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Ⅰ.单词拼写根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.H is uncle is a wine m who neverdrinks alcohol him self.2.Sm iling M ona Lisa熏which is am of Leonardo de V inci熏is saidto be a portrait of him self.3.A person’s w m ay becom e anadvantage over others in som e way.4.The穴裁决雪was given in favorof the accused.5.M y cough熏w hich is really t熏haslasted4days.6.The little boy jum ped into the yard torescue his sister熏with a穴剑雪inhis hand.7.Y asser A rafata’s w ife …  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.The first m onth of the year is J.2.Septem ber is the n m onth of theyear.3.The l m onth of a year is D ecem ber.4.I’m12years old.M y b isN ovem ber18th.5.W e have a m festival in A ugust.6.H er birthday p is on O ctober22nd.7.Children’s D ay is on J1st.8.G ina was born on D28th.9.M onday is the s day of the week.10.Spring in Beijing usually lasts穴持续雪fromM to M ay.Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The穴four雪day of the week is m ybirthday.2.J…  相似文献   

A m an w ho served 11 years in prisonafter being wrongly convicted of m urderinghis wife was officially cleared yesterday,walking free from Jingshan County People’sCourt - the sam e body that sentenced himto a 15 -year jail term in 1998 - as over2,000 local residents cheered.“The police and other law enforcersm ade the errors,” 39-year-old She X ianglintold C hina D aily.“ I believe the law willpunish them and offer m e a just result.”The original conviction cam e based ona confession …  相似文献   

E ngland is in the west of the world.M any things in England are different fromthose in the east. In England, children startschool at five years old. This is called a pri-m ary school. There are usually 25children ina class with one teacher to teach them .W hen the children are 11 years old,theygo to secondary school. They stay at thisschool till they are 16 or 18 years old. Thechildren have different teachers for differentsubjects. M ost children usually stay at schoolfor lunch. Som e chil…  相似文献   

Leonardo da Vinci began painting the MonaLisain 1503. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of the businessman蒺s second wife. This is the woman who can be seen in the MonaLisa.All in all, the MonaLisais a very good example of da Vinci蒺s work. Da Vinci used darkness and light in a clever way in the painting. Da Vinci loved science and math. Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry in the MonaLisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles …  相似文献   

董茜 《海外英语》2020,(6):214-215,222
The analysis of paintings of Da Vinci aims to seek humanistic color, thus proving a boon for a deep understanding of Re?naissance. Through his household works Mona Lisa, Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, Virgin Benoit, The Last Supper and Virgin of the Rocks, it is found that man and God can coexist, but the value of human deserves more attention, both on the characterization and the utilization of art techniques.  相似文献   

Hi, here Charlie introduces three songs to you readers. The first song is from the rock singer Avril and the second one is from our sweetie Britney. The final one is from Savage Garden who broke up several years ago. Visit our website: bbsEnglishVod.net and get the lyrics soon, enjoy the music and have a fantastic summer holiday!  相似文献   

If you thought your parents were old,getthis. Astronomers have discovered the oldestand most distant planet known in the uni-verse.The planet is so far away that it takeslight 7,200 years to get here from there. The new discovery is full of surprises.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Dam project has entered a very important stage with the beginning of the filling up of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Started almost ten years ago, the great project is turning a century old dream of hydropower generation into reality. The following is some background information about the largest water project in the world.  相似文献   

辨析下列各组词语,并用相应词语的适当形式填空。A.look the sam e,look like1.The boy his m other.2.The two girls.B.fam ily,hom e,house1.There are five people in m y.2.There is a big tree behind Tom s.3.Lucy is at now.C.seat,sit1.Please com e in and have a.2.down,please.D.in,on1.There are three windows the wall.2.There is a m ap ofChina the wall.3.There are m any apples the tree.4.There is a boy the tree.A SC H O O L G ARD EN O F EN G LISHE.little,sm all1.M y sisteris only five years …  相似文献   

Israel is a nation rooted in religion. Its main religion, namely 1)Judaism, is thousands of years old. Israel is the only Jewish country in the world.The holy book of Judaism, the 2)Torah, is known as the Jewish Bible and contains many of the religious laws and the rules that Jews follow.  相似文献   

The purpose of learning a foreign language is for communicationin the target language, and speaking is the most direct communica tive method. In recent years, with the publication of the New Cur riculum Standard by the State Education Department, the …  相似文献   

仔细观察下面的图画,并根据图片的内容和下列各句的意思,把各句的序号填在图片下边的括号内。A.M iss G rey is typing a letter.B.She is em ptying a basket.C.M r R ichards is opening the window.D.M y m other is m aking the bed.E.Sally is shutting the door.F.The dog is eating a bone.G.M y sister is looking ata picture.H.Jack is reading a m agazine.I.H e is brushing his teeth.J.She is dusting the dressing-table.K.M rs Ford is cooking m eal.L.The catis drinking its m ilk.M.Bessie is sw eeping th…  相似文献   

陈睿 《今日中学生》2011,(35):23-24
1.The youngest yoga teacher Shruiti Pandey is six years old. She is the youngest yoga ( 瑜伽) teacher in the world. She has been teaching yoga at a village in no...  相似文献   

The English language we know today is about six hundred years old.For halfthattim e, E nglish was just the language ofthe E nglish living inEngland. The m odern English language grew by about the year 1400.M any words w ere borrowed from French and G erm an.A s people from Europe (欧 洲 )travelled outside E urope,E uropean (欧 洲的 ) languages began to be used in theother parts of the world. A t first, thelanguages stayed the sam e as those inEurope, but slowly they began to growapart(分…  相似文献   

Moon landing. The computer chip. Genetic engineering. The artificial heart. The achievements of U. S. scientists are known and admired throughout the world. But whether American highest position in research and technology will continue into the 21 st century is far from certain. Thirty-two years after the Russians sent up Sputnik setting off a hot race to produce more and better U. S. physicists, the scientific pipeline is drying up. The reason for this  相似文献   

"The Old Man and The Sea"is Hemingway latter years’masterpiece,with which he was awarded the Nobel prize in1954.As the protagonist of the novel,Santiago plays a vital role to the novel’s motif.Hemingway expresses his attitudes toward the life through the image of Santiago.The paper intends to explore the character of Santiago from different facets and angles.In the end,we reach a conclusion that Santiago is a strong-willed man with a young,indestructible soul,he is kind,sensitive as well as hardworking.In a ward,he is a perfect Hemingway hero.  相似文献   

I am a large reptile. I have two shells, one is on the back, and the other is on the belly. My neck and four legs can stretch out and hide in my shells. I can live more than 50 years. The first letter of my name is "T".  相似文献   

The richest man in the world is an American, Bill Gates. He started Microsoft, the company that makes computer programs and operating systems. Two years ago, Mister Gates  相似文献   

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