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邓燕华 《班主任》2002,(4):16-17
家访是老师与家长保持联系、沟通学校教育与家庭教育的重要形式,是班主任工作不可缺少的一部分。一个有责任心的班主任是不会忽视家访的作用的,但在家访过程中班主任往往会遇到一些尴尬。一、心怀戒备,不冷不热教师家访为的是向家长反映学生情况,共同寻求教育方法,从而更好地对学生进行教育。大部分家长对教师的家访是欢迎的,可也有部分家长心存  相似文献   

有经验的班主任既重视接新班时的全面家访,更重视有针对性的个别家访.因为家访能够了解学生的家庭环境,及其在家庭中的表现和家长对他们的教育情况;能够及时向家长宣传党的教育方针和学校的教育措施,求得家长的配合和支持.适时的家访还能够密切教师与家长、教师与学生的关系,促进感情的交流.  相似文献   

案例:周一下午刚上班,几位班主任就“冲进”校长室“理论”。原来是因为家访的事。这个学期学校对班主任的工作也进行了量化考核,其中规定班主任每月家访不少于4次。由于学校地处农村,通讯条件差,家访的路途又远,而教师有一部分又不是本乡本土的,所以很少有教师愿意去家访,学生出了问题就“叫家长”,结果学生不愿意叫,家长不愿意来,效果很差。而学校认为,家访是拉进学校与家长、教师与学生距离的一种良好的传统教育方式。所以,这学期做出决定:教师要定期家访,也得到了教师的认可。问题却出在了考核上,怎么来确定教师去没去呢?政教处采用了查…  相似文献   

家访--班主任工作的法宝.家访又可以密切教师与家长的联系,促进学校的教学工作.家访还可以增加学生对班主任的亲近感.因此,家访也有时机、方法、技巧等,这就是我们平常所说的,家访是一门艺术.只要我们与家长真诚相待,就会得到一次次的成功,一次成功的家访,可以起到事半功倍的效果.  相似文献   

主持人语/钱淑芳家访是班主任进行家长工作的重要方式之一。班主任通过家访与家长沟通,密切家长与学校的联系,最终达到家校结合共同教育好学生的目的。本期推出这三篇文章,具体谈在家访时,如何采取恰当的形式,如何解决“报喜”与“报忧”以及农村学校教师如何进行家访等问题,希望能对广大班主任老师有所裨益。  相似文献   

主持人语/钱淑芳家访是班主任进行家长工作的重要方式之一。班主任通过家访与家长沟通,密切家长与学校的联系,最终达到家校结合共同教育好学生的目的。本期推出这三篇文章,具体谈在家访时,如何采取恰当的形式,如何解决“报喜”与“报忧”以及农村学校教师如何进行家访等问题,希望能对广大班主任老师有所裨益。  相似文献   

主持人语/钱淑芳家访是班主任进行家长工作的重要方式之一。班主任通过家访与家长沟通,密切家长与学校的联系,最终达到家校结合共同教育好学生的目的。本期推出这三篇文章,具体谈在家访时,如何采取恰当的形式,如何解决“报喜”与“报忧”以及农村学校教师如何进行家访等问题,希望能对广大班主任老师有所裨益。  相似文献   

李振清  胡湘亭 《教师》2008,(24):24-24
家访是学校教育的延伸、家庭教育的补充。家访是教师(特别是班主任)工作的一个重要方面。成功的家访,可以加强教师和家长的联系,可以加深教师与家长的感情,保持学校和家庭对学生教育的一致性和协调性,解决一些在学校难以解决的问题,提高学生在家学习的自觉性。“良好的开始是成功的一半”,家访也要慎重“初战”,做好初次家访,要注意以下几个方面。  相似文献   

家访工作是班主任工作的重要组成部分,是班主任对学生进行教育的重要手段之一,是学校与家庭联系的桥梁。在通讯工具发达的今天,电话、短信、发邮件等成了班主任和家长联系的主要手段,走家串户式的家访离人们越来越远了。其实,上门家访是十分必要的。在这种新形势下,作为优秀的班主任,就会把两者结合起来,争取家长对学校教育工作的支持和配合,融洽家庭和学校的关系,增进教师、家长、学生之间的了解,实现教书育人的目的。  相似文献   

家访是学校德育中重要一环,成功的家访有利于对学生进行德育教育,有利于促进教师因材施教,有利于促进学生学习的积极性和主动性,有利于争取家长对学校工作的支持和理解。长期以来,家访工作得到了学校的重视,也深受广大学生和家长的热烈欢迎,但随着市场经济大潮的冲击,人际关系出现了新的变化,这项传统的教育工作似乎逐渐被人们所淡忘。我觉得,家访工作作为教育工作的一个特殊形式,对于加强德育教育和师德建设起着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

In recent years Icelandic schools have seen an increase in students with immigrant background. These changes require schools and teachers to respond to the educational needs these students may have. The aim of this article is to examine these changes by looking at the experience of teachers and parents of immigrant students regarding their education. As part of this qualitative research, 38 teachers were interviewed in focus groups with a view to the challenges and experiences of teaching immigrant students. Ten parents were also interviewed individually about their experiences of Icelandic schools and their children’s education. The findings revealed that teachers are unsupported in their quest for understanding and managing multicultural education and that the Icelandic school system challenges foreign parents’ understanding of school as a traditional place for learning. It is suggested that addressing the lack of collaboration and discussion between both parties on students’ needs and parents’ expectations could improve the education of immigrant students.  相似文献   

This articles deals with the question why Dutch upper‐middle‐class parents resort to fee‐paying private education, a tiny, recently developed sector of the Dutch educational system. The research is based on interviews with 37 parents and 20 students attending private schools, and on a survey among 376 parents involved in private schooling. From the data is concluded that ‘lack of discipline’ is the main reason for parents and students alike to choose a private school. Failing to succeed in secondary school lessens the chances of reproduction of parental class position. Analysis of the interviews shows that the parental style of upbringing, marked by negotiation and mutual consent, can make it difficult to acquire the discipline that is needed to follow a successful educational career. Moreover, parents criticize the regular schools for their lack of discipline on the one hand, attention to individual needs on the other. The private schools, characterized by strict rules, permanent supervision, and intense engagement with students, take over the discipline neither parents nor regular schools can provide. In that way, students are able to qualify for tertiary education, needed to ward off future downward mobility.  相似文献   

为了解智力落后学生家长对辅读学校的态度,我们对上海市一些辅读学校的智力落后学生家长及随班就读的智力落后学生家长进行了问卷调查。内容主要包括家长与学生的基本情况、对辅读学校的认可度、学生的学习情况、家长对教师的态度、学生在校的情绪、家长对辅读学校的心态等方面。结果表明,随班就读学生家长对辅读学校的认识明显较少,对于在辅读学校就读抱着较消极的态度,辅读学校学生家长对辅读学校的评价普遍较高。此外,本研究根据研究结果提出了一些相关建议。  相似文献   

This article examines how teachers and parents in 10 municipal schools serving students growing up under conditions of social vulnerability represented themselves, and others, as valid agents for charting school improvement. In four schools parents and teachers saw each other as trustworthy and collaborating to provide an education that could transform students’ life chances. In the other six schools, social relations were marked by distrust, staff constructed students as lacking the resources necessary to benefit from a rigorous academic programme, and parents in leadership positions shared with teachers the belief that school failure could largely be attributed to uncommitted parents. These results suggest that the impact of quality assurance policies tends to be associated with the social capital of municipal schools, thus educational policy needs to consider developing and strengthening social capital within schools.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of selective high schools by the NSW Liberal government under the initiative of the then Minister of Education and Youth Affairs in 1988 attracted widespread community and professional attention. Over 9,000 families applied for admission to Year 7 in the 17 selective high schools in the first year of operation of the new selective high schools. Why parents and students applied for admission is the subject of this study. Data were collected from students and their parents in eight of the selective high schools as to their reasons for accepting an enrolment offer. Factor analyses revealed that there were two main factors that accounted for the reasons advanced by students and parents. These factors were labelled as Academic and Choice/Reputation and the analyses of these scales by gender and type of schools suggested that there were significant differences between the reasons advanced by students and their parents.  相似文献   

校运动队的课余训练是学校培养体育优秀人才的有效形式,也是学生特长发展的平台,为学校或训练单位培养和输送有发展前途的运动员奠定扎实的基础。如何解决学生因训练兴趣不足、家长不支持、其他教师阻扰等因素而导致的学生课余训练不积极现象,提出激发学生训练兴趣、获得家长信任、寻求任课教师支持等四大应对策略。  相似文献   

The transition from primary to high school can be a challenging process for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During this time, research-based practices like home–school collaboration are crucial in facilitating a smoother transition. However, existing research indicates that the transition from primary to high school is a period of anxiety and reduced support for students with ASD and their families. This article describes the experiences of parents of students with ASD in regard to this transition and home–school collaboration. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 parents of children with ASD who attended mainstream government high schools in metropolitan Sydney. Through content analysis, parents were found to have received varying levels of transition support. Their experiences of home–school collaboration were, however, generally positive. Overall, it is recommended that parents’ knowledge of their children with ASD should be prioritised and utilised in transition planning. Findings also suggest that a greater implementation of practices including mandated transition planning and home–school collaboration in schools would contribute to more authentic inclusion of students with ASD.  相似文献   

学校、家庭、社会是学生发展的重要影响因素。然而,随着学生的成长,特别是在高等教育阶段,学校与家庭之间的沟通机制缺失,家长对学校发展与学生培养的作用没有有效发挥。为实现家、校互动,为学校培养目标的实现获取更为广泛的现实依据,我院编制了《关于高职院校办学与人才培养状况的调查问卷》,以学生家长为调查对象,对调查结果进行定量分析,为高职院校专业建设、师资队伍建设、学生培养模式完善等方面提供了切实的参考依据。  相似文献   

科赛认为,冲突是社会的常态,可以提高社会系统或至少是社会系统关键部分的整合,冲突的延长和缩短是由一些具体的条件进行限制的.文章以中学为研究切入点,以科赛的冲突论来探讨中学校园里存在的人际关系冲突,以类型观的视角,将中学校园里的冲突按照参与者的角色划分为四种类型,并从师生、生生、师师、以及家长与教师这四种类型来分析校园冲突的表现,运用科赛的冲突理论对这四种类型的冲突进行重新解读.  相似文献   

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