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利用透射电镜研究了松毛虫赤眼蜂(Trichogramma dendrolimi)雌性触角5种感器。观察到毛形感器远端神经树状突膨大成为外节,外节的端部有细管体,说明它是属于机械感器,具有触觉的功能。刺形感器和坛形感器是化学感器,前者的角质壁上见有嗅孔分布,后者角质壁出现11~13条纵列狭窄的凹沟,每条凹沟都通向内部的大室。i型感器有两种形态:i型I占绝大多数,在其角质壁上无嗅孔,感觉神经树状突分布在感器的内腔中,可能是一种具有触觉作用的机械感器;极少数为i型Ⅱ,在毛的内腔出现大室和小室,感觉神经树状突只伸向内腔的小室,根据有大、小室的存在,它们具有味觉作用,但从它的基部收缢的特点,说明又有触觉的功能,所以是具有双重性质的感器。至于栓锥感器,树状突出现在内腔,但从结构上没有嗅孔这一特征分析,可以归属为机械感器。  相似文献   

萤火虫属节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鞘翅目、萤科(Lampyridae),体狭长而扁平,一般长约4—10毫米,前背胸平坦如板,常盖及头部,一对触角左右相接近各有11节,生于头部上面,额的前方。触角有丝状、锯齿状、栉齿状等。前中足基节圆椎形,中足基节相连;后足基节  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜对银斑豹蛱蝶(Speyeria aglaja)成虫触角感器的超微结构、类型和分布进行了研究.结果表明,银斑豹蛱蝶触角上存在着7种感器,即星形感器、毛形感器、刺形感器、腔形感器、腔锥形感器、芽孢形感器和鳞形感器.其中以星形感器数目最多.  相似文献   

系统研究蚱总科短翼蚱科中的狭顶蚱属、蟾蚱属及波蚱属在中国的种类,以检索表形式进行分类研究,共记述狭顶蚱属14种,蟾蚱属19种,波蚱属65种,其中包括3新种,即湖南狭顶蚱Systolederus hunanensis sp. nov.八大公山蟾蚱Hyboella badagongshanensis sp.nov.及壶瓶山波蚱Bolivaritettix hupinshanensis sp.nov..湖南狭顶蚱近似于姑婆山狭顶蚱Systolederus goposhanensis Deng, Zheng&Wei,2007,主要区别为:1)颜面隆起纵沟宽与触角基节等宽;2)侧单眼位于复眼前缘的中部;3)触角着生于复眼下缘之间;4)肩部之间具1对短纵隆线;5)后翅到达后突的顶端;6)中足股节宽等于前翅宽;7)第1跗节下之第3垫大于第1、2垫;8)体较大,雄体长8 mm.八大公山蟾蚱近似于台湾蟾蚱Hyboella taiwanensis Liang,2000及海南蟾蚱Hyboella hainanensis Liang,2000.其区別于后二者为:1)头顶宽为1眼宽的2.14倍;2)侧面观前胸背板上缘近平直;3)后突到达后足股节4/5处;4)后突顶狭圆形;5)中足股节下缘平直;6)体较大,雌体长15 mm.该新种又区別于海南蟾蚱为:1)前胸背板前缘平直;2)沟前区侧隆线向后收缩;3)肩部之间不具1对短纵隆线;而又区别于台湾蟾蚱为肩角钝角形.壶瓶山波蚱近似于尖齿波蚱Bolivaritettix acumindentatus Zheng, Shi&Mao,2010,主要区别为:1)前胸背板总长为超出后足股节顶端部分长的2.7倍;2)后翅超过后突的顶端;3)中足股节宽等于前翅宽;4)后足股节下侧外面非黑色;5)后足胫节全暗褐色,不具淡色环.新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

黄钩蛱蝶触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用扫描电镜对黄钩蛱蝶(Polygoniac—aureum)成虫触角感器的超微结构、类型和分布进行了研究.结果表明,黄钩蛱蝶触角上存在着7种感器,即星形感器、毛形感器、刺形感器、腔形感器、腔锥形感器、芽孢形感器和鳞形感器.其中以星形感器数目最多.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察了匀鞭蚜小蜂的触角及其感器,计有毛状、坛状、指状感器,纵形及钟形感器。并对各种感器的分布及排列作了描述。  相似文献   

我们常常可以发现,有的河蟹左右两只蟹足大小不等,相差悬殊,或是一二只步足特别细小,或在缺肢的地方生出一只柔软的疣状物,这些就是河蟹断肢后再生或正在再生的附肢.当河蟹受到强烈刺激或机械损伤时,常会发生自切现象.如果取一只活力较强的河蟹,在它任何一只步足的长节或腕节处将该足迅速剪断,立即可以看到,河蟹将残肢不断上跷,而使其自行断落;或将身体高撑起来,靠身体重量将残肢自基部压断;或用对侧螯足将残肢钳弃.河蟹的这种自切或断肢现象,也是一种保护性的适应.断肢有固定的部位,折断点总是在附肢基节与座节之间的折断关节处,这里有特殊的构造,既可防  相似文献   

学科类别:动物或水产 适宜对象:小学高年级至初二学生 构思原理:蟹类动物属节肢动物门甲壳纲十足目短尾亚目动物。这类动物的头胸甲特别发达,有圆型、椭圆型、方型和梭型不等,腹部退化折叠于胸部的腹面,称腹脐,腹节愈合,尾节很小。蟹类的附肢已特化成形态各不相同,并具有不同功能的附肢,附肢包括前端的二对触角,组成口器的一对大腭、二对小腭,五对胸足,其中第1对为钳状螯足,2~4对为步行足,第5对因生活习性不同,善爬行的为步行足,经游泳的为游泳足,腹足已退化,排列在腹脐里面。  相似文献   

初步在扫描电子显微镜下观察了美洲大蠊触角表面的感受器形态。对有孔锥形感器、毛形感器和刺形感器B作了较详细描述。同时对美洲大蠊触角表面鳞片状构造进行了高倍观察。  相似文献   

认为拟穴青蟹一对螯足均不具有腕节内刺的个体(Sp)比至少一只螯足具有腕节内刺的个体(Sr)更能适应环境温度的变化。实验比较Sp与Sr鳃ATP酶活性的季节变化,主要结果如下:Sp与Sr 鳃线粒体 ATPase 活性的季节变化模式存在较大的差异,Sr 鳃线粒体的 Na+K+-ATPase、Ca2+-ATPase和Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase活性全部表现为夏季高于冬季,Sp仅有Ca2+-ATPase活性表现为夏季高于冬季。在冬季,Sp鳃线粒体的3种ATP酶活性都显著高于Sr。总的来说,Sp对低温的代谢补偿高于Sr,从而验证Sp比Sr更能适应环境温度变化这一观点。  相似文献   

三音节是惯用语最基本的形式,四音节次之。惯用语的语法结构与韵律特征并非毫无关系,不同的语法类型有着不同的韵律特征。不同语法结构类型的音步形式不完全相同,而不同语法结构的声调搭配虽然在一定程度上会受到音节数的影响,但还是存在着特定的声调搭配。  相似文献   

This study investigated gender effects on the conversational strategies used among 106 African American children ( mean age = 7 years) from urban, low-income family backgrounds. Same- and mixed-gender pairs of children from the same grade level in an inner-city school were provided with toy bear puppets and asked to play together for 5 min. Conversations were coded using Leaper's Psychosocial Processes Coding Scheme, which classifies communication acts as either collaborative, controlling, informing, obliging, or withdrawing. Girls and boys were more similar than different. However, gender-related variations were found. Boys were more likely than girls to use controlling acts and domineering exchanges in same-gender pairs but not in mixed-gender pairs. Girls were more likely than boys to use a combination of collaborative and informing acts. For partner gender effects we found that controlling acts and domineering exchanges were less likely — whereas informing acts were more likely — to take place when children were matched with a girl than when they were matched with a boy. Findings replicate many of the gender effects on communication style reported in a prior study (Leaper, 1991) that used a similar procedure and coding strategy with a sample of middle-income children from mostly European American backgrounds.  相似文献   

192 7— 1 937年十年间 ,上海的律师业得到了极大的发展 ,从业律师的队伍规模、队伍构成、收入水平都呈现出欣欣向荣的景象。促进上海律师业发展的原因有很多 ,而上海经济的发展、租界法权的逐步收回、南京国民政府的立法活动、上海“三界鼎立”的格局是主要原因。上海律师业的发展从一个侧面反映了上海的现代化进程在“制度层面”和“观念层面”的突破 ,这说明上海的现代化进程已全面展开。  相似文献   

《上博简八》中存在大量的通假字,这些文字的借用现象是研究上古语音的可靠材料。文章对《上博简八》中的143对通假字从语音关系上进行了探讨,归纳出古音通假建立在音同音近的基础上并且以音同为最佳,通假中韵同的数量大大高于声同的数量等结论;最后讨论了余母复杂的通假现象。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to discriminate one sequence of three colors from other sequences made from the same three colors. At each stage of acquisition, a regression analysis estimated the degree to which the birds’ performance was controlled by each of seven hierarchically organized units. Three units represented single elements acting individually (Stimulus 1, Stimulus 2, and Stimulus 3), three represented pairs of stimuli (i.e., the combination of Stimuli 1 and 2, the combination of Stimuli 2 and 3, and the combination of Stimuli 1 and 3), and one represented the triplet of all three stimuli. Responding was initially controlled by the third stimulus in the sequence, but eventually came under the control of higher order units representing combinations of stimuli. These results indicate that pigeons are capable of using coherent, hierarchical representations of sequence information. They also argue against a number of list-processing schemes, such as a retrospective trace-strength discrimination scheme and a prospective conditional sequential discrimination scheme.  相似文献   

基于“岗位需求”的高职礼仪课程设计新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新高职礼仪课程设计必须秉持"基于工作岗位需求"的理念,深化对礼仪课开设必要性的认识,着力解决"为谁教、教什么、怎么教"等三个问题。同时要体现三个注重,即注重学生职业能力的培养、注重学生品质素养的提升、注重课程设计的开放性。  相似文献   

The current situation with regard to aspects of research on learning and individual differences is briefly outlined, and the almost total absence of studies of hereditary factors in learning is underscored. It is proposed that the latter such studies will be most likely to facilitate communication between learning researchers and differential psychologists. To this end, previously unpublished data are described that bear on hereditary factors in learning task performance. Five learning tasks were administered to 84 pairs of like sexed fraternal and 128 pairs of identical twins of high school age. The significance of the increased within pair variance of the fraternal over the identical within pair variance, indicative of an hereditary component, was tested. This test suggested that for four out of the five learning tasks, there was a significant hereditary component. There also were sex differences in the importance of the hereditary component. Some directions that research into the heritable aspects of learning and acquisition should take are described.  相似文献   

This paper reports analyses of collaborative interaction among pairs of young children (ages 4.0‐8.0) in a city school in the Republic of Ireland. The sample comprised 36 children; 12 at each of the three age groups: 4, 6 and 8 years. In each of these age groups six pairs of children were observed during paired work of a type routinely found in primary school classrooms. Children used familiar materials which were age appropriate. Analyses of interaction focused on three tasks: a jigsaw (previously unseen), construction of a robot model using LEGO and free choice of LEGO modelling. Analyses of interaction focused on the use of specific collaborative strategies. The results show that collaborative pairs, contrasted with non‐collaborative pairs, were characterised by more direct partner involvement, longer term views of the task, mutual support, provision of feedback and devices to move the action forward. The nature of collaborative interaction differed in same‐sex and cross‐sex pairs, by task and across the age range studied. The results indicate that qualitatively different types of collaborative processes occur in same‐sex and in cross‐sex pairings of young children. It is concluded that a variety of forms of collaborative grouping have a valuable place in early years classes.  相似文献   

在凸凹不平的地面上,很难一次将四条腿桌子放稳,但在任何位置,四条腿桌子至少有三条腿着地,然而将四条腿桌子旋转调整几次,就可以使其放稳。本文先就桌子四脚的连线呈正方形的情形建立了数学模型,然后再推广到桌子四脚连线呈长方形的情形,并给出了模型解释。  相似文献   

This study compared the ease of verbal and nonverbal versions of a number conservation problem for 4and S‐year‐old children. The nonverbal task employed a ‘train‐transfer’ procedure in which children were first trained to a criterial level to make one response to stimulus pairs that contained two rows of the same number in one‐to‐one correspondence and a different response to stimulus pairs in which one of the rows was of greater or of lesser number than the other. Conservation performance was maintaining the learned response to the identical pair after one of its rows had been deformed. Taking both ages together the nonverbal task was the easier. However, children's justifications showed that verbal processes may have been responsible for both correct and incorrect performance in many cases. The data are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that children interpret conservation terms perceptually when used by others in certain contexts in spite of what they know about the underlying fact of conservation.  相似文献   

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