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方永兰 《海外英语》2012,(18):186-188
In contemporary American southern female writer Flannery O’Connor’s short story"Greenleaf",the author depicts the conflict between the representative of the southern old force,the self-righteous Mrs.May and the representative of the south ern new force,Mr.Greenleaf.This paper approaches"Greenleaf"from the symbolic meaning as well as the point of view of the short story to demonstrate the inevitability of the defeat of the South by the North.  相似文献   

高虹 《海外英语》2011,(11):275-276
James Joyce is one of the greatest pioneers of Modern novel history.The Dead is the most famous story in his early short story collection Dubliners,and is widely recognized as one of the finest short stories in the English language.This study tries to analyze the hero Gabriel’s mind change:from "living dead" to "reviving after death" from his epiphany,indicating that there is merely a delicate line between the two:death is the end of life as well as the beginning of a new life for death actually carries within itself a new life.  相似文献   

代玉萍 《海外英语》2011,(11):273-274
The short story "The Swimmer" is representative of John Cheever’s suburban stories,which shows the vivid pictures of middle class people’s "happy life" mode.The question is that is such a "happy life" really happy.After analyzing the protagonist Neddy Merril’s Odyssean journey,the author concludes that so-called a "happy life" is no more than an illusion.  相似文献   

王琴  徐晓娜 《海外英语》2011,(12):252-253
Alice Munro is one of the famous Canadian writers and is renowned above all for the astonishing subtlety of her short stories.Her theme has often been the dilemmas of the female coming to terms with family, friends in a small town. This paper attempts to make a brief introduction about the stories of Alice Munro’s Runaway and explores the protagonist’s choices in the dilemma situation, and then exposes the cruelty of reality is that they cannot get rid of the ineluctable reality of life. Escape is only a temporary action which cannot save them from endless triviality of life. What they should do is not to escape from life, but to adapt to the reality of life.  相似文献   

赵静 《海外英语》2011,(9):320-321
James Joyce’s short story "The Dead was one of the most popular short stories in Modern English Literature.To a certain degree,the hero Gabriel is the maturity Joyce.Gabriel’s epiphany to life and death in the Christmas midnight is also the author’s "the adventures of the mind".The paper attempts to explain the similarities between Gabriel and Joyce in terms of their complex national sentiments,political views and thei r relationship with their own wife.It also analysis the device of symbolism used in the short story.  相似文献   

Mr. Five Willows is written by Tao Yuanming, an eminent proser and poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Mr. Five Willows is one of the most famous essays to express Tao’s pursuit of countryside life.There are two important English versions of Mr. Five Willows: Sun Dayu’s version and Fang Zhong’s version.This paper compares the two English versions from the point of Reception Aesthetics.  相似文献   

陈玉伟 《海外英语》2012,(1):189-190
John Milton’s "On His Blindness" is one of his renowned sonnets,which takes on the unique characteristics in terms of style and theme."On His Blindness" was always regarded as the one that reflected Milton’s life and illustrated the heavy influence of Puritanism,in which Milton presented his calm attitude toward the blindness and deep reverence for God.However,if it is read between lines,more ideas about Milton’s confusion and latent complaint will be felt.This paper will adopt the idea of close reading of New Criticism to analyze what has been missed and misread through years in John Milton’s "On His Blindness".  相似文献   

Mr. Five Willows is written by Tao Yuanming, an eminent proser and poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Mr. Five Willows is one of the most famous essays to express Tao’s pursuit of countryside life.There ...  相似文献   

王克东 《海外英语》2011,(12):251+257
"Theory of Epiphany" James Joyce used in his literature is to explain an aesthetic process of the stages of artistic creation. Virginia Woolf’s conception of "moments of being", later develop into the stream of consciousness, is considered as the major techniques in her short stories. In this paper, the major features of the two techniques are compared and contrasted with reference to Joyce’s early fictions and Woolf’s The Mark on the Wall.  相似文献   

曹浏 《培训与研究》2009,26(10):14-16,40
在《邻居罗西基》里,凯瑟扯断了时间链条,并通过摆布主人公的空间位移,体现了作者的二元对立与融合的哲学考虑。小说主题是复调的,它不仅反映了土地之于移民的重要意义,而且是对幸福生活参数的多重设定。由于小说内部便有已设定的读者,小说也可解读为关于成长的小说。  相似文献   

作为“五四”短篇小说的重镇,废名的小说有其独到的美学追求。不同视野下的《桃园》呈现出废名小说的多元内蕴。在对小说生命无奈的凄凉和时美好生活的渴望的双重解读中,我们能领悟到小说中的现代意义和独特美学。  相似文献   

用"人生美学"来概括朱光潜的美学思想特征,有机整合了朱光潜将的美感心理研究、诗论研究、谈美与后期的马克思主义美学等几个板块,是一个重要突破,也对认识中国美学的民族特色起到了深化作用。但要准确理解朱光潜的"人生美学",还必须到中国传统的人生境界与人生美学思想中进行探源性研究,才能更加全面与深入。  相似文献   

从《庄子》文本出发,总结分析"忘"字在全书中的使用。将"忘"这一概念从语义层面分为动作和状态两方面,"忘"经历在动态中的层层技艺的提升过程,最终达到静态的"忘",并从此与庄子的"自然"、"逍遥"等审美理想结合,与庄子的人生理想和艺术境界达成一致。"忘"既是庄子美学的超越方式,又是庄子美学的理想境界。  相似文献   

汤秋平 《海外英语》2012,(13):243-244
作为悼亡诗之佳作,贺铸的《鹧鸪天》为读者呈现了凄凉的相思和悼念之情。此词上片写出妻子死后诗人的凄凉和孤零,运用到借物喻人,借"梧桐"和"鸳鸯"来突出丧妻后的悲凉和孤寂。下片再现亡妻日夜操劳,甘于过清苦生活的场面,表现出诗人对亡妻的怀念之情以及深刻的悼念之情。该文试从概念隐喻的投射理论出发,通过对文中的"梧桐"和"鸳鸯"进行分析,理解此隐喻对整首词主题的认知解读,深化整首词的中心思想。  相似文献   

本文指出张培基先生的英译文《时间与生命》确实是一篇上乘的佳作,但其中也存在着由于理解错误而导致的误译之处,本文对误译之处进行了深入的分析并提出了更忠实于原文的译文。  相似文献   

"所"是一个复杂的词,至今学者们对其看法仍不统一。王力先生认为"所"是一个特别的指示代词,而在现汉中,"所"则被界定为一个助词。从古至今"所"字的用法也随着时代的变迁或沿袭或改变。本文试图探究现代汉语助词"所"的用法,并通过古今对比分析出其用法的变化。  相似文献   

"Looking for Mr.Green"is a famous short story written by the renowned Nobel Prize winner Saul Bellow.Grebe,the main character in"Looking for Mr.Green",confronts many difficulties in delivering relief checks to the residents who were in need in the South Side of Chicago.With the analysis of Mr.Grebe and his finding Mr.Green,this paper will take Grebe’s looking for hope in his life as the main reason for his chase.What Grebe does represents the predicament of Americans and their attitudes towards life during the depression time.  相似文献   

刘再复先生给今年即将再版的梁归智的《红学泰斗周汝昌传》作序,他的题目直言"周汝昌是中国文学第一天才的旷世知音"。刘先生的"首先如此肯定曹雪芹的无比崇高地位的是周汝昌先生"的论断是错误的。纵观周汝昌研红的一生及成果只能证明他"根本不懂《红楼梦》",在《红楼梦》研究上他一生都是在证假为真,都是在曲解、颠覆《红楼梦》的思想内容、艺术构思。周汝昌其实不是考证派,而是典型的索隐派;他的一切所谓的考证,其实都打着索隐派的烙印,他也把自己定位为索隐派。他的索隐其实都是脱离了文本的"悟证",是猜笨谜,乱索隐。因此,他绝对不能被称为中国文学第一天才曹雪芹的旷世知音。  相似文献   

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