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编者推荐:文章注重解决问题——既指出"网络语言作用的好与坏,关键在于运用的人是否理性",又点明"分清场合"。随着网络走进人们的生活,网络语言出现了。网络语言有数字  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,网络改变了生活,人们能够随时看到更多的新鲜事,还能够在交际时冒出很多"流行语"……网络语言虽然已经不是一个新鲜的话题,但是网络语言带给语文学习的问题却一直更新,并且更具时代性。因此,研究网络语言对语文学习方面的问题变得很有价值。  相似文献   

高岩 《华章》2012,(10)
随着经济的快速发展,信息和网络也进入人们的日常生活.网络的发展催生了语言的新语体——网络语言.网络语言是随着网络的出现而出现的一种社会语言.网络语言的出现为传统汉语注入了活力,并丰富了汉语语言词汇.网络语言已经成为人们日常生活中一种常见的语言变体,它形成了独特的语用特征.本文对网络语言的定义、性质、特征及其产生的原因从语用学角度分析其自身发展的规律.  相似文献   

高考拒"给力""神马"伤不起高考作文使用网络热词将会被扣分,这样规定乍看起来似乎是为了规范语言,可细思却发现不仅没有道理,更不具备可行性。啥是"网络语言"?谁又能明确界定?现在互联网已经成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分,很多所谓的"网络语言"其实已经跟  相似文献   

网络作为一种新兴的媒介,正逐渐深入到人们的生活中.网络语言,代表了一定的互联网文化,它广泛地出现在聊天、网络论坛(BBS)等各种互联网应用场合,并渗透到现实生活中,对我们的生活产生了一定影响.在网络语言中,"仿拟"辞格被大量使用.本文拟从模因论的角度对网络语言中"仿拟"辞格进行英汉对比分析.  相似文献   

"网络语言暴力"是近年来网络发展中出现的社会问题,其在网络虚拟世界的蔓延产生了诸多负面影响。为从根本上消除"网络语言暴力"现象及其负面影响,首先,要深入剖析"网络语言暴力"的内涵与特征,辨析什么是"网络语言暴力";其次,要追根朔源,深入分析网民进行"网络语言暴力"的原因;最后,要针对"网络语言暴力"的根源,从国家、社会、个体三个层面综合施策。  相似文献   

从网络聊天语言现象看言语经济原则的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络语言因其特殊性引起了人们的关注,网络语言的出现对社会和语言的发展变化都产生了冲击和挑战。文章拟分析网络语言的分类,并从经济原则的角度来解释网络语言产生的原因。  相似文献   

随着互联网的兴起,网络语言在人们的生活中扮演越来越重要的角色。这个时候探讨网络语言的词汇衍生模式就变得十分重要,本文主要是对"X女"这类网络语言的研究,试图找出网络语言衍生的普遍规律。  相似文献   

互联网进入人们的生活以后,网络语言应运而生,它是语言在网络环境下的一种变体。2016年末2017年初,网络流行语"我可能V了假N"如雨后春笋般地出现在各种网络语言环境中,并且产生各种变体。与此同时,它也快速进入人们的日常生活中而且被广泛运用。本文主要探讨"我可能V了假N"这一流行语句的来源和它的语篇语义及其特征。  相似文献   

徐艳 《现代企业教育》2013,(20):164-164
网络语言的兴起是人们始料未及的。网络语言作为一种另类的新语种频频出现在电视,报-?lJ杂志等媒体上,而各大中小学生也成为了使用网络语言的强势群体。本文通过分析网络语言的利与弊,探讨网络语言对技工院校语文教学的影响分析。  相似文献   

汉语网络语言研究的回顾、问题与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过阅读分析1994年以来发表在CSSCI来源期刊上的有关汉语网络语言研究的论文,我们认为汉语网络语言的研究经历了从网络语言本体(包括网络语言的性质、词汇、句法、修辞特征等)和网络语言的规范以及对待网络语言的态度问题,逐步拓展到网络语言与语文教学、网络语言与当代社会文化、网络语言与网民的社会心理特征、网络词语及其意义生成的认知机制等的过程.在分析当前研究不足的基础上,我们提出汉语网络语言研究今后应该注重汉语网络词汇和句式产生的理据研究,汉语网络语言与其他网络语言的比较研究以及尝试建立汉语网络语言学等三个方面.  相似文献   

网络流行语是随着网络的发展而新兴的一种语言现象,它对人们的生活产生着不可忽视的影响。拟从模因论角度出发,对2010年网络流行语进行解析,从而说明模因对网络语言发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

王辉 《英语辅导》2011,(2):165-169,192
本文从语域理论角度研究了中国90后的网络语言。韩礼德认为,"语域是根据使用场合定义的一种语言变体,对它的分析涉及三个方面,即语场、语旨和语式"。从这三个方面出发,本文系统分析了90后网络语言的特征。本文首先简要回顾了专家学者在网络语言方面所作的研究及90后的相关信息,随后介绍了韩礼德的语域理论,以此为理论框架,作者从语场、语旨和语式三个方面详尽分析了90后网络语言的特征,最后分析了隐藏在90后网络语言后面的动机并总结全文。  相似文献   

基于互联网传播的英语影视作品的字幕翻译,呈现出与传统字幕翻译不同的特点:译者非职业化、以无偿翻译为主;翻译快速,注重译者间的分工与协作;受众需求多样化。同时,文化上过度归化、表达过度网络化、译者过度介入和多义词词义选择忽视语境等问题亦日益凸显。译者选用翻译策略时,在文化层面上应以异化为主,归化为辅;在网络语言使用上,要注意把握网络语言的“信”度、雅俗度与通用度;在介入的必要性与方式上,应充分考虑相应语言文化背景知识预设在翻译受众中的存在状态;在多义词词义选择上,要综合考虑言内语境和言外语境。  相似文献   

As linguistic heterogeneity in classrooms is rising constantly, it was shown that attitudes play a role in the inclusion of students with migrant backgrounds. This paper focuses on attitudes of parents towards students with a migrant background and how variables such as parents’ level of education, cultural differences, and their own background of migration shape their attitudes. To this end, data from 876 parents (486 mothers and 390 fathers) was assessed, and it was found out that parents with a migrant background displayed more positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with a background of migration in contrast to parents without a migrant background. Moreover, fathers displayed more positive attitudes towards students with lower cultural differences compared to students with higher cultural differences. Furthermore, mothers with a higher level of education had more positive attitudes towards students with a migrant background compared to mothers with a lower level of education.  相似文献   

While there is an increased interest in describing attitudes of teachers, parents and peers towards students with special educational needs in regular education, there is a lack of knowledge about various variables relating to the attitudes of these three groups. The aims of this study are: (1) to examine which variables relate to the attitudes of teachers (N?=?44), parents (N?=?508) and peers (N?=?1113) towards students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autistic Spectrum Syndrome or a cognitive disability in regular primary education and (2) to examine whether teachers and parents’ attitudes affect the attitudes of peers. An attitude survey was used to assess attitudes and data were analysed by means of multilevel analyses. The variables found in this study relating to attitudes can be used as a foundation to develop interventions to change attitudes.  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes toward science, especially toward astronomy, are considered to be an important aspect of teaching and learning astronomy in school. Research findings to date remain inconclusive as to whether attitudes toward science change with the science courses taken or with increasing achievement. Therefore, preservice teacher attitudes were investigated in two contexts: the first examined how a semester-long moon phase instruction course changed preservice teacher attitudes toward astronomy, and the second considered how preservice teacher attitudes toward astronomy may change over the course of a four-year science teacher training programme. A total of 638 preservice elementary teachers participated in the study. The results indicated that a semester-long training course does not change attitudes, but the four-year programme does significantly change participant attitudes toward astronomy. Astronomy courses should be spread over the four-year programme using modules with few credit hours instead of one course with a large number of credit hours.  相似文献   

In this study 1,453 Chinese high school and college students’ attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help and factors contributing to attitude differences were examined. Results revealed that Chinese students possessed generally positive attitudes and their attitudes were significantly associated with gender, prior counseling contact and prior knowledge about counseling and psychology. Previous help-seeking behavior for a major problem was predictive of respondent attitudes. Students with a broad range of help-seeking preferences had more positive attitudes than students with a narrower range. Students who sought help from parents or teachers perceived counseling more positively than students not seeking such help; this result was more significant for high school students. College students’ attitudes differed more in the area of whether or not to seek help. In addition, family structure was related to two dimensions of attitudes toward help seeking—interpersonal openness and stigma tolerance, but not to attitudes toward seeking psychological help.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty-one teacher training students sat three attitude measuring instruments to investigate the relationships between attitudes to self, attitudes to others and attitudes to educational practices. Clinical studies within the ambit of Rogerian psychotherapy suggest that a relationship between self and other attitudes should be positive. Substantial and statistically significant positive correlations, in the order of p<0.01, emerged consistently in this study between attitudes to self and attitudes to a range of others and to progressive child centred educational practices. Self acceptance level would seem to be an index of attitudes to a wide range of others. This relationship provides a principle of utmost importance for human relationships since the application of psychological processes to enhance the self concept should facilitate as a corollary a decrease in interpersonal tensions and inter group conflict. This relationship is of particular consequence in the teaching context since teaching is a sharing of self with others. The results of the study suggest that those with low self acceptance prefer (p<0.01) to avoid close encounters with pupils and prefer a more traditional formal teaching style.  相似文献   

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