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2012年8月10-14日,中国教育学会中学数学教学专业委员会在北京召开2012年工作会议.理事长方明一,副理事长关成志、章建跃、任子朝、吕伟泉、王安秦,秘书长张劲松,副秘书长张安庆、景敏、周远方、康杰,学术委员会副主任张福生以及北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古、吉林、辽宁、上海、安徽、江苏、浙江、江西、山东、福建、海南、广东、广西、湖北、河南、贵州、四川、重庆、青海、甘肃、宁夏、陕西、新疆、新疆生产建设兵团,北京师范大学、陕西师范大学,教育部考试中心,  相似文献   

中国人的本土节日(阴历)意味着纪念活动,或团圆、或庆祝、或祭祀,春节之后的土节依次有元宵节、龙抬头、清明节、端午节、七夕、中秋节、重阳节、腊八节、小年等。阳历节日一般是纪念日,如植树节、劳动节、儿童节、建军节、教师节、国庆节、元旦等。此外,中国人近年来还热衷过洋节,大致有圣诞节、情人节、愚人节、父亲节、母亲节、感恩节、复活节、万圣节等。本刊青少年成长调查中心统计,  相似文献   

翻白草,亦称鸡脚儿、鸡脚草、叶下白、天青地白,为蔷薇科植物翻白草的带根全草,夏秋季节采收,晒干备用。味甘,微苦,性平,归肝、胃、大肠经,具有清热解毒、凉血止血之功,适应于治热毒痈肿、疗毒、赤白下痢、各种出血、疮疖、淋巴结核、腮腺炎等病症。  相似文献   

对 2 0 0 3年高考 (夏季 )的评说 ,随考试的落幕而起 ,可谓众说纷纭 ;与此同时 ,投往本刊的评析稿件也如雪片纷飞。赞扬者溢于言表 ,批评者也颇显中肯。无论如何 ,这些评论都是我们总结和改革高考命题与教学复习值得借鉴的。尤值一提的是 ,成都成人教育学院历史系教授冯一下、南京师范大学历史系姚锦祥、西南师范大学历史地理所严奇岩、北京师范大学历史系博士生何成刚、浙江大学附中特级教师何凡、浙江温州育英国际实验学校孙双武等教研名家 ,都倾情赐稿 ,参与评析 ;而出自下列老师之手的稿件也无不显示出各自的分量和特色 ,他们是———江苏的王晓伟、范从华、王生、陆建良、刘爱军、樊兆龙、周龙祥、徐为章、张永生、赵立民、朱根林、徐士君 ,吉林的张守权 ,山西的杨作仁 ,北京的刘赋斌、赵建玲 ,甘肃的田鸿、杨源明 ,湖南的易卓、周振飞、何端跃、龚明才 ,河北的申宪法、李军素 ,河南的代玉东、马雪 ,江西的刘道梁、杨剑辉、艾美告、周良臣 ,福建的陈祥龙 ,山东的陈秀凤、刘世欣、赵桂臻、张凯、王立江 ,湖北的詹维东、张少男、王大良、姜桂平、陈佼、朱晨辉、程远斌、许青山、柳三星 ,安徽的黄静、黄小波、林桂平、吴长楼、胡志宏 ,浙江的胡尧兴、陈碧霄、徐金卫、陈春露、李永康、徐峻、姜建武、  相似文献   

站在2010年的起点,我们的内心感慨万千。回望2009年的冬天,北京教育杂志社,忙忙碌碌,来来往往,热火朝天。研讨会、策划会,编辑部与专家、与教师、与作者、与读者反复论证;组稿、采访、编辑、写作,文编与作者、与被采访者、与文字一次次交流;封面、内文、标题、版式,美编与文字、与图片、与字体一次次对话。终于,在2010年到来之际,我们捧出了这份沉甸甸的答卷。  相似文献   

正稍加留意,我们就会发现,外来文化已经渗透到生活的方方面面。孩子们过的是圣诞节、万圣节、愚人节,吃的是肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客,穿的是耐克、阿迪、维尼熊,看的是奥特曼、狮子王、哈利波特,崇拜的明星是乔布斯、科比、李敏镐,一心一意想的是出国留学、海外定居。相比而言,我们的传统节日、传统饮食、传统服装,我们的民族英雄、神话故事、历史记忆,却距离生活越来越远,难以引发孩子们的兴趣和共鸣,甚至有人无端反感、蔑视自己的传统文化。传统文化的缺失,尤其是中华传统美德教育的缺失,犹如心灵的雾霾,造成孩子  相似文献   

1981年10月18日,政协全国委员会在北京隆重举办陶行知诞辰90周年纪念大会,王昆仑、李维汉、刘澜涛、许德珩、邓颖超、王任重、史良、胡愈之、蒋南翔等出席,邓颖超主持会议并发表讲话.1991年10月18日,国家教委、全国政协、民盟中央、民进中央、中华职教社、中国教育工会、全国教育学会、中国陶行知研究会、中国陶行知基金会等,联合在人民大会堂隆重举行陶行知诞辰100周年纪念大会,李瑞环、李铁映、张劲夫、胡乔木、孙起孟、雷洁琼、钱伟长等出席会议并发表讲话.2001年9月11日,中央统战部、教育部、民盟中央、中国陶行知研究会、中国陶行知基金会在北京人民大会堂举行"纪念陶行知诞辰110周年座谈会",李岚清致贺信,张劲夫、丁石孙、许嘉璐、王兆国、刘延东、王湛、钱正英出席会议.2011年10月18日,民盟中央和中国陶行知研究会在北京举行座谈会,纪念陶行知诞辰120周年,民盟中央主席蒋树声出席会议.除了国家层面的纪念大会、座谈会之外,全国各地的纪念活动此起彼伏,而每次大大小小的纪念活动,都是一次次学陶师陶的誓师会.比陶行知影响更大的人很多,在他们的生日或忌日,人们也会举行各种各样的纪念活动.然回顾对陶行知的纪念,其规格之高,声势之大,范围之广,持续时间之久,形式之多样,几乎无人能出其右.那么,在这些异乎寻常的纪念活动背后,究竟有着怎样的意蕴呢?  相似文献   

对 2 0 0 3年高考 (夏季 )的评说 ,随考试的落幕而起 ,可谓众说纷纭 ;与此同时 ,投往本刊的评析稿件也如雪片纷飞。赞扬者溢于言表 ,批评者也颇显中肯。无论如何 ,这些评论都是我们总结和改革高考命题与教学复习值得借鉴的。尤值一提的是 ,成都成人教育学院历史系教授冯一下、南京师范大学历史系姚锦祥、西南师范大学历史地理所严奇岩、北京师范大学历史系博士生何成刚、浙江大学附中特级教师何凡、浙江温州育英国际实验学校孙双武等教研名家 ,都倾情赐稿 ,参与评析 ;而出自下列老师之手的稿件也无不显示出各自的分量和特色 ,他们是———江苏的王晓伟、范从华、王生、陆建良、刘爱军、樊兆龙、周龙祥、徐为章、张永生、赵立民、朱根林、徐士君 ,吉林的张守权 ,山西的杨作仁 ,北京的刘赋斌、赵建玲 ,甘肃的田鸿、杨源明 ,湖南的易卓、周振飞、何端跃、龚明才 ,河北的申宪法、李军素 ,河南的代玉东、马雪 ,江西的刘道梁、杨剑辉、艾美告、周良臣 ,福建的陈祥龙 ,山东的陈秀凤、刘世欣、赵桂臻、张凯、王立江 ,湖北的詹维东、张少男、王大良、姜桂平、陈佼、朱晨辉、程远斌、许青山、柳三星 ,安徽的黄静、黄小波、林桂平、吴长楼、胡志宏 ,浙江的胡尧兴、陈碧霄、徐金卫、陈春露、李永康、徐峻、姜建武、  相似文献   

潘坚 《早期教育》2008,(4):30-33
古人画的兔字哪个更像小兔子呢?十二生肖依次是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。小小的兔子,有灰色、棕色、白色、黑色,有长毛、短毛。兔子有时安静而孤立,有时善变而敏感,性情温顺,人顺,人见人爱。  相似文献   

据专家介绍,雾霾看似温和,里面却含有各种对人体有害的细颗粒、有毒物质,种类有20多种,包括酸、碱、盐、胺、酚,以及尘埃、花粉、螨虫、流感病毒、结核杆菌、肺炎球菌等,其含量是普通大气水滴的几十倍。现在,灰蒙蒙的大雾天气经常出现,如果不注意预防,雾霾中的污染物就会刺激呼吸道,诱发上呼吸道感染、哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、慢性支气管炎及心脑血管疾病。那么,我们应该如何应对?  相似文献   

Résumé De manière générale, l'évidence sensorielle et, plus particulièrement, visuelle constitue pour les étudiants le principal fondement du savoir scientifique: nul besoin de supposer pour connaître, tout est donné ou presque. Du point de vue de l'enseignement des sciences, cette croyance à saveur réaliste est particulièrement critique, notamment parce qu'elle conduit à penser que les concepts, lois et théories scientifiques procèdent d'un monde de matérialités plutôt que d'un monde de modèles et de relations. Au cours d'une recherche effectuée auprès d'un groupe-classe de 35 étudiants durant douze semaines, nous avons pu observer que, pour la majorité des étudiants, la compréhension du caractère construit et consensuel du savoir scientifique était facilitée par le développement d'une métaréflexion sur leurs propres productions de connaissance et les inévitables postulats et suppositions qui les fondent. Nous avons également pu observer qu'il découle de cette activité réflexive un modèle de science qui se distingue des modèles initialement tenus par les étudiants, par le pouvoir créateur et, surtout, le pouvoir de théoriser qu'il comporte: postuler, supposer, jauger collectivement de la plausibilité des résultats plutôt qu'en appeler à une instance occulte, voilà quelques-unes des conquêtes théoriques qu'ils ont effectuées et sur lesquelles nous allons nous attarder.
Sensorial, and more specifically, visual evidence is generally regarded by students as the basis for scientific knowledge: no need to postulate to understand, all is almost or practically given. From a science-teaching standpoint, this rather realistic approach is critical and leads to the belief that scientific concepts, laws, and theories stem from a world of materiality rather than from a world of models and relationships. During a 12-week study a group of 35 college students, we observed that for the majority of them, the development of metareflection on how they produce knowledge, with the inevitable and inherent postulates and conjecture, facilitated their understanding of the constructed and consensual character of scientific knowledge. We also observed that this reflexive activity facilitated the development of a new approach to science that differed from those models previously used by the students in its creative potential and, more importantly, in the power of its theoretics: to postulate, suppose, and collectively estimate the plausibility of results rather than calling up occult instances. These and other theoretical achievements will be discussed in this paper.


Consciousness is a natural and integral part of human beings that is at the core of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual functions throughout our lives. However, we tend to be too occupied with or distracted by the details of our daily existence to be fully aware of our own consciousness. More often than not, we are engaged in the surface consciousness in the materialistic world or emotional realm, which interferes us to get connected with our deeper consciousness and capacity. This paper will unpack the layers of human consciousness (or lack of consciousness) from philosophical perspective to examine the relations between our understanding of consciousness and its impact on our holistic wellbeing and growth (Singh, 2016 Singh, L. P. (2016). Science, spirituality, and ontological mysticism: the philosophical enquiry and reflection. Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Co. [Google Scholar]; Suzuki, 1999 Suzuki, S. (1999). Zen Mind. New York: Weatherhill. [Google Scholar]; Thompson, 2015 Thompson, E. (2015). Waking, dreaming, being. New York: Columbia University Press. [Google Scholar]). What is consciousness? How do human beings choose our consciousness? What is the relation between micro and macro consciousness? How do we expand, develop, and apply our consciousness for the maximum wellbeing and growth through education? The paper intends to go beyond the compartmentalized analysis of consciousness (e.g. biological, psychological, neurological etc.) by engaging a holistic metaphysical viewpoint as well as relational and dialectic approaches (Ames & Hall, 2003 Ames, T. R. & Hall, L. D. (2003). Daodejing: making this life significant. New York: Ballantine. [Google Scholar]) Hegel, 1807, 1977 Hegel, G. W. F. (1807, 1977). The Phenomenology of spirit. (A. V. Miller Trans.). Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Google Scholar]; Laozi, 1999 Laozi. (1999). Daodejing (道德经). Shanxi, China: Shanxi Classics Press. [Google Scholar]). It aims to connect theory, learning, and living together with nature and universe beyond the limitation of time and space.  相似文献   

BackgroundChild maltreatment has been associated with the development of various mental health problems, including the development of personality disorders.ObjectiveThis study investigated the association between child maltreatment and personality disorder symptoms in 125 women who transitioned out of residential care.MethodThe Child Trauma Questionnaire was used for the measurement of child maltreatment, and Personality disorder symptoms were measured using the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 + . The Psychological Distress Index was used to control for symptoms of distress.ResultsA Stepwise regression analysis showed that the majority of the associations were found between self-reported emotional abuse, neglect and personality disorder symptoms. Emotional abuse was significantly related to the Paranoid (β = .42, p<0.001), Schizoid (β = .18, p <0.05), Schizotypal (β = .18, p<0.05), Histrionic (β = .22, p<0.05), Avoidant (β = .31, p < .001), Dependent (β = 0.31, p < .001), Obsessive Compulsive (β = 0.29, p = .001), Passive Aggressive (β = 0.23, p<0.01) and the Depressive personality disorder (β = .38, p < .001). Emotional neglect was significantly associated to the Borderline Personality Disorder (β = .32, p<0.001) and the Paranoid Personality Disorder (β =-0.22, p<0.05).ConclusionsThe current study underlines the detrimental effects of childhood maltreatment, and in particular the effects of emotional abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

The motivation and methodology for measuring intelligence have changed repeatedly in the modern history of large-scale student testing. Test makers have always sought to identify raw aptitude for cultivation, but they have never figured out how to promote excellence while preserving equality. They’ve settled for egalitarianism, which gives rise to “culturally fair” tests that substitute vagaries for knowledge, deprive students of any real appreciation for language, and trivialize education. Robert Jackson yearns for traditional oratorical approaches to schooling that venerate and imitate essential, time-tested masters. Unfortunately, he writes, such an education defies measurement with today’s multiple-choice instruments.
Robert L. JacksonEmail:

Robert L. Jackson   is associate professor of English and education at The King’s College, New York, NY 10118; rjackson@tkc.edu.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of two types of whole task patient simulations, role-play and web-based, on learning outcomes for two topics, local anesthesia and non-surgical extractions, in a foundational oral maxillofacial surgery course for second year pre-clinical dental students. Using a 2x2 factorial design, we asked which simulation model allows for deeper cognitive engagement that fosters higher learning outcomes for novices practicing complex skills as a professional, a collaborative role-play simulation (Role-Play Sim), or an individually-paced web-based simulation (Web Sim)? In two studies covering two different topics, we compared the effect of these simulations on 50-item multiple-choice knowledge tests. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: No Sim, Web Sim, Role-Play Sim, or Both Sims. For study 1 covering local anesthesia, there was a statistically significant main effect for the Role-Play Sim, F (1, 105) = 103.804, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.497, but not for the Web Sim, F (1, 105) = 1.655, p = 0.201. Similarly, for study 2 covering extractions, there was a statistically significant main effect for the Role-Play Sim, F (1, 108) = 162.362, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.601, but not for the Web Sim, F (1, 108) = 0.072, p = 0.798. The interaction term was not statistically significant in either study. Results suggest that role-play simulations achieved a higher level of learning outcomes than the web-based patient simulation.  相似文献   

Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins tells the archetypal story of the young, virgin, orphan girl who is vulnerable to either debauchery or rescue. That such a girl must succumb to either one or the other is a necessary element of the archetype. In O’Dell’s work—one intended, after all, for children—the heroine is rescued by a paternalistic figure and re-inscribed into the patriarchal world. Yet, in the hands of young readers, Island—part fairytale, part rescue narrative, part feminist parable—becomes a story of independence and survival, despite the heroine’s “rescue” at the end.
Diann L. BaeckerEmail:


Professional development is a critical systems-level intervention thought to facilitate Response-to-Intervention (RtI) implementation. The current study examined the relations between professional development, educator outcomes, and problem-solving implementation within an RtI framework using growth curve modeling. School leadership teams from pilot schools (= 34) participated in 3 years of training. Pilot schools also received job-embedded coaching. Comparison schools (= 27) provided a referent group. Results indicated that problem-solving implementation increased faster at pilot schools (β = 0.10, SE = 0.05, t = 2.03, p < .05). In addition, beliefs regarding data-based decision-making (β = 0.36, SE = 0.17, t = 2.13, p < .05) and perceived problem-solving skills applied to academics (β = 0.30, SE = 0.10, t = 3.07, < .01) positively related to implementation. Implications include the needs to further explore professional development activities and for consultants to utilize evidence-based professional development principles when supporting RtI implementation.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to present a sketch of what, following the German social theorist Arnold Gehlen, may be termed “sensuous cognition.” The starting point of this alternative approach to classical mental-oriented views of cognition is a multimodal “material” conception of thinking. The very texture of thinking, it is suggested, cannot be reduced to that of impalpable ideas; it is instead made up of speech, gestures, and our actual actions with cultural artifacts (signs, objects, etc.). As illustrated through an example from a Grade 10 mathematics lesson, thinking does not occur solely in the head but also in and through a sophisticated semiotic coordination of speech, body, gestures, symbols and tools.
Luis RadfordEmail:

Due to the modernization of the medical curriculum and technological advancements, anatomy education has evolved beyond cadaveric dissection alone. Plastination techniques, three-dimensional (3D) modeling, and 3D printing technologies have progressively gained importance. However, there are limited valid and reliable surveys to evaluate students' perceptions of these new anatomy tools. Hence, this study aimed to develop a validated instrument to measure students' learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, humanistic values, and perceived limitations of plastinated and 3D printed models. A 41-item survey (five-point Likert scale, 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) was administered to Year 1 undergraduate medical students following a randomized controlled crossover study that evaluated plastinated and 3D printed cardiac and neck models. Ninety-six responses were received, and a factor analysis was performed with the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin sampling adequacy of 0.878. The confirmatory factor analysis yielded a 4-factor, 19 items model that had a good fit with the latent constructs of x2 (147) = 211.568, P < 0.001, root mean square error of approximation = 0.068, root mean square residual = 0.064, comparative fit index = 0.946, and Tucker Lewis index = 0.937. The Cronbach's alpha for the individual factors ranged from 0.74 to 0.95, indicating good internal consistency. This demonstrated a psychometrically valid and reliable instrument to measure students' perceptions toward plastinated and 3D printed models.  相似文献   

Hitting children for disciplinary purposes (i.e., spanking or corporal punishment [CP]) is a strong risk factor for child physical abuse and is highly prevalent in the U.S. Yet, little is currently known about the relevant attitudes, beliefs, or training needs of key professionals who often advise parents regarding child discipline strategies. A survey of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) membership, comprised of mental health professionals, physicians, child welfare professionals, and other professionals in the child maltreatment field, was conducted to assess attitudes, beliefs, perceived norms, training needs, and motivations to change norms regarding CP (N = 571, response rate = 51%). Most respondents agreed that spanking is a bad disciplinary technique (82%), is harmful for children (74%), and leads to negative outcomes (M = 3.0, SD = 0.6) more frequently than positive outcomes (M = 2.1, SD = 0.6; t = 20.8; p < 0.0001) for children. Professionals reported perceiving that their colleagues’ level of endorsement of CP (M = 2.4, SD = 1.0) was higher than their own (M = 1.9, SD = 1.0; t(568) = −10.7, p <0.0001) though still below the midpoint. Professionals reported high levels of preparedness to effectively advise parents on non-physical child discipline strategies, but reported perceiving lower levels of preparedness amongst their colleagues. They reported highly valuing giving such advice to parents and being very motivated to participate in activities designed to change social norms regarding CP. Most APSAC members are poised to change these norms and, in doing so, to help reduce rates of child physical abuse in the U.S.  相似文献   

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