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乔治·艾略特的代表作《米德尔马契》具有非常强烈的女性意识。多萝西娅、玛丽·高思、布尔斯特多德夫人是艾略特笔下的三位“女性引导者”,她们用无私的爱和奉献引导男性,采用隐秘、间接的方式来削弱男性权威,对男性命运产生了至关重要的影响力。  相似文献   

唐景春 《海外英语》2012,(3):204-205
In Middlemarch, George Eliot creates the three heroines who have different characters and lots. The study of Eliot’s feminism view is based on feminist literary criticism. By the contrast and comparison of the three female images in Middlemarch, Eliot expresses the both radical and conservative attitude towards feminism.  相似文献   

《安娜·卡列尼娜》和《米德尔马契》分别出自19世纪俄国现实主义作家列夫·托尔斯泰和英国女作家乔治·艾略特之手。两部小说在结构、心理描写和女性意识上存在着同中有异、异中有同的特点。两部小说都采用了双线结构,前者是隐秘的内部联系,后者是内外双重联系;心理描写上前者注重展现人物的心灵辩证过程,后者通过对话和内心独白来挖掘人物的心理状态;两部小说都体现了强烈的女性意识,但后者比前者更具有超前性。  相似文献   

Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt was the most important abortion case to come before the United States Supreme Court in 25 years. It was also the first time that three women were seated on the high court to hear a case that challenged the fundamental right to choose abortion. I investigate the questioning by Justices Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan at oral argument for Whole Women’s Health as a rhetorical enactment of feminist judging and argue that the rhetorical skepticism of the SCOTUS women—their persistent questioning, defiant expressions of doubt, and incredulous style—challenged the discursive boundaries of abortion jurisprudence and advanced a feminist demand that regulations to abortion rights receive heightened scrutiny from the courts. Importantly, Whole Women’s Health demonstrates how rhetorical skepticism may operate as a powerful mode of feminist legal invention—to disrupt the norms of legal reasoning and draw the traditions of legal discourse into doubt in order to authorize a discursive space for feminist legal judgment.  相似文献   

政府与大学的关系问题是大学外部治理结构面临的重要问题。本文以南方科技大学的改革为案例,用权威—目的二分法的理论框架从权力视野来分析南科大现有的外部治理结构对学校发展的制约,指出话语权的缺失是南科大在建立现代大学制度的探索中面临的关键问题。通过政府部门向大学的分权重建大学的话语权,通过分权提高地方政府在改革中的话语权,从集权的社会主义模式的治理走向分权的市场模式的治理,是高等教育改革的必然方向。  相似文献   

《士师记》是一部以男性权威为主要特征的文学文本,但在表面的男性压制下,同时也隐藏着逐渐觉醒的女性意识。女性主义叙事学是一种将文本分析和意识形态研究相结合的批评方法,而本文就是以女性主义叙事学为切入点,以兰瑟的叙述声音和沃霍尔的叙述视角理论为方法论,来探讨《士师记》中的两性意识以及潜藏在文本下的性别政治。  相似文献   

Sexual harassment in university communities is, at best, understood as the exercise of power by deviant individuals and is dealt with through sexual harassment policies, grievance procedures, reprimands and educational measures. Through a discursive analysis of one case of sexual harassment, this article illustrates how power is not merely attached to specific individuals. Rather, university communities provide the conditions under which sexual harassment is naturalised. The article illustrates how conservative and liberal discourses of academic freedom, juridical interpretations of collective agreements, and anti-feminist backlash discourses shaped knowledge in the public domain, while the voices of women students and feminist discourses on sexual harassment were either marginalised or silenced. The article supports the view that the discursive framing of sexual harassment constitutes power relations in the academy and ultimately legitimises sexual harassment. The article offers some discursive strategies for dealing with sexual harassment in university communities.  相似文献   


As feminist and anti-racist scholars and activists have long known, which stories predominate and which are marginalised is always a question of power and authority – about who is entitled to speak, and who has the authority to decide the meanings of words and actions. Storytelling can be used as a tool for social justice, as exemplified by the international feminist movement Hollaback! and its regional and worldwide struggle to end street harassment and make public spaces accessible for everyone. This article examines the practice of sharing stories within one specific Hollaback! group, highlighting the timeliness of the online storytelling technologies promoted by the movement and considering this work as an example of extra-academic feminist education. The article concludes by questioning to what extent feminists manage to formulate their own localised struggles through storytelling within the feminist movement as a whole.  相似文献   

This study examines how participation in a verbal exchange during an inquiry-based classroom activity allows three college students and their science instructor to use linguistic signs (choices of words, grammatical structures, discursive structures, prosody and poetic discourse) to construct authority and expertise. Our work explores linguistic and interactional processes of identification (the dynamic construction and transaction of expert identity) and examines how discursive strategies adopted by the professor at different moments of the verbal exchange influence the students’ subsequent discursive practices and perceptions of authority. We adopt a dialogic, socio-constructivist perspective on identity, viewing personal identities as being partially constructed via interactional positioning. Our findings reveal that the attainment of expertise involves two different types of language-mediated processes: the transmission of a professional vision or intension and the emergence of a perception of agency among students. The former is centered on referential-denotative meanings of speech (elicitation of standard account and operational definition) while the latter requires effective use of pragmatic–performative functions of speech (non-evaluative and more than minimal recipient practices). Consideration is given to the need for science instructors to be able to utilize pragmatic functions of language strategically to encourage students to position themselves within the identity of science expertise.  相似文献   

In this article I attempt to deconstruct the discursive complex around the subject of the 'underachieving boy', and to critique its composition and effects from a feminist perspective. In addition, I suggest some elements of a feminist perspective on masculinity and schooling, including new research agendas and pedagogic strategies which centralise the importance of the unconscious, social and cognitive processes in situated encounters and the possibility of promoting critical literacy combined with a 'pedagogy of the emotions' as a way forward.  相似文献   

女性主义不论在理论基础还是现实前提上都有其自身的困境,主体的经验性、个体性、矛盾性特质构成了女性主义的非一致性、差异性、多样性。后现代主义的去中心、消解权威无疑与处于社会和文化边缘位置的女性主义者反男权中心相一致,为女性主义者提供了更多的视角和思想武器;但其"解构"本质也构成了对所有"主义"包括女性主义的消解,也许就是在消解的地方更能催发人思考,重新出发。  相似文献   

将女性话语译出历史地表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史上女性一直扮演着沉默的缺席者角色。随着女性主义翻译的出现,如何将女性话语译出历史地表这一问题不可忽视。本文回顾了女性作为盲点的一段历史,通过分析女性话语权,探讨了女性话语的凸显。  相似文献   

While the issue of boys’ dominance of the curriculum has a long history, the article examines this phenomenon in a contemporary context, through an empirical study with female teachers designing English curriculum around girls’ media in a coeducational secondary school in Victoria, Australia. In this space, teachers, and the researcher, produce and perform both individual gendered identities and plans for the identities of future student subjects, while negotiating subject positions made available to girls and women in broader social contexts. In this instance, negotiations that take place during the development of a unit of work on Mattel's Barbie website form the basis of feminist discourse analysis, enabling us to ‘take stock’ in thinking about what curriculum design is, about where the past is situated in relation to the present, and to question why, within a discursive feminist/postfeminist entanglement, the heritage of feminist intellectual thought in this area seems absent.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how Donna Jo Napoli changes generic conventions and reworks discursive formations in order to retell traditional tales. Discussed are the narrative strategies she uses in telling her stories, her representation of male and female characters in regard to gender and gendered relationships, and the way she renegotiates ideologies and value systems encoded in the traditional tales. It is suggested that these three areas are useful in defining and discussing feminist fairy tales for youth.  相似文献   

This article begins with Pollock’s comment that Judith Butler ‘finds hope in failure’ and its aim is to explore what ‘hope in failure’ means in relation to A Level students’ engagements with post-feminism and feminism. The article grounds its argument in an exploration of how post-feminism and feminism intersect with sixth form students’ subjectivities through the educational practices of their second-year A Level subject-based research. The article analyses empirical instances of students’ discursive agency through Butler’s notions of performativity, citationality, excessive signification and resignification to consider the complex, multiple and creative ways in which sixth form students produce themselves as viable gendered subjects in relation to post-feminist and feminist discourses. The analysis considers both how discourse regulates and conditions students’ relations with post-feminism and feminism and how discourse contains the possibilities for the subject to refuse the refusal of feminism in popular culture. Through its analysis of how students use their discursive agency to claim a feminist identity, and how these uses constitute transgressive practices, the article explores the political significance of identifications with feminism in doing gender differently. It ends with an argument for the re-consideration of the apparently assured popular cultural ‘failure’ of feminism in post-feminist neoliberal times.  相似文献   

论梅娘的知识女性小说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梅娘的知识女性小说中凸显出鲜明而自觉的女性意识。对于女性的悲剧性寓言,梅娘从社会时代、女性心理构成以及历史积淀等方面追根溯源,并试图探究女人解脱苦海的具体出路,同时以一种幽默嘲讽的叙事风格解构了所谓的男权神话。  相似文献   

话语的女性主义重写--兼比较《简·爱》的两个中译本   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着女性主义与翻译研究的日益关联,如何在翻译中体现女性话语成为女性主义翻译和体现其译者主体性的一个重要问题。本文从女性主义翻译理论出发,结合权力和话语的关系,强调了女性话语权的重要性,通过实例探讨了凸显女性话语的翻译策略和方法。  相似文献   

本文从女性主义叙事学理论家苏珊·兰瑟(Susanl_maser)有关叙述声音模式划分的理论,这一较新的视角来解读美国著名犹太女性作家蒂莉·奥尔森(TillieOlsen)l~代表小说《我站在这儿熨烫》(IStandHereIroning),分析了奥尔森作品中出现的不同声音模式。为了让边缘母亲作为一整体在主流文化圈中树立起“话语权威”,奥尔森通过多种叙述声音模式相结合,将普通边缘劳动母亲这一群体从沉默中解脱出来,使她们的沉默心声得以展现,达到颠覆。从女性主义叙事学的角度看,奥尔森作品中的边缘妇女已成功实现了“话语权威”。  相似文献   

In this article, we research and revisit our own experiences of gender equality work to determine the societal and discursive power relations that have shaped gender equality. We conducted our study in Finland, a ‘Nordic model of gender equality’, but we argue that these results have worldwide relevance, especially since Nordic models of gender equality and education have been exported globally. By combining earlier research, our own extensive experience of conducting gender equality work, and previous literature on feminist pedagogy, we examine the possibilities of what we call ‘gender equality pedagogy’ in an era of marketization. To develop the concept of gender equality pedagogy, we ask how combining an analysis of gender equality work with feminist pedagogy can help to acknowledge and utilize power relations. We suggest that understanding gender equality work as a form of pedagogic practice might help overcome some of the barriers that gender equality work has encountered for decades.  相似文献   

Feminist poststructuralist approaches to research can authorize different ways of working with different types of texts in search of insight into the discursive constitution of subjects. In this paper I undertake a close reading of women's memories about early sexual experiences generated in a small collective biography workshop. The collective poetic text that emerges from the workshop is analysed in terms of recent feminist sociological research on girls' experiences of (hetero)sex and in terms of Foucault's work on power. Analysis reveals the discursive complexity and deep (and often dangerous) contradictions through which girls negotiate their shifting subjectivities as they become sexual. My readings of this text imply that school sex education programs might attend more closely to the ambiguities of agency and desire experienced by adolescent subjects of the curriculum. Finally, I suggest that reflexive readings of our own (sexed) subjectivities can be productive professional development strategies for teachers of sex education.  相似文献   

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