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Previous research has identified a well-established link between teachers' beliefs and the practical implications of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Until recently, there have been few studies of teachers' beliefs regarding their own role as developers of TEL in higher education. In this study, 18 university teachers' reflective writings on their role as developers of TEL were analyzed. All the teachers had developed their teaching methods for the instructional use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The findings of qualitative thematic analysis indicated four divergent teachers' roles: (1) active developers, (2) adaptive developers, (3) cautious developers, and (4) reluctant developers. These findings can be used to train teachers in educational change. (Keywords: Teacher beliefs, teacher roles, teaching development, technology-enhanced learning, university teaching, higher education)  相似文献   

Research on Gender and Education in the Nordic Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex has for many years been an important independent variable in educational research, but the serious theoretical discussion of the variable as a dependent variable belongs mostly to the last three decades. A need for a conceptual reorientation has emerged which, for one thing, resulted in the replacement of the concept sex by the concept gender. The article in this section presents and discusses the necessity and the development of this theoretical reorientation in the Nordic countries, which has attracted many researchers and instigated inventive projects. In addition the article gives an overview of Nordic empirical gender research in or related to education: first the studies that opened up the field, then the development that followed. This presentation focuses on different subareas, such as studies of gender and ability, learning and achievement, studies of gender aspects of classroom interaction, studies of single‐sex learning arrangements, action research studies in order to expand the interpersonal and emotional skills repertoire of boys and girls, studies of gender identity. Although differences between the Nordic countries are clear, similarity is the dominant trait. At the end the article comments on recent viewpoints on the likely development of gender policy and outlines basic educational questions within the Nordic educational systems.  相似文献   

The human rights-based orientation embedded in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which mandates inclusive education for all students and counts segregation as discrimination, poses fundamental challenges to institutionalized (special) education systems. However, it does so to different extents, with the Nordic countries having the most inclusive systems worldwide. This analysis contrasts the challenges and opportunities regarding the institutional transformation of special education and inclusive education in Germany, Iceland and Sweden. We address the questions: How do these countries provide educational supports for students considered to have special educational needs? What perspectives can be derived for the implementation of inclusive education, especially for Germany, which is still among the most segregated systems in Europe, from such comparative analysis? The study reveals key differences in three institutional dimensions that hinder or enable inclusive education ? educational ideals and disability paradigms, organizational forms, and regulations.  相似文献   

教育信息化是在教育领域内全面深入的运用现代信息技术改造教育,是教育领域的一场新技术革命,既有机遇,也有挑战,有其自身的特征。高校是教育信息最密集的场所,大学生利用信息网络学习生活已成趋势,如何积极应对教育信息化所带来的学习理念的转变、信息能力的培养、信息道德的教育,正确培养大学生信息素养,开创教育信息化时代高校管理工作的新局面,已是摆在我们面前亟需解决的现实课题。  相似文献   

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers opportunities for governments to address key education challenges of quality, equity, and efficiency. While governments and educational institutions in developed countries may have taken up these opportunities, many developing countries in Asia and the Pacific region have often missed them out. This may be due to countries’ socioeconomic settings, approaches towards design and implementation of the ICT in education plan, and investment on research and development of ICT in education. This paper explores the current challenges of education in Asia and the Pacific and explains how these challenges may be overcome by the strategic use of ICTs when a holistic approach towards ICT in education is adopted.  相似文献   

The articles in this section cover special education, and education and professional expertise, which each represent one special research field within education, but cover research during the last few decades from only one of the Nordic countries. The special‐education article reviews research in Sweden, and from three periods, 1956‐1969, 1970‐1979, and 1980 and later. In selecting the studies referred to the author chose to concentrate on educational aspects within the research domain, rather than differentiated from more handicap‐research‐dominated studies. The author argues that the review cannot, therefore, be seen as a complete, rather it should be understood as a summary of some evident trends of during the periods covered. The extensive presentation ends with remarks on some of the most important theoretical and normative perspectives and aspects. The second article examines, from an educational viewpoint, the acquisition of professional expertise and it outlines emerging approaches to such research, particularly in Finland. The first part of the article briefly reviews how expertise has been conceptualized in recent research. The next section deals with the role of higher education in developing expertise from the constructivist perspective in research on learning, and the article that lines current challenges and alternatives for further educational research.  相似文献   

开放学习与开放教育是信息时代人才培养模式改革的主流发展方向。开放学习理念的产生、发展与技术发展以及信息化程度密切相关。从学习者角度看,开放学习是技术促进学习的一种主要组织形式,信息化学习是开放学习的典型特征。早期的远程教育和校园教育各有其教育与学习质量保障体系,但是遵循开放学习理念的教学过程将颠覆传统课堂教学过程,单纯以学生自学为主的活动单元或任务组织形式难以达到预期的学习目标。因此,基于开放学习的"技术促进学习"特性,探讨影响开放学习质量的要素并建立质量框架,是当前网络与远程教育研究与实践的难点问题。从质量保障的相关因素来看,课程设置、资源开发、学习能力、学习支持、生源质量、教学管理、教学过程、信息化基础设施、学习氛围、实践条件、教师队伍和教学研究是影响开放学习的12个质量要素。这些质量要素按照开放学习系统的组成要素与发展水平,可以形成四个部分(环境与设施、学习与支持、教学与资源、教师与课程)和三个层次(业务基础层、教学支撑层、持续发展层)组成的开放学习系统质量框架。基于该质量框架,我国开放大学建设可以从加强学科建设、健全教学环节、共享优质资源、优化学习环境、提升学习能力和建设学分银行6个方面提升开放学习质量。  相似文献   

信息技术支持的学与教变革是教育信息化系统改革中的关键。我国信息技术支持的学与教,在理论层面已开始由“要素观”逐步转向“生态观”,但实践层面的变革思路上存在着“技术导向”的倾向,这导致研究者热衷技术应用而忽视学与教本身。通过对比中外教育信息化政策以及分析新加坡的典型案例,发现国际上学与教变革的新措施均体现出“学习导向”的特征,并有四个主要动向:关注信息时代学习者的能力结构、挖掘教育“大数据”以分析学习者行为、构建个性化网络学习空间以培育新型学习方式、倡导“以学习者为中心”的新型教学模式。我国应将信息技术支持的学与教变革思路逐渐由“技术导向”转到“学习导向”。  相似文献   

通过对北欧五国幼儿教育和保育的最新政策话语进行文献调查和文本分析,发现北欧国家幼儿教育和保育政策话语的最新变化包括:幼儿教育和保育的定位从作为民主实践场转变为社会投资品、教育内容从重视保育和游戏到关注终身学习、教育评估更重视对质量的监管与评估.虽然北欧幼儿教育和保育政策所根植的历史传统仍旧强大,但教育全球化的冲击促使北欧的幼儿教育和保育在与强调"入学准备"的英美政策话语的冲突与妥协中走向融合.  相似文献   

In this concluding article we discuss how the different contributors of this special issue deal with the methodological challenges in special needs education research. The shift from an individual perspective towards an interactional and systemic point of view in special educational needs research has introduced research methods that are able to describe the complexity and the recursiveness of the social reality under study. The different studies presented in this issue provide interesting illustrations of some of these methods. The discussion of these studies makes it clear that social cultural theory is a useful framework for research on special needs education. It is suggested that in their investigations researchers should attach importance to the meaning of discourse and keep their minds open to change and new challenges.  相似文献   

牟连佳 《高教论坛》2008,(1):110-112
开放式的教学与学习和ICT有着"革新性技术"所具备的能力,能够改变当代大学体系的组织结构、文化和惯例,能够将新的制度和学习网络引入大学体系。面对这些挑战,我们发现,开放教育的理论与实践仍然仅停留在操作层面,而不是更为广泛的教育转变层面。本文力图研究这一广泛的教育转变层面以及决策问题。  相似文献   

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has improved education widely in China, transforming traditional teaching into an interactive one. It is important to build a new evaluation model to measure teaching efficiency in an “ICT-enabled classroom”. This study designed an evaluation model named “TPOCME Deep classroom” through ongoing five iterations. It includes six dimensions, which are higher-order Thinking, classroom Participation, Openness of educational system, Cooperative learning, Meaningful learning and Effectiveness of technology use (named TPOCME). This model helps educational researchers and teachers gain a comprehensive understanding of ICT in education.  相似文献   

In the past ten years, the issue of inclusion has proved one of the biggest challenges facing special needs education planners and policy‐makers in developed countries. Greek educational policy has given emphasis on two points: (a) the development of new organizational structures (i.e. resource rooms, support teachers), and (b) the implementation of administrative regulations that enable mainstreaming special and ordinary education into a unified educational system (inclusion). In doing so, the content of the curriculum and the pedagogical characteristics of the educational environment were ignored. This paper reports the results of a pilot study that aimed to explore the pedagogical aspects of inclusion and integration as implemented in Greek nursery schools. More specifically, the study investigated the way special needs children participate in the learning process and their relationship with the other members of the classroom. The following hypothesis guided the study: the process of school integration of a special needs child is regulated by (a) the degree and the quality of his/her participation in the learning process, and (b) the pupil’s ability to comply with the main rules of the classroom. Data were gathered from two special needs children, their teachers and their parents through observations and interviews. Research findings seemed to reinforce the two criteria of the research hypothesis. As observation revealed, children’s actions diverged from the desired joint activity. According to research in social groups, this diversion influences the meaning classroom members attribute to ‘differences’ and causes a negative effect on children’s membership of the group. At the same time, the study points out crucial dimensions of the above criteria, particularly as regards the attitude of nursery teachers and of the other pupils towards children with special needs, an issue that needs to be further explored.  相似文献   

By means of an international comparison, the research presented in the article aims to identify supporting and hindering school level factors for the use of ICT in secondary school mathematics lessons. The relationship between ICT use and the performance of Grade 9 students in mathematics is examined and further integrated into a multi-level model including school level factors. Against the background of a theoretical allocation (1) the IT equipment of schools, (2) school leadership, (3) aspects of school goals and educational strategies as well as (4) teachers’ attitudes will be analyzed by means of a multi-level regression model as well as a multi-level path model including the mathematics achievement of students as measured in the context of PISA 2012. Representative school and student data from five countries, namely Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Singapore are taken into consideration, as the integration of ICT in teaching and learning is firmly emphasized in these countries (overall 24,579 students in 1263 schools). By modeling the complex structure, school characteristics are examined with respect to their effect on the use of ICT for mathematics teaching. Moreover, the relation between different factors and students’ mathematics achievement will be synchronously assessed in the different educational systems. The results show that characteristics at school level do play a major role in the integration of ICT into teaching and learning and turn out to be relevant across the educational systems. In addition to further in-depth country-specific findings, the results point to cross-national future challenges in the field of using technologies to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Technology has become an essential component in our society and considering its impact in the educational system, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) cannot be dissociated from the educational process and, in particular, from pedagogical practices adopted for students who are blind or partially sighted. This study focuses on Portuguese reference schools for the education of blind and partially sighted students, regulated by the Decree-Law No. 3/2008, in which are concentrated the human and material resources that can offer an educational response with quality for these students with special education needs. The study intends to analyse the perceptions of the teachers, who teach visually impaired students in middle school and secondary school education in these reference schools, of their knowledge, teaching and training in the area of ICT, as well as of the real ICT integration in the teaching and learning of these students. A survey, which has been applied to these teachers in the 2012/13 school year, was adopted as a method of data collection. The results reveal a sample confident in their technological capabilities, however with little resourcefulness in some tools and software specific to the area of visual impairment and a very significant number of teachers ignoring many of these. The implementation of ICT with students who have visual disabilities is lower compared with the sighted students. The lack of specific training is considered to be the main obstacle for teachers, with regard to the real integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of these students.  相似文献   

智慧教育的三重境界:从环境、模式到体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智慧教育作为教育信息化的高端形态,目前在全球范围内已受到越来越多的关注。虽然世界各国提出了不同的智慧教育方略,但智慧教育的愿景目标却都体现出打造智慧国家和城市、变革教学模式和培养卓越人才的主旨,因此需要从国家层面和文化境界来把握智慧教育。通过对现代教育系统的构成要素进行逻辑演绎,可以得出智慧教育系统包括智慧学习环境、新型教学模式和现代教育制度三重境界。智慧教育具有感知、适配、关爱、公平、和谐五大本质特征,通过智慧学习环境传递教育智慧,通过新型教学模式启迪学生智慧,通过现代教育制度孕育人类智慧。智慧教育的三重境界在"智慧"显现度、过程稳定性、涉及范围等方面呈现出明显的层级关系:从环境、模式到制度,"智慧"显现度呈现出从显性到隐性的特征,过程稳定性呈现出从动态到稳定的特征,涉及范围呈现出从微观到宏观的特征。  相似文献   

Measuring the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is a contemporary question of interest. Despite the general acceptance that ICTs are changing ways of learning, empirical research conducted to date does not consistently verify the efficacy of such changes. Several studies supporting positive impacts of ICTs on achievement relate mainly to developed countries. Focusing on tertiary education in Tunisia, this article attempts to highlight the gap in knowledge about the effects of ICT on education in developing countries by providing evidence from this region. Using survey data involving 377 college students and teachers, a multilevel analysis was conducted to measure the impact of ICT access and use with other student, university, and teacher attributes that may affect academic performance. The results provided evidence for a distinctive, though negative, effect of ICT on performance. These findings raise questions about the effectiveness of educational policies in Tunisia. The findings suggest also that overall university support is essential in increasing ICT learning impacts.  相似文献   


The methods a researcher uses to identify and describe any element of human activity are dependent upon epistemological and culturalpolitical factors. In order to contribute to the improvement of education, researchers who adopt sociocultural methods need to recognise that policy makers are an integral part of the cultural-historical context of education, and adopt a stance of interactive engagement with them. It is clear that the context of learning is critically important, and educational institutions are not normally good environments for learning. Participatory research methods are suggested as the most appropriate way of researching the hidden, private and personally unique process of knowledge construction. A range of methods for data collection and analysis are described, including the use of texts retrieved from electronic communications. Activity theory is suggested as a good framework for intervention studies to explore how the structures of educational institutions could be radically changed to enable information and communications technology (ICT) to transform learning. Such studies would involve researchers working cooperatively with teachers, pupils, parents, the local community, and local and national policy makers in schools where all teachers and students have access any time, any place to ICT. The process of change would be informed by parallel studies of self-directed learning in innovative web-based learning communities, which would be fed back to participants in intervention workshops.  相似文献   

Study of Malaysian adoption of mobile learning (m-learning) is still in the early stages. However, there are numerous researchers in the country exploring the potential and application of m-learning in the Malaysian education system, including special education. A key question is whether teachers are prepared to incorporate mobile technology as part of their teaching tools or do teachers perceive mobile technology only as personal communication gadgets. This paper investigates teachers' perception of m-learning applications in special education classes. Interviews were conducted to collect related information on teachers' perceptions of m-learning in the selected schools. The teachers expressed that there are limited resources to cater to the attention of special needs learners and they believed edutainment technologies such as augmented reality, game-based educational software and animation projects could be the answer. The benefits and challenges of implementing blended learning for special education are also discussed. The paper concludes by summarising the current environment of m-learning in Malaysian special needs education, together with recommendations for future use of the technology.  相似文献   

Research suggests that information and communication technologies (ICT) used in the form of computer assisted instruction (CAI) may benefit student learning. There is, however, limited research about the application of CAI in non-Western educational contexts. Here I describe the use of CAI in the learning of science in India. Evaluation of student learning by quantitative and qualitative means suggests that CAI has led to enhanced learning for a variety of science topics in this educational setting. I also reflect on issues germane to the Indian context and provide guidelines for the use of CAI in science instruction in countries for which ICT facilities in schools are somewhat compromised.  相似文献   

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