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Although ubiquitous learning is a novel and creative teaching approach, two key issues inhibit its success overall: a lack of appropriate learning strategies regarding learning objectives, and ineffective learning tools for receiving knowledge regarding the chosen subjects. To address these issues, we develops and designs a game-based educational app and an object-linked knowledge environment in order to help learners learn about Taiwan’s Austronesian culture. 70 fifth-grade students are split into experimental and control groups to determine whether there are significant learning differences. For the experimental group, we use a questionnaire survey to assess students’ learning condition and to measure their willingness to continue to use this app. The questionnaire examines mobile learning from the perspectives of service quality, hedonic value,and certain control variables. Service quality reliability is found to be the key factor driving learners’ willingness to use the system. The perception of hedonic value also has significant influence on learners’ willingness. The control variable of subjective norm is found to be beneficial in encouraging learners to use the system, thus affecting and increasing learners’ willingness. We conclude that in an outdoor object-linked knowledge environment, students learn more effectively when the activities involve the use of an educational app.  相似文献   

In recent years information technology has been integrated into education to produce a series of trends, beginning with “electronic learning” (e-learning), through “mobile learning” (m-learning) and finally to “ubiquitous learning” (u-learning), which aims to improve learner motivation through overcoming the conventional limitations of time and location. U-learning practices are still being developed, and learners frequently experience difficulty focusing on learning objectives, and effective learning strategy tools are still lacking. This study reports the design of a context-aware astronomy learning system. The system integrates several technologies, including radio frequency identification, wireless communication networks, handheld mobile devices, and databases to help students learn astronomical concepts. Two content modules were developed in the context of natural science education for fifth-grade elementary school students in Taiwan. Indicators of user experience with the system were collected for further phenomenographic analysis, based on four perspectives of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model to assess learner willingness to use this novel u-learning approach. Results show that ease-of-use and the availability of immediate operational or technical support are key factors in increasing learning motivation and performance.  相似文献   

移动学习是教师将教育内容与教育服务通过无线网络技术或移动通信技术进行信息传输,学生利用便携式的智能移动设备获取学习信息、学习资源和学习服务而进行的学习方式,教师与学生可以通过移动计算技术实现交互式的学习。利用移动学习便捷、及时的特点,在分析移动学习的学习模式、课程设计的基础上,研究移动学习在高职教育教学过程中的应用。  相似文献   


This paper introduces ‘Integrative Drama-Inquiry Learning’ (IDI), merging drama-based learning with inquiry-based learning in order to exemplify teaching science through drama. The study also reports on the findings of a sequential mixed-methods procedure embedded in a quasi-experimental research design aimed to understand the effects of IDI on middle school students’ achievement in a biological unit. The initial quantitative phase revealed that IDI instruction had a significant effect on the experimental group’s achievement compared with traditional teaching. A follow-up qualitative phase showed that their achievement was affected by the enhancement of intrinsic motivation through IDI. Analysis suggested that students’ satisfaction of psychological needs of competency, relatedness, and autonomy positively affected learners’ motivation, as advocated by the self-determination theory.  相似文献   

Although many researchers have pointed out that educational robots can stimulate learners’ learning motivation, the learning motivation will be hardly sustained and rapidly decreased over time if the amusement and interaction merely come from the new technology itself without incorporating instructional strategies. Many researchers have identified that the sustainability of the learning motivation is closely related to the instructional strategies. Accordingly, learners must be well guided by suitable instructional strategies to enhance and sustain their learning motivation. In other words, suitable instructional strategies are required even if introducing educational robots to learners can stimulate learning motivation at the beginning of learning activities. Literature also suggests that systematic instructional strategies can be designed with the use of the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) model. As the rapid development of robotics, it has become feasible to apply the educational robot for enhancing learning. A robot teaching assistant (RTA) was designed to enhance and sustain learning motivation for the learning of English reading skills. A quasi-experimental design and the Instructional Material Motivational Survey questionnaire were used for data collection and evaluation. The findings showed that the design of the RTA-based learning activities guided by the ARCS model for learning English reading skills can significantly improve learners’ learning motivation, learning performance, and continuance intention.  相似文献   

如何使移动技术在教学中发挥其众多优势,已成为教育技术学者十分关心的话题。分析移动学习的理论基础以及主要的实施方式,并从如何更好地促进移动学习者学习的角度出发,提出移动学习中学习内容设计的几点策略,以期对本领域的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

学习动机是影响学生学习的一个重要的情感因素,而 A RCS 动机模型的科学运用对于学生外语学习动机具有积极而有效的激发和强化作用.本文主要阐述了与 A RCS 动机模型相关的学习动机要素和 A RCS 教学设计模型,并对如何利用该模型在学生的外语学习中去激发和强化学生的学习动机提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

Because learning English is extremely popular in non-native English speaking countries, developing modern assisted-learning schemes that facilitate effective English learning is a critical issue in English-language education. Vocabulary learning is vital within English learning because vocabulary comprises the basic building blocks of English sentences. Therefore, numerous studies have attempted to increase the efficiency and performance of learning English vocabulary. ‘The situational learning approach’ proposed that ‘context’ is an important consideration in the language learning process and can enhance learner learning interest and efficiency. Restated, meaningful vocabulary learning occurs only when the learning process is integrated with social, cultural and life contexts. With the rapid development of context-awareness techniques, the development of context-aware mobile learning systems, which can support learners in learning without constraints of time or place via mobile devices and associate learning activities with real learning environment, enables the conduct of a novel context-aware ubiquitous learning mode to enhance English vocabulary learning. Accordingly, this study proposes a personalised context-aware ubiquitous learning system (PCULS) for learning English vocabulary based on learner location as detected by wireless positioning techniques, learning time, individual English vocabulary abilities and leisure time, enabling learners to adapt their learning content to effectively support English vocabulary learning in a school environment. Experimental results indicated that the accuracy of the employed wireless positioning scheme is over 92%, which is sufficient to help learners detect their locations. Additionally, the PCULS has been successfully implemented on PDA devices in a school environment to support effective situational English vocabulary learning. Experimental result indicates that the learning performance of learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems with context awareness (i.e. PCULS) was superior to learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems without context awareness.  相似文献   

With the support of various personal and institutional mobile technologies, numerous physical and virtual spaces can be turned into interesting and motivating hybrid learning settings. By its nature, outdoor mobile learning happens on the move is connected to specific locations and settings inviting learners to study their surroundings, inquire about natural phenomena and solve complex real-life problems. This poses challenges for teachers to design meaningful, contextualized and comprehensive learning experiences. The paper aims to explore what kind of mobile learning scenarios K-12 teachers create and what are the limitations and development perspectives of these scenarios. Content analysis of 25 location-based outdoor learning tracks with 465 questions and tasks was carried out. The results demonstrate that designing and implementing learning activities outside the safe, familiar classroom environment in new hybrid learning spaces is a challenging task for the teachers on many different levels. Taking Bloom’s revised taxonomy, types of contextualization and integrated learning models as frameworks for content analysis of the learning scenarios, the study shows that the teachers do not perceive the potential hybrid spaces and mobile technologies offer in order to design consistent learning experiences that emphasize higher order thinking levels, encompass contextual information and integrate knowledge from multiple disciplinary sources. The paper concludes that there is a need for more teacher training and systemic interventions into current teaching practices that encourage teachers to step outside of their existing teaching paradigms to acknowledge the pedagogical potential of hybrid learning spaces as well as the technological affordances.  相似文献   

移动学习平台是促进移动学习快速发展的重要因素,无线网络技术和移动通信技术及其相关移动终端设备的快速普及,使得基于有线网络和个人计算机的网络学习平台已不能满足当前学习者的实际需求.从无线移动网络环境下学习者的实际要求出发,研究具有移动Web即时通信、资源实时移动共享等功能的移动网络即时协作学习平台的体系机构和系统功能,探究实现该系统平台的关键技术,以便为移动学习者提供一种支持即时协作交流、实时共享资源与知识经验的新型移动网络即时协作学习平台.  相似文献   

移动学习是学习者借助移动设备进行学习活动的数字化学习模式.当下正在发生一场信息技术对传统学校教育的改革和重构,把移动学习应用于农村中小学校有其深刻的政策背景.农村地区中小学校的移动学习应用已具备相应的技术条件和用户基础.未来农村学校移动学习的课堂角色会逐渐由补充者向不可或缺型转变.学习者的学习活动会由课堂延伸到校园空间一切可以利用的情境中,泛在学习是未来中小学校校园数字化的主要特征.同时,基于碎片化应用的微型学习也会在学习谱系中占据着越来越重要的位置.对移动学习应用带来的益处和引发的弊端的讨论尚需要进一步的理论发现来提供观念基础,同时实践应用层面亦暴露出许多与学生发展有关的教育性问题.  相似文献   

This special issue was designed to promote an integration of mobile and psychological theories of learning by inviting empirical research that draws upon both theoretical approaches to guide investigation into learning involving mobile devices. Five empirical articles illustrated how mobile devices afford resources to learners and how new channels of data afford researchers new insight into learning processes. Authors of two invited commentaries note the challenges involved in researching mobile learning, which unfolds across multiple contexts and can involve novel tools, multiple learners, and instructors and experts. These authors propose a taxonomy that can organize research that investigates interactions amongst learners, instructors, experts, and tools across one or more physical contexts, as well as a research agenda that would empirically test and refine assumptions made by mobile learning theorists. In this commentary, the editorial team proposes that mobile and psychological theories may be improved through convergence. Theories of mobile learning can be advanced by adopting practices previously employed to refine psychological theories of learning, whereas conducting research using mobile devices (and the data they provide) can further refine psychological theories of learning. We illustrate these positions with examples, and consider how instruction must be designed and how learners must be prepared in order to benefit from learning using mobile technology.  相似文献   

随着信息化社会的发展,台湾地区的大学在相关政策推动下导入数字化学习,对传统教学过程产生了影响。主要表现在学习环境时空限制的解除、教学模式的创新、学习评量的多元化、学习者的学习自主性及学习成效的提升。另外,师生关系的改变、网络职能与道德的提升也是不可忽略的。  相似文献   


Dance courses aim to not only intensify learners’ dance skills, but also cultivate their personal dancing features, self-confidence, self-reflection ability, creative power, appreciation ability, to name just a few, in order to attain much higher level artistic performance. In the present study, an approach which integrates mobile peer assessment into flipped learning is proposed. Moreover, a 9-week experiment was conducted to explore the effects of the approach on students’ dance skills, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction. The results indicated that the students learning with the integrated mobile peer assessment and flipped learning approach had better dance skills than those learning with the conventional flipped learning approach and traditional instruction. In terms of self-efficacy, the students learning with the conventional flipped learning approach outperformed those learning with the proposed approach and traditional instruction. In terms of learning satisfaction, the conventional flipped learning approach outperformed the traditional instruction. Discussion and suggestions are provided accordingly. It is suggested that teachers who want to incorporate flipped learning into dance courses may decide whether to combine peer assessment according to the teaching objectives.  相似文献   

在线学习投入程度影响在线学习质量,探究在线学习投入影响因素对于改善在线学习效果具有重要意义。将解释结构模型(ISM)和层次分析法(AHP)相结合,在文献研究与专家访谈基础上建立在线学习投入影响因素多层次结构,确定各层级因素的综合权重系数。研究结果表明:学习动机、自我效能感和教学方法是最直接影响因素,网络技术环境、学习动机、自我效能感、教师参与度、学习支持服务和在线交互环境为最主要影响因素。提出引导和激励在线学习者,提供良好的情感支持;提升教师存在感和参与度,提供充足的教师支持;营造积极的在线交互环境,提供多元的学习支持等策略,提升学习者在线学习投入。  相似文献   

Despite rapid and continued adoption of mobile devices, few learning modes integrate with mobile technologies and libraries' environments as innovative learning modes that emphasize the key roles of libraries in facilitating learning. In addition, some education experts have claimed that transmitting knowledge to learners is not the only educational goal, as cultivating problem-solving skills is also essential. By integrating the problem-based learning (PBL) model with book resources in libraries, one can identify the advantages of libraries in supporting e-Learning, resulting in innovative and valuable research. Therefore, this study presents a novel intelligent mobile location-aware book recommendation system (IMLBRS) with map-based guidance to support cooperative PBL in a real-library environment. Using map navigation and book recommendation functionalities, learners can search for books associated with problem-solving with increased ease and efficiency, thereby helping learners increase their PBL performance in a library environment. Experimental results reveal that learning performance during PBL supported by the proposed IMLBRS for book searches is superior to learning performance during PBL supported by the online public access catalogue (OPAC). Experimental results also show that the proposed system facilitates better learning performance for learners with a field-dependent learning style than for learners with a field-independent learning style. Moreover, the proposed system facilitates learner contemplation, cooperative learning, and library user education as learners interact with a real-library environment and peers during cooperative PBL.  相似文献   

利用计算机技术与网络资源辅助英语学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丰富的网上英语资源和先进的网络技术,为学习者搭建了一个广阔的英语学习平台。鼓励学生充分利用网络资源开展网络学习活动,一方面能弥补课堂教学形式和教学内容的缺憾和不足:另一方面能激发学生的学习主动性,从而提高学生的英语学习技能。  相似文献   

移动定位技术能获取移动学习者所处的位置信息,使得移动学习系统能感知用户所处学习场景并据此开展有效的移动学习,从位置、时间、设备和学习者四个方面阐述了场景感知移动学习的应用要点。  相似文献   

基于移动学习的深度学习研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前的移动学习中,由于学习者对使用移动设备进行学习的认识不足、移动学习设备自身的局限性以及移动学习时间、地点的随机性等问题,导致移动学习停留在较浅层面,达不到较好的学习效果。通过加深学习者对移动学习的认识、改善移动设备以及设计恰当的学习资源等途径,可以实现深度学习,提高移动学习质量。  相似文献   

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