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近半个世纪以来学术界关于中国历史疆域的理论界定有多种观点。代表性观点有三种:一是以我国历史上历代王朝的实际疆域为历代国土的范围;二是以现代中国疆域为基本出发点研究历史上中国疆域;三是以今天中国疆域所包括的民族为出发点,去上溯中国历史上的疆域。本文认为中国历史疆域是中华各族在自古以来生于斯、长于斯的土地上建立的国家政权长期统辖的区域所达到的范围,而以中华多民族统一国家最终确立时期清代初年的国家疆域为标志。凡是生活在清初疆域内的民族以及历史上生活在这块土地之上而后来外迁或消失的民族,都是中国民族的组成部分,他们在这块土地上建立的政权所统辖的区域,都是历史上的中国疆域。这一界定的基本内容包括历史疆域的主体、政权统辖区域所达到的范围和统一国家最终确立时期,这三者互相联系,缺一不可。  相似文献   

耶律大石是我国古代民族契丹的首领,杰出的政治家和军事家,西辽政权的建立者,善治民族地区的典范。他弘扬了中华汉文化,促进了欧亚文化的交流。西辽立国于我国西北巴尔喀什湖以东以南的中亚广大地区。西辽政权的有效统治,大大拓宽了我国西部疆域,应视为我国大辽王朝统治的继续。两辽可称为东辽、西辽。  相似文献   

契丹作为一个在政治,经济和文化都相对落后的游牧民族,人口数量不多,散居在偏僻落后自然条件恶劣的地区,而能迅速崛起成为一个疆域辽阔的中国北方民族政权,统治中国北方200多年,确实是人类历史上的奇迹。但契丹之所以能建立这么长久的统治,有着复杂的政治经济原因,但笔者认为最主要的原因之一是契丹有着一套特殊的治安机构和制度。而治安机构与制度的建立,与其吸收历史经验教训和本朝的治安思想有着密切的关系。但与中原的汉族政权相比,辽统治阶级的治安思想特别突出的一点是:民族分治。本文也将围绕这一点展开论述。  相似文献   

中国封建社会后期,建立元朝与清朝的蒙古贵族与满族贵族,面对辽阔的疆域和众多的民族,对汉族及其他少数民族采取了歧视防范、怀柔安抚并重的统治策略,其目的是确保本民族在全国的统治地位,但在客观上,也促进了蒙汉满回藏等民族之间的交流与融汇,推动了统一的多民族国家的发展。  相似文献   

中国自秦汉以后的历史,是统一的多民族国家由发端到确立的历史,中华民族的统一性与不可分割性,是在中国形成为统一多民族国家过程中客观地发展着、巩固着。我们可以从构成国家的基本要素——居民人口(民族)、疆域和制度文化几个方面来进行梳理。一、中国的疆域是各民族共同开拓的在中国统一多民族国家的发展过程中,中国的疆域在不断地拓宽、扩大,最终趋于固定,其中凝结着中华各民族及其先民对祖国的贡献,是各民族共同开拓了祖国的疆域。中原地区主要是由汉族开拓的。汉族先民在开拓中原地区的同时,从秦汉时期起,就不断向阴山地域、西域及珠…  相似文献   

慕容鲜卑是五胡十六国时期的重要少数民族,其在中原及辽东地区先后建立5个政权,史称五燕。在政权的各时期,慕容氏统治者都保持着龙城归葬习俗,这与其民族意识及汉化进程密切相连,是慕容氏在入主中原后努力维系政权的民族性、保持民族发祥地之统治政策中的重要一环。  相似文献   

金代民族政策评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金王朝是一个以女真族为主体、汉族人口占绝大多数的多民族联合政权。其民族政策有三个基本思想,一是确立和巩固以女真为主体的多民族联合政权,二是确保统治民族的利益.三是积极学习中原文化,提高民族自树能力。金代民族政策除具有阶级社会所共有的民族压迫特点外,还具有更强的民族特点,那就是统治民族女真族积极学习先进的汉文化,这个倾向是进步的。金代民族政策对令天我国"中华一体"民族格局的形成起了重大的历史推动作用,金代民族多元一体是元代民族多元一体的历史先河。  相似文献   

女真人建立的金朝和蒙古人建立的元朝,都是少数民族统治的政权,其政权的建立都面临着少数族群统治以汉族为主体的多民族国家的问题.针对这一问题,统治者都制订了相应的政治、文化政策来巩固政权,经过这些制度的实行,加之各民族迁入内地,民族大融合的大背景,女真族和蒙古族都有不同程度的汉化,但是女真族相比蒙古族,汉化程度要高很多.本文拟从政治一体化、科举制度和语言政策三个方面来阐释女真族相比蒙古族,汉化程度高的原因.  相似文献   

我国古代民族羁縻统治政策的变迁及其原因探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
羁縻统治政策是我国古代统治阶级贯彻始终的、主要的民族政策,它兴起于夏商周,发展成熟于汉唐宋,衰落质变于元明清。夏商周以要服荒服为内容的民族羁縻统治政策的兴起,既是对原始习惯法中关于部落结盟与血族复仇等规定的扬弃,也适应了夏商周奴隶制中央集权的相对弱小、周边民族仍处于较封闭的部落状态、民族或部落间政治经济文化联系稀疏的现实。与先秦停留于理念上的要服荒服羁縻政策相比,秦汉隋唐属国制与羁縻州制,则使民族羁縻统治政策有了机构与制度的保证;这一标志着民族羁縻政策渐趋成熟的属国制与羁縻府州制,适应了这一段历史时期内地中央政权与周边民族军事集团的力量对比现实。元明清时期,北方强大游牧民族两度南下并与内地汉族统治阶级建立政权,导致了内地封建中央集权的进一步增强及周边少数民族势力大大削弱,它要求元明清统治阶级对民族羁縻统治政策作大幅度的调整与变更。我国古代民族羁縻统治政策的合理内核不仅被我国现代的民族区域自治政策吸收、发展与完善,其政策变迁依随时势的客观规律也给我们当前及今后制定民族政策以借鉴与启迪。  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族国家,如何运用民族平等原则,研究和处理历史上纷繁复杂的民族关系问题,史学界持续进行了讨论,取得不小进展,但歧见仍然很多。现归纳为几个方面,择要作一概述。一、历史上的中国及其疆域问题在民族关系史研究中,正确理解历史上的中国,是个首要问题,带有根本性质,它影响到对历史上的中国疆域、民族政权、民族战争、民族英雄等问题的见解。多数论者认为,经过儿千年来历史发展自然形成的中国,应是历史上的中国。凡生活在今天中国疆域内的各民族,包括现己消失的民族,都是中华民族的成员,他们的人们是中国人,他们的疆土是中国的疆土,他们的历史是中国历史的组成部分。理  相似文献   

Fe(Ⅲ)-2,9,16,23-tertracarboxy-phthalocyanine(Fe(Ⅲ)-taPc)was synthesized.and bonded to polystyrene(PS) with covalence by Friedel-Crafts reaction to form a new polymer(Fe(Ⅲ)-tapC-PS) (polymer(II)),UV-VIS and Infrared spectra indicated that Fe(Ⅲ)-taPc was successfully bonded to PS.A photoreceptor device of sandwich structure consisting of alternate layers of poly-mer(II)and fullerene(C60) was prepared.The experiment results show that the photoconductivity of the photoreceptor is higher than that of the single-layer film of polymer(II) or C60,because of the charge-transfer effect between the layers.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Recentlyphthalocyanines (Pcs)asorganicsemicon ductorshaveattractedmoreattentionbecausetheyareverystable .Pcs possessbetter photoelectricalpropertiesandhighlyabsorptioninthevisiblelightre gion .SomepropertiesofPcscanbeimprovedalotbybondingtop…  相似文献   

Students’ self-concept and effort in schoolwork are known to have significant influences on essential academic outcomes, but self-concept and effort may decline as students grow up. Students from 16 schools in Sydney (N?=?2200) were asked to rate on two self-concept components (competency and affect) and effort in schoolwork. Based on measures established in confirmatory factor analysis, a 5 (grade: 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th) × 2 (gender: boys, girls) × 3 (measure: competency, affect, effort) repeated-measures ANOVA found that: (a) for all variables, scores were lower for higher grade levels; (b) boys were lower in affect and effort; (c) particularly for effort, gender differences favouring girls in primary became negligible in higher secondary; and (d) differences between primary and secondary tended to be greater for girls. Educators and curriculum designers need to consider the self-concept and effort of boys in the primary and girls in the secondary.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine whether there would be a significant difference between (a) simultaneous formats (boards) of pictures and passages and successive formats (booklets) with identical pictures and passages; (b) one simultaneous format (board with manipulative pictures) and another simultaneous format (board with stationary pictures); and (c) a topic of higher interest (THI) and a topic of lower interest (TLI) for each of the formats. The findings suggest that older children may achieve higher levels of learning when exposed to simultaneous formats of pictures and passages. Questionnaire results indicate that the Ss preferred the simultaneous formats and the THI by 2:1 ratios. The research for this study was conducted at Michigan State University.  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand the effects on which criteria and indicators for (education for) sustainable development [(E)SD] are based in terms of knowledge transfer. Therefore, (E)SD criteria and indicators in general are regarded as negotiated and established knowledge, incorporating expectations. As such, this knowledge can be spread throughout the educational system in order to create a new order brought about by learning. Such a knowledge transfer takes place in different contexts, for instance, while (a) developing criteria and indicators, (b) applying them in organisations, and (c) reporting on criteria and indicators, thereby contributing to the diffusion of concrete social knowledge. The transfer of knowledge incorporated in criteria and indicators is revisited in the light of the concept of ‘loose coupling’ and of different paradigms, and is inspired by neo-institutionalist approaches. Drawing on these concepts, the paper discusses the challenge of transfer and suggests to overcome one-dimensional approaches to (E)SD development.  相似文献   

This article introduces a collection of essays on continuity and discontinuity in cognitive development. In his lead essay, J. Kagan (2008) argues that limitations in past research (e.g., on number concepts, physical solidarity, and object permanence) render conclusions about continuity premature. Commentaries respectively (1) argue that longitudinal contexts are essential for interpreting developmental data, (2) illustrate the value of converging measures, (3) identify qualitative change via dynamical systems theory, (4) redirect the focus from states to process, and (5) review epistemological premises of alternative research traditions. Following an overview of the essays, this introductory article discusses how the search for developmental structures, continuity, and process differs between mechanistic‐contextualist and organismic‐contextualist metatheoretical frameworks, and closes by highlighting continuities in Kagan’s scholarship over the past half century.  相似文献   


This paper is an experiment in collective writing conducted in Autumn 2019 at the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University. The experiment involves 12 international masters' students reading the course based on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), their professor Michael Peters, visiting professor Petar Jandri?, and a mix of senior Chinese and Western scholars. To successfully complete the course, the students were required to produce a 3000-word paper of publishable quality. As part of this writing process we decided to engage in the experiment of collective writing where we aimed to produce a single paper consisting of the abstracts. This collective paper was developed in 7 steps. (1) Students submitted their 250-word abstracts. (2) Students were introduced into the methodology of collective writing, and 2 student-editors – Ogunniran Moses Oladele and Benjamin Green – volunteered to work on the paper. (3) Michael Peters wrote the introduction. (4) Abstracts were expanded to 500 words and integrated into a single document. (5) Petar Jandri? began to edit the paper and write a conclusion. (6) Students presented their abstracts in the class, where Michael Peters and Petar Jandri? provided direct feedback. (6) Revised abstracts were again integrated into a single document by student editors, and proofread / copy-edited in several exchanges with the instructors (7) The paper was subject to the process of open review, and the reviewer's comments were included in the paper. Resulting from months of collective work, the final paper provides a wide range of views ad perspectives to the question of education as a part of the BRI initiative.  相似文献   

A paradigm of specialized brain hemisphere processing abilities was used to test cognitive skills and cognitive style in "learning-disabled" (LD) and "normal" children. Results indicate that (1) verbal ability is not a unitary factor, and LD children are deficient in only some aspects of verbal ability; (2) the LD group perform as well as the control group on right-hemisphere tests; (3) LD boys are more field sensitive (field dependent) than the control boys; (4) LD children may be attempting to use a nonverbal information processing mode to deal with academic tasks. The need for information on nonverbal processing skills in order to aid verbal processing is discussed.  相似文献   

Several controversies continue to surround the differentiation between the socially maladjusted (SM) and seriously emotionally disturbed (SED). Central to the controversy is the interpretation of social maladjustment. At one extreme, some restrict the definition of SM to include (a) the socialized aggressive and (b) adjudicated delinquents. At the other extreme, SM is construed broadly and includes (a) Conduct Disorder (group type, solitary aggressive, and undifferentiated), (b) Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and (c) antisocial personality. An intermediate position presented herein argues for the inclusion of the socialized aggressive and unsocialized aggressive under the rubric of SM. Given that those in the anxious-withdrawn-dysphoric group are viewed as both SM and SED, they should be eligible for special education services assuming adverse educational impact is evident.  相似文献   

简单论述用自然之音考求上古音值的方法,并据以考知侯宵幽三部元音分别为[]、[]、[o]。阴声韵宵幽元音的发音与其相配阳声韵的尾辅音一样,同有唇的动作,这是阴阳相配在收尾音上的音质基础。先秦前期的阳声闭口韵是侵、冬、谈三部,其相配阴声分别是幽、宵、鱼。冬部在先秦前期是独立的闭口韵,后期逐渐演为收鼻,最后与东部合流。  相似文献   

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