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尹雪慧  李正风 《科学学研究》2012,30(10):1449-1453
随着社会知识化进程的不断推进,公共政策制定越来越需要科学和技术专业知识的支持,科学发现和技术发展对政策的影响已经形成一个独特的问题域,科学顾问成为当代政策制定过程中有重要影响的社会角色。然而,随着科学的客观性和知识的确定性被打破,专业知识和科学顾问对决策的指导作用也受到了质疑和挑战。本文认为,决策情境中事实判断和价值判断的相互纠缠和相互冲突,科学探究中认知真理性与政治决策中价值合理性可能出现的摩擦,导致了科学顾问的身份困境。本文将分析这一困境出现的原因,探讨科学顾问角色的新内涵,以进一步理解专业知识和科学家在决策中的独特作用及其限度。  相似文献   

刘然 《科学学研究》2019,37(9):1537-1542
摘要:20世纪初的公共政策制定走向了一条科学化和理性化的道路。但后常规时代的科学往往无力提供政策制定所需的那种明确答案,因而也无法减少决策中日益增加的风险与不确定性。当前,科学与政策领域兴起了诸如“知识生产的模式2”、“知识分工”与“公民参与科学”等新兴概念,它们共同指向了专业知识生产的民主化趋势--必须重新开放科学的认知承诺,以一种与传统科学生产模式不同的、强调非职业化与情境化的知识范式去重新理解科学、知识生产与决策,以适应高度复杂与高度不确定性情境下的政策争端。这意味着突破专业知识的规范性承诺和前提性预设,赋予公民智慧与科学专家以能力上的平等地位,在开放、多元的参与情境中实现公众与专家的共同磋商。在科学领域,专业知识的民主化导向的是科学的认知转型;在政策领域,它将突破决策科学化与民主化的两难困境,导向一种更为扩大化的公民参与。  相似文献   

Nye MJ 《Endeavour》1999,23(4):148-154
There is a long tradition within scientific communities that encourages governments, patrons and citizens to enlist scientific expertise in the service of the public good. However, since the 17th century, scientists who have engaged in public political controversy have often been judged harshly by scientific colleagues, as well as by political adversaries. Some prominent scientists were politically active in Germany, France and England during the 1920s and 1930s; controversial stands were taken by the British physicist P.M.S. Blackett and the American chemist Linus C. Pauling against their countries' nuclear weapons policy following the Second World War.  相似文献   

UK scientific advice on the possible health risks of mobile phones has embraced (or seems to be embracing) broader engagement with interested non-experts. This paper explains the context of lost credibility that made such a development necessary, and the implications of greater engagement for the construction (and expert control) of "public concern." I narrate how scientific advice matured from an approach based on compliance with guidelines to a style of "public science" in which issues such as trust and democracy were intertwined with scientific risk assessment. This paper develops existing conceptions of the "public understanding of science" with an explanation based around the co-production of scientific and social order. Using a narrative drawn from a series of in-depth interviews with scientists and policymakers, I explain how expert reformulation of the state of scientific uncertainty within a public controversy reveals constructions of "The Public," and the desired extent of their engagement. Constructions of the public changed at the same time as a construction of uncertainty as solely an expert concern was molded into a state of politically workable public uncertainty. This paper demonstrates how publics can be constructed as instruments of credible policymaking, and suggests the potential for public alienation if nonexperts feel they have not been fairly represented.  相似文献   

科学应对气候变化的若干因素及减排对策分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
气候变化已从科学问题演变成国际政治和经济问题。在进行气候变化的相关决策中,需要综合权衡各方面的因素。本文对4个可能影响我国应对气候变化决策的因素进行了探讨,包括气候变化科学认识的不确定性、国际减排方案的公平性、中国未来CO2排放空间与排放需求的矛盾以及中国应对CO2减排压力的可能途径和减排空间。  相似文献   

This is a study of a well-known controversy in computer science, between artificial intelligence and neural networks researchers. It examines claims made by participants in the field that the controversy was triggered, shaped and finally resolved in connection to activities of state research agencies, particularly the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). In contrast to these claims, this account concludes that, although ARPA's relations to the controversy among researchers were important, they were indirect. This study thus beings the analytical resources of studies of scientific controversy to bear on a domain which has so far gone largely unexamined in studies of 20th-century controversies - namely, state research policy and management. The account is based on contemporary documents, historical literatuare, and interviews with researchers and ARPA officials.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104589
This paper addresses the important question of how research can support the implementation of the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) set out in the 2030 agenda. Much attention on this topic has so far coalesced around understanding and measuring possible synergies and trade-offs that emerge in the SDGs. We contribute to this discussion by arguing that it is necessary to move towards a focus on how SDGs are enabling transformative change. A conceptual approach is presented based on the notion that research should build bridges across three types of SDGs: ones that reflect socio-technical system change, directionality, and framework conditions. This proposition is explored empirically through a case study of Mexican scientific knowledge production using methods from bibliometric and social network analysis. Our results can help to provide a diagnostic of how knowledge production is contributing to the SDGs and can be used in science, technology and innovation policy, in particular transformative innovation policy.  相似文献   

在当前中美科技关系备受关注的情形下,寻求双方共同的基础,推进双方科技交流合作具有重要意义。美国科学界对中美科技关系的观点,反映美国客观、理性的认识,值得关注。文章考察了自2019年以来美国科学界认为有代表性的美国科学界和智库的主要科技政策报告,概括和分析了其主要思想和观点,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

As innovation is increasingly becoming an imperative for policymakers around the globe, there is a growing tendency to frame policy problems as problems of innovation. This logic suggests that we are unable to address grand societal challenges and ensure economic competitiveness because our societies, institutions, scientific activities or individual predispositions are not sufficiently geared towards innovation. In this paper, we analyze this “deficit model” of innovation in which a lack of innovation is routinely invoked as the main obstacle to social progress. Drawing parallels to research on the deficit model of public understanding of science (PUS), we develop a theoretical framework that captures the dynamics and normative implications of deficit construction, highlighting five salient dimensions: problem diagnoses, proposed remedies, the role of expertise, implied social orders, and measures of success. We apply this framework to three empirical case studies of recent innovation strategies in Luxembourg, Singapore, and Denmark. Attention to this deficit framing around innovation is important, we argue, because it is an essential part of how innovation transforms societies in the 21st century: not only through new technological possibilities or economic growth, but also by shaping public discourse, narrowing policy options, and legitimizing major institutional interventions. The implied pro-innovation bias tends to marginalize other rationales, values, and social functions that do not explicitly support innovation. It further delegates decisions about sweeping social reconfigurations to innovation experts, which raises questions of accountability and democratic governance. Experiences from the history of PUS suggest that, without a dedicated effort to transform innovation policy into a more democratic, inclusive, and explicitly political field, the present deficit logic and its technocratic overtones risks significant social and political conflict.  相似文献   

This paper examines the material relations of risk within a dispute about the hazards of manufacturing human insulin using gene technology, and the r?le played by the referent 'real risk' in the technical performance of risk in that dispute. It draws on recent work in science and technology studies that extends actor-network theory to examine the performance of reality in scientific practice. The multiplicity of risks in the dispute, and the links made and unmade between them, are examined. I argue that in the dispute, risks were contingently linked and separated around a referent 'real risk' that emerged within the recombinant DNA debate of the late 1970s. I contrast my account of risk with realist and relativist accounts, each of which values risk as an abstract entity. In my account, risk's value is contingent upon sets of material relations that link hazards and procedures for their minimization. Risk's realness emerges as some risks are linked and others separated, working a multiple/singular relation in an ontological politics of risk.  相似文献   

杨雅惠 《未来与发展》2007,28(3):7-10,6
自有科学研究结果显示温室气体排放会导致全球暖化以来,气候变迁议题便广泛地受到国际社会与科学界的重视。本文以《京都议定书》为案例,探讨科学知识与政治利益之间的关系,并对其未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

Performances of various kinds were central to the strategies adopted by Victorian natural philosophers to constitute their authority. Appealing to the senses of their audience through spectacular effects or ingenious demonstrations of skill was key to the success of these performances. If we want to understand the politics and practice of Victorian science-and science more generally-we need to pay particular attention to these sorts of performances. We need to understand the ingredients that went into them and the relationships between scientific performers and their publics. In particular, we need to investigate the self-conscious nature of Victorian scientific performances. Looking at science as performance provides us with a new set of tools for understanding the politics of knowledge, the relationship between producers and consumers of scientific knowledge, and the construction and constitution of scientific authority.  相似文献   

Evaluation of university-based research already has a reasonably long tradition in the UK, but proposals to revise the framework for national evaluation aroused controversy in the academic community because they envisage assessing more explicitly than before the economic, social and cultural ‘impact’ of research as well as its scientific quality. Using data from the 2009 public consultation on the proposals for a Research Excellence Framework, this paper identifies three main lines of controversy: the threats to academic autonomy implied in the definition of expert review and the delimitation of reviewers, the scope for boundary-work in the construction of impact narratives and case studies, and the framing of knowledge translation by the stipulation that impact ‘builds on’ research. Given the behaviour-shaping effects of research evaluation, the paper demonstrates how the proposed changes could help embed impact considerations among the routine reflexive tools of university researchers and enhance rather than restrict academic autonomy at the level of research units. It also argues that the REF could constitute an important dialogical space for negotiating science–society relations in an era of increasing heteronomy between academia, state and industry. But the paper raises doubts about whether the proposed operationalisation of impact is adequate to evaluate the ways that research and knowledge translation are actually carried out.  相似文献   

以研究科学技术政策的国际权威期刊《Research Policy》(科研政策)于1974-2016年刊载的2855篇文献作为数据样本,运用科学知识图谱方法,获取国际科技政策研究成果的机构、国家、区域分布;通过高频主题词分析,确定国际科技政策研究的热点领域;通过检测词频变动趋势显著的主题词确定国际科技政策研究的前沿领域与发展趋势变化,分析科技政策国际研究的演变历程。研究表明,科技政策国际研究在过去42年间发生了明显的变化,主要体现为:研究范围由早期零星的“科技政策”相关探索发展到目前注重“科技政策学”的科学规范化研究,研究视角由国家层面的宏观研究向微观倾斜,研究热点由知识管理、国家创新系统等扩展到开放式创新、三螺旋创新、团队知识创造等多样化研究。同时发现,科技政策国际研究在早期主要受到纳尔逊(RR Nelson)国家创新系统理论和波特(ME Porter)国家竞争优势理论的影响,而当前主要受到开放式创新理论、三重螺旋创新理论的影响。本文的研究为更加全面地了解科技政策国际研究的发展脉络和演化进程,把握该领域的知识基础、研究热点与发展方向提供了新的参考及依据。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,“公众科学”的概念逐渐受到学界关注并形成了一个新的研究领域,但目前学界对于“公众科学”的内涵仍没有共识。为此本文追溯了实践进路和政治进路两种不同内涵的公众科学的源起、内容与影响,并对两种公众科学的形成背景、理论预设、政策影响等方面的差异进行了系统比较;同时阐述了已有研究对于融合两种公众科学进路的尝试。最后,文章提出公众科学是一种以公众为主体的新知识生产方式,并结合国内公众科学情况提出了几点发展建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports on one aspect of qualitative research on public understandings of food risks, focusing on lay understandings of genetically modified (GM) food in the UK context. A range of theoretical, conceptual, and empirical literature on food, risk, and the public understanding of science are reviewed. The fieldwork methods are outlined and empirical data from a range of lay groups are presented. Major themes include: varying "technical" knowledge of science, the relationship between knowledge and acceptance of genetic modification, the uncertainty of scientific knowledge, genetic modification as inappropriate scientific intervention in "nature", the acceptability of animal and human applications of genetic modification, the appropriate boundaries of scientific innovation, the necessity for GM foods, the uncertainty of risks in GM food, fatalism about avoiding risks, and trust in "experts" to manage potential risks in GM food. Key discussion points relating to a sociological understanding of public attitudes to GM food are raised and some policy implications are highlighted.  相似文献   

欧盟第七框架计划知识产权政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧盟第七框架计划作为提升欧洲创新能力的核心战略工具,其知识产权政策的基本特点和主要内容尤其值得深入研究。本文重点研究了欧盟第七框架计划的知识产权基本模式、科技成果界定制度、成果权属、保护、利用和公开制度,并主要从科研项目产出成果界定的必要性、知识产权类型与范围的广泛性、合作研发中权属分配的灵活性、参与者报告通知义务的法定性等方面提出了对中国科技项目知识产权政策的启示。  相似文献   

Policy-making, as exemplified by biotechnology policy, can be understood as an attempt to manage a field of discursivity, to construct regularity in a dispersed multitude of combinable elements. Following this perspective of politics as a textual process, the paper interprets the politicization of genetic engineering in Germany as a defence of the political as a regime of heterogeneity, as a field of 'dissensus' rather than 'consensus', and a rejection of the idea that the framing of technological transformation is an autonomous process. From its beginning in the early 1970s, genetic engineering was symbolically entrenched as a key technology of the future, and as an integral element of the German politics of modernization. Attempts by new social movements and the Green Party to displace the egalitarian imaginary of democratic discourse into the politics of genetic engineering were construed by the political élites as an attack on the political order of post-World War II Germany. The 1990 Genetic Engineering Law attempted a closure of this controversy. But it is precisely the homogenizing idiom of this 'settlement' which continues to nourish the social movements and their radical challenge to the definitions and codings of the politics of genetic engineering.  相似文献   

中国区域创新模式测度及其创新政策再设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜  巩键 《科研管理》2020,41(4):85-93
基于欧盟的知识差异化模型和智慧型创新政策概念,结合对中国区域创新情境的探索性应用,力图对我国区域创新政策体系再设计提供有益的经验。首先,本文回顾了欧洲学者率先提出的知识差异化模型,并对智慧型创新政策在欧盟创新区域的应用进行了翔实阐释;其次,借鉴欧洲区域创新模式分类的测量指标体系,采集客观数据,对我国31个省市(自治区)的区域创新模式进行了量化测度,运用聚类分析法划分了5种“知识差异化”区域创新模式,分别是基于科学的区域、应用型科学区域、创造性应用区域、模仿创新区域以及创新启蒙区域。最后,针对不同区域的创新知识情境及差异化知识特征,对我国区域创新政策体系再设计提出了对策性建议。  相似文献   

Over the past few years there has been an increasing acknowledgment that all knowledge is "sited knowledge." While place, mobility, and travel have become central issues in the history (and geography) of science, much of the discussion has nevertheless revolved around "formal scientific knowledge." This essay focuses on a specific type of popular "mobile" scientific knowledge making that emerged in the last decades of the nineteenth century: the educational cruise. In particular, it considers a series of voyages d'etude organized by the French scientific periodical Revue Générale des Sciences Pures et Appliquées between 1897 and 1914 that were open to the general public. It examines both the ways and the spaces in which knowledge was produced and the type of knowledge that was produced.  相似文献   

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