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The acquisition and extinction of locomotor responses of rats in a straight alley were examined for groups trained under escape, partial-avoidance, and avoidance procedures. During acquisition, one group (escape) received a 0-sec delay between being dropped into the alley and the onset of shock; two groups (partial avoidance) had 0.5- and 1-sec delays; and two groups (avoidance) had delays of 2 and 4 sec. On the final day of acquisition, the partial-avoidance rats displayed higher running speeds than either the escape- or avoidance-trained animals. The 4-sec avoidance group was consistently slower than all other groups. Speeds for all groups decreased during extinction, with rate of decline showing some relation to terminal acquisition level. Relative group performance levels proved to be consistent with a simple arithmetic model based on the assumption that changes in running speeds affect the aversiveness of the situation by altering US duration, CS duration, and effective US length.  相似文献   

Four groups of 10 rats each were given six acquisition trials (Phase 1) under continuous reinforcement (CR), partial reinforcement (PR), constant delay (CD), or partial delay of reinforcement (PD) conditions. In Phase 2, all Ss were given 18 nonreinforced trials, followed by 12 continuously reinforced trials in Phase 3. In Phase 4, all Ss were given 12 more extinction trials. A constant 24-h ITI was observed throughout the experiment. A strong partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) was obtained in both Phases 2 and 4. Only a temporary partial delay of reinforcement effect (PDRE) was observed, which was restricted to the first nine trials of the first extinction phase. No constant delay of reinforcement effect (CDRE) was observed in either extinction phase. The results were discussed in terms of both frustration and sequential theories.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were trained to run a straight alley for food reward in the goalbox. During subsequent extinction sessions, food rewards were given in the holding cages either immediately pretrial or during the intertriai interval. Pretrial rewards retarded extinction. Importantly, this resistance to extinction was also apparent on nonprefed test trials that occurred either embedded within the daily extinction sessions or at the start of the daily sessions. The results suggest that food reinforcers have a temporary aftereffect that can maintain already conditioned behaviors.  相似文献   

In order to determine the importance of the development of expectancy of reward prior to partial reward trials; rats were given 20 continuously reinforced trials prior to 20 partially reinforced trials (CRF-PRF) and compared to Ss given only 20 partially reinforced trials (PRF). Control groups received 20 or 40 continuously reinforced trials (CRF-20, CRF-40) to determine the effect of differing numbers of acquisition trials. Results showed that terminal acquisition differences were minimal in the run segment of the alley and that Group CRF-PRF was more resistant to extinction than Group PRF, and both were more resistant to extinction than the CRF-20 and CRF-40 groups, which did not differ from each other. These results were interpreted as supporting the notion that the expectancy of reward on nonreward trials during partial reinforcement acquisition is a determiner of the magnitude of the partial reinforcement extinction effect.  相似文献   

After escape training in an alley, rats received either nonpunished (NP) or punished (P) extinction, During extinction, NP and P groups received (a) a novel tone in the startbox, (b) a tone in the start- and goalboxes (the tone had been presented in the goalbox to these subgroups during acquisition—safety signal condition), or (c) no tone. Punishment produced greater resistance to extinction than nonpunishment (self-punitive effect) only under no-tone conditions. The elimination of self-punitive behavior with novel tone and safety signal treatment is consistent with the hypothesis that self-punitive running is motivated by excessive fear.  相似文献   

A hurdle-jump escape response was employed to assess the laboratory rat’s aversion or attraction to different types of conspecific odor. Odorant donor subjects received 112 runway acquisition trials on a continuous reward schedule followed by 32 extinction trials, 112 acquisition trials on a 50% schedule of reward and nonreward followed by 32 extinction trials, or 144 “neutral” trials with no reward in the alley. Different groups of test subjects escaped from odor excreted by odorant subjects on (a) nonrewarded acquisition and extinction trials, (b) rewarded trials during continuous reinforcement, (c) rewarded trials during partial reinforcement, or (d) neutral trials; others escaped from a clean box. The principal findings were: (1) significant aversion to “odor of nonreward” appeared after the donor odorants had received 12 exposures to reward; (2) production of odor of nonreward by odorant subjects changed as a function of training experience with reward; (3) after repeated exposure to odor of nonreward, the escape response habituated; (4) greater or different odor excretion in extinction resulted from subjects trained on a continuous reward schedule than on a partial reward schedule. Relationships of the data to frustration theory were discussed, assuming that inferred differences in production of odor reflect differences in frustration reaction.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, forty Sprague-Dawley females were randomly assigned to groups which differed in incentive magnitude in the goalbox. The subjects were then trained for 10 days in a straight alley with no obstruction of approach to the goal. During testing, the rats received two nonblocked and four blocked (delay) trials per day for 11 days. Groups receiving four or nine 45-mg pellets on each trial ran significantly faster following delays than following no delay and tended to be faster following a 4-sec delay than following longer delays. Delay had a similar effect on both running speeds and ingestion rates, with the 4- and 20-sec delays producing a significant frustration effect for running and ingestion in the third experiment.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of stimulus change during extinction on self-punitive behavior. In Experiment 1, changing alley brightness cues in all three segments of the alley prior to extinction eliminated self-punitive behavior. That is, subjects given shock in the third alley segment during extinction did not differ from nonshocked subjects in alley speed or in the number of trials to extinction. In Experiment 2, with shock also administered in the third alley segment, self-punitive behavior was eliminated when the stimulus change was made in segment 1 or in segments 1 and 2 but was obtained when the change occurred in segment 2 or in the lower startbox. In Experiment 3, shock was administered in the second alley segment. Self-punitive behavior was not obtained when the lower startbox cues were changed but was obtained with stimulus change in the upper startbox or in segment 1. The results are consistent with an expanded version of the Mowrer-Brown conditioned-fear hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rats were given continuous reinforcement (CRF), partial reinforcement (PRF), or successive discrimination (D) training in an alley from 11–14 (Age 1) or 15–18 (Age 2) days of age. Reinforcement was the opportunity to suckle the dry nipples of an anesthetized dam. Following a 10-day interval, all animals were given 4 successive days of discrimination training with food pellets as reinforcement. Control groups were given only the second phase of training. In the first phase, D subjects of both ages responded appropriately to the discriminative stimuli, and the PRF subjects of both ages ran significantly slower than CRF subjects. In the second phase, only the CRF subjects of Age 1 showed behavioral discrimination. All three Age 2 groups discriminated, but the discrimination developed earliest after Phase I CRF and latest after Phase I PRF. Both Age 1 control groups showed a late-developing discrimination, but neither Age 2 control group discriminated. The results suggest that infant and preweanling rats can learn both positive and negative expectancies of appetitive events, respond appropriately, and retain and transfer these expectancies to new learning. The reinforcement value of dry suckling and the effects of stimulus preexposure in infant rats are also discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were trained on a successive go/no-go discrimination problem in the runway in which the positive (S+) and negative (S?) discriminanda were differentiated by the presence or absence of a distinctive feature. The feature in Experiment 1 was a series of flashing lights over the runway. In Experiment 2, the feature was a pretrial reinforcement (Phase 1), or pretrial reinforcement versus pretrial nonreinforcement (Phase 2). The feature signaled S+ trials in feature-positive (FP) groups and S? trials in feature-negative (FN) groups. The original discrimination was reversed in Phase 2 of both experiments. With the exception of the pretrial nonreinforcement groups in Experiment 2, there was an asymmetry in discrimination learning in both phases of both experiments favoring superior discrimination learning by FN subjects over FP subjects, a feature-negative effect. Implications of the results for an information processing account of asymmetries in learning feature discriminations are discussed.  相似文献   

In two predictive-learning experiments, we investigated the role of the informational value of contexts for the formation of context-specific extinction learning. The contexts were each composed of two elements from two dimensions, A and B. In Phase 1 of each experiment, participants received acquisition training with a target cue Z in context A1B1 (the numbers assign particular values on the context dimensions). In Phase 2, participants were trained with conditional discriminations between two other cues, X and Y, for which only one of the two context dimensions was relevant. In a third phase, participants received extinction trials with cue Z in context A2B2. During a final test phase, we observed that a partial change of the extinction context disrupted extinction performance when the extinction context was changed on the dimension that had been trained as being relevant for the conditional discrimination. However, when the extinction context was changed on the irrelevant context dimension, extinction performance was not affected. Our results are consistent with the idea that relevant contexts receive more attention than do irrelevant contexts, leading to stronger context-specific processing of information learned in the former than in the latter type of contexts.  相似文献   

In two experiments, resistance to satiation was compared with resistance to extinction. In Experiment 1, rats given initial trials in a straight-alley runway while satiated failed to show increased resistance to satiation in a later test phase. This negative finding contrasts with the increased resistance to extinction usually found following initial nonrewarded trials in a straight alley. In Experiment 2, rats were extinguished or were run while satiated following deprived acquisition, and then were either shifted to the other condition or maintained under the same condition. A greater response decrement was produced by extinction than by satiation, both when current performance was examined and when the persistent effect of satiation or extinction on later performance was examined. These results show that there are important dissimilarities in the effects of satiation and extinction, dissimilarities that suggest that extinction is more nonrewarding or aversive than satiation. It seems likely that extinction involves processes (such as frustration, arousal of aversive motivation, and conditioned inhibition) not involved in satiation, which account for the greater response decrement in extinction as compared with satiation.  相似文献   

Event-generated memory refers to the memory of a reinforcement (R) or nonreinforcement (N) event from an immediately preceding trial;signal-generated memory refers to the memory of a temporally remote R or N, retrieval of which is generated by presentation of a signal with which the memory is associated (Haggbloom, 1988). In each of three experiments, Group Signal-R received runway discrimination training in Phase 1 to establish a stimulus as a signal for R, and partial reinforcement training in Phase 2. An extinction test measured learning about the memory of nonreward (SN)—learning that occurs when SN is retrieved on R trials that follow N trials. In Group Signal-H, those R trials were accompanied by the signal for R, a treatment we hypothesized would generate retrieval of the memory of reinforcement (SR) so that signal-generated SR would replace event-generated SN as the operative memory, thereby eliminating the increased resistance to extinction normally produced by PRF training. In each experiment, Group Signal-R was less resistant to extinction than was a control group conditioned to respond to-event-generated SN. Extinction was as rapid in Group Signal-R as it was in a consistent reinforcement control group (Experiment 1) and in a group given intertrial reinforcements to interfere with learning about SN (Experiment 3). Experiment 2 tested two alternative interpretations of the failure to learn about SN in Group Signal-R. Those alternatives were found to be less viable than the hypothesis that the signal for R actively recruited retrieval of a competing memory.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats (N = 11) were trained at two trials a day for 16 days in Phase I and 13 days in Phase II. Responses on Trial 1 were always rewarded in both phases. Percentage of reward (50% vs 100%) was varied on Trial 2 of each day of Phase I. Trial 2 on each day of Phase II was never rewarded. A partial reward effect (PRE) was observed on Trial 2 of Phase II. The implications of the results for intertrial explanations of the PRE were discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment I rats were trained for 21÷2 days under partial (PRF) or continuous reinforcement (CRF) conditions starting at 18, 22, 28, or 36 days of age and were then subjected to immediate extinction. At all ages there was a strong partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE), and absolute size of PREE was greatest in the youngest rats. Rate of extinction increased as a function of age following both CRF and PRF. In Experiment II the youngest and oldest age groups of Experiment I were run under the two reward conditions of Experiment I and in a third condition, PRF with number of rewards rather than trials equated to CRF (PRF-R). The PRF-R and PRF groups were not different in extinction, and both were more persistent than CRF. The youngest rats were again more persistent than the oldest, particularly after PRF training. In Experiment III it was shown that the well-known paradoxical effect, greater reward in CRF acquisition leads to faster extinction, operates in our youngest and oldest animals, but is more pronounced in the oldest. The results are discussed in terms of whether they require different explanations than those often applied to extinction data from adult rats.  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the role of aftereffect learning in rats rewarded with sucrose solutions. In Experiment 1, rats were trained in a single straight runway for two trials on each of 18 days, each trial terminating with either large (20% scurose) or small (3% sucrose) reward. The ITI was 3–5 min. The sequence of daily rewards for each of four groups was small-small (SS), small-large, (SL), large-small (LS), or large-large (LL). Response patterning and a simultaneous negative contrast effect were observed in LS and SL relative to the consistently rewarded controls. During 10 massed extinction trials, resistance to extinction was greatest for Group SL, followed in order by Groups SS, LL, and LS. Experiment 2 examined single alternation of large and small rewards administered for 10 trials on each of 31 days with an ITI of 60 sec. Reward for one group was 20% or 3% sucrose while another received 1 or 10 45-mg Noyes pellets. Appropriate patterning developed only in the food-pellet rewarded animals. The overall results suggest that sucrose rewards may produce high-amplitude and long-duration aftereffects which interfere with learning in designs employing several massed daily trials, but which may facilitate learning—relative to food-pellet rewards—with longer intertrial intervals and fewer daily trials.  相似文献   

Following a 47-day extinction procedure, the reinstatement of the cue previously associated with reward produced an immediate improvement in performance. The cue was the opportunity to traverse the alley following an “anticipated” nonrewarded runway trial. Moreover, the animals trained in this matter exhibited daily increments in performance during the initial phase of extinction testing. The results were interpreted as consistent with the notion that the difference in extinction performance of one group as compared to another does not necessarily reflect the relative “strengths” of the instrumentally acquired habits. Instead, it probably indicates the degree of similarity of the extinction testing procedure to the acquisition training condition previously associated with reinforcement for the two individual groups.  相似文献   

The present experiment compared two methods of eliminating a classically conditioned response in dogs, extinction and reinforcement of nonsalivation, using both a within- and between-subjects experimental design. Eighteen dogs were trained for 16 days in Phase I, 16 days in Phase II, and 8 days in Phase III. In Phase I, each subject received classical conditioning training to two stimuli. In Phase II, Group 1 received extinction training to one stimulus and reinforcement of nonsalivation to the other stimulus. Group 2 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and reinforcement on nonsalivation training to the other. Group 3 received continued classical conditioning training to one stimulus and extinction training to the other. In both the within- and between-subjects comparisons, responding to the stimulus associated with extinction was eliminated faster than responding to the stimulus associated with reinforcement of nonsalivation.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of deviancy labels on teachers' expectations of child behavior and their ability to evaluate child behavior objectively. One hundred elementary school teachers were randomly assigned to one of four label groups. Each group dealt with one label (emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, mentally retarded, normal), and each group participated in two separate treatment phases. During Phase I teachers identified behaviors they expected to be displayed by hypothetical children characteristic of the label condition. They were asked to complete a referral form for either a hypothetical normal, mentally retarded, learning disabled, or emotionally disturbed child. During Phase II, each group saw the same videotape of a normal fourth grade boy and completed a second referral form based on the behaviors displayed during this presentation. Experimental procedures were identical for the four groups, except each group was told the child was a member of a different category.Results indicated that teachers hold negative expectancies toward children categorized with a deviancy label and maintain expectancies even when confronted with normal behavior, behavior inconsistent with the stated label. Maintenance of this bias is sufficient to cause teachers to misinterpret actual child behavior, resulting in a halo effect. Results further indicated that the label of educable mentally retarded generated a greater degree of negative bias than did the labels learning disabled or emotionally disturbed, although all three deviancy labels produced negative expectancies and halo effects significantly different from those found under control conditions.  相似文献   

Three groups of rats underwent 24 days of training and 12 days of extinction (three trials per day) in a runway under conditions of increasing (I), decreasing (D), and random (R) sequences of reward magnitudes (0, 45, and 500 mg). The I Ss ran faster over the daily trials, the D Ss slowed down, and the R Ss ran at approximately equal speeds on each trial. The patterned running observed in training persisted in extinction, with the R Ss running fastest and the I Ss next. The results were discussed in terms of Capaldi’s sequential theory and Amsel’s frustration theory.  相似文献   

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