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何婉晨 《成长》2020,(4):45-45
现阶段随着人们休闲意识的不断提高,户外运动已经是一项被广大人群接受的运动方式。户外运动能在帮助人们强健体魄的同时还可以放松人们的心情,因此,越来越多的大学生喜欢上了户外运动。但是,受传统教育思想影响大多数高校体育课程的设置不合理,不能满足大学生户外运动的需求。为此,本文采用文献资料法等研究方法,根据分析高校体育教学中开展户外运动的问题,提出了在大学体育教学中渗透户外运动的对策,旨在为今后高校开展户外运动提供参考性的借鉴。  相似文献   

赵超 《华章》2011,(33)
户外运动训练课是一种以体能活动为引导,全面培养大学生综合素质与能力的学习模式,它是我国高校体育课程改革中的重要组成部分,打破了长期以来高校体育课封闭式的教学形式,将课程教学由有限的课堂延伸到无限的社会与大自然中,从时间和空间上拓展了体育课程.本来将对户外运动训练课设置的意义进行分析,并针对现阶段高校体育户外运动训练课程设置的不足提出相应实施对策.  相似文献   

胡艳玲 《考试周刊》2013,(57):115-116
本文通过查阅关于高校体育课开展户外运动课程的文献和资料,在前人对户外的研究及高校开展户外运动现状研究的基础上,对户外运动课程进入高校体育课的必要性进行了分析。  相似文献   

高校开展户外运动的必要性及可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建伟 《成人教育》2009,29(4):52-53
户外运动是一项极具挑战性和吸引力的运动,它对弥补现行体育教学的不足,提高学生体育锻炼的积极性、丰富业余生活、培养社会适应能力等方面都有独特的作用。国外开展户外运动的成功经验为我们拓展体育教学的方式提供了很好的借鉴,国内民间户外运动俱乐部的实践也为普通高校开展野外运动提供了思路。但目前开展户外运动的高校并不是很多,且处于一种积极的尝试阶段。教育部门如何尽快地转变观念,提供必要的政策支持,加强户外运动方面的师资培训,对丰富体育课程资源、拓宽体育教学新途径意义重大。广大体育工作者也要尽快转变思想观念,认真学习户外运动的各种知识,为适应新的教学形式在各个方面做好积极的准备。  相似文献   

为了促进大学生的全面发展,适应社会对高校公共体育课程要求,文章探讨高校公共体育课程结合户外运动的项目特点,就户外运动特点和户外运动课程概念入手,分析户外运动课程特点以及户外运动课程的价值。建议大学体育选修课引入户外体验式培训的教学方式,结合高校所在地区自然与社会有效资源合理选择户外运动项目加入到体育课程中以适应社会的发展和时代的需求。  相似文献   

高校开设户外运动课程的必要性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法,查阅了大量相关高校的户外运动的文献资料,在已有的研究的基础上,概定了户外运动的定义、特点,同时对户外运动课程在高校体育教学中开设的功能和意义进行了探讨,并把户外运动的开展和完成高校体育课程标准有机地结合,分析了户外运动对提高大学生综合素质的作用,以期为高校户外教学提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对高校体育课程引入户外运动的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法,查阅了大量相关高校的户外运动的文献资料,介绍户外运动的定义、特点和益处;同时对户外运动课程在高校体育教学中开设的必要性和可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高校体育课开展拓展训练的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校体育课中开展拓展训练,不仅能丰富大学体育课内容,拓展大学体育课的时间和空间,而且为高校体育教学模式开拓了新的思路,为深化高校体育教学改革提供了科学有效的方法.它是高校体育教学发展的新方向,符合中国高校体育课程改革发展趋势,体现了现代教育理念.  相似文献   

王淑霞 《考试周刊》2014,(3):108-108
体育与健康课程标准是学校的基本课程,随着新课改的推进,对体育与健康课程提出新的要求,不仅要求学生掌握基本的运动技能,还要树立正确的健康观念,树立终身体育意识,在运动中感受体育带来的快乐,这就要求老师在完成教学任务的同时设计出他们感兴趣的体育教学内容,在参与活动的过程中体验快乐和成功,使他们的身心健康发展。教师要处理好兴趣与技能的关系,让体育课真正发挥作用。  相似文献   

高校体育是学校体育教育的最后一环,与社会体育紧密相连。长期以来,高校体育与健康课程即公共体育课一直延续着以竞技运动技术的传授为主线,竞技运动的考核为成绩的陈旧的教学方法,严重违背了“健康第一”的体育理念。应通过对现行高校体育与健康课程的内容设置、课程的结构类型及考核评价体系的分析研究,提出符合现代教育原则的高校公共体育课健康教育的内容、授课类型和评价体系的新模式,以期对今后的高校公共体育课的改革有一些现实的帮助。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,越来越多的人认识到体育生活方式对于健康的重要性。通过文献资料法、访谈法和逻辑分析法对影响中学生养成体育生活方式的因素进行分析,结果显示中学生的健康意识淡薄,对"体育"理解不够,体育时间投入较少,学校场地器材不足且利用率低,学生缺乏体育锻炼的兴趣。社会、家庭与学校的体育氛围是影响中学生养成体育生活方式的因素,并根据上述影响因素,提出科学合理建议。  相似文献   

音乐专业蒙语授课教学改革应以邓小平提出的教育要坚持“三个面向”的战略思想为指导,加强基础课教学、调整课程结构,根据社会需要增设新课程;抓好教育实习,开展教师技能大赛,加强艺术实践,以培养学生组织文艺活动、丰富校园文化的能力;努力提高学生的汉语和外语水平;为21世纪培养一批适应新时期需要、一专多能、蒙汉兼通的音乐师资和艺术人才。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine if minority and female students are more likely to persist in a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) major when they enroll in classes taught by instructors of their own race or gender. Using data from public 4-year universities in the state of Ohio, I analyze first semester STEM courses to see if the race or gender of the instructor effects persistence of initial STEM majors in a STEM field after the first semester and first year. Results indicate that black students are more likely to persist in a STEM major if they have a STEM course taught by a black instructor. Similar to previous findings, female students are less likely to persist when more of their STEM courses are taught by female instructors.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):618-631

Lecturing can be positively regarded as a practice by which students can be treated with respect in educational processes which grant them freedom to pursue and acquire new knowledge that meets their needs. Lecturing can also be negatively conceived as a practice which others students and positions them as people who deserve to be chided and harangued towards new knowledge. This negative conception is magnified in this strange place where what is taught to overly large classes offensively propagates colonial and apartheid schemata, while failing to advance the development needs of students. My teaching philosophy is a humanistic response to the difficulties of teaching in this strange circumstance.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of cooperative learning activities on student achievement and attitudes in large-enrollment (>250) introductory biology classes. We found that students taught using a cooperative learning approach showed greater improvement in their knowledge of course material compared with students taught using a traditional lecture format. In addition, students viewed cooperative learning activities highly favorably. These findings suggest that encouraging students to work in small groups and improving feedback between the instructor and the students can help to improve student outcomes even in very large classes. These results should be viewed cautiously, however, until this experiment can be replicated with additional faculty. Strategies for potentially improving the impact of cooperative learning on student achievement in large courses are discussed.  相似文献   


There is evidence that many students leave university without effective learning strategies and skills that would facilitate their learning in the future. For example, they can complete their university courses without developing information skills or a love of learning, with only a limited repertoire of learning strategies, and with no intention of engaging in further learning. While these findings indicate a need for universities to review the structure of courses and the way that they are taught and assessed, it is not necessary to wait for this to happen. Within existing course structures, universities can help prepare students for lifelong learning by teaching them learning strategies. This is best done if the strategies are taught by university teachers in the context of their regular coursework. We have confirmed in our research and professional development projects that this can be done. In an experimental study, we investigated the effects of explicidy teaching students learning strategies in the context of their regular coursework. This research indicated that students who were taught learning strategies in the context of their regular coursework used them effectively and achieved better results than students who were taught in the conventional way. In a professional development project, we taught university teachers from a variety of subject areas to teach learning strategies to students in their own courses. These teachers were successful in helping students develop a repertoire of effective learning strategies and display greater commitment to their learning.  相似文献   

The Mastery Learning Program was initiated in the City Colleges of Chicago to improve student achievement levels and reduce course attrition rates. During the first year, 37 instructors implemented these new instructional techniques in introductory courses in nine subject areas. Data were gathered from 77 classes involving 2,249 students. Results indicate that in most of the subject areas, students in mastery classes scored higher on final examinations, attained higher course grades, and were less likely to withdraw than students taught by more traditional methods.  相似文献   

The increasing importance that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been gaining for Physical Education (PE) and sports pedagogy has generated the need to prepare ICT-proficient prospective PE teachers within PE and sport science university departments. This study was aimed at: (a) the design and implementation of two project-based elective courses on ICT in education (entitled ‘Informatics in Education’ and ‘Computers in Physical Education Teaching’) for the undergraduate students of a PE and sport science department, and (b) the investigation of students’ responses to the courses and instructor’s experiences from organizing and imparting the courses. The courses were focused on educational multimedia and web development for PE. Twenty-three students that had attended ‘Informatics in Education’ and 13 students that had attended ‘Computers in Physical Education Teaching’ participated in the study. Research data were collected through student questionnaires and instructor’s notes. It was found that students were helped to acquire basic multimedia and web development skills for educational purposes, and that their responses to the courses were positive overall. The courses fulfilled students’ expectations and were successful in equipping students with self-confidence in their ability to make use of ICT in PE courses and to construct multimedia and web-based learning materials. Furthermore, students were provided with opportunities to express their creativity and improve their future instructional practices. However, the study also brought to light the various difficulties and challenges of training prospective PE teachers in the didactical utilization of ICT at undergraduate level.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of research that explored students' constructs about energy. During the implementation of a constructivist learning approach, constructs from students in three classes were elicited using a repertory grid method, both before and after completing a module of work dealing with energy. Results from repertory grids showed that students who experienced the constructivist approach provided significantly more constructs, and of a wider, nature, than students who were taught in their usual fashion. Results from a school test administered to all three classes and the differences found between the results from the repertory grid techniques and the school test are then discussed. This paper concludes that students taught with the constructivist approach had much increased personal knowledge concerning energy, more so than those students taught in the traditional manner, and also that students taught with the constructivist approach learnt the school science equally as well as those students taught in the usual fashion.  相似文献   

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