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In ad hoc querying of document collections, current approaches to ranking primarily rely on identifying the documents that contain the query terms. Methods such as query expansion, based on thesaural information or automatic feedback, are used to add further terms, and can yield significant though usually small gains in effectiveness. Another approach to adding terms, which we investigate in this paper, is to use natural language technology to annotate - and thus disambiguate - key terms by the concept they represent. Using biomedical research documents, we quantify the potential benefits of tagging users’ targeted concepts in queries and documents in domain-specific information retrieval. Our experiments, based on the TREC Genomics track data, both on passage and full-text retrieval, found no evidence that automatic concept recognition in general is of significant value for this task. Moreover, the issues raised by these results suggest that it is difficult for such disambiguation to be effective.  相似文献   

Diversification of web search results aims to promote documents with diverse content (i.e., covering different aspects of a query) to the top-ranked positions, to satisfy more users, enhance fairness and reduce bias. In this work, we focus on the explicit diversification methods, which assume that the query aspects are known at the diversification time, and leverage supervised learning methods to improve their performance in three different frameworks with different features and goals. First, in the LTRDiv framework, we focus on applying typical learning to rank (LTR) algorithms to obtain a ranking where each top-ranked document covers as many aspects as possible. We argue that such rankings optimize various diversification metrics (under certain assumptions), and hence, are likely to achieve diversity in practice. Second, in the AspectRanker framework, we apply LTR for ranking the aspects of a query with the goal of more accurately setting the aspect importance values for diversification. As features, we exploit several pre- and post-retrieval query performance predictors (QPPs) to estimate how well a given aspect is covered among the candidate documents. Finally, in the LmDiv framework, we cast the diversification problem into an alternative fusion task, namely, the supervised merging of rankings per query aspect. We again use QPPs computed over the candidate set for each aspect, and optimize an objective function that is tailored for the diversification goal. We conduct thorough comparative experiments using both the basic systems (based on the well-known BM25 matching function) and the best-performing systems (with more sophisticated retrieval methods) from previous TREC campaigns. Our findings reveal that the proposed frameworks, especially AspectRanker and LmDiv, outperform both non-diversified rankings and two strong diversification baselines (i.e., xQuAD and its variant) in terms of various effectiveness metrics.  相似文献   

It is well-known that relevance feedback is a method significant in improving the effectiveness of information retrieval systems. Improving effectiveness is important since these information retrieval systems must gain access to large document collections distributed over different distant sites. As a consequence, efforts to retrieve relevant documents have become significantly greater. Relevance feedback can be viewed as an aid to the information retrieval task. In this paper, a relevance feedback strategy is presented. The strategy is based on back-propagation of the relevance of retrieved documents using an algorithm developed in a neural approach. This paper describes a neural information retrieval model and emphasizes the results obtained with the associated relevance back-propagation algorithm in three different environments: manual ad hoc, automatic ad hoc and mixed ad hoc strategy (automatic plus manual ad hoc).  相似文献   

Collaborative information retrieval involves retrieval settings in which a group of users collaborates to satisfy the same underlying need. One core issue of collaborative IR models involves either supporting collaboration with adapted tools or developing IR models for a multiple-user context and providing a ranked list of documents adapted for each collaborator. In this paper, we introduce the first document-ranking model supporting collaboration between two users characterized by roles relying on different domain expertise levels. Specifically, we propose a two-step ranking model: we first compute a document-relevance score, taking into consideration domain expertise-based roles. We introduce specificity and novelty factors into language-model smoothing, and then we assign, via an Expectation–Maximization algorithm, documents to the best-suited collaborator. Our experiments employ a simulation-based framework of collaborative information retrieval and show the significant effectiveness of our model at different search levels.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust and comprehensive graph-based rank aggregation approach, used to combine results of isolated ranker models in retrieval tasks. The method follows an unsupervised scheme, which is independent of how the isolated ranks are formulated. Our approach is able to combine arbitrary models, defined in terms of different ranking criteria, such as those based on textual, image or hybrid content representations.We reformulate the ad-hoc retrieval problem as a document retrieval based on fusion graphs, which we propose as a new unified representation model capable of merging multiple ranks and expressing inter-relationships of retrieval results automatically. By doing so, we claim that the retrieval system can benefit from learning the manifold structure of datasets, thus leading to more effective results. Another contribution is that our graph-based aggregation formulation, unlike existing approaches, allows for encapsulating contextual information encoded from multiple ranks, which can be directly used for ranking, without further computations and post-processing steps over the graphs. Based on the graphs, a novel similarity retrieval score is formulated using an efficient computation of minimum common subgraphs. Finally, another benefit over existing approaches is the absence of hyperparameters.A comprehensive experimental evaluation was conducted considering diverse well-known public datasets, composed of textual, image, and multimodal documents. Performed experiments demonstrate that our method reaches top performance, yielding better effectiveness scores than state-of-the-art baseline methods and promoting large gains over the rankers being fused, thus demonstrating the successful capability of the proposal in representing queries based on a unified graph-based model of rank fusions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quality of training data in learning to rank for information retrieval. While many data selection techniques have been proposed to improve the quality of training data for classification, the study on the same issue for ranking appears to be insufficient. As pointed out in this paper, it is inappropriate to extend technologies for classification to ranking, and the development of novel technologies is sorely needed. In this paper, we study the development of such technologies. To begin with, we propose the concept of “pairwise preference consistency” (PPC) to describe the quality of a training data collection from the ranking point of view. PPC takes into consideration the ordinal relationship between documents as well as the hierarchical structure on queries and documents, which are both unique properties of ranking. Then we select a subset of the original training documents, by maximizing the PPC of the selected subset. We further propose an efficient solution to the maximization problem. Empirical results on the LETOR benchmark datasets and a web search engine dataset show that with the subset of training data selected by our approach, the performance of the learned ranking model can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with automatic extraction of titles from the bodies of HTML documents (web pages). Titles of HTML documents should be correctly defined in the title fields by the authors; however, in reality they are often bogus. It is advantageous if we can automatically extract titles from HTML documents. In this paper, we take a supervised machine learning approach to address the problem. We first propose a specification on HTML titles, that is, a ‘definition’ on HTML titles. Next, we employ two learning methods to perform the task. In one method, we utilize features extracted from the DOM (direct object model) Tree; in the other method, we utilize features based on vision. We also combine the two methods to further enhance the extraction accuracy. Our title extraction methods significantly outperform the baseline method of using the lines in largest font size as title (22.6–37.4% improvements in terms of F1 score). As application, we consider web page retrieval. We use the TREC Web Track data for evaluation. We propose a new method for HTML documents retrieval using extracted titles. Experimental results indicate that the use of both extracted titles and title fields is almost always better than the use of title fields alone; the use of extracted titles is particularly helpful in the task of named page finding (25.1–30.3% improvements).  相似文献   

Document similarity search (i.e. query by example) aims to retrieve a ranked list of documents similar to a query document in a text corpus or on the Web. Most existing approaches to similarity search first compute the pairwise similarity score between each document and the query using a retrieval function or similarity measure (e.g. Cosine), and then rank the documents by the similarity scores. In this paper, we propose a novel retrieval approach based on manifold-ranking of document blocks (i.e. a block of coherent text about a subtopic) to re-rank a small set of documents initially retrieved by some existing retrieval function. The proposed approach can make full use of the intrinsic global manifold structure of the document blocks by propagating the ranking scores between the blocks on a weighted graph. First, the TextTiling algorithm and the VIPS algorithm are respectively employed to segment text documents and web pages into blocks. Then, each block is assigned with a ranking score by the manifold-ranking algorithm. Lastly, a document gets its final ranking score by fusing the scores of its blocks. Experimental results on the TDT data and the ODP data demonstrate that the proposed approach can significantly improve the retrieval performances over baseline approaches. Document block is validated to be a better unit than the whole document in the manifold-ranking process.  相似文献   

Lately there has been intensive research into the possibilities of using additional information about documents (such as hyperlinks) to improve retrieval effectiveness. It is called data fusion, based on the intuitive principle that different document and query representations or different methods lead to a better estimation of the documents' relevance scores.In this paper we propose a new method of document re-ranking that enables us to improve document scores using inter-document relationships. These relationships are expressed by distances and can be obtained from the text, hyperlinks or other information. The method formalizes the intuition that strongly related documents should not be assigned very different weights.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a learning approach for the merging process in multilingual information retrieval (MLIR). To conduct the learning approach, we present a number of features that may influence the MLIR merging process. These features are mainly extracted from three levels: query, document, and translation. After the feature extraction, we then use the FRank ranking algorithm to construct a merge model. To the best of our knowledge, this practice is the first attempt to use a learning-based ranking algorithm to construct a merge model for MLIR merging. In our experiments, three test collections for the task of crosslingual information retrieval (CLIR) in NTCIR3, 4, and 5 are employed to assess the performance of our proposed method. Moreover, several merging methods are also carried out for a comparison, including traditional merging methods, the 2-step merging strategy, and the merging method based on logistic regression. The experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly improve merging quality on two different types of datasets. In addition to the effectiveness, through the merge model generated by FRank, our method can further identify key factors that influence the merging process. This information might provide us more insight and understanding into MLIR merging.  相似文献   

This paper studies how to learn accurate ranking functions from noisy training data for information retrieval. Most previous work on learning to rank assumes that the relevance labels in the training data are reliable. In reality, however, the labels usually contain noise due to the difficulties of relevance judgments and several other reasons. To tackle the problem, in this paper we propose a novel approach to learning to rank, based on a probabilistic graphical model. Considering that the observed label might be noisy, we introduce a new variable to indicate the true label of each instance. We then use a graphical model to capture the joint distribution of the true labels and observed labels given features of documents. The graphical model distinguishes the true labels from observed labels, and is specially designed for ranking in information retrieval. Therefore, it helps to learn a more accurate model from noisy training data. Experiments on a real dataset for web search show that the proposed approach can significantly outperform previous approaches.  相似文献   

In image retrieval, most systems lack user-centred evaluation since they are assessed by some chosen ground truth dataset. The results reported through precision and recall assessed against the ground truth are thought of as being an acceptable surrogate for the judgment of real users. Much current research focuses on automatically assigning keywords to images for enhancing retrieval effectiveness. However, evaluation methods are usually based on system-level assessment, e.g. classification accuracy based on some chosen ground truth dataset. In this paper, we present a qualitative evaluation methodology for automatic image indexing systems. The automatic indexing task is formulated as one of image annotation, or automatic metadata generation for images. The evaluation is composed of two individual methods. First, the automatic indexing annotation results are assessed by human subjects. Second, the subjects are asked to annotate some chosen images as the test set whose annotations are used as ground truth. Then, the system is tested by the test set whose annotation results are judged against the ground truth. Only one of these methods is reported for most systems on which user-centred evaluation are conducted. We believe that both methods need to be considered for full evaluation. We also provide an example evaluation of our system based on this methodology. According to this study, our proposed evaluation methodology is able to provide deeper understanding of the system’s performance.  相似文献   

The retrieval effectiveness of the underlying document search component of an expert search engine can have an important impact on the effectiveness of the generated expert search results. In this large-scale study, we perform novel experiments in the context of the document search and expert search tasks of the TREC Enterprise track, to measure the influence that the performance of the document ranking has on the ranking of candidate experts. In particular, our experiments show that while the expert search system performance is related to the relevance of the retrieved documents, surprisingly, it is not always the case that increasing document search effectiveness causes an increase in expert search performance. Moreover, we simulate document rankings designed with expert search performance in mind and, through a failure analysis, show why even a perfect document ranking may not result in a perfect ranking of candidate experts.  相似文献   

A comparative evaluation has been carried out on the Philips “DIRECT” and the British “INSPEC” retrieval system. DIRECT is based on automatic indexing whereas INSPEC uses manual subject indexing.Two queries were submitted to both systems, using the same data base. The results are expressed in terms of recall and precision. Both recall and precision of INSPEC were found to be higher than those of DIRECT by 20%. It is concluded that this is mainly a result of the query formulation. The effectiveness obtained with automatic indexing of documents is equivalent to that of the manual procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach to title extraction from general documents. By general documents, we mean documents that can belong to any one of a number of specific genres, including presentations, book chapters, technical papers, brochures, reports, and letters. Previously, methods have been proposed mainly for title extraction from research papers. It has not been clear whether it could be possible to conduct automatic title extraction from general documents. As a case study, we consider extraction from Office including Word and PowerPoint. In our approach, we annotate titles in sample documents (for Word and PowerPoint, respectively) and take them as training data, train machine learning models, and perform title extraction using the trained models. Our method is unique in that we mainly utilize formatting information such as font size as features in the models. It turns out that the use of formatting information can lead to quite accurate extraction from general documents. Precision and recall for title extraction from Word are 0.810 and 0.837, respectively, and precision and recall for title extraction from PowerPoint are 0.875 and 0.895, respectively in an experiment on intranet data. Other important new findings in this work include that we can train models in one domain and apply them to other domains, and more surprisingly we can even train models in one language and apply them to other languages. Moreover, we can significantly improve search ranking results in document retrieval by using the extracted titles.  相似文献   

Several statistical sampling methods are evaluated for estimating the total number of relevant documents in a collection for a given query. The total number of relevant documents is needed in order to compute recall values for use in evaluating document retrieval systems. The simplest method considered uses simple random sampling to estimate the number of relevant documents. Another type of random sampling, which assigns unequal selection probabilities to the individual documents in the collection, is also investigated. An alternative approach considered uses curve fitting and extrapolation, where a smooth curve is developed which relates precision to document rank. Another curve relates a function of precision to the query-document score. In either case, the curve is extrapolated to the total number of documents in order to estimate the number of relevant documents. Empirical comparisons are made of all three methods.  相似文献   

The Authority and Ranking Effects play a key role in data fusion. The former refers to the fact that the potential relevance of a document increases exponentially as the number of systems retrieving it increases and the latter to the phenomena that documents higher up in ranked lists and found by more systems are more likely to be relevant. Data fusion methods commonly use all the documents returned by the different retrieval systems being compared. Yet, as documents further down in the result lists are considered, a document’s probability of being relevant decreases significantly and a major source of noise is introduced. This paper presents a systematic examination of the Authority and Ranking Effects as the number of documents in the result lists, called the list depth, is varied. Using TREC 3, 7, 8, 12 and 13 data, it is shown that the Authority and Ranking Effects are present at all list depths. However, if the systems in the same TREC track retrieve a large number of relevant documents, then the Ranking Effect only begins to emerge as more systems have found the same document and/or the list depth increases. It is also shown that the Authority and Ranking Effects are not an artifact of how the TREC test collections have been constructed.  相似文献   

The quality of feedback documents is crucial to the effectiveness of query expansion (QE) in ad hoc retrieval. Recently, machine learning methods have been adopted to tackle this issue by training classifiers from feedback documents. However, the lack of proper training data has prevented these methods from selecting good feedback documents. In this paper, we propose a new method, called AdapCOT, which applies co-training in an adaptive manner to select feedback documents for boosting QE’s effectiveness. Co-training is an effective technique for classification over limited training data, which is particularly suitable for selecting feedback documents. The proposed AdapCOT method makes use of a small set of training documents, and labels the feedback documents according to their quality through an iterative process. Two exclusive sets of term-based features are selected to train the classifiers. Finally, QE is performed on the labeled positive documents. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed method improves QE’s effectiveness, and outperforms strong baselines on various standard TREC collections.  相似文献   

Question answering (QA) aims at finding exact answers to a user’s question from a large collection of documents. Most QA systems combine information retrieval with extraction techniques to identify a set of likely candidates and then utilize some ranking strategy to generate the final answers. This ranking process can be challenging, as it entails identifying the relevant answers amongst many irrelevant ones. This is more challenging in multi-strategy QA, in which multiple answering agents are used to extract answer candidates. As answer candidates come from different agents with different score distributions, how to merge answer candidates plays an important role in answer ranking. In this paper, we propose a unified probabilistic framework which combines multiple evidence to address challenges in answer ranking and answer merging. The hypotheses of the paper are that: (1) the framework effectively combines multiple evidence for identifying answer relevance and their correlation in answer ranking, (2) the framework supports answer merging on answer candidates returned by multiple extraction techniques, (3) the framework can support list questions as well as factoid questions, (4) the framework can be easily applied to a different QA system, and (5) the framework significantly improves performance of a QA system. An extensive set of experiments was done to support our hypotheses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework. All of the work substantially extends the preliminary research in Ko et al. (2007a). A probabilistic framework for answer selection in question answering. In: Proceedings of NAACL/HLT.  相似文献   

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