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街区化更新可使单位大院重新纳入城市系统,是优化城市空间布局和管理模式的必要选择。首先在界定研究对象的基础上,明确了单位大院街区化更新的定义,及其产生的社会、经济和文化效应;其次通过案例分析,从个体到整体地总结出目前我国街区化更新面临的主要技术困境;最后据此从更新参与主体、实施类型、技术要点与评价指标以及实施流程四方面探讨并构建街区化更新技术体系,以期为单位大院的可持续发展提供可借鉴的方法措施,并指出指标完善和流程优化是进一步研究的重要议题。  相似文献   

当前,国家高度重视长江经济带和长江流域城市群规划建设,长江流域城市是国内城市现代化建设和城市治理现代化的典型样本。近几年来,城市治理现代化问题的研究主要从经济、法律、公共管理、技术、生态等方面探索实现智能化、人性化、可持续发展的城市现代化治理路径,鲜有将“文化”作为城市现代化治理的主要手段进行深入研究。《长江流域城市文化与治理研究》一书,从城市文化形象、文化精神、文化资源、文化遗产、文化空间、文化产业、文化品牌等7方面入手,以长江流域典型城市为研究对象,深入探讨城市文化现代化及其治理的相关问题。今后可以扩展研究对象,在长江流域城市文化及其治理关联性、城市群文化及其综合治理研究等方面进一步探索。  相似文献   


This article investigates how cultural businesses may facilitate contentious political activity in authoritarian contexts. Existing research in Western liberal democracies has shown the widespread political activism of actors in the cultural and creative industries. Whether such activism exists in authoritarian society, how it may differ in character and form, and what implications this will have for our understanding of relations between business, politics, and culture in authoritarian countries remain to be addressed. Drawing on data collected from 55 ‘independent bookshops’ in China, I illustrate how these organisations perform ‘cultural politics,’ a type of political participation in which actors employ mainly symbolic means to express social and political concerns. The organisations’ economic relations and conditions facilitate their efforts to create spaces in which contentious questions can be raised, sensitive topics explored, and alternative ideas expressed, despite the Chinese state’s political regulation of the cultural sphere. The finding of the economic embeddedness of cultural politics sheds new light on our understanding of the political economy of cultural businesses in contemporary China.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a novel approach for understanding money users’ relation to monetary governance institutions. It first describes the stakes involved in monetary governance from a neo-chartalist/MMT perspective. In a second step, it discusses existing contributions on the relation between money issuer and money users, highlighting the literatures on central bank legitimacy and the social construction of money. It argues that neither allows for an analysis of the relation between monetary institutions and money users that takes the latter’s knowledge seriously. It then argues that the concept of moral economy can enrich scholarly analysis. Moral economies of money are defined as collective practices in which money users articulate demands as part of an understanding of money as a public good. Finally, the paper deploys the moral economy of money perspective to reconstruct the changing relation between institutions of monetary governance and money users since the Great Depression in the U.S. It shows how New Dealers silenced a moral economy of money, discusses fragmented moral economies after World War II, and the partial reemergence of such moral economies after the Great Financial Crisis. The paper concludes by discussing political implications and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

由于行政架构与法律制度的差异,较之于国际几大著名湾区和国内长三角地区,粤港澳大湾区的合作发展更显出法律关系的复杂性。政策叠加优势在开拓了粤港澳产业和区域合作发展的更大发展空间的同时,也对粤港澳大湾区跨域性融合发展的制度化建设提出了新的挑战。通过对粤澳旅游合作"先行先试"安排的梳理,阐明粤澳进一步深化旅游合作的政策叠加优势,从而促进粤澳多元文化的交流与融合,推进大湾区高质量发展的文化新高地、新业态的形成。  相似文献   


What is the role of imagination in the constitution of finance capitalism? How do the fictions, myths, and (ir)rationalities of finance shape society's ability to imagine the future in the face of mounting political instability? Well over a decade since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, today's financialised economies are still marred by stagnation and uncertainty. Against this backdrop, the increasingly speculative nature of economic forecasting, and the accelerated trading of promises of all sorts (from algorithmic and derivative markets to contemporary electoral politics) put the role of imagination centre stage. This special issue contends that, contrary to conventional wisdom, imagining the future is not necessarily equal to ‘fantasising' or to ‘irrational exuberance' or the ‘animal spirits'. Rather, it points to something much more fundamental: the power of finance to produce new social and political morphologies under conditions of radical uncertainty. The articles of the special issue confront these issues by mapping out a novel field of investigation into different, unique types of imagination undergirding finance capitalism in the years since its most recent crisis: from the future-making practices of mineral exploration and agricultural derivative markets, to the imagined futures of financial education programmes, the financialisation of creative work, and the role of future-oriented legitimacy in today’s populist politics.  相似文献   


The social life of methods – the idea that research methods are an important topic of inquiry in and of themselves – has been receiving increasing interest in scholarship on the organisation of the economy and social life, including Science and Technology Studies (STS). In STS, especially ethnographic methods have been important for decades. This article develops an ethnographic methodology for the study of a very new case that challenges the assumptions underpinning many STS ethnographies. This case is the networked energy infrastructure, and we specifically focus on its risk management and markets. Drawing upon recent STS interest in multi-sited ethnography, the article’s research design is termed the multi-sited analysis of infrastructures (MSAI), and it develops the concepts of framing and taming to focus on meaning formation as mundane sense-making and as technicalised reasoning on different sites. We demonstrate these concepts in a multi-sited ethnography of energy infrastructure and its risk management and market activities in public regulation, special control rooms (including energy trading), and households. The article rounds up by explaining how the application of our methodology contributes to the advancement of interests in multi-sited ethnography, relating our research to the previous work in the fields of STS, infrastructure studies, and their methods.  相似文献   


Economic anthropology has long advocated a broader vision of savings than that proposed by economists. This article extends this redefinitional effort by examining ceremonial gifts in India and arguing that they are a specific form of savings. Rural households, including those at the bottom of the pyramid, do save, in the sense of storing, accumulating and circulating value. But this takes place via particular forms of mediation that allow savers to forge or maintain social and emotional relations, to keep control over value – what matters in people’s lives – and over spaces and their own future. We propose terming these practices relational and reproductive saving, insofar as their main objective is to sustain life across generations. By contrast, trying to encourage saving via bank mediation may dispossess populations of control over their wealth, their socialisation, their territories and their time. In an increasingly financialised world of evermore aggressive policies to push people into financial inclusion, the social, symbolic, cultural and political aspects of diverse forms of financial mediation deserve our full attention.  相似文献   


Drawing on an innovative ‘big data’ method, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the geography of media and entertainment industries (MEIs) in China, by examining the specific activities that are performed by celebrities, the key actors in these industries. Compared to previous research on cultural and creative industries, which primarily rely on more traditional statistical data, our study demonstrates a new approach to systemically investigate the spatial organization of the dynamic production process in MEIs. The outcomes reveal that activities focusing on the different value segments of MEIs display rather diverse geographical patterns. Depending on the availability and combination of specific local assets, different locations perform varying functions in the production networks of MEIs. Therefore, the agglomeration of MEIs only partially overlaps with the existing urban hierarchy. In addition, celebrities catering to different media and entertainment markets also exhibit distinct activity patterns, indicating a close and reciprocal relationship between the popularity of celebrities, the activities they perform, the platforms that are chosen, and the commercial value that can be generated as a result. This study contributes to our understanding of the complex development patterns and consequences of MEIs in emerging economies.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立以来,党和政府十分重视城市管理工作,伴随着城市建设和发展的需要,根据不同历史时期城市管理工作的形势和任务的不同,采取了不同的城市管理体制,确定了相应的城市管理方针政策.城市管理体制是建立在经济体制基础上的,与经济体制和政府职能相适应.有什么样的经济体制,就有什么样的城市管理体制.根据1949年以来不同...  相似文献   


Three New York films of the Great Depression and its aftermath, 42nd Street (1932, Lloyd Bacon), Dead End (1937, William Wyler), and The City (1939, Ralph Steiner and Willard Van Dyke), embodied a new political aesthetics in screening urban democratic spaces during moments of social breakdown. This article draws from urban and cinema studies, as well as from social and cultural theory (Lefebvre, Benjamin, Kracauer), to show how these films contributed to a discourse of urban planning and cinematic democratic aesthetics on the possibility of an egalitarian, inclusive, participatory community in diverse city spaces. The article argues that the reshaping of this cultural discourse, through the films’ emphasis on the conflicting material domains of the skyline and the slum, came at the cost of undermining the metropolis and, in The City, of limiting the urban spaces of democracy.  相似文献   

宜居城市是中国城市发展的目标要求,具有科学评价标准.建设宜居城市应当坚持4个原则:一是坚持人民性,体现宜居性;二是承继传统型,体现时代性;三是坚持多样性,体现特色性;四是认识阶段性,体现可持续性.建设宜居城市需在7个方面体现新理念:第一,在指导思想上担伟大复兴使命;第二,在绿水青山上作美丽环境文章;第三,在绿色发展上促...  相似文献   


This study examines the personal worlds of homeless campers in Tucson, Arizona in the late 1990s to discover how the homeless contend with new sociospatial strategies of control. Tucson is typical of the dozens of U.S. cities that are attempting to evict street people from urban cores that have been rediscovered as frontiers for development and capital investment. The article draws from a year-long ethnographic case study of six campers to analyze their everyday talk and placemaking as interrelated productions of meaning. The analysis shows that the campers’ meaning making was inseparable from their material struggles to survive. They used their talk and placemaking to construct alternative homes and workplaces, an alternative, self-affirming definition of homelessness, and the foundations of a critique against the “system” of institutions producing poverty and inequality. Their meaning making constituted a “weapon of the weak” which the campers deployed to wage a kind of symbolic guerrilla war against the dominant discourse on homelessness.  相似文献   

刘容 《中国名城》2020,(4):28-33
文化创意城市发展模式对全球城市应对后工业化困境功效卓著。首先,描绘国外文化创意城市概念从“萌生”到“成熟”的路径衍化。其次,总结了国内外著名文化创意城市,维也纳、哥本哈根、巴黎、伦敦、北京、上海、深圳和杭州的发展经验。再次,从目的、方向、路径等方面通过比较视角梳理国内外文化创意城市建设的差异。最后,总结对我国文化创意城市建设的启示,认为应将文化创意城市发展融入城市总体发展规划,大力促进当前“双创工作”深入开展,并在充分尊重城市历史文化基础上凝聚市民大众共识,形成文化创意城市发展方向,来促进我国文化创意城市的发展。  相似文献   

韧性城市是应对"黑天鹅式风险"的必然选择,其韧性体现在结构韧性、过程韧性和系统韧性3个层面.城市的新不确定性来源可概括为极端气候、科技革命、冠状病毒和突发袭击4个方面.建设韧性城市需要10个步骤完成:一是转变思想观念;二是创新设计研究机构;三是制定治理方案,列入5年计划;四是编制生命线工程分组团化改造方案;五是在每个社...  相似文献   

绿色城市是人类永恒的追求,其核心理念是健康宜居.基于时间顺序,阐述了绿色城市概念的演化.国外十大绿色城市的"绿色"特征,可为中国建设发展绿色城市提供借鉴.结合绿色城市设计导则,介绍绿色城市评价指标体系.将绿色空间置于城市开发和更新的中心地位是绿色城市哲学的国际准则.绿色城市建设与城市艺术设计相结合可以彰显城市个性.基于...  相似文献   

Irwin Feller 《Minerva》2009,47(3):323-344
Neoliberal precepts of the governance of academic science-deregulation; reification of markets; emphasis on competitive allocation processes have been conflated with those of performance management—if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it—into a single analytical and consequent single programmatic worldview. As applied to the United States’ system of research universities, this conflation leads to two major divergences from relationships hypothesized in the governance of science literature. (1) The governance and financial structures supporting academic science in the United States’ system of higher education are sufficiently different from those found in many other OECD countries where these policies have been adopted to produce political pressures for an increase rather than a decrease in governmental control over university affairs. (2) The major impact upon academic science of performance measurement systems has come not externally from new government requirements but internally from the independent adoption of these techniques by universities, initially in the name of rational management and increasingly as devices to foster reputational enhancement. The overall thrust of the two trends in the U.S. has been less a shift as experienced elsewhere from bureaucratic to market modes of governance than the displacement of professional-collegial control by internal bureaucratic control.  相似文献   

Since its creation in 2009, the electronic currency Bitcoin has generated volumes of online debate in the business press. While there have been plenty of economic arguments situating it as a financial bubble about to collapse including from Nobel Prize winning economists, its price value has proven to be more durable than many have predicted. To explain this durability, Karpik’s conception of market singularities is used to understand the Bitcoin phenomenon by outlining the beliefs that maintain Bitcoin’s status as a volatile financial asset. Market singularities are markets for particular kinds of goods and services that are of uncertain and incommensurable value. Singularities markets have communities of followers and a distinctive belief system that ascribes value to a particular product, service, or asset. Developing Karpik’s conception, the paper explores the libertarian political belief system that surrounds Bitcoin’s status as a financial asset. I also outline some political tensions within the electronic currency community concerning governance and centralisation.  相似文献   

龙彬  李静  王昊 《中国名城》2022,(3):60-65
公园城市是对城市发展模式和城市空间建设的全新阐释,对推动国家生态文明建设、构建稳定的人居环境具有重要意义.作为公园城市营建的重要对象,城市野境以其独特的生态文化价值为城市生态文明建设提供着重要支持.基于文献分析,研究从公园城市视角出发对城市野境进行价值转译,并在此基础上结合案例分析,得出城市野境营建的3条路径,即搭建多...  相似文献   

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