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理论指导:会话分析理论和互动理论。方法:抽取广东外语外贸大学的三个精品课堂进行研究。研究的重点:主话语结构,话轮转换与教师话语。研究结果:精品课堂的课堂话语有以下三个特征:(1)课堂话语结构复杂,绝大多数是IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F和IR1F1/R2F2,会话内容更丰富;(2)课堂会话环境轻松,每个会话结构有8个以上的话轮,而且学生主动寻求话轮权、夺过话轮,扩展自己的回答;(3)教师提问主要表现为参考性提问而且教师提供了大量的积极反馈,因此在课堂上教师激发了学生的回答欲望,引发了更长更复杂的学生回答。  相似文献   

教师课堂话语对学生英语习得具有重要影响。本文通过收集高职中外英语教师课堂话语个案,分析研究中外英语教师课堂的话语量、会话结构、提问方式、反馈语的特点,提出改进高职教师英语课堂话语的建设性意见。  相似文献   

以辛克莱为首的伯明翰学派对课堂会话进行了深入的研究,把课堂话语结构分为五个阶层:课、课段、回合、话步、话目.教师与学生的会话有一个框架和一个焦点.教师与学生的回合中包含诱发、回答和反馈.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,以哈维.萨克斯为首的一些社会语言学家开始把会话分析作为主要工具用来研究人们日常会话的规律,不久,会话分析越来越广泛地被用来研究特定环境下发生的人类话语,课堂话语也毫无例外地成为了会话分析研究的对象。教师支架式教学、同伴支架式教学毋庸置疑地从不同角度帮助学生获得英语语言知识与技能。但针对教学过程中变化多端的教学目的,会话形式的选择也应做到有的放矢,以期使课堂教学取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

课堂交互是二语习得的必要条件,作为课堂交互核心要素的教师话语在外语课堂中起着促进和阻碍语言习得的双向怍用。因此,外语教师话语的质量优劣决定着课堂教学成败。运用会话分析法,研究江苏省5所高校10名大学英语教师20节真实课堂话语,揭示高校外语教师话语质量方面存在的问题并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

课堂交互是二语习得的必要条件,作为课堂交互核心要素的教师话语在外语课堂中起着促进和阻碍语言习得的双向作用。因此,外语教师话语的质量优劣决定着课堂教学成败。运用会话分析法,研究江苏省5所高校10名大学英语教师20节真实课堂话语,揭示高校外语教师话语质量方面存在的问题并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

关恩娣 《考试周刊》2015,(30):173-174
预示语列是在以言行事前,先用某些话语进行试探,看可否向对方实施某一言语行为的施为前语列。Levinson等人将预示语列划分为请求前语列、宣告前语列、询问前语列、结束前语列、邀请前语列等。本文以汉语课堂会话为语料,对汉语课堂会话中的预示语列进行分析,从而为指导汉语作为第二外语教学和跨文化交际提供实践基础。  相似文献   

教师课堂话语在组织课堂教学和学习者的语言习得过程中起着至关重要的作用.文章从英语教师课堂话语的重要性出发,以大学英语教学新手、熟手和专家型教师的课堂话语语料为切入点,结合新格赖斯的会话含义理论,探讨提高大学英语教师话语的效能的新视角.  相似文献   

戏剧一直是文体学研究的一个薄弱环节。作为形式文体学和功能文体学之后的主流文体研究派别,话语文体学以会话分析为理论基石,可以为戏剧研究提供新的解读角度和阐释途径,成为戏剧研究的重要理论依据和分析工具。文章从话语文体学的角度,依据会话含义理论和话语角色转换理论,以中英文戏剧中的典型对白为例,探索了话语文体学的戏剧语言研究。  相似文献   

语言课堂上教师话语作为可理解性输入的主要形式,对学习者中介语的发展起着不可忽视的作用。通过理论及实例分析,本文认为我国EFL课堂仍不能过度减少教师话语量,教师指令语和反馈语应注意减少语用失误,课堂会话策略应采用能延伸会话内容的IRF结构。  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of science teacher subject-matter knowledge on classroom discourse at the level of individual utterances. It details one of three parallel analyses conducted in a year-long study of language in the classrooms of four new biology teachers. The conceptual framework of the study predicts that when teaching unfamiliar subject matter, teachers use a variety of discourse strategies to constrain student talk to a narrowly circumscribed topic domain. This article includes the results of an utterance-by-utterance analysis of teacher and student talk in a 30-lesson sample of science instruction. Data are broken down by classroom activity (e.g., lecture, laboratory, group work) for several measures, including mean duration of utterances, domination of the speaking floor by the teacher, frequency of teacher questioning, cognitive level of teacher questions, and student verbal participation. When teaching unfamiliar topics, the four teachers in this study tended to talk more often and for longer periods of time, ask questions frequently, and rely heavily on low cognitive level questions. The rate of student questions to the teacher varied with classroom activity. In common classroom communicative settings, student questions were less common when the teacher was teaching unfamiliar subject matter. The implications of these findings include a suggestion that teacher knowledge may be an important unconsidered variable in research on the cognitive level of questions and teacher wait-time.  相似文献   

Background: Research on teacher–student relationships has focused logically on classroom talk. Investigations of classroom talk range from broad consideration of the structures of such talk to a somewhat narrower focus on the interpersonal dimensions of such talk, and their consequences for student achievement and motivation.

Purpose: This study explores a relationship that the teacher defined as ‘difficult’, and attempts to understand, through analysis of classroom talk, how the complexities of full-class discussion contributed to the manifestation of a difficult relationship.

Sample: The analysis focuses primarily on one teacher and one student in a 31-student, grade seven (age 12–13) English/Language Arts class. The study was conducted in a seventh-grade language arts/social studies block class in Midwest Middle School (a pseudonym), a middle school of around 700 students in a mid-sized suburban community in the Midwest, USA.

Design and methods: The study draws from nine weeks of participant observation, isolating classroom episodes between the teacher and the specific student with whom she had a ‘difficult’ relationship. Interactions were transcribed and then analysed, using a mixed approach which drew upon research methods from conversation analysis (CA), classroom discourse analysis and Goffman's discussion of participation frameworks.

Results: Analysis suggested that the difficulty of the relationship between teacher and student was less the result of particular behaviours on the part of either participant and more the result of complications of interaction in full-class discussions.

Conclusions: In effect, the teacher, the particular student and the other students cooperated to create a difficult relationship. Despite that difficulty, however, other decisions the instructor made in structuring the classroom environment mitigated those complications, allowing the student to feel some success in the class and to continue to attempt to participate successfully in full-class interactions.  相似文献   

We describe the dynamic discourse interactions between a teacher and her students in a third-grade science classroom. We focused on how the teacher and students initiate, prompt, respond, and provide feedback; use questioning and power strategies; and how questions are associated with power dynamics. We relate the consequences of teacher use of power to the engagement of student with subject matter. Two classroom sessions were observed and teacher?Cstudent interactions audio recorded. Data were transcribed and a method was developed for analyzing teacher-student interactions, power dynamics, and types of questions asked. Results revealed that teacher talk was twice as frequent as students?? talk; questions were primarily closed-ended and task-oriented; and students asked few questions. The teacher exercised power by keeping activities organized and conventional, and utilizing subject matter. The developed methods showed us the complexity of question and power dynamics in classroom discourse and have implications for professional development and research.  相似文献   

This article reports a case study on classroom interaction in teacher education in Norway. It addresses how teacher students in the school subject Norwegian constitute scientific talk in a student-led discussion. First, the analysis reveals tension in the classroom conversation between mundane talk—that is, where students make claims with reference to their personal epistemic domain—and scientific talk—that is, where students make claims with reference to a shared scientific epistemic domain. Then, the analysis identifies specific interactional resources (reproach, embedded correction, formulation, and recontextualization) that the students use to regulate and bridge the 2 levels of discourse. Finally, the article provides insights into how scientific discourse is collaboratively established through conversational turns and considers how teacher education might use these findings for communication-skill training.  相似文献   

王睿 《科教导刊》2020,(2):77-78
在大学英语口语课堂之中,教师的话语已然成为了英语教学中关键地一个研究领域。教师话语的功能性特征对促进学生交流、调节课堂氛围具有十分显著地意义。基于此,本文将对当前大学英语口语课堂教师的课堂话语进行调查,最后对口语课堂教师话语的功能性进行分析。  相似文献   

Discourse is more than verbal language itself.The social significance of discourse lies in the relationship between linguistic meanings and the wider context in which interaction takes place.In this paper,the author describes a research project involving qualitative dialogues between a Chinese high school student and an American teacher.Discourse analysis let us see how macro-structures are carried through micro-structures.  相似文献   

This article investigates whole‐class discussions of literature in the English classroom and the pragmatics of teacher interpretation in and through the voices of characters. In particular, it focuses on the whole‐class oral reading and discussion of the Tennessee Williams' play A Streetcar Named Desire in an ethnically and linguistically diverse rural Canadian classroom, and the teacher's stylized “Southern” oral performances of significant characters as part of her responses to student answers in whole‐class talk. Using extensive audio data from a 12th‐grade English class and drawing from the analytic tools of the linguistic anthropology of education, this article raises questions of the potential functions of stylized characters' voices in literary critical talk. This research contributes to ongoing conversations regarding the pragmatics of voicing, stylization, and the intersections of teacher talk and literacy learning in classroom discourse, with specific attention to the pedagogic work of enregistering bundles of linguistic features with particular teacher‐driven interpretive perspectives on literary characters.  相似文献   

在外语课堂中教师话语既是教学内容又是教学手段。随着英语新课改的不断深入,教师话语对于语言教学的影响已经成为一个被学界日益关注的课题。本研究通过课堂录音和课后访谈,从语言输入和互动两个角度,对一名农村中学英语教师课堂教学中的目的语使用比例、句法特征、教师话语量、提问方式、反馈方式等方面的特点进行了系统分析。研究结果表明:该教师课堂是典型的"以教师为中心"的传统课堂,虽然为学习者提供了一定的目的语输入,但太多地使用陈述句;教师话语量明显多于学生话语量,提问与反馈方式并不能有效地引发学习者的目的语输出。  相似文献   

Drawing on extant theorizing and research on reflective teaching, this paper discusses the impact of an innovative methods course designed around the activity of student teachers’ reflections on their own classroom discourse, for their understandings of the connections between theory and practice. Situated in the context of foreign language pre-service teacher education in Israel, and focusing on one aspect of a larger research study on the connections that student teachers make between theory and practice, this paper presents three exemplary cases of student teachers’ learning. The connections exhibited by these three student teachers between theory (principles of pedagogy) and practice (the classroom discourse patterns that characterized their teaching) were interpreted as: (1) understanding how practice fits theory; (2) connecting theory and practice to generate grounded theories of practice; and (3) developing practical theories. We discuss these findings as related to the idiosyncratic character of students teachers’ learning and to activities in teacher education that enhance reflection on the meeting between theory and practice.  相似文献   

Studies have documented the importance of dialogic classroom discourse for supporting academic outcomes such as reading comprehension and vocabulary development. This study examines the relationship between teacher talk during whole-classroom discussions in 42 classrooms and post-discussion persuasive essays from students in grades four through seven (n = 471). Teacher talk was coded by type of question (contestable, semi-open, or quiz-like) and teachers' follow-ups (prompting, pressing for reasoning, active listening), and further categorized as indicating either high or low levels of dialogic talk. Multilevel modeling that accounts for student participation rate, discussion topic, and students' demographic information shows that high dialogic teacher talk positively predicts students’ persuasive essay scores, while low dialogic teacher talk negatively predicts their scores. The study supports existing hypotheses about the role of teacher dialogic talk in whole-class settings.  相似文献   

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