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Low-performing schools in rural settings can face challenges common to all struggling schools, such as low student motivation and maintaining a qualified teaching staff. However, aspects of rural schools’ settings, such as the distance from urban areas and the commute between the schools and the students’ and teachers’ homes, can exacerbate the challenges that rural schools face. This article focuses on the experiences of nine rural schools that were part of a study for the U.S. Department of Education on the school improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. In particular, it examines how respondents in the rural schools perceived that the schools’ rural setting influenced the schools’ challenges and improvement actions and presents findings on the recruitment and retention of teaching staff, an activity integral to school improvement efforts under SIG.  相似文献   

对广西壮族自治区都安县、河北省丰宁县农村寄宿制学校的调研发现,由于贫困地区贫困寄宿学生的生活补贴费用处于低标准的水平,农村教师编制紧张,不能设置专门的生活教师,公用经费没有对寄宿制学校学生的管理做出专门的安排,使得农村寄宿制学校学生课余活动很贫乏,不利于学生的成长。因此,需要提高贫困地区农村寄宿制学校的生均公用经费标准,加强学生课余活动资源建设;设立农村寄宿制学校生活教师编制,保障对学生课余活动的管理;提高农村寄宿制学校教师待遇,增强教师组织学生课余活动的积极性;建立面向学生课后管理的农村寄宿制学校教师培训体系,提高学生课余活动的质量。  相似文献   

高中地理新教材的变革对改进当前高师地理师资培养和中学在职教师培训提出了新要求。从地理学科素养的新视角来看,新教材在人地协调观、区域认知和地理实践力方面,内容变动较大。人地协调观的内容加强了全球性、时代性、严谨性和关联性,要求教师培养和培训注重人地关系的全面性、准确性和全球性。区域认知的内容凸显空间分布规律性和系统地理区域性,要求教师培养和培训要注重区域认知的关联性和开放性。地理实践力的内容增加了野外考察和实验,要求教师培养和培训增加实地考察和实验设施。同时,新教材要求教师的培养和教训要侧重提高学生的思维水平。相应地,高师地理教师培养和中学在职地理教师培训也要改进管理方式。  相似文献   

This study examines Indonesian students’ understanding of conservation of matter, balancing of equations and stoichiometry. Eight hundred and sixty‐seven Grade 12 students from 22 schools across four different cities in two developed provinces in Indonesia participated in the study. Nineteen teachers also participated in order to validate the 25‐question survey used with all students. Significant differences in student success in answering specific questions occurred when comparing high‐achievement and low‐achievement schools. However, in general, student understanding of this fundamental principle in chemistry was low. The study found that the average score for all students on the survey was 41%. The findings suggest that students are most successful in solving problems used by teachers and textbooks that are algorithmic‐based (i.e., stoichiometry). As there were no strong positive correlations between student performance on conceptual questions and algorithmic questions, we suggest that further research should focus on teaching practices and curricula that support the development of the students’ conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

通过对农村中学化学教学情况的调查分析,发现农村中学化学教学存在教育经费不足、师资力量薄弱、基础教学设施落后、应试教育思想严重、新课改意识不强、实验开出率低等问题。为提高农村中学化学教学的质量,应更新观念,充分认识化学学科的重要性;加强农村中学化学教师的在职培训,提高教师素质;充分利用农村现有资源开展实验教学和探究性学习活动等。  相似文献   

The paper has compared the quality of compulsory education of rural schools in West China with the counties, cities, and provincial capitals, and find out that there is a big gap between the quality of West rural and urban compulsory education, the quality of some grades of the rural primary schools has not achieved the basic requirement of the curriculum standards, the gap between the quality of junior high schools in rural and urban areas is relatively severe. The mean score and qualified rate in the subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English of West rural junior high students are distinctly lower than that of the urban and county schools. The main factor that leads to the bigger discrepancy between the urban and rural education quality mainly lies in the difference in the teaching force. Compared with urban schools, the teachers in rural schools is insufficient and poorly-trained, with less access to teachers’ professional development and support. The teaching quality in the West rural schools should be paid attention and improved in light of the rationale of educational equity.  相似文献   

通过对新课程改革下的湖南省初中体育师资的调查发现:男女教师的比例严重失衡,女教师比例偏少;农村学校的体育教师班师比、生师比都比一类、二类地区低;三类地区专职体育教师中具有高级职称的教师极少,比例很低,专职体育教师队伍的学历结构中,地区之间差异很明显;体育教师职业后教育机会不均等.  相似文献   

当前广大农村小学教师难教、学生难学英语。主要办法就是—Phonics,即用Phonics短期集中培训零起点的农村小学转岗英语教师,使他们尽快成为合格的小学英语教师,再让接受培训合格的英语教师运用Phonics教学方法教授小学生。所以各级教育部门大力在农村小学推广Phonics。  相似文献   

近几年来高考化学试题,总的讲覆盖面大,综合性强,单一知识点的考题较少,体现了源于课本而高于课本。因此,高三化学总复习过程中,必须重视教材、教学大纲,使学生系统、全面地掌握高中化学的主干知识,包括基本概念、基本理论等,建立各模块之间的联系,重视基础知识、兼顾能力提升,适量练习、跳出题海,认真对待考试,做好试卷的分析与讲评,学生应适时地进行自我测评与总结。  相似文献   

培养学生的批判性思维是培养学生客观理性和创新精神的重要途径,但国内有关普通高中批判性思维的自主测评开发几近空白。本研究构建了我国普通高中批判性思维结构框架,开发了相应的测评问卷,对国内包括高中名校、优质高中、城市一般高中、农村一般高中四个层次共20所普通高中三个年级的6204名学生进行了测评并对教师进行访谈。研究发现了我国普通高中学生批判性思维的发展状况和影响因素,探求了加强我国普通高中学生批判性思维培养的途径与措施。  相似文献   

西部地区农村学校义务教育教学质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对西部地区农村学校与县城、地市、省会城市学校义务教育阶段教学质量的调查比较发现:城乡义务教育阶段教学质量存在较大的差距,其中农村小学部分年级的教学质量未能达到课程标准的基本要求;城乡初中教学质量的差距较为严重,农村初中学生在语文、数学和英语三科的平均成绩、合格率等都明显地低于城市和县城学校。造成城乡义务教育教学质量差异较大的主要原因在于师资队伍之间的差异,与城市学校相比,农村学校教师数量不够,素质不高,教师专业发展机会较少、专业支持不够等。应从教育公平的理念出发,提高农村学校教育教学质量。  相似文献   

人教版高中《化学.必修1》第一章"从实验学化学",与新课程标准必修模块"认识化学科学和化学实验基础"两个主题相对应。为了解学生运用人教版教材学习此章的情况,我们从内容选择、呈现方式、组织结构、实验设计、总体目标达成度等维度对湖南地区师生进行了问卷调查和访谈,通过统计分析,为高中化学教材编写提供建议。  相似文献   

I use unusually detailed data on schools, teachers and classrooms to explain student achievement growth in rural Guatemala. Several variables that have received little attention in previous studies – including the number of school days, teacher content knowledge and pedagogical methods – are robust predictors of achievement. A series of decompositions by student ethnicity and type of school shed some additional light on important questions in the Guatemalan context, and beyond. The large indigenous test score gap is not explained by differences in an extensive list of observable features of schools. The large effect for community characteristics suggests peer group effects or more general institutional differences related to services or labor markets. PRONADE community schools are associated with moderate gains vis-à-vis public schools in areas related to utilization of capacity, such as days worked. But these gains are largely offset by lower teacher capacity, which highlights the challenge of improving school quality in poor, rural areas.  相似文献   

依据农村小学美术教师的实践经验,悉心聆听农村小学美术教师的反馈意见和学生的声音,对人美版《美术》教材第1-4册四大块学习领域的结构进行适当调整,有利于不断完善《美术课程标准》指导下的各项教育教学措施,以保证人美版《美术》教材在农村小学教学中更加适用。对人美版《美术》教材的原有的四大块学习领域结构的调整,应遵循"大不变小调整,着眼农村现状,补充地域特色"的原则,进行结构调整设想,给现有的小学美术专、兼职教师的教学提供有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

中国西部地区农村学校义务教育教学质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper has compared the quality of compulsory education of rural schools in West China with the counties, cities, and provincial capitals, and find out that there is a big gap between the quality of West rural and urban compulsory education, the quality of some grades of the rural primary schools has not achieved the basic requirement of the curriculum standards, the gap between the quality of junior high schools in rural and urban areas is relatively severe. The mean score and qualified rate in the subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English of West rural junior high students are distinctly lower than that of the urban and county schools. The main factor that leads to the bigger discrepancy between the urban and rural education quality mainly lies in the difference in the teaching force. Compared with urban schools, the teachers in rural schools is insufficient and poorly-trained, with less access to teachers’ professional development and support. The teaching quality in the West rural schools should be paid attention and improved in light of the rationale of educational equity. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教育研究 (Educational Research), 2008, (2): 21–32  相似文献   

文中主要从宏观结构和微观结构两个角度对人教版高中生物学教材进行研究和分析,得出人教版高中生物学教材具有实行学分制、加大选修课力度等特点,并为中学生物学教师的教学提供了一些建议.  相似文献   

农村寄宿制学校在农村社会发展中具有重要地位和作用,主要表现在教育、文化和经济意义上。目前农村寄宿制学校的主要问题表现在学生儿童心理发展、学校教育管理、教育经费短缺、师资建设等维度。农村寄宿制学校发展需要的外部条件和政策支撑是国家专项经费的支持、农村寄宿制学校相关的教育法规标准体系、科学的布局、教师交流制度等。  相似文献   

重庆市农村基础教育现状调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重庆市约70%的学校、教师、学生在农村。调查发现,由于种种原因,特别是教育投资不足、基础设施不齐备、课程资源缺乏、教师素质低下、教育环境恶劣等,农村基础教育现状令人担忧,需要引起重视。  相似文献   

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