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正一、前言行业特色型高校因其显著的行业办学特色与突出的学科群优势,成为我国高等教育办学体制中的一个重要特色,在服务国家经济建设、科学进步和社会发展的历程中,发挥了重要作用,做出了卓越贡献。而学科建设作为高校发展的基础,以学科点与研究基地建设为依托,以学术队伍建设为基础和保障,以科学研究和人才培养为重心,集中体现了高校发展的方向和水平。行业特色型高校的学科尤其是其优势学科,更是成为行业科技进步的  相似文献   

论研究生教育在高校学科建设中的地位和作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究生教育是我国教育结构中最高层次的教育。长期以来,人们往往只看到了研究生教育的育人功能,而对其促进高校学科建设的功能认识不足。通过对研究生教育与高校学科建设中的科学研究、学科队伍建设、学科发展、学科环境改善及学科建设水平提升等诸因素辩证关系的分析,力图揭示研究生教育在高校学科建设中的重要地位和具体作用。  相似文献   

学科文化建设是学科建设的重要内容之一,近年来国内高教理论与实践界对于高校学科文化建设进行了多方面的探讨,本文简要综述了这一理论与实践的现状、观点和有待深入探讨的问题,以期能够对我国高校学科文化建设提供一些参考。  相似文献   

经过近30年建设,思想政治教育学科硕士点取得了长足的发展,已成为我国学科点最多的二级学科。但思想政治教育学科硕士点在地域分布上还十分不平衡,学科点与思想政治理论课教学机构仍然存在分离的现象,学科研究方向、学科课程设置与本学科属性相关度有待进一步提高,学科硕士点建设与本科专业建设分离现象明显。应进一步优化思想政治教育学科点布局,加强学科建设管理,完善思想政治教育学科硕士培养方案,推进思想政治教育学科发展与专业建设同步,提升学科建设质量。  相似文献   

高校学科建设的管理模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学科建设是高校“重中之重”的工作,随着学科建设内涵的发展,以及我国高等教育跨越式发展的需要,学科建设模式也正在逐步地与之适应。本文对高校普遍存在的三种学科建设模式:学科点建设、项目建设及平台和基地建设模式进行了分析,并指出在平台和基地建设过程中需要处理好的几个关系。  相似文献   

地方高校是我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,如何把握和推进一流学科建设是当前地方高校亟待解决的重要课题之一。文章拟从正确认清新形势、深入分析新问题、寻求建设策略等方面加以研究,以期为地方高校推进一流学科建设提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

学科梯队建设是高等学校学科建设的中心环节,而结构与实力又是梯队建设的两个重要方面。因此,本文认为:高校在加强学科建设的过程中,必须优化梯队结构、强化梯队实力、健全评估机制。  相似文献   

学科分馆是支持学科建设的一种有效途径。文章从学科分馆的概念、学科资源建设和学科建设服务等方面探讨在"双一流"的背景下,建设学科分馆如何与高校学科建设进行有机融合。  相似文献   

地方高校一流学科建设是“双一流”建设的重要组成部分,肩负着振兴地方经济与社会发展的重要责任与使命,对推进我国高等教育强国战略建设具有重要意义。文章选取典型欠发达地区——江西高校为案例样本,从“十三五”时期江西高校一流学科建设立项情况着手,重点从质性和量化两个维度对一流学科建设成效进行剖析,深挖江西高校一流学科建设存在的共性与短板问题,同时立足江西高校一流学科建设实际,提出高水平推进一流学科建设的优化路径。  相似文献   

北航飞行器控制、制导与仿真学科点建于1954年。1981年被批准成立飞行器控制、制导与仿真学科的硕士点和博士点。1987年被评为国家重点学科点。1992年在全国硕士、博士学科点评估中,在本学科领域内,综合指标名列第一。十几年来,我们在学科建设和培养博士生方面做了一些工作,积累了一定的经验。一、把握方向,保持特色,团结协作,自力更生,建设培养高水平博士生的基地1.把握学科方向,加强学科建设。本学科点从建立起,就注意教学与科研相结合,理论与实践相结合,努力跟踪和赶超世界科技先进水平。早在1958年,本学科点教师就主持或…  相似文献   

以学科结构为切入点,归纳出我国博士研究生的发展现状为扩张、调整和分化,并通过梳理大学学科与学术职业的关系,分析出我国学术职业竞争将会愈演愈烈,而博士研究生进入学术职业的可能性跟学科与大学的依赖程度有关。  相似文献   

Peer and Cross-Age Tutoring in Math:Outcomes and Their Design Implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review of the literature on peer and cross-age tutoring emphasizes programs in mathematics and suggests that such programs have positive academic outcomes for African American and otherminority students as well as for White students who participate as tutors, as tutees, or both. Such programs also appear to have a positive impact on a variety of attitudinal and socioemotional outcomes, such as students' attitudes towards school, their self-concepts, and their sense of academic efficacy. This review also explores whether specific features of the tutoring programs (e.g., tutor training and amount of tutoring) or characteristics of the students (e.g., academic level prior to tutoring and gender composition of tutor-tutee pairs) affect various outcomes. Role theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain some intriguing and surprising findings (e.g., why tutors show academic gains even when they do not receive additional subject matter instruction, whylonger and/or more substantial tutoring programs may not foster greater immediate academic gains than shorter programs, and why mixed-sex pairs do not consistently reap benefits equal to those of same-sex pairs). Finally, implications of the review for the development of peer and cross-age tutoring programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of impact in the context of academic development programs and considers how it can be described and understood. We argue that impact has a range of meanings and academic development programs such as graduate certificates have a broad group of stakeholders and hence the impact is different for each group depending on how the program aims and objectives are defined and understood. In finding a way through the difficulties of evaluating impact in academic development we point to the importance of clearly conceptualizing the notion of impact, a careful identification of the assumptions underpinning any program and an understanding of who academic development will benefit and how. We suggest that impact in academic development cannot be understood without taking account of the range of possible impacts and the difficulty of attributing simple cause and effect to a complex environment.  相似文献   

2012年以来,以慕课为代表的全球在线教育蓬勃兴起。Coursera、edX等国际知名在线教育平台对在线学历学位教育进行了一系列实践,引领了全球在线学历学位教育的新潮流。国内以清华大学发起的"学堂在线"为依托,在在线认证证书项目和同等学力申请硕士项目等方面做了一些探索,但与国外在线学历学位项目相比仍然存在较大差距。文章梳理了全球在线教育的发展概况,分别介绍了国外、国内在线学历学位教育的发展现状,并分析了国外在线学历学位教育对我国的启示,以期促进国内在线学历学位教育的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

研制学科评价方案是开展学业测试的基础性工作,也是近年教育评价研究的热点问题。梳理、比较2003—2014年北京市义务教育阶段教学质量监测学科评价方案的发展轨迹,可以发现该系列评价方案基于学科课程标准,聚焦北京市课堂教学实际,汲取了国外评价项目及理论的优秀经验,历经多轮修订,聚焦核心课程系列化的呈现,对学业水平测试、内容标准、学业成就水平等核心概念逐一进行了界定,分阶段解决关键问题,聚焦学科能力的认知与水平分层,设计了清晰具体的内容标准,学业成就水平描述体现了递进性。借鉴北京的经验,今后国内相关评价机构在研制学科评价方案时,可以关注学科评价方案研制的专业性,并及时向大众解读方案内容,对学科评价方案中情感态度价值观领域的水平进行详细划分,从而实现评价方案对教师课堂教学的全面指导。  相似文献   

我国学位授予审核工作长期置于学位管理的行政化领导之中,学位授予审核机构的改革长期处于行政管理理念之下。然而,学位授予审核工作,从其根本性质上看,是一项学术性的评判,学位授予审核机构体系的改革与发展要把尊重学术性、体现学术性作为核心理念,在现实工作中,真正做到以学科和专业为单位进行学位授予审核机构体系的建构与改革,以求在真正意义上实现学位授予审核行为的公平与公正。  相似文献   

The primary characteristics of the three programs are used to compare participants to each other and to a group of students in the regular curriculum: (1) development of logical thought, (2) broader educational development, and, (3) career development, as well as selected academic characteristics (grades academic aptitude). The programs and their evaluations are described. The outcomes claimed for each program occurred more frequently in that program than in the comparison groups. The absence of differences in grades, despite differences in academic ability and in extent of program involvement, is interpreted as further evidence of the insensitivity of grades. The question of generality of the results is explored briefly.  相似文献   


Research has shown that academic integrity education programs can have a positive impact on student attitudes and reduce breaches of academic integrity. Although programs vary across institutions, there is relatively little research on their comparative efficacy. Accordingly, this study examines how higher education institutions in Australia and New Zealand approach academic integrity education in order to identify particular features that are considered to be most effective. Forty-four institutions are represented in this research, with data collected via a survey and semi-structured interviews with selected participants. The findings reveal that, in many cases, current academic integrity education programs appear to lack comprehensive information on values, the potential risks to integrity and the pitfalls of assessment outsourcing. Instead, curricula tended to focus on plagiarism, student responsibilities and referencing. Institutions employ a range of different communication and administration strategies to encourage uptake, and it was found that centrally administered programs that employed sanctions for non-completion appeared to be the most effective method for achieving compliance. Whilst the use of sanctions may support completion, it is argued that future academic integrity programs should also be collaboratively designed, drawing on a timely educational approach for skill development that incorporates learner feedback into the process with a greater emphasis on underpinning values.  相似文献   

Research over the past few decades has highlighted the importance of social and emotional competence in preschool children on later academic, social, and psychological outcomes. Children who are socially and emotionally competent have increased socialization opportunities with peers, develop more friends, have better relationships with their parents and teachers, and enjoy more academic and social successes. Children who lack social and emotional competence are at risk for reduced socialization opportunities, rejection, withdrawal, behavioral disturbance, and achievement problems. Intervention programs that target social–emotional development in preschool are ideally situated to bolster these skills before the problems exacerbate. In this paper, research on the importance of social and emotional competence in young children is reviewed as it relates to immediate and long‐term outcomes. Assessments of social and emotional development and behavioral adjustment are briefly reviewed, followed by a review of intervention programs with demonstrated empirical efficacy. Although preliminary evidence supports the utility of these intervention programs, additional research on short‐ and long‐term efficacy is recommended, and more programs designed specifically for early childhood are needed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The quality of doctoral students’ academic and social experiences is a key element of their success in graduate school programs. These experiences support the completion of doctoral programs, especially for first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds. Framed by Weidman's (1989) undergraduate socialization model, the author interviewed 18 former participants in Ronald McNair Programs (McNair Program),who completed their doctoral studies in order to determine how such programs can serve as a socializing agent to facilitate the successful completion of graduate study. Several themes emerge from the interviews conducted that distinguish McNair Programs from other interventions to promote integration or preparation, including the presence of academic and social integration. Such integration had a positive influence on the participants’ doctoral experience and contributed to the development of their competence, self-confidence, social and academic connectedness, and academic identity. Participants derived the greatest benefits from academic program components and academic counseling. Moreover, social components such as mentoring, cultural activities, and personal encounters in summer research internships also contributed to a positive doctoral experience.  相似文献   

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