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While most of Gramsci's party work is well known to education scholars of Gramsci, and the educational aspects of his writings have been repeatedly analyzed, what remains a constant in education-based Gramsci studies is the nearly universal minimization of this work for what it was, namely party work. For Gramsci, it would have been unthinkable to consider this work outside the framework of a revolutionary party. Yet, for contemporary educational scholars it seems unthinkable to consider Gramsci's work within the framework of a revolutionary party. The goals of this article are to outline Gramsci's interrelated conceptualization of the roles of the revolutionary party; the nature of education within and by the revolutionary party; and the aims of party education. For considerations of space, I limit this analysis to Gramsci's pre-prison praxis, the period of his active militancy in the PSI and the PCI. I conclude the article with what I consider to be lessons with continued relevance from Gramsci's praxis for the socio-political economic context faced by today's radical educators.  相似文献   

This article offers a detailed discussion of the writings of Antonio Gramsci, one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party. Gramsci's writings, and secondary source accounts of these, have had a profound influence in many areas of ‘radical’ adult and community education in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The article attempts, by returning to Gramsci's original texts and by interpreting them within his own ‘leitmotiv’, to challenge many of the current applications of his thought within radical education and ‘left’ political practice. The former types of applications are normally filtered through the political and academic writings of the latter; therefore the challenge offered, on behalf of Gramsci, is directed primarily at these.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的应用语言学研究与英国和美国不同。在英国和美国,应用语言学是在对国际学生英语教学过程中发展起来的。澳大利亚的应用语言学研究有两个特点:1)深受以各种现代语言为研究对象的应用语言学的影响,这一点不仅体现在大学法语及其他现代语言教师的研究中,还体现在对移民社区各种语言的研究中;2)英语应用语言学作用显著,不管是英语在学校作为母语,还是作为移民语言。本文通过对澳大利亚一些著名的应用语言学家,如Terry Quinn,Michael Clyne,Michael Halliday等的走访或网络采访,力图探讨澳大利亚应用语言学研究的起源与特点。  相似文献   

葛兰西的实践哲学对于文化和政治的看法令世人瞩目,其中最令人关注的是历史性要素在实践哲学中的运用。葛兰西用实践哲学代替马克思主义,视它为一种绝对的历史主义。这种历史主义不仅通过马克思吸收了德国历史主义的传统,也容纳了克罗齐绝对历史主义的精髓。葛兰西以建构历史的方式来沟通理论与实践,使之成为一个连续的同一体。他同样擅长运用历史建构中形成的历史性力量,例如:从历史之具体性中激发的想象力;在历史与逻辑一致性建构中生成的推断力;由历史与现在、未来沟通中形成的意志力。葛兰西运用这些历史性力量时的深刻自觉,令实践哲学表现出有别于西方哲学传统的卓越的实践能力和深远的影响力。  相似文献   

After centuries of “Eurocentric” linguistic ideology, the South African government has formulated African language development and multilingualism as one priority in the education system. While only English, and decreasingly Afrikaans, are the only “established” languages of instruction at tertiary level, most universities in the country have revised their language policies in order to show commitment to South Africa’s evident multilingualism. This article provides a critical analysis of particular language and identity politics in one of the leading tertiary institutions of the country. The theoretical framework is based on a critical sociolinguistic approach that draws attention to polarizing identity politics in relation to language policy, planning and implementation. Methodologically grounded in ethnography, the article has a two-fold perspective. First, it analyses particular language policy rhetoric at the University on focus and argues that its essentialist approach to Africanisation triggers contested identity politics. Second, the article provides insights into the developments of specific implementations, pointing to ideological as well as practical challenges at the university on focus.  相似文献   

The specific nuances of what Gramsci names 'the new dialectic' are explored in this paper. The dialectic was Marx's specific 'mode of thought' or 'method of logic' as it has been variously called, by which he analyzed the world and man's relationship to that world. As well as constituting a theory of knowledge (epistemology), what arises out of the dialectic is also an ontology or portrait of humankind that is based on the complete historicization of humanity; its 'absolute "historicism"' or 'the absolute secularisation and earthliness of thought', as Gramsci worded it ( Gramsci, 1971 , p. 465). Embracing a fully secular and historical view of humanity, it provides a vantage point that allows the multiple and complex effects of our own conceptual heritage to be interrogated in relation to our developing 'nature' or 'being'.
The argument presented in this paper is that the legacy of both Hegel and Marx is manifest in the depth of Gramsci's comprehension of what he termed the 'educative-formative' problem of hegemony. It is precisely the legacy of this Hegelian-Marxist radical philosophical critique that is signified in his continuing commitment to the 'philosophy of praxis' and the historical-dialectical principles that underpin this worldview.  相似文献   

This article reports on a longitudinal study which investigated the process of becoming and being a first-year junior lecturer in a South African linguistics department. The lecturer arrived as a recent doctoral graduate from England at the beginning of the academic year. Qualitative data collection and analysis revealed that there were a number of areas in which the lecturer experienced conflicts between his own expectations of the job and what he actually encountered: for example, teaching practice, departmental politics, linguistic paradigms, affirmative action. In this article, the lecturer's experiences of learning to lecture are examined in terms of how he found himself conforming, coping, generating and resisting. These socialisation patterns provide a framework for considering the early experiences of all beginning lecturers and are used, in this article, as the basis for an approach to induction for academic staff in universities. After eighteen months he left the department to lecture linguistics and then teach English as a foreign language in Japan.  相似文献   

English is widely regarded as an essential skill for the globalized economy by governments around the world which devote considerable resources to its teaching in formal education, though often with limited success in terms of achievement levels. Thailand is a case in point. Set against the putative benefits of acquiring proficiency in English, concerns have been raised that the spread of English has a negative impact, threatening the vitality of the first languages and cultures of its learners. Examining whether these concerns are valid in Thailand, this article reports on a study amongst Thai university students which investigated their perceptions of English alongside their first language, Thai. Results indicate that these Thai students subscribe to the notion of English as a tool for personal economic advancement but that the position of Thai as the language of national identity remains unchallenged.  相似文献   

严复是中国近代外语教育特别是英语教育的先行者,其英语教育理念的形成,除时代影响外,还与其独特的个人经历密切相关。其英语教育理念是在争辩中形成的,他反对当时社会上流行的从日文转译西学的做法,力主通西学必先习其语言文字,必求之初地而后得其真。面对守旧派的各种质疑,他据理争辩,反复论证中国人学习外语是正确而必要的选择。他善于从中西文化比较和交流的高度审视外语,对于近代外语教育具有导向式意义。“会通中西”是其语言文化观的核心和灵魂。严复英语教育理念独具理论深度,在英语教育及整个外语教育史上皆有承前启后的里程碑式意义,应在语言文化学大视野中给予高度评价。  相似文献   

This article examines the claim that a fully immersive English language learning experience can be ensured by universities engaged in transnational education through offshore campuses. Taking as a case study one South East Asian offshore campus of a Western university, the inquiry was designed to discover the extent to which students did, in reality, utilise their English language skills on campus outside the classroom. Drawing on the responses of 260 students, the findings suggest that, far from ‘full immersion’, students tend to revert to their own language in most interactions, unless in the presence of a teacher. The article goes on to suggest a number of reasons for this and discusses the factors underlying both the students’ reluctance and the failure of the institution’s strategy.  相似文献   

Utilizing a framework which employs symbolic capital and post-colonial analysis, this paper examines the cultural meanings of English-language education at Cathedral and John Connon School in Bombay, India. The central question this article seeks to address is how power is replicated through education and, more specifically, the ways in which formerly British colonial systems of education are maintained as markers of success and prestige in urban India. This research draws upon intensive participant observation and interviews with teachers, students and parents at Cathedral and John Connon School in Bombay, as well as upon the extensive academic literature on English-language education in India. The discussion of how the politics of language and class intersect in education is divided into three topic areas: class and access to English-language education; the rural/urban divide; and the implications of English as an agent of global hegemony.  相似文献   

The current concern about low levels of English proficiency among international students who graduate from degree courses – that students’ English language skills are not being developed during their higher education experience – reflects negatively on the quality of Australian higher education and its graduates. More careful selection of students and increased use of English language testing are among the solutions put forward. These debates over English language proficiency tend to construct English language as a skill that can be applied in any context and ‘native‐speaker’‐levels of language ability as essential for employment. Within such a formulation international students can only ever be defined as in deficit. Drawing on socio‐cultural theories of language learning and academic literacy, alternative understandings of language proficiency in internationalized higher education are explored. Improved communication skills among graduates are likely to be achieved through a better understanding of issues beyond classroom instruction, such as barriers to social integration with native‐speakers, which reveal many international students unable to access adequate levels of language experience. Without wider perspectives on the debate over English language proficiency in higher education, the many benefits of having international students in higher education institutions are obscured by negative attitudes and unrealistic expectations.  相似文献   

张红 《海外英语》2011,(11):143-144
Britain has been the subject of university courses is the focus,especially in today’s global economy integration,the status of the university English education can not be ignored,in recent years,the rapid development of our English education,but there have been many problems to solve.This article reveals English education,a new direction,there are some English teaching reform,and finally improvement of English education in China described.  相似文献   

This study explores the political impact on English-language education in the historical context of Vietnam in the 1980–1990 period. Based on data collected from three participants’ narratives concerning their experience of learning English, the study indicates that English-language education, at that time, embraced a wide range of political dimensions specific to the geopolitics of Vietnam. The political factors include learners’ family background, mainstream concepts in the local community, materials for teaching and learning, ideologies of language teaching, historical events and socio-political discourses. These factors constituted three layers of politics embedded in English-language education in Vietnam. The findings of the study provide new insights into the themes pertaining to politics in English-language education, which are often associated with the spread of English as a global language. From an educational history perspective, the study makes a contribution to understanding and developing second-language education in relation to local geopolitics.  相似文献   

The current prominent influence of the theories of L. S. Vygotsky on studies of education, particularly of pedagogic practice, requires a re-examination. The dominance of deficient editions of his writings has had regrettable consequences such as a misplaced reading of the 'one of proximal development' The publication of his recent, albeit incomplete, Collected Works in English affords an opportunity to reassess Vygotsky' work. Potential areas for such rethinking include: a comparison between his work and influence with that of Piaget; Vygotsky' own epistemology and methodology; and the relevance of his approach to contemporary concerns.  相似文献   

This article presents two separate but related studies on native-English speaking (NES) instructors’ teaching writing practice in Chinese universities. One study is a case study that explores the teaching practice of three NES instructors’ writing instruction in a southern Chinese university as well as students’ responses to their practice. Another study takes on an auto-ethnographic approach, in which the researcher retrospectively examines his own writing instruction as a college NES instructor in China with his new understanding of Bakhtin’s dialogic theory and theories of multi/biliteracy. The pairing of these two studies, methodologically and conceptually, illustrates the NES instructors’ teaching experiences in China from both an outsider and an insider’s perspectives. The findings of the studies indicate that one of the key factors that hinder the effectiveness in teaching writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts is the doctrine of ‘native fallacy’ widespread in the EFL field. This is an ethnocentric view of treating English as a hegemonic practice that drives EFL students to reach native-like English proficiency in both their English speaking and writing. The article concludes with a call for a paradigm shift in teaching and learning in the EFL field, which requires fundamental changes in the view of English from ‘native English’ to World Englishes or an international language for today’s globalized community.  相似文献   

李超 《海外英语》2014,(13):262-264
This paper discusses the current language education and issues in Hong Kong,The language apply maintain successfully the international and local identity needs in Hong Kong,both English and Cantonese are mainly in the different areas,meeting the different needs of various aspects of the mainstream language.Hong Kong was a multi-lingual region.English was the official language in more than one hundred years before Return;English enjoyed a dominant position in Hong Kong,where expression under the influence of English,Chinese and English code-switching is also very common.The Return of Hong Kong has a considerable influence to language phenomenon;greatly strengthen the importance of Mandarin.In this paper,from the Angle of social linguistics,this paper discusses the English position before and after Hong Kong's return to China,discussing economic,business,education,and other areas of the social development and changes of English status,and analyzes the Hong Kong residents for English,Cantonese and Mandarin language attitude.  相似文献   

葛兰西的意识形态概念是宽泛的、描述性的概念。他指明了意识形态与社会实践活动的关系;认为同一社会基础上存在多种意识形态的统一;他还力图寻找政治行动中危机和错误产生的意识形态与上层建筑等方面的原因。葛兰西深化了马克思主义理论,实现了理论与实践的统一;他把策略的因素引入意识形态理论之中,使意识形态理论获得了现实的政治意义。葛兰西对于意识形态有关理论的发展,是马克思主义理论与具体实践相结合的产物。  相似文献   

基于国外对语言意识的界定及语言意识在外语习得过程中的作用的研究,本文从语言意识与语言习得的关系入手,分析了语言学习中语言意识形成的心理机制及其过程,对语言意识的培养提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

英语水平与国际化无关,过早学习英语将不利于幼儿母语的学习及其心智成长。古代教育家们提出的“蒙以养正”的教育原则同样适用于对幼儿的语言教育。幼儿不宜过早开始学习英语。  相似文献   

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