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李哲慧 《海外英语》2013,(16):230-231
Captain Ahab is a controversy and complicated figure in Moby Dick. The studies of Ahab in the past has become increasingly involved various aspects. Ahab is a figure with many faces, among which the most significant and decisive ones are his individualist, arrogance and humanity. He persists in taking revenging on the white whale is quite compatible with such character. Besides, his fate is also leads to his attachment behavior. In this essay,I will mainly analyze the fate and characters of Ahab in order to help readers understand Moby Dick better.  相似文献   

孙昕翃 《海外英语》2011,(9):310-311
The Old Man and the Sea was an excellent novel written by the famous American novelist Ernest Hemingway and the novel led to the Nobel Prize which he won in 1954.The novel is a simple story about a Cuban fisherman Santiago’s struggle with a marlin and sharks on the sea.In fact it has deep meaning,which implies the struggle between one’s ego and superego.Hemingway eulogizes the hero through the process of the struggle.The paper consists of three parts.The first part is the introduction to the writer and the novel.The second part analyzes the hero Santiago in details,including his struggle with the marlin and the sharks,his interest in the struggles.The third part is the conclusion that the hero Santiago’s superego controls his ego in the struggle and he is a real winner.  相似文献   

"The Old Man and The Sea"is Hemingway latter years’masterpiece,with which he was awarded the Nobel prize in1954.As the protagonist of the novel,Santiago plays a vital role to the novel’s motif.Hemingway expresses his attitudes toward the life through the image of Santiago.The paper intends to explore the character of Santiago from different facets and angles.In the end,we reach a conclusion that Santiago is a strong-willed man with a young,indestructible soul,he is kind,sensitive as well as hardworking.In a ward,he is a perfect Hemingway hero.  相似文献   

权立红 《海外英语》2012,(23):197-198
In the American and British literature,Moby Dick written by Herman Melville is the magnum opus.The most imortant idea of the thesis is the revenge between Captain Ahab and the White Wheal.The thesis discusses the target and significance of the revenge through the character analysis of Ahab.Ahab’s revenge shows the readers the determination of human’s fighting against the Almighty God and Herman Melville’s idea of harmonious co-existence between humans and the nature.  相似文献   

This paper explores the meaning of the American dream and testifies that two American characters,Jay Gatsby and Forrest Gump are the personification of the American dream in different times.In their stories,the two American people are different from people around them in that they have undying affection for their beloved and that they never give up their dreams no matter how difficult the situation is.The paper combines the social background and the two characters’ own experience,to analyze the two romantic dreamers in the cruel reality and reveal that people of dreams can achieve greatness.  相似文献   

吕婕 《海外英语》2013,(15):196-197
As the hero in Ernest Hemingway’s greatest masterpiece,The Old Man and the Sea,Santiago has always been considered as a perfect example of Hemingway’s stoical protagonists.Being one of the classic characters in the American literature,Santiago is noticed for his strength,wisdom,bravery,and above all,his unsurpassed endurance.Even though the prototype of Santia go in reality,as Hemingway once revealed in an interview,is an old Cuban fisherman who told him about his experience of catching a large marlin and losing it to the sharks in 1935[海],the spiritual prototype of the old man has been best interpreted in the Greek Mythology.To be more precise,Santiago’s spiritual prototype is the combination of Atlas,Prometheus and Sisyphus.  相似文献   

周小惠 《海外英语》2014,(22):173-174
From cultural point of view,there are two methods in translation:adaptation which is TL culture-oriented and alienation which is SL culture-oriented.What this article tries to prove is that each of them has its own strong and weak points,which leads to the conclusion that both methods are justified in their existence.And last,some points for attention are suggested for translation,which include the relationship between SL and TL,the type of texts and the translator’s purpose.  相似文献   

游学军 《海外英语》2012,(7):220-221
Human nature is one of the most thoroughly studied topics in human history.Even today the argument continues in all different social contexts,and by studying Conrad’s two stories:Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer,the author tries to analyze the two sides of the nature,both good and evil,which are inherent in us humans.In the essay the author explores the two heroes in the stories and tries to prove that only when we realize and admit our capability for the evil,can we make the good and kind side of nature to flourish.  相似文献   

郝媛媛 《海外英语》2011,(15):180-182
Moby-Dick, a great masterpiece by Herman Melville, is acclaimed as an epic of the sea such as no man has equaled. This thesis focuses on Ahab and the aesthetic sublime in Moby Dick. Ahab proves himself to be a figure of the aesthetic sublime in his chasing and fighting against the giant whale.  相似文献   

No masterpiece by great writers is single-sided.It is always polyhedron and is bound to show new sides if we read it in a different perspective.Traditionally,"the Mayor of Casterbridge",one of the important novels by Thomas Hardy,is an illustration of the inevitable doom of the patriarchal economy in the English countryside in the 19th century England due to the merciless squeeze by industrial expansion.However,considering the widespread accepted theory of Adam Smith’s economic man and moral man,we could find that man are always in conflict between the two.Someone who are very rational and perfectly informed to pursue their own profits and wealth regardless of others’ interests could always successfully gain their wealth with the cost of losing their own happiness,while others who always care about someone else,put themselves in someone else’s places,and regard someone else’s happiness as their concerns could eventually get their real happiness and sweet life with a sympathetic heart.Adam Smith thinks that the egoism(economic man) and the altruism(moral man) are both human’s natural instincts.Only a moderately prudent balance and union between the two could both develop the economy and gain the happiness.In "The Mayor of Casterbridge",Henchard’s tragedy just lies in the abundance of egoism but the shortage of altruism.That’s to say,he possesses too many characteristics of economic man but too little of moral man.Then Henchard inevitably begins his tragic way with no repentance.  相似文献   

美国作家麦尔维尔的《白鲸》、海明威的《老人与海》和福克纳的《熊》是世界文学史上三大著名的动物史诗。《白鲸》中"佩阔号"船长亚哈与白鲸莫比·迪克势不两立的殊死对抗,《老人与海》中桑迪亚哥与马林鱼、鲨鱼的冲突又和谐的关系,《熊》中猎人艾克对大熊老班的敬畏,都是人与自然关系的象征,体现了美国文学丰富的生态意蕴。  相似文献   

《白鲸》是麦尔维尔的代表作,小说的主人公亚哈船长,是一个敢于挑战自然、而又注定失败的英雄人物。亚哈的动机、性格和命运折射出了他身上的悲剧英雄主义气质。麦尔维尔成功地塑造了亚哈这一悲剧英雄,揭示出人与自然必须保持和谐统一关系的真理。  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔是美国浪漫主义时期杰出的小说家,其后期作品《莫比·迪克》(又译《白鲸》)结构庞大,气势磅礴。在小说里,以实玛利被分裂成了两种不同的角色,从角色一到角色二的转变实则以实玛利的精神历程,而亚哈与魁魁格则是该历程中以实玛利所经历的两个重要的精神阶段。是摒弃还是吸纳,将是本文讨论的焦点。  相似文献   

《白鲸》和《老人与海》同为美国文学的名著,在外在的形式和故事情节上具有很高的形似度。对比研究可以发现两书在人物性格塑造、文学流派以及时代背景和作品主旨上具有很大的差异性。  相似文献   

黑色浪漫主义特性是美国著名小说家麦尔维尔所创作的《白鲸》的重要特征。文章从亚哈的个人悲剧、死亡情节以及主题上的善恶冲突等分析了黑色浪漫主义的独特特性是如何在《白鲸》中体现的,表现了生与死,罪恶与黑暗等关于人性、命运、道德的重大主题。  相似文献   

Herman Melville,with Moby Dick as his masterpiece,is a famous romantic writer.Moby Dick is a "bright pearl" in the literary treasury of the world.By allegorically depicting the cruel killing of whales by the Captain Ahab and other sailors in his whaling ship,and their tragically being drowned in the sea,the writer reveals that if humans are too selfcentered,we will inevitably be punished by nature.Start with the three states that humans get along with nature in Moby Dick,my thesis aims at exploring the transformations of the relationship between humans and nature as well as the edification that humans may gain from the tragic story.  相似文献   

美国著名作家梅尔维尔的《白鲸》中以实玛利的出海、亚哈的反抗和结局的安排都蕴含着存在主义对于存在、荒谬、自由、选择的哲学阐释,这既反映了梅尔维尔创作的前瞻性,又揭示其见解的独特性。  相似文献   

李梦雨 《海外英语》2012,(12):216-217
"Moby Dick"is an in-depth spiritual exploration about beliefs,religion,fate and nature with multi-layered meanings.This novel is based on a whale-hunting adventure,which turns out to be actually a vengeance-seeking voyage.The plot is very simple,yet the meaning behind it is far from simple.Applying symbolism,Melville depicts a hostile relationship between men and nature,which is spotlighted by the conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.This thesis deals with the relationship between men and nature as presented in the novel,the symbolic meaning that Melville intends to convey and his attitude towards the ideal relationship between men and nature.  相似文献   

解读麦尔维尔在《白鲸》中塑造的亚哈这一人物形象,我们会发现很难对这位游离于正义与邪恶之间,集结了英雄与恶魔特质的复杂个体下一个准确的定义。本文仅从亚哈船长不向命运低头,敢于正视自己的残疾,敢于挑战比自己强悍百倍的莫比.迪克,敢于抛弃一切甚至生命去维护"人类的尊严"等这些闪光点,以及由于他的自私、偏执导致的悲剧结局来探讨这一人物形象对现如今读者的积极意义和消极意义。  相似文献   

海明威的《老人与海》通过一位普通劳动者———古巴渔夫格雷戈里奥.富恩特斯的真实经历,塑造了世界文学史上的经典硬汉形象———桑提亚哥。通过这一硬汉讴歌了人类的永恒价值———人的自信,也使得桑提亚哥成为海明威硬汉形象中唯一的、被赋与灵魂的硬汉。《老人与海》在海明威创作中占有特殊的重要地位,是作者创作思想和艺术探索的总结性作品。  相似文献   

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