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Studies relating to reflection and reflective practice in learning, specifically workplace learning, have gradually emerged from within the professional education literature. Evidence has seen a shift from an individualistic to a more collective approach to reflection, in an attempt to move away from viewing learning as an individual action. Simultaneously attention has been given to socio-cultural theories which view learning as social practice inherent in our everyday lives, including work. This paper aims to engage in the current debate regarding the polarised conceptualisations of reflective practice within the context of professional learning. Drawing on this debate, as well as on learning metaphors, this paper proposes that professionals should engage in collective reflective practice for both individual and organisational development within workplaces; locations which could be seen as increasingly ambiguous and unpredictable throughout individuals’ working lives. Hence, we need to rehabilitate and extend some of the key aspects of the traditional concept of reflective practice to accommodate the changing terrain of professional practice within an individual professional's lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Public education discourse in the USA has been characterized by messages of crisis shaping education policies across national contexts. Education policy solutions target a lack of qualified teachers and insufficient oversight of teacher practice as central factors in the crisis, placing teacher identity as knowledgeable, authoritative professionals at the center of educational reform debates. Mainstream news media is a key site for education policy debate. I employ critical discourse analysis of education news published in a major US newspaper, uncovering how grammar patterns in news discourse situate teacher identity in relation to knowledge and authority. I demonstrate how the paper's discourse frames teacher identity in terms of Accountability and Caring and discuss how, in the context of larger economic and social policy debates, Accountability gains authority over caring to shape education policy. I call for teachers to integrate critical participation in public education debates as key element of professional identity.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determining factors weighted by doctoral graduates when choosing their professional careers. In Spain, the analysis of such a group has been traditionally excluded from the empiric studies. On the one hand, the lack of databases made it difficult to see their professional situation, and on the other, a university career was understood as this group's innate purpose. The growing demand for qualified professionals in general and for those with a scientific training in particular has prompted the developed countries to carry out research on how to match the third-level training cycle and labour market needs. The analysis of this group's labour conditions allows one to assess whether the current doctoral education programmes satisfy labour market needs. The estimation of a multinomial logit model reveals the different factors when choosing a professional career depending on the area of knowledge. Personal characteristics, such as age, training, area of knowledge or job, as well as the expected wages become fundamental when determining doctors' professional future. Moreover, the results prove that a job outside the university is becoming a preferred option for doctors in certain fields.  相似文献   


This article examines the relationship between primary teachers' professional autonomy and the increasing managerial control over teachers' work. It considers how the education policies of successive Conservative and New Labour administrations in Britain have tightened central control over education undermining teacher discretion and directly impacting upon the labour process of the professionals concerned. The research was undertaken in an English primary school and data gathered in a variety of contexts including observations of the teachers in classrooms and the staff room, a governors/parents meeting, informal conversations and a series of semi-structured interviews with staff. The study explores how teachers make sense of the managerial culture in education, and how this is reconciled with their ideas about teaching and learning, and their professional interests and individual career aspirations. Structuration theory (Giddens, 1976, 1979, 1984) is used as a theoretical framework to explore whether there is conflict between teachers' professionalism and the new managerialism and examine how primary teachers make sense of this inextricable relationship.  相似文献   

As the service functions of campus-based international student offices in American colleges and universities have changed and evolved, especially since 9/11, the roles of the professionals in those offices, the “international student advisers,” have changed as well. These unique professionals function in the central pressure point between two very different world views of international students. Higher education perceives them not only as benign members of the academic community, but as strong and necessary benefactors intellectually, culturally, and economically. However, this perspective is not shared by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose agents more often than not see international students as potential security threats. International student advisers are engaged in a high-stakes business where an adviser's actions can have tremendous impact on a student client's life, for good or for ill. This article will explore the professional lives of international student advisers and demonstrate the facets of their complex work which make it unique in higher education.  相似文献   

Autobiographical research is promoted as a means by which educational practitioners can critically analyse their professional lives. This goes beyond the valuable work already done on teachers’ lives by embracing personal critique. However, much of recent psychological research into autobiographical memory, particularly in terms of its veridicality or truth content, has not been widely disseminated within the world of education. This article discusses such research and its application to professional autobiography. It also offers a means forward for further study, emanating from the author's own autobiographical analysis. This is termed the fictive voice. By this is meant memories which, recreated from the perspective of hindsight and one's own self‐schema, are believed incorrectly to be true, but which may, when critiqued, offer the means by which one can arrive at an accurate recreation of one's professional past  相似文献   

The use of stories in teacher education is ubiquitous; yet, the question regarding how stories help teachers make sense of their professional lives is more complex than it first appears. The authors draw from Adriana Cavarero's understanding of narrative relations as the political site where one's unique singularity is revealed in the desire to have one's story told. They compare her insights to Judith Butler's resignification of injurious speech, examining both positions as they apply to a beginning teacher's efforts to become the professional she admires. It is suggested to teacher educators that they use stories from practice to foreground the tension between a teacher's life and her life-story. By understanding the irresolvable tension of desire to have one's story told, a teacher has a better chance of recognising her own vulnerability and that of her students, and of teaching at the starting place of ethics.  相似文献   


This article describes the recent development of Finland as a learning and information society. Education, training and research have been seen as core factors to accelerate development towards a society where all citizens have a high level of competence in using information and communications technology (ICT) in their lives. A short review is given of the present situation in schools and teacher education and of how governmental strategies have guided the development and use of ICT for a learning society in Finland. The strategies of teacher education departments in universities are then analysed with the main focus on how teachers learn to use ICT as a tool which opens up high-quality learning opportunities for pupils and challenges teachers' growth as professionals. Cases have been selected to describe good examples of teachers' pre-service and in-service education. These draw a picture of how ICT is applied in different fields of teacher education. At the end of the article some trends from the late 1990s to early 2002 will be summarised. These trends are: using ICT more as a mindtool, moving towards more collaboration, interactivity and active learning, more integration of ICT in curricula and a better technical and pedagogical infrastructure.  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative practice in family involvement developed by one early care and education center engaged in professional development. The Hopes and Dreams Project documented family involvement in children’s lives and education through the pairing of pictures and narratives about their lives, histories, priorities, goals, and responsibilities with the school community. Narrative inquiry was a powerful method for increasing understanding of complexity of family involvement. Findings showed that families’ priorities in forming partnerships included the importance in belonging to the community, being involved in their children’s lives and education, experiencing diversity, and experiences in childhood for children’s futures. This research supports the importance of redefining family partnerships in early care and education in a manner that is inclusive of family values and priorities. The implications are that early care and education providers have an important role in developing and defining involvement practices that empower families and educate professionals.  相似文献   


This paper reports on a study of how liminality relates to the facilitation of reflective practice in professional education. Liminality refers to sites and positions that exhibit 'in-betweenness', or bordering positions, that might draw together different institutional conditions. The present project aims to examine the role of liminality in professional educational practice with a specific focus upon how liminality may support student reflection. Using a qualitative and comparative research approach, we analysed interview and observational data from police education and a medical programme. Observations and interviews explore practices of collective interactional (and hence observable) reflection at sites that are characterised by ‘betweenness’ of work and education. Findings indicate that situations that afford reflection are characterised by a sense of undeterminedness in terms of either the subject, space or activity. Thus, we conclude that there is some evidence that liminality affords reflection, but also that liminality and underminedness are fragile states that are not easily organised in a professional education curriculum.  相似文献   

This article explores the restructuring of education in England and Spain. Against a presumably homogeneous global streamlining of educational systems according to competition‐driven goals, the comparison of teachers’ work‐lives and professional knowledge evidences a variety of experiences under‐represented in discourses on global restructuring. Our argument highlights how in England political reforms have worked their way deep into the working lives of professionals, giving rise to a ‘managerial’ model of professionalism, whereas in Spain reforms are more loosely coupled with teachers’ work, favoring a ‘social service’‐oriented model. However, despite the different professional ideals, teachers uniformly stressed the challenges they face were predominantly due to broader social transformations for which policy reforms provided few if any remedies. Our study emphasizes the variety of educational reforms and teachers’ experiences in the European context and argues further educational change should be bound to the historical trajectory and the concrete needs of the professionals in question.  相似文献   

In Australian higher education institutions, benchmarks have been directed at developing key competencies and attributes to facilitate students' transition into the workforce. However, for those students whose degree has a specific vocational focus, it is also necessary for them to commence their professional development whilst undergraduates. Familiarising students with the norms and culture of their chosen profession often does not occur through passive observation of subject content. At Griffith University in an undergraduate aviation degree, a community of practice has been established by the school, which develops student's generic skills and their identity as novice professionals. Our research examines the ways in which Mentoring Aviators Through Educational Support (MATES) provides students with the opportunity to develop their professional competence and experience through connecting with other undergraduates and industry professionals.  相似文献   

If the roles students play earning an MFA and the work they pursue after graduation vary considerably, how do those within MFA programs prepare students for professional lives? Where does one's sense of self as an art student begin to shift toward a professional identity? This article addresses literature about earning the degree and the work-related lives of MFA graduates as well as what some scholars claim should be taught within graduate-level visual arts programs. Supporting students' multifaceted lives, the author shares pedagogies employed within a course for MFA students that assist in clarifying understandings of self and professional identity.  相似文献   

The use of stories from professional experience in continuing professional education has been on the rise in many fields, often aimed at bolstering capacity through sharing professional knowledge and/or supporting reflective practice. Practice stories are also suggested to be beneficial in supporting professional learning of new concepts. These uses of practice stories are not evident in public natural resource management (NRM) continuing professional education. In light of greater public involvement in NRM practice over the last 20 years, however, the use of practice stories could now be particularly beneficial to NRM professionals. This study examines the use of practice stories in workshops aimed at deepening public NRM professionals' understanding of social science concepts suggested to be valuable in making sense of the social and political complexity intertwined in public involvement practice. Feedback from workshop participants suggests that practice stories may be able to support NRM professionals in reflecting on previous experiences, learning from colleague's practice experiences and serving as a springboard for learning by fostering linkages between social science knowledge and practice. The study also finds that the perceived benefits of sharing practice stories were comparatively less for some more experienced participants.  相似文献   

A relatively small number of researchers have found it interesting and useful to examine why and how persons choose to be and become adventure educators (AEs) and why they teach as they do. The implications of this knowledge are: (1) gaining insight into novice AEs' perceptions of what is required to provide in-depth and high quality instruction in adventure education; and hence, (2) the impact on the structure of AE training. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of occupational socialization on two AEs with less than five years' experience. Data were collected using a variety of qualitative techniques while the AEs worked at two, week-long summer camps for elementary and middle school-aged children. They were analysed using standard interpretive methods. Results indicated that both AEs' acculturation led to them entering formal training without having had any structured teaching of adventure content modelled for them, suggesting, as has been found in physical education under similar circumstances, a ‘play only’ perception of the professional field of adventure education with class management and safety, rather than instruction, being the top priorities. Their professional socialization, however, led to real and deep growth and development in their pedagogies. The AEs' organizational socialization, unfortunately served to partially wash out these gains. Key socializing agents at the various stages of the AEs' development are identified and discussed as are practical implications for AE education.  相似文献   

In the last few years mandatory continuing education ("MCPE") has become for many professionals in Australia a fact of their practising lives. This paper examines the nature of the schemes which have recently been set up for members of the legal and accountancy professions. It considers whether the main concern is really continuing education or the certification by professional bodies of their members as competent to practise. The extensive literature on MCPE is then reviewed to draw out the arguments offered by its advocates and its opponents and thereby to elucidate the issues involved. In the author's view, this literature contains valuable lessons not only for those professions contemplating the introduction of MCPE but also for those who already have schemes in place. A knowledge of the issues can assist program designers to provide better programs by reducing the shortcomings and capitalising on the benefits which others have identified. The author concludes that designers should resist the temptation of delivering the same sorts of programs under MCPE that they did under pre‐existing voluntary schemes. They should recognise that there are very different educational issues as well as economic and organisational problems flowing directly from MCPE, which require that traditional programming be rethought.  相似文献   

Participating in the education system of a foreign country, or within a new political dispensation presents various challenges for teachers. Understanding the challenges that teachers face as a result of relocation to new geographical and political contexts urges analyzing the contexts, which influence teachers' personal and pedagogic identities. Drawing on Buell's (1995) insights on place and identity; and Fraser's (2008) conceptions of social justice, this paper explores how teachers from South Africa, India, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo reinvent their identities in order to enact their professional and personal lives within different geo-political and socio-cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This article describes an interdisciplinary continuing education approach for health professionals in a rural remote area implemented by the Northern Educational Centre for Aging and Health (NECAH) at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The article discusses issues of rural health care practice and the implications for practitioners’ educational needs. The key components involved in delivering interdisciplinary education and teamwork training are reviewed, followed by a discussion of the relevance of an interdisciplinary participatory approach for rural practitioners given their practice context and work style. Using NECAH's experience in planning and delivering a 5‐day interdisciplinary education program in palliative care as a case example, it is argued that simultanous attention to these issues in the design and delivery of continuing professional education for rural professionals contributes to a relevant educational experience in the short‐term and an increased interdisciplinary collaboration in the long‐term. The article suggests that NECAH's interdisciplinary participatory approach is a significant model for the continuing education of health professionals in rural remote areas.  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of student teachers’ lay theories of teaching, and teaching identities, and assesses their implications for student teachers’ and teachers’ professional development. Understanding the critically formative influences in student teachers’ lives and the extent to which these are reinforced, reproduced and recast in and through student teachers’ lay theories has major significance for initial teacher education and ongoing professional development of teachers. The paper draws together the threads of this analysis around issues of teaching identities, their formation, continuity, tenacity and openness to change and assesses, through a postmodern lens, their implications for professional development of student teachers, beginning teachers and experienced professionals.  相似文献   

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