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The Story of Joseph, from his sold to Egypt to his reunion with his family, is one of the longest stories of ~Thc Old Testament'. It's a story of a young man's growth which belongs to the fictional tradition of bildungsroman in the West. This paper explores the techniques of Joseph's characterization in the process of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.  相似文献   

The Story of Joseph, from his sold to Egypt to his reunion with his family, is one of the longest stories of "The Old Testament". It's a story of a young man's growth which belongs to the fictional tradition of bildungsroman in the West. This paper explores the techniques of Joseph's characterization in the process of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.  相似文献   

The Mad Caliph     
Caliph Al-Hakim (985-? ruled 996-1021), ruler of Egypt, proclaimed himself God in human form, such that the people of Cairo had to prostrate themselves and kiss the ground every time his name was mentioned in order to show their reverence. During his reign, he ordered all dogs in Egypt to be hunted down and killed, and forbade public  相似文献   

Humour Page     
Passsge 1:It was one of those days in the Wild West. A rugged cowboy with a horrible scar on his face and a shiny gun at his belt rode very slowly into a dusty town as if he was a dead man. He left his horse outside the bar and stepped inside. The bar was full of people. They all gave the stranger a look in a brief moment of silence before they went back to their own drinking and laughing. The stranger ordered a glass of cold beer, gulped it down and walked out slowly-only to find his horse missing.  相似文献   

Stephen Leacock(1869-1944) is one of the founding parents of Canadian letters and literature. In the early 20thcentury, his reputation as a humorist and a political economist was not limited by the boundaries of Canada but spread around the world. As one of his works, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town has attracted world-wide admiration. It is a series of vignettes dramatizing the comedy of day-to-day life in Mariposa. It is bathed in the warm sunshine for all of us to laugh at as one of us remembers the little towns we might have known or come from. As a matter of fact, Leacock employs several techniques in his writing for humorous effect. This paper elaborates on the auther and the work, and makes an analysis on the character—Smith.  相似文献   

In Italy, there is a m an nam ed Joseph C ardu, w hose toes arem agic:foretelling earthquakes and volcanic activities. Joseph has been living in the tow n of Janlear at the foot of E tnaafter he w as born. H e has a specialfeeling that the volcano is to eruptor the earth w illslightly quake as long as he feels pain in his toes.O nenight, a good pain w oke him up and he hurriedly w ent to the tow ngovernor, telling him there w ould be a catastrophe. T w enty m inuteslater, allthe tow nsm en …  相似文献   

陈向俊 《海外英语》2011,(5):195-196,199
Robert Frost is generally considered as a lyrical poet,whose poetry often gives the reader pleasant feeling.Yet,his poems have frightening quality,which can be perceived through the appaling world and seen in the great number of abnormal people described in his poems.This paper aims at offering a detailed analysis of 3 typical instances of such poems to illustrate that the frightening quality,in fact,reflects a kind of modern experience.  相似文献   

The early immigrants of American were English Puritans who settled down in northeast part. Rough as the environment was, they believed that it could purify their mind. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. They had been looking for a land of rich resources as well as a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they were in search for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values closely associated with the frontier heritage of American. The greatness that the frontiers achieved, in a way, is due to their strong religions, which is so powerful that is beyond our understanding. Who know what miracles, they can achieve. There is a good example to prove this. It is rehgion that Moses led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt, and led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.  相似文献   

At The Tuckshop     
Recess is a busy time in our school. I believe it is the same in all schools. Soon after the bell for recess rings, all the pupils come out of their classrooms. However, we do not run as our teachers have told us to be orderly at all times. Almost all the children go to the tuckshop which sells a variety of food and drinks. We line up in front of the different stalls and wait patiently for our turn. Nobody tries to jump the queue or push others. Our prefects make sure that discipline is observed by all.  相似文献   

李莉 《海外英语》2014,(3):151-152
Translator’s Invisibility is Lawrence Venuti’s most famous book.In this book we can conclude his translation theory:translators should be invisible(transparent)or visible in his translation.We will analyze in his opinion which kind of translation is perfect to readers,and how should the translator be visible in his translation by comparing the theories of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Norman Shapiro.Finally we can get a good translator should use foreignizing translation in order to be visible in his translation.  相似文献   

《创世纪》"幼子偏爱"类型场景的表层与深层结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从叙事学表层及深层结构的理论出发,分析《创始纪》中“幼子偏爱”类型场景的三个文本:以实玛利与以撒之争、以扫与雅各之争以及约瑟与众兄弟之争,借以说明“幼子偏爱”以母亲的相助为必要前提。论文还指出:圣经作者亦向我们清楚地表明,对上帝的虔诚和希伯来的民族身份是密切相关的。  相似文献   

任命宰相统管一切日常政务,是中国封建君主的一大发明。中国的宰相为数众多,可分如下几类:开国宰相;太平宰相;出将入相的宰相;权相;贤相;奸相;贪相;无所作为相;傀儡相等等。举凡良相,都善于抓大事。劣相们也有一些共同特点。中国君主制下的宰相制,既有成功的经验,也有深刻的教训,都值得我们借鉴、总结。  相似文献   

史弥远继承并发展了其父史浩以藩邸旧臣际遇储君而拜相的政治模式。作为景献太子的藩邸臣属,史弥远凭藉东宫之助,在诛韩之变与排击政敌中获得胜利并得以起复拜相。及景献太子死后,史弥远察知有望出任储君的济王竑不利于己,便积极培养贵诚(理宗)以取而代之。理宗即位,史弥远又独相九年,且泽荫惠及子孙,从理宗的优礼、保全、重用等举动中可见。  相似文献   

从前,我国古代有位丞相,他听说有位算学大师名叫张邱建.于是丞相想亲自试一试张邱建,看看他到底是不是像传说的那样神算.一天.丞相邀请张邱建到其府上,并问他:“现有钱一百文,要买一百只鸡.如果公鸡每只五文钱.母鸡每只三文钱,小鸡三只一文钱,这一百只鸡该如何买法?”张邱建略加思索后答道:“那就买4只公鸡,18只母鸡,78只小鸡便成.”丞相一算.  相似文献   

徐峰 《德州学院学报》2004,20(3):9-11,23
鲁迅先生在兄弟失和这一大背景和新年团圆日这一小背景的共同影响下改写出<风筝>.他借助"风筝"这一兄弟手足之情的象征物体,在主体部分人称上采用"反客为主"的手法,曲折表达出想要宽恕周作人的过失而不可得的感想.  相似文献   

仅从以相名官的角度研究,宰相一职的正式设立确应始于战国。但在战国之前。实际上相当于宰相地位跟作用的职官已然出现。冢宰或称大宰与宰相制度的起源有密切关系,最初它是王朝的执政首辅,同时兼任王室的事务总管,随王室权利下移,大宰地位也逐渐下降,职能也发生转变,春秋时期大宰分为二层不同的含义,到战国时期随中央集权制度发展,大宰消亡,家宰发展成家相,并进一步演变成总揽政务的宰相。  相似文献   

君相关系的和谐和合作在开元天宝政治中至关重要。高力士作为唐玄宗最信赖的得力助手,以其特殊的身份地位,在君相的沟通中起着积极的作用。他能从大局出发,积极协调唐玄宗与朝巨尤其是与宰相的关系,促进了宰相与皇帝之间的通力合作,对开元天宝盛世局面有着积极的影响。  相似文献   

南宋高宗朝宰相范宗尹生于北宋元符二年(1099年),卒于南宋绍兴六年(1136年),今人忽略文献记载的矛盾,误信《宋史·范宗尹传》的记载,将他的生年"提前"或"推后"。范宗尹三十二岁任相,是宋代最年轻的宰相。范宗尹如此年轻便位极人臣与南宋初期混乱的政局密不可分。范氏任相时间虽然不长——十四个月,但主政期间数项重大的政治决策帮助南宋王朝渡过内外交困的阶段。然而,范宗尹自身的缺陷,使他很快失去了宋高宗的信任被罢免。罢相后的范宗尹,再未能回到南宋政权的中枢。绍兴六年(1136年),三十八岁的范宗尹病逝于天台。  相似文献   

钟绍京是江南第一位宰相,曾因六月政变而从宫苑总监跃为中书令。但又因钟绍京非科举入仕为仕人所轻视,朝廷稳定政局、巩固皇权的客观需要,自身因素这三个方面的影响,最终导致了钟绍京由相而外放的结局。  相似文献   

西汉的内朝制度不仅是西汉政治的一大特色,而且对后世许多朝代的政治制度也有过深远的影响。政治制度实际上就是一种政治权力的分配秩序,西汉内朝政治的实质就是分割以宰相为首的政府官僚集团的权力,藉以巩固和加强皇权,是皇权与相权之间矛盾冲突的结果。它具体地体现了中国古代政治制度中皇帝制度和宰相制度之间的关系,进而从一侧面反映了中国古代政治制度的特征。  相似文献   

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