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希特勒上台后,经过几年的苦心经营,在德国建立起以"领袖原则"为基石,以纳粹党独裁为核心,通过警察、特务统治和强制舆论,镇压德国人民这样一种法西斯一体化的政治体制,为其对外发动侵略战争,夺取欧洲以至世界霸权,准备了主要的政治条件.  相似文献   

Religious education in England and Germany is similar in many respects and different in others. In both countries the subject must embrace religious plurality, and in both there are questions about the role of the religious communities in their relation to religious education. In recent his book, Religious Education in a Plural, Western Society: Problems and Challenges, Hans‐Georg Ziebertz argues that the English model is not appropriate for Germany, and an alternative rationale is proposed as being more appropriate for the German situation. Having outlined his argument, the present article suggests that Ziebertz’ objections to English religious education are unjustified and that his own proposals are no more than an interim measure, made necessary by the control over religious education exercised by the German churches. It is anticipated that German and English religious education will develop along similar lines in the future, and the present dialogue will be mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

The biographical sketch on Waldus Nestler (1887 to 1954) outlines the development of a nearly forgotten Leipzig pedagogue who, together with the theologians Leonhard Ragaz and Alfred Dedo Müller became an important spokesman of religious socialism. His own experience of the reality of war as a gasdefence officer led Nestler, as a Christian with a sense of responsibility, to the International League for Reconciliation. In 1919 Nestler was one of the founders of the German section of this league, the German League for Reconciliation, of which he became the secretary in 1925. On lecture tours in France, Sweden, Denmark, England, and Switzerland, as wellas in numerous German towns Nestler tried to promote peace and international understanding. From 1919 he also strove to realize his visions of reconciliation as a practising teacher at the world‐famous Gaudig School in Leipzig. A highlight of his commitment to peace pedagogy was the warning publication “Poison Gas over Germany” (Berlin 1931), a remarkable contribution to the debate on poison gas. Because of his religious‐pacifist attitude Nestler was defamed, transferred as a punishment, and demoted; this happened twice: first as a teacher on the basis of the infamous “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” in April 1933, and later as Rector of the Gaudig School as a result of the Stalinist exclusion of progressive pedagogy which commenced in the East of Germany around 1948.

Thus his fate exemplifies the rejection of progressive pedagogy and pacifism in theyoung GDR. Today his name stands for a humanist school tradition worthy of cultivation, as well as for personal commitment in the fields of peace and progressive pedagogy.  相似文献   

斯本格勒是二十世纪初欧洲著名的历史学家,其影响巨大的历史理论虽有深刻揭示西方资本主义社会危机的积极意义,但也表现出全盘否定资本主义和极端民族主义的倾向,成为近代以来德国学术思想界代表消极和反动方面的主要人物之一,这对二十世纪上半期德国纳粹政权的建立,并由此使德国民族陷入独裁和战争的巨大历史悲剧,在思想和理论上有着一定的推波助澜的作用。  相似文献   

1939年3月以后,各种迹象表明德国法西斯的下一步侵略计划是先西击英法,后东攻苏联,因而,同苏联和解成为英法和德国竟相争取的目标。苏联领导人错估德国向英法开战将会旷日持久,所以,在唯一有可能制止战争的三国谈判中没有尽最大努力加以阻止,从而丧失了制止世界大战的最后机会,最终给国家利益造成了严重损失。  相似文献   


National education plans, published in Germany in the first half of the nineteenth century, expressed the developing political consciousness of the middle classes who wanted to create conditions favourable for the development of national unity through education and learning in the face of existing resistance. Diesterweg's national pedagogical reflections can be seen within this context. If we look at his statements on this subject and the associated attempts to define German identity, we can find in Diesterweg's publications from 1848 onwards a development, which is characterised by a more and more idealised picture of the German nation and subsequently a distinct devaluation of neighbouring peoples. The glorification of the specifically German is legitimised by the special value of national descent and some seemingly unchangeable national characteristics, achievements, and values. Diesterweg's publications on German national education also reveal the sort of inheritance which is connected with the so‐called liberal education of the 19th century in Germany and often is only seen under the limited aspect of pedagogical reform concepts and progressive political and social positions.



During the 1930s and 1940s art increasingly came to be used as a therapeutic tool with children who were perceived as damaged by their experiences of war or displacement. This article explores two related exhibitions – Children’s Art from All Countries (1941) and The War as Seen by Children (1943) – which provided a platform for children’s impressions and experiences of war as seen through their drawings, whilst also raising money and awareness for refugee children’s causes. Although supported by an influential network of British educators and cultural figures, the exhibitions were conceived and organised by displaced German, Austrian, and Czech artists and cultural educators who were members of the Free German League of Culture in London during the Second World War. The exhibitions are considered as sites of educational and political interventions by adult refugees in the context of therapeutic interventions with refugee children in British educational settings. In so doing, this article argues that the exhibition organisers conceived of cultural and creative learning as a transformative vehicle for supporting and re-forming personal identities, and for the re-imagining of collective democratic futures.  相似文献   

李雪涛 《政治思想史》2021,(1):46-75,198
在第二次世界大战结束第二年的1946年,雅斯贝尔斯出版了他的政治学论著《德国的战争罪责问题》,对纳粹德国所犯下的罪行进行了全面清理。他认为,公开地讨论罪责的问题,并且从内心之中承认罪责,是保持德国人的灵魂不沦为卑贱的唯一道路。通过对这部具有划时代意义的著作进行系统分析,并对诸如流亡在外者与内心流亡者的“净化之路”之重建,以及“极端的恶”抑或“平庸的恶”等问题提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Heavy consumption of alcohol pervaded the student world in Germany to an even greater extent than elsewhere. Many of the fraternities, to which a substantial proportion of the student body belonged, required their members to undergo regular, formal and compulsory drinking bouts. The temperance movement had little effect on students until a general mood of austerity dawned after the First World War. The National Socialists identified themselves with the new sobriety in many policies aside from drink. After Hitler's seizure of power in 1933, one can identify a certain ambivalence in alcohol policies. On the one hand, the puritanical conscience of the Nazis wanted to purge Germany of all decadence, but there was an equally strong impulse for a prolonged victory celebration in traditionally alcoholic terms. This unresolved dilemma can be neatly illustrated through an examination of the universities at the time.

Nazi student leaders indulged in rowdy celebrations after 1933, while denouncing the fraternity world for its alcoholic excesses. This double standard persisted throughout the Third Reich. The Nazis persecuted fraternity members for harmless, drunken horseplay which looked like expressions of political discontent, while plying freshmen with beer and wine themselves, in order to persuade them to join the rather dull, Nazi student organizations. Where alcoholic misdemeanours did occur within the Nazi students’ own ranks, they were treated in various ways, according to political convenience. There was little chance of a strong stand against excessive student drinking with an outright alcoholic as Education Minister during this whole period. In more general terms, the production of beer and wine formed an important part of the German economy, which the government was trying to stimulate, not depress. Drinking remained, then, as a central part of student life despite a promised revolution in all aspects of the academic world. The old traditions persisted, and were sometimes even taken up by the Nazis themselves in their concern for historic roots and legitimacy.


以陈铨为代表的“战国策派”在20世纪40年代倡导的民族文学运动.借镜德国狂飙运动,主动吸取德国文化思想资源中的精神元素,期望以尚力和浪漫的民族文学实现抗战建国、民族复兴,并使中华文化发扬光大,在世界文化之林占据伟大的位置。  相似文献   

《纳粹德国的兴亡》是德国托尔斯腾·克尔讷写的一部关于二次世界大战中德国社会状况的历史著作。该书从普通平民的视角出发,一改传统著作从战争和政治角度描写二战德国的历史,深刻揭示了纳粹德国兴起的社会原因和民众的生活状况,保留了大量的生活细节,为研究德国历史提供了详实的研究资料。该书通俗简练,真实生动,写法新颖,影响深远。因此,能在记录二战德国的众多历史著作中脱颖而出,为教育警示后人、反思德国二战原因起到了积极作用。  相似文献   


In this article, which is the first of two to examine the ideas of R. S. Peters on moral education, consideration is given to his justificatory arguments found in Ethics and Education. Here he employs presupposition arguments to show to what anyone engaging in moral discourse is committed. The result is a group of procedural principles which are recommended to be employed in moral education. This article is an attempt to examine the presupposition arguments Peters employs, to comment on the procedural principles he believes are presupposed, and to consider the strength of the presupposition argument. My conclusion is that Peters's arguments fail to establish the conclusion he arrives at, and that any gains from the form of argument he uses are hollow.  相似文献   


In the following article, the author attempts to provide a skeleton overview of the movement for pre‐vocational education, stressing that present concern regarding such issues as the purpose of education and the extent to which a utilitarian approach is acceptable, school‐to‐work transition, and emphasis on particular work‐related skills have, in fact, formed a recurring debate dating back at least a century. Anxiety regarding Britain's hegemony over Europe, particularly Germany, has always featured in the debate, as has the issue of education versus training. Key educational legislation provides four key stages in the development of the debate, culminating in close examination of the implications of the Education Reform Act of 1988 for the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI).  相似文献   

众所周知,在第二次世界大战结束时,德国纳粹杀害了600万犹太人,从而使西方基督教世界反对犹太人的行动达到高峰。不过,此种行动也并非偶然,在历史的长河中它经历了从古代、中世纪、近代、直到现代的漫长过程,只是到了德国纳粹对德国实行统治、发动第二次世界大战时才达到空前规模。  相似文献   

In the following three excerpts from his 1985 Achieving Educational Excellence: A Critical Assessment of Priorities and Practices in Higher Education, reprinted by permission of Jossey‐Bass Publishers, Alexander W. Astin describes and critiques four traditional conceptions of educational excellence, explains and defends the talent development approach that he espouses, and presents his conception of educational equity. Charles S. Adams comments on Astin's book in this issue's Reviews.  相似文献   


Europe is moving closer to political unity and the introduction of the Single European Act will certainly help promote the professional mobility of teachers. However, modes of teacher education vary enormously from one European country to another and this diversity is likely to militate against mobility, making it difficult for nationals of one country to be fully effective outside their own environment. The present article sets out to analyse the German model of teacher education which, although influential, is complex and, due to the federal structure of the country, not easy to research. It indicates briefly the historical reasons for inequalities of status between teachers of various German school types and describes in general terms the most prevalent current arrangements for producing teachers. These are contrasted with attempts to introduce innovative models likely to lead to greater equality within the teaching profession. The paper then concentrates on efforts made in North Rhine Westphalia and Hesse to reform the traditional structures. The ‘One‐Phase Teacher Education’ programme mounted in Lower Saxony in the 1970s and 1980s is singled out for special attention since it represents the most far‐reaching and radical attempt to date to overhaul German teacher education; its eventual failure reveals that the impediments to reform are deep‐rooted within German society.  相似文献   

The ability of the East German state to produce large cohorts of highly skilled graduates has contributed much to its becoming one of the leading industrial nations in the world. Originally reverting after the War to Länder control of the universities and colleges like the rest of Germany, the GDR soon went the opposite way from West Germany, seeing the way to a strong higher education system to be through the strict centralization of control. This article describes the three university reforms which have taken place and examines the implications of policy decisions. An investigation of the various organs of the government of higher education elucidates the disposition of authority at each level.Abbreviations FDGB Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (League of Free German Trades-Unions) - FDJ Freie Deutsche Jugend (Free German Youth) - GDR German Democratic Republik - MHF Ministerium für Hoch-und Fachschulwesen (Ministry for Higher and Vocational Education) - SED Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Vocational) - VVB Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe (Association of Nationally Owned Enterpises) This article was originally issued in the Yale Higher Education Research Group's Working Paper Series. The research for it was made possible by a grant from the Lilly Endowment.  相似文献   

Notes and News     

Building a Philosophy of Education. By Harry S. Broudy. Pp. ix, 456. New York: Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1954. $3.00.

Education and the Modern Mind. By W. R. Niblett. Pp. 155. London : Faber and Faber, 1954. 8s. 6d.

Beyond Neutrality: Five Essays on the Purpose of Education. By M. V. C. Jeffreys. Pp. 60. London: Pitman, 1955. 8s. 6d.

The Development of Personality. By C. G. Jung. Pp. 8+235. London : Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1954. 25s.

The Doctrines of the Great Educators. By Robert R. Rusk. London: Macmillan (2nd edn.) 1954. 10s. 6d.

Comprehensive Schools To‐day. By Robin Pedley and others. Pp. 56. London : Councils and Education Press, N.D. [1955]. 3s. 6d.

Educational Review [Journal of the Institute of Education, University of Birmingham]. Editor (1948–50), Prof. F. J. Schonell; (1950‐date), Prof. E. A. Peel. Pp. 80 approx. 1948. Thrice yearly. 5s.

A History of the Working Men's College, 1854–1954. By J. F. C. Harrison. Pp. 216. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1954. 16s.

Adult Education towards Social and Political Responsibility. Pp. 144. Hamburg: U.N.E.S.C.O. Institute for Education, 1954. 3s. 6d.

Tutors and their Training. By W. E. Sty1er and R. D. Waller. Pp. 31. Universities’ Council for Adult Education, cyclostyled.

Anglo‐German exchange

Aims, Organisation &; Methods in English and German Education. Edited by J. R. Hands. Pp. 123, cyclostyled. Durham University, 1954. (No price.)  相似文献   

德国首相俾斯麦一贯以其"大陆政策"著称,而事实上,他对德国的海外殖民扩张也起到了关键的作用.俾斯麦改变了其最初反对海外殖民扩张的态度,在他的领导下,德国于19世纪后半期迅速建立起庞大的海外殖民帝国,对后来欧洲乃至整个世界的政治格局产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

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