泛滥时代的"注意力神话"需要反思,应重视较为收敛、内涵化的"缄默传播"的作用与当代机理。这里所谓的"缄默传播",可以理解为不以信息数量取胜,  相似文献   

本文考察媒介记忆被书写、承携和消费的过程,以受众为出发点讨论春晚和媒介记忆,即春晚是谁的和什么样的集体记忆,同时透过受众记忆讨论春晚长期社会文化影响,与现有关于春晚如何建构"家-国"意识形态的观点对话。研究以动态、实践和流变的视角认识记忆建构,强调大众传媒既是行动主体也可能是记忆实践的途径和对象。笔者区分"中介化"(mediation)的集体记忆实践和"集体记忆化"的媒介实践,认为春晚内容单独不构成集体记忆,作为记忆实践的春晚是形成记忆机制的关键。春晚在受众主体的记忆实践中,成为记忆之所,记忆唤起和记忆操演的承携者,以及讲述和理解家庭、民族和阶层身份的对象。  相似文献   

This article argues for the analysis of public engagement as an essentially mediated activity. Although recent studies note that academic knowledge is increasingly available for consumption by nonacademic audiences, they tell us little about how it gets recontextualized while passing through the hands of media professionals on its way toward such audiences. In Burawoy’s (2005) influential call for the rebirth of public sociology, as in the debates his work provoked, the media is treated solely as a means for the transportation of knowledge. But as this article demonstrates, the media does not simply transport knowledge; it also, and at the same time, translates that knowledge in various, rhetorically consequential ways. Focusing on the mediated trajectory of an attempt by a group of academics to connect with audiences beyond academia, their initial contribution is compared to its subsequent translation(s) across various British newspapers. A discursive analysis reveals the techniques via which a classic form of public sociology came to be recontextualized such that, remarkably, these authors were left appearing to voice nothing but their own petty prejudices. The article concludes by noting that where public engagement involves mediation, public sociology should pay more attention to the recontextualizing affordances of media discourse.  相似文献   


Collaboration with other entities and individuals has long been a standard practice of libraries. Typically, these collaborations seek to reduce redundancies, save money, and support educational and research efforts. However, a new model of collaboration exists that both assists discipline-specific research practices and informs library procedures. This article reviews two collaborations between an assessment librarian and a sociology class. The collaborations are unique because the library is the focus of the collaboration, with sociology students being able to apply classroom learning in a real-world setting. Several suggestions are provided for best practices when endeavoring to use this type of collaboration to inform library practice and engage students in hands-on learning.  相似文献   

Belgium-based Mvslim.com is a citizen media platform that aims to create a space for Muslims and non-Muslims to contribute content dedicated to challenging stereotypical portrayals of Muslims in legacy media. Launched in 2015, this non-profit digital media startup claims to reach over 10 million unique visitors per month worldwide and is one example of a successful grassroots citizen media initiative that attracts and appeals to a global community. Based on a combination of content analysis and in-depth interviews with the platform’s editors and contributors, this paper examines the citizen media practices used by the editorial team at Mvslim to foster participatory engagement amongst contributors and connect Muslims and non-Muslims. Theoretically, the study takes the practice approach proposed by Stephansen, which enables us to understand “what citizen media do” not only as news-making practices, but also as “public-making practices”. We argue that digitally native citizen media platforms like Mvslim are blurring the boundaries of journalism, as they can fulfil democratic functions once limited to legacy media.  相似文献   

Despite continuous attempts in the mass media landscape to integrate new forms of two-way interaction, limits of interactive media have become a focal theme of criticism since two-way interaction has been introduced. Interviews with national and regional radio stations’ professionals have revealed divergent perceptions not only based on the various actors, but also based on national and regional practices.

This study outlines lingering limitations of user-generated content implementation, based on conceptualizations of affordances of interactivity and organizational practices associated with it. I argue that the new platforms don’t necessarily eliminate the biases that have been addressed by the previous two-way communication.  相似文献   

通过将社会心理学理论应用到读者服务的情境之中,提出了读者服务的一些工作技巧,并且质疑了一些惯常做法的合理性.作为社会学和心理学相交叉的实证科学,社会心理学为优化读者服务提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):64-81
Adopting a systems framework from the sociology of occupations, this study proposes a model to explain the vulnerabilities of journalism in the face of challenges from blogging, and the conditions under which journalists are likely to change their practices to address these vulnerabilities. A test of this model shows that editors’ awareness of local blogging activity corresponds to increased use of blogs as sources, discussion of blogs in planning meetings and adoption of the blogging form on news websites.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):282-299
The media production industries of most European countries have undergone considerable changes in the last 30 years. The de-regulation of the sector and technological changes have transformed recruitment and employment practices, with some impact on the ethnic composition of the media workforce. Based on relevant literature and the views of 68 senior journalists and media professionals in Italy, Greece, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and the Netherlands, the article examines the factors—impeding and facilitating—that determine migrant employment in the European media. It highlights the many aspects of the recruitment process and the nature of media work that can pose additional barriers to those outside the mainstream of society.

For a full explanation of the methodology of the research project, please see the introduction in this themed section: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2012.740213.  相似文献   

黄若涛 《新闻界》2008,(5):21-23
论文以理论传播学、社会学和文化学的理论为指导,运用文献研究、逻辑思维和理论分析的方法,研究了奥运会所具有的多重价值。  相似文献   

“公共新闻”(publicjournalism)是美国 1 990年前后出现的新的理论 ,美国媒介为此进行了大量的实践探索。“公共新闻”在美国学术界引起了争议 ,同时也在新闻传播实践中总结了一系列原则和策略。本文通过对这一理论的梳理 ,分析了它的理论价值、现实作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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