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元代义仓设立的时间与积谷方法考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,学界对元代义仓的设立时间和积谷方法仍未有一致认识,有着数种不同的看法。本文在重新搜集和审视材料的基础上,对此略作考辨。  相似文献   

自汉魏六朝始,"庭院"作为文学意象出现在了诗中,但作品并不多;至晚唐时期,受时代背景影响,"庭院"意象在诗中的运用多了起来。在五代词中"庭院"意象出现的频率则更高。一方面是花间词人写女性的闺阁生活,离不开"庭院"意象的运用;另一方面是南唐两位词人赋予了"庭院"意象更为丰富的内涵,使"庭院"意象在词中形成的意境更为深远,且使词的题材更为广阔,为后世诗人、词人创作提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

庭院是我国传统的建筑空间,其空间布局暗合古代传统文化,重门紧锁对养在深闺的古代女性有着强烈的道德束缚与心理暗示。在我国古典文学中,有关"庭院"的诗词意象往往用于儿女情思、闺怨思妇这类创作题材,女性往往被"庭院"幽困于男性作家的代言中。直至清代,随着女性自我意识觉醒,一场"庭院"的突围之战打响了。  相似文献   

正周大风(1923-2015),宁波市北仑区大碶人。他作的《采茶舞曲》风靡全国,享誉世界。周大风的茶韵天赋,离不开生他、养他的浙江大地。采茶舞曲出泰顺2016年在G20杭州峰会实景交响音乐会上,第二个演出节目采用了周大风的《采茶舞曲》,300多名采茶姑娘在西子湖翩翩起舞,给来宾留下了对江南、对中国的美好印象。问世50多年来,《采茶舞曲》久演不衰。1983年由联合国教科文组织作为亚太地区优秀民歌保存起来,并被推荐为亚太地区风格的音乐教材;1992年亚运会上,还作为我国运动健儿的入场曲;又作为我国东方红  相似文献   

新市,古运河畔的一颗明珠,市井风情与人文意蕴交相辉映,城镇建设和社会经济同步发展;那浪漫的民俗、精致的美食、古朴的建筑,依然呈现出无限魅力。  相似文献   

我的老家在西岩山脚下,有一处闲置的院落,每当空闲的时候,我就会回到老家,整理房间,打扫庭院,修剪树枝,拔掉野草,常常把庭院打扫得干干净净,寸草不生。 今年春天,由于学校里的事务繁忙,我回老家的次数少了,自然是满院狼藉。  相似文献   

“毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。”在江南,六月又俗称“荷月”,这是荷花的节日。荷花生于碧波之中,香远溢清,亭亭净植。从清晨到黄昏,随着光影的转移,变换着无穷的色彩和姿态,因此自古即深受人们的喜爱。自从近千年前柳永吟出“三秋桂子,十里荷花”之后,荷花便占据了一城山色半城湖的杭州,也盛开在历代文人墨客的诗词里,成为西湖故事中永远不败的风景。  相似文献   

李鹏 《生态文化》2011,(4):53-53
星夜庭院静, 窗前百虫鸣, 偶得歇息处, 叶动听瓜生。  相似文献   

张建成 《文化交流》2012,(10):59-61
"接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红."在中华各地,在中华各族,莲荷之韵,绵长悠远. 2012年7月,浙江省武义县柳城畲族镇的十里莲花长廊,花开壮观,白的、粉的、红的、淡紫的、间色的,单瓣、复瓣、重瓣、重台、千瓣,异彩纷呈,令人惊叹、陶醉. 莲花花开季节为6月至9月,7月怒放.为把畲乡的莲花打造成亮丽的旅游名片,柳城畲族镇组织当地畲乡艺人,编排颇具民族特色的畲乡风情表演节目,每逢周六、周日以十里莲田构筑舞台,进行表演,吸引了全国各地游客前来赏花品莲和采风、写生、摄影.  相似文献   

正宋,以其独树一帜的文化和活力被誉为"东方的文艺复兴时期",在中国文化史上有着承上启下、继往开来的历史地位。天台山儒释道三教圆融并存,在两宋时期达到鼎盛期,这个时期的天台山文化既有对其前文化的继承与吸收,也有其时代自身的推陈与出新,对后世产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

This paper provides new insights into understanding the causes of deterioration of the Corbii de Piatra rupestrian church and shows the significance of studying the geological environment of historical rock-cut settlements when undertaking preservation and restoration actions. The Corbii de Piatra church is one of the few rupestrian churches remaining in Romania and is an important part of the country's heritage. The church is carved in a stratum of polymictic sandstone of Oligocene age, which is part of the Getic Depression, located in the southern part of the South Carpathians. In the 14th century the interior walls of the church were decorated with mural paintings of a high artistic value. Over the centuries, the church's walls and mural paintings have been negatively affected by a series of physicochemical processes. These processes were studied through field investigations and laboratory analyses carried out between October 2007 and November 2010. The investigations revealed that tectonic fissuring and the structural anisotropy of the rock facilitate the infiltration of meteoric water through the walls into the interior of the church, from north to south, maintaining a high-level of humidity in the northern wall and in the interior of the church. The most harmful effects observed were: (i) the partial hydrolysis of the feldspars through reaction with water from the pores, producing a friable mass of phyllosilicates which led to a superficial disaggregation of the rock and to a diminished cohesion between the rock and the mortar of the fresco, (ii) the reprecipitation of the gypsum as efflorescences on the northern wall and ceiling, covering the mural painting in localized areas, as a result of the transportation of the gypsum by water from the upper strata, (iii) the alteration of the cinnabar pigment, as a result of water penetration by diffusion through the fresco from the wet rock to the pictorial layer (the secondary effect observed being the formation of sulfuric acid, which further reacted with the carbonate from the fresco to form gypsum), (iv) the development of biotic crusts, predominately algal, on the interior wet walls, which, facilitated by the permanent high humidity and the semi-obscurity of the interior of the church, have covered large surfaces of the fresco. Compared to the interior, the exterior vertical walls have been exposed to prolonged daily and seasonal variations of temperature and humidity. These variations have caused repeated variations in the volume of the sandstone, leading to contraction fissuring and peeling of the vertical walls. Any future procedures that might be used to conserve the church should strive to reduce the humidity of the sandstone in the interior walls.  相似文献   

It has become a common practice to include diagnostics and archaeometric studies during a masterpiece restoration. The advantages and limits of this approach are now topic of discussion in the community of researchers that is growing up quickly. The bronze burial monument of Pope Sixtus IV (1471–84) by Antonio del Pollaiolo, now in the Treasure Museum in the Vatican was intended to be located at the center of a chapel, this explains its apparent asymmetry: lack of height and large base. The restoration of the burial monument started in May 2007, it was carried out by first fulfilling a series of non-invasive analyses using a transportable EDXRF to map the composition of the alloy and evaluate the diagnostic capabilities for deterioration processes of the bronze surface. As a consequence of the first non-invasive diagnostic campaign, a second campaign of micro invasive tests was planned and carried out. The samples were analysed with SEM-EDS and XRF techniques. In this article some of the results of the EDXRF tests will be shown together with the procedures set up to maximize the diagnostic information obtained and minimize the need of microsampling from the artefact. The results and the statistical analysis of data show that a straightforward planning of the measurements can give several, sometimes unexpected, results in the definition of the state of conservation of the monument and also from an archaeometric point of view. With a high amount of data, the use of statistical analysis is necessary, for example in our case, the analysis of the variance confirmed the hypothesis of the use of different alloys for the elements of the panels.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of fragmented marble epistyles restored with titanium reinforcing bars is studied numerically using the Finite Element Method. The study is focused to the behavior of restored epistyles subjected to bending under uniform load along the free span of the structural element. The restoration method simulated is the one introduced a few years ago by the scientists working for the conservation of the Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis of Athens and is still under development. Attention is focused to the influence of the geometric features of the reinforcing bars as well as to the role of the cementitious material interposed between the marble and the bar. In addition, the contact properties of the marble-titanium, marble-cement and cement-titanium interfaces are also examined. To achieve the goals of the study, six numerical models are constructed considering centrally fractured prismatic marble epistyles of rectangular cross section restored with a single titanium bar, either cylindrical or threaded. The analysis reveals the critical regions, where the maximum stresses and the strain discontinuities appear and makes clear the influence of the geometrical characteristics of the reinforcing bar. Also, the crucial role of the constitutive law governing the mechanical behavior of the intermediate layer of cementitious material is enlightened.  相似文献   

In March 1997 the excavation team of Edward Keall, Head of the Department of Near Eastern and Asian Civilization of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto (Canada) found the remains of an apparently prehistoric site in a region that was supposed to have been uninhabited until the Middle Ages. On the site there are megalithic pillars of granite and basalt, weighing around 6 tons; some were part of what looks like a rectangular building. A cache of copper-based objects – consisting of two adzes, two daggers, four points, two razors and a leaf-shaped object – was found under one of the fallen megaliths. The authors present the as yet unpublished results of the chemical analysis carried out by ICP and the observations obtained by SEM/EDX and discuss briefly the significance of the data and the problems encountered while studying the items of the newly discovered civilization. The stylistic comparisons and the chemical composition of the objects suggest a date around the end of the 3rd or the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, while other finds on the site seem to indicate a later period.  相似文献   

城市色彩景观是城市整体风貌的重要组成要素,对于保护城市建成文化遗产,传承城市文化基因以及协调城市传统风貌区与周边建成环境有着重要的作用。借助视知觉理论,结合重庆市人民大礼堂历史文化传统风貌区的核心保护范围和建设控制地带的管控要求,划定风貌区周边片区色彩景观研究范围。从色彩景观评价和认知维度,采用MATLAB平台自拟程序量化方式和公众参与社会调查方法,分析研究片区范围内,城市色彩景观结构及建筑色彩。研究发现片区色彩整体统一,但局部色彩不协调、单栋建筑色彩突出,进而提出风貌区周边色彩景观整体控制、点状更新及分类实施的提升策略。  相似文献   

作为一个持续生长的有机体,城市在历史进程中需要经历代谢、衰退、病变、更新、再生等生命演替,如何让城市既有设施持续发挥作用、保持活力是城市发展面临的主要问题之一。纽约将废弃的高架铁路改造为供市民公共活动的公园,并成功地带动了整个区域的复兴,在观念、方法、策略等方面为城市既有设施的活化再利用提供了很好的示范。回溯纽约切尔西区铁路线从废弃到改造为高线公园的活化过程,分析了高线公园在更新过程中采取的地方文脉延续理念、社会参与引导路径、公共空间营造策略,深度揭示高线公园空间品质和城市效应形成的内在机制以及由此带来的衍生效应,并在此基础上探讨该案例对于我国城市更新的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The features of materials and of constructive techniques have been singled out and recorded through techniques already experimented in the archaeological field (stratigraphy and typologies comparisons); it led to determining the constructive history, the alterations and the restorations of the building on a wide scale which goes from the margin walling of the Arsenal to the colours of walls. Every single piece of the building can be associated to the general constructive history and can be representative of the whole body of materials and constructive techniques used in the different historical periods of construction and use of tesone 105.  相似文献   

在郊区化背景下,以上海为例,利用网络开放数据与统计年鉴数据探究工业、居住、商业三类城市功能空间的郊区化轨迹。研究发现,上海经历了工业郊区化引领、城市蔓延的郊区化、多中心发展的成熟郊区化3个阶段。郊区化模式的渐进发展带来了城市功能空间复杂性演化,郊区由单一产业导向的生产空间向工业、居住、商业多要素互动的综合城区转型,进而对城市多中心结构的形成起到了塑造作用,优化了城市功能布局。城市功能空间的演变是政府、企业、居民综合作用的结果,郊区化过程中三者结构关系与互动机制动态演化,政府作为主导者与谋划者促进了产业与人口向郊区集聚。  相似文献   

Saraç-Lesavre  Başak  Laurent  Brice 《Minerva》2019,57(2):239-260

The Fukushima accident was a crisis in Japan, and a crisis elsewhere. In Europe, the aftermath of Fukushima was a period of intense questioning, about how to ensure the safety of nuclear reactors, and how, at the same time, ensure the ability of the European Union to act as a consistent political actor in the face of potentially catastrophic risks. Using empirical material related to the post-Fukushima stress tests and the subsequent discussions about the European regulatory framework for nuclear safety, this paper shows that stress tests have provided a peculiar form of European intervention, restabilizing regulatory boundaries while extending the European gaze. It describes the overall operation thereby performed as the “normalization of the crisis” whereby the exceptional situation enters the realm of the normal functioning of the public administrations, and where the actions undertaken take the form of the legal norm.


近现代埃塞俄比亚的首都亚的斯亚贝巴建立于1868年,其城市空间结构在一百多年中受到地理环境、殖民统治和城市规划等因素的影响而发生变迁,是这个国家现代化历程的缩影.以埃塞俄比亚近现代政治、经济变更为分期标准,将亚的斯亚贝巴自19世纪建城以来的城市发展分为5个时期进行研究,分别是现代化开端、殖民时期、战后重建、非洲马克思主...  相似文献   

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