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This study assesses the relationship between the freshman-year experience and the importance students attach to the educational goals of gaining a liberal education, developing career knowledge and skills, enhancing personal knowledge, and improving interpersonal skills. After controlling for students' precollege traits and the importance attached to the above goals prior to entering college, reliable relationships were identified between (1) gaining a liberal education and student-faculty contacts to discuss intellectual and course-related matters and to socialize informally, and students' perceived progress in academic and intellectual development; (2) developing career knowledge and skills and student-faculty contacts to get advice for potential careers; and (3) improving interpersonal skills and peer interactions.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, New York, March 1982.  相似文献   

MBA alumni are exceptionally well placed to evaluate management education in terms of its real impacts on students against current, and expected, needs. This paper reports the results of a survey of graduates of one MBA course to identify which aspects of the course its graduates valued highly and the extent of the contribution of their MBA to career changes that have followed their completion of the course. The benefits of the program to graduates, in terms of relevance, knowledge gained, behaviour changed and outcomes achieved were judged to be substantial. The MBA is seen as a significant factor in career change and development.  相似文献   

The expansion of the higher education system and widening access to undergraduate study has led to growing diversity within the graduate labour supply, including increasing numbers who studied for their degrees as mature students. Analysis of graduates entering the labour market prior to the major expansion in the early 1990s indicated that those over the age of 30 had considerably more difficulty than younger graduates in accessing the career opportunities for which their education had equipped them. Is this still the case for more recent graduates? Drawing on a major qualitative and quantitative study of a class of graduates who completed their undergraduate degree courses in 1995, this paper explores early career development and employment outcomes according to age at graduation. Although we find considerable diversity among all age groups, mature graduates were more likely than their younger peers to experience difficulty in accessing appropriate employment, had a lower rate of earnings growth and expressed higher levels of dissatisfaction with their jobs.  相似文献   

Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
In this study, I examined the hypothesis that undergraduate research enhances the educational experience of science undergraduates, attracts and retains talented students to careers in science, and acts as a pathway for minority students into science careers. Undergraduates from 41 institutions participated in an online survey on the benefits of undergraduate research experiences. Participants indicated gains on 20 potential benefits and reported on career plans. Over 83% of 1,135 participants began or continued to plan for postgraduate education in the sciences. A group of 51 students who discontinued their plans for postgraduate science education reported significantly lower gains than continuing students. Women and men reported similar levels of benefits and similar patterns of career plans. Ethnic groups did not significantly differ in reported levels of benefits or plans to continue with postgraduate education.  相似文献   

本研究报告主要通过资料分析、专家咨询、问卷调查、座谈会、个别访谈和深入企业用人单位实地调查等方法获取第一手资料,并在此基础上从用人单位、高校历届毕业生、高校就业指导部门、应届大学毕业生、大学新生等多个维度分析了专业教育及存在的主要问题对大学就业的影响,由此得出结论:专业知识已成为大学生就业的先决条件,实践经历和能力水平也逐渐成为影响大学生就业的重要因素.同时提出了有针对性的改进措施和建议.  相似文献   

对高校创业教育的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等教育大众化及全球金融危机的背景下,大学生就业面临着诸多困难,创业教育作为就业工作的重要组成部分,受到高校及社会的广泛关注。但由于我国高校开展创业教育起步晚、基础差,目前仍存在不少问题,如大学生的创业意愿与实际创业人数之间存在较大反差、高校的创业教育思维与国外成熟经验之间存在差距、高校创业实践活动注重短期效应等。为此,应制定创业教育目标体系、完善创业教育评价体系、建立创业教育的保障体系,以推进创业教育的良性发展。  相似文献   


This quasi-experimental design study investigated an interactive and practical Career Development Programme (CDP), a 13-week career guidance and counselling (CGC) intervention, on a sample of 224 Czech students. Students who received the CGC intervention and those from the “waiting list” who expressed interest in gaining support through the CDP were assessed at the beginning and at the end of the 13-week intervention. The findings indicated the benefits of CDP for the transition from university to working life: as hypothesized, the CDP increased career adaptability and cooperation, career construction and career maturity of students and graduates.


The recruitment of doctoral graduates yields collective knowledge, skills, networking, and prestige benefits to organisations, and to UK industries. As individuals though, do graduates experience overall benefit from their doctorate, and how do they perceive the value that engaging with doctoral study confers? This interview study used a critical, interpretive lens to examine perceptions of value across experiences of doctoral education and asked specifically about the utility of doctoral skills, behaviours, and competencies when translated into different workplaces. It presents some of the first insights into how doctoral value is perceived by graduates and the costs and benefits of doctoral study within and beyond the academy. Doctoral graduates (n?=?22) identified four domains of doctoral value: (1) career value; (2) skills value; (3) social value; (4) personal value. These were influenced by factors experienced both during and after their degrees: (1) time since graduation; (2) supervision; (3) accrued social connectivity; (4) employer value of the doctorate. Our conceptual model of doctoral value contributes to international higher education knowledge by providing a structure for enhancing the doctoral experience and its benefits, both during study and for entering the job market.  相似文献   

Even though Japan and Switzerland are characterised by comparatively low youth unemployment rates, non-standard forms of employment are on the rise, posing a risk to the stable integration of young labour market entrants. Drawing on the French approach of societal analysis, this paper investigates how country-specific school-to-work transition systems stratify the risk of non-standard employment in early career differently in Japan and Switzerland. Our results reveal that in Japan, young entrants who completed university education are least at risk of becoming employed in non-standard work. On the contrary, it is the highly educated university graduates who mainly enter the labour market via non-standard employment in Switzerland, where vocational education promotes smooth transitions into standard employment relationships. Our findings suggest that the transition systems of the two countries differ in the way they revert to non-standard forms of employment. However, while job insecurities may not endanger labour market integration of highly skilled university graduates holding good career prospects in Switzerland, they may go hand in hand with social exclusion processes for the low-educated young entrants lacking bargaining power in the segmented Japanese labour market.  相似文献   

就业单一型专业是指由于专业的行业性、职业性强,就业面狭窄,毕业后只能从事所学专业,否则所学专业就会无用武之地的专业。这部分大学生的就业涉及到行业发展、个人发展和合理利用教育资源的问题,应充分认识这部分大学生就业问题的重要意义,借鉴计划体制下招生的有益做法,适当控制招生规模,在课程设置上重视通识课程、素质教育理论与技能课程,提高就业单一型大学生适应社会的能力,按照专业内就业、专业外就业和继续深造的适当比例分流制定相应的培养计划。  相似文献   

Few, if any, educational interventions intended to increase underrepresented minority (URM) graduate students in biological and behavioral sciences are informed by theory and research on career persistence. Training and Education to Advance Minority Scholars in Science (TEAM-Science) is a program funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with the twin goals of increasing the number of URM students entering and completing a PhD in BBS and increasing the number of these students who pursue academic careers. A framework for career development in graduate research training is proposed using social cognitive career theory. Based on this framework, TEAM-Science has five core components: 1) mentor training for the research advisor, 2) eight consensus-derived fundamental competencies required for a successful academic career, 3) career coaching by a senior faculty member, 4) an individualized career development plan that aligns students' activities with the eight fundamental competencies, and 5) a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats personal career analysis. This paper describes the theoretical framework used to guide development of these components, the research and evaluation plan, and early experience implementing the program. We discuss the potential of this framework to increase desired career outcomes for URM graduate trainees in mentored research programs and, thereby, strengthen the effectiveness of such interventions on participants' career behaviors.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the impact of participation in the federally funded Talent Search program at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The Talent Search program provides career exploration and counseling services to low-income students with the potential to be first-generation college graduates. Postsecondary education enrollment rates of 758 Talent Search participants were compared with enrollment rates of a control group of 450 individuals who were eligible for Talent Search services but did not participate. Chi-square analysis revealed that Talent Search participants were significantly more likely to enroll in postsecondary education than were members of the control group (p < .001). These results have implications for career development services provided to low-income, potential first-generation college graduates.  相似文献   

A summer program was created for undergraduates and graduate students that teaches bioinformatics concepts, offers skills in professional development, and provides research opportunities in academic and industrial institutions. We estimate that 34 of 38 graduates (89%) are in a career trajectory that will use bioinformatics. Evidence from open-ended research mentor and student survey responses, student exit interview responses, and research mentor exit interview/survey responses identified skills and knowledge from the fields of computer science, biology, and mathematics that are critical for students considering bioinformatics research. Programming knowledge and general computer skills were essential to success on bioinformatics research projects. General mathematics skills obtained through current undergraduate natural sciences programs were adequate for the research projects, although knowledge of probability and statistics should be strengthened. Biology knowledge obtained through the didactic phase of the program and prior undergraduate education was adequate, but advanced or specific knowledge could help students progress on research projects. The curriculum and assessment instruments developed for this program are available for adoption by other bioinformatics programs at http://www.calstatela.edu/SoCalBSI.  相似文献   

The present study examined the reliability of student evaluations of summer undergraduate research experiences using the SURE (Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences) and a follow-up survey disseminated 9 mo later. The survey further examines the hypothesis that undergraduate research enhances the educational experience of science undergraduates, attracts and retains talented students to careers in science, and acts as a pathway for minority students into science careers. Undergraduates participated in an online survey on the benefits of undergraduate research experiences. Participants indicated gains on 20 potential benefits and reported on career plans. Most of the participants began or continued to plan for postgraduate education in the sciences. A small group of students who discontinued their plans for postgraduate science education reported significantly lower gains than continuing students. Women and men reported similar levels of benefits and similar patterns of career plans. Undergraduate researchers from underrepresented groups reported higher learning gains than comparison students. The results replicated previously reported data from this survey. The follow-up survey indicated that students reported gains in independence, intrinsic motivation to learn, and active participation in courses taken after the summer undergraduate research experience.  相似文献   

Recent research on the benefits of entrepreneurship education has tended to ignore or “control out” possible demographic differences in outcomes for entrepreneurship graduates. This paper examines demographic differences in the perceived benefits of different components of entrepreneurship education programmes (EEPs), entrepreneurial cognitions and entrepreneurial intentions of EEP graduates. Data were collected by questionnaire from 348 university EEP graduates in Pakistan. All graduates had strong positive attitudes to becoming entrepreneurs and no demographic differences in entrepreneurial intentions were observed. Nonetheless, females in particular, and graduates with no work experience to a lesser extent, exited the EEPs with lower perceived benefits, particularly in terms of inspiration, and slightly weaker perceived control for entrepreneurship, than males and graduates with some experience. No substantial differences were associated with age or entrepreneurial family background. The authors suggest ways in which EEPs can be more inclusive of female students.  相似文献   

Increasing expectations are being placed on higher education institutions to ensure the economic relevance of research and knowledge creation as well as developing the skill needs of workers in modern knowledge‐based societies. In the UK, workplace learning has long been a feature of higher education in certain subject areas, and in the late 1990s the idea of work experience for all students re‐emerged as a significant issue. Various studies have considered the relationship between work placement experiences during higher education and students' subsequent transition into employment after graduation, but there has been less recent research exploring how the placement experience translates into academic development. This article presents some of the findings of a study on the effects, as perceived by undergraduates themselves, of work experience placements on aspects of learning as well as employability. The majority of placement students indicate personal and intellectual development and report increased levels of confidence and enhanced motivation towards study. However, national data show a continuing decline in the numbers of UK students taking up placements, and the study suggests that more general moves towards flexibility within undergraduate programmes may be contributing to this decline.  相似文献   

An effective education system depends upon attracting college students into the teaching profession, but most of the research on what motivates individuals to pursue teaching merely surveys individuals who have already entered a teacher education program. This study employs an experimental design to test the effects of exposure to randomly assigned lists of reasons to teach reflecting personal utility values or social utility values on the appeal of the career to a sample of college students. Results indicate that both personal and social utility values are relevant to the appeal of a career in teaching and to a similar degree. Gender differences in this relationship were negligible.  相似文献   

Despite decades of precollege science education programs, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans remain critically underrepresented in science and health professions. This report describes college and career outcomes among graduates of the Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP), a 5-week summer residential program for low-income high school students among whom 97% have been followed for up to 21 years. Approximately 24 students are selected annually, with participation limited to low-income students who have faced substantial personal hardships. Undergraduate and medical students provide key program leadership and training. The curriculum is based on science inquiry education and includes hospital internships, anatomy practicums, research projects, faculty lectures, college admissions/standardized test preparation, and long-term college and career guidance. A total of 476 high school students participated between 1988 and 2008, with 61% from underrepresented ethnic minority groups. Overall, 78% of African American, 81% of Latino, and 82% of Native American participants have earned a 4-year college degree (among those admitted to college, and excluding those currently attending college). In contrast, among 25–34-year old California adults, 16% of African Americans, 8% of Latinos, and 10% of Native Americans earn a 4-year college degree. Among SMYSP’s 4-year college graduates, 47% are attending or have completed medical or graduate school, and 43% are working as or training to become health professionals. SMYSP offers a model that expands inquiry-based science education beyond the classroom, and recognizes the role of universities as “high school interventionists” to help diversify health professions.  相似文献   

在当前就业形势十分严峻的环境下,职业院校开展职业生涯发展教育是十分必要的,符合时代要求,有利于学生的终身学习和素质教育。但目前,开展职业生涯发展教育还存在着针对性不强、实践性不够、教育不完整、缺乏专业教师等问题,故此,提出相应的对策予以解决。  相似文献   

Limited scholarly work has been conducted on obtaining equal opportunities to participate in employability-related programmes by international students while studying in Australia. Drawing on a qualitative study, 20 South Asian postgraduates were interviewed to explore their experiences in accessing employability-related programmes. Based on the findings, South Asian graduates have experienced unequal opportunities in accessing employability-related programmes as postgraduate international students in Australia. They are disadvantaged by generic career advice and resume assistance offered by their university career office, and companies invited to university career fairs offer internships, placements or graduate programme opportunities mostly to domestic students. As a result, South Asian graduates were unable to gain employment in their field of studies. South Asian graduates have also offered several useful recommendations to facilitate more equal chances of developing employability and thereby gaining successful employment in Australia. These include partnerships with companies in providing employment opportunities, diversification of university career office roles, and establishing connections with alumni. The paper also discusses implications for Australian higher education institutions and higher education policy and practice in Australia.  相似文献   

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